%YAML 1.1 %TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: --- !u!1001 &100100000 Prefab: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 serializedVersion: 2 m_Modification: m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0} m_Modifications: [] m_RemovedComponents: [] m_ParentPrefab: {fileID: 0} m_RootGameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_IsPrefabParent: 1 --- !u!1 &1826662503564900 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} serializedVersion: 5 m_Component: - component: {fileID: 4097055200080294} - component: {fileID: 114450207608346382} - component: {fileID: 114148307145215176} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: DataManageCH4 m_TagString: Untagged m_Icon: {fileID: 0} m_NavMeshLayer: 0 m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 m_IsActive: 1 --- !u!4 &4097055200080294 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 0 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!114 &114148307145215176 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 809be2a7ed8114944aae94d028d0a2bb, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: achievements: [] customizes: [] lookbooks: [] conversations: - id: CH04a-Q01-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: 'Come on in.. get closer! %Player_Name%, right? Excited to meet you. Emma has told me a lot about you. Emma and I go way back.. since high school if memory serves me correct. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "From what she tells me, your exposure has increased tenfold and you\u2019re looking for a new modeling agency to book you better deals. My goal for you is to book big-budget advertising agencies and fashion designers. Sound good?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Great. I like to move fast and help your personal development as a model. So if it\u2019s okay with you, I already have some work lined up for you." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Really? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Yeah, when Emma called me about you, I made some calls. First up is a great opportunity with StyleDaily magazine. They\u2019re doing a centerfold on makeup, \u201C10 Looks on Fleek.\u201D" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "It\u2019s a two-part deal - photoshoot and interview so it\u2019s best to the look the part for both. Selene Cosmetics is all of the talk down there. How about you check them out and see if any of their looks speaks to you? StyleDaily would have a kick out of you supporting local businesses." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "I\u2019ll wrap up the interview deal with StyleDaily and give you a call. In the meantime, go shopping!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Will do! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 0 Location: Bourne Natural Models NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04a-Q01-D02-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: "Hey boo, I heard you signed with Bourne Natural Models. Big congrats Let\u2019s celebrate when I\u2019m back in town. I\u2019m leaving for LA for a competition show shoot! Much love." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thx! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Xoxo cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 3 Location: Upper East Side NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH04a-Q02-D01-Stefanie Dialogs: - Text: ..and you are? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Introduce self) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "Oh you must be my 2 o\u2019clock. Are you here for \u201C10 Looks on Fleek\u201D or \u201C50 Things your Frienemy Tells You\u201D?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "\u201C10 Looks on Fleek\u201D" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: Great. Tell me..what are you wearing today? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Selene Cosmetics. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano ConvType: 1 Location: StyleDaily NPCId: - Stefanie Serrano - id: CH04a-Q03-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: "My kids tell me txting is easier than phone calls. Not rly sure how, seeing I\u2019m all thumbs.. The interview is rdy too at StyleDaily. Ur meeting with producer, Stefanie Serrano." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: OK! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Do u usually reply when someone says \u2018OK\u2019?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "You don\u2019t need to\u2026." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: OK! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 1 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04a-Q03-D02-Stefanie Dialogs: - Text: "..you\u2019re still here?" AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: - Text: ..the interview? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: ..for? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "\u201C10 Looks on Fleek\u201D" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: Ohhh duhh! Sorry, must have slipped my mind. So what are you wearing today? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Selene Cosmetics. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "Oh yes, we talked about this didn\u2019t we! What would you say is your go-to when it comes to makeup?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Natural and clean cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Bold and dramatic cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Glitz and glam cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: All the trend right now! What are your thoughts on the color red? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I love red! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Not my color. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: It can be nice. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "Good to know. We\u2019re seeing a lot of red pop up by fashion designers. Shall we continue the interview?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04a-Q03-G01-Interview tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano ConvType: 1 Location: StyleDaily NPCId: - Stefanie Serrano - id: CH04a-Q04-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: "I don\u2019t get this txting thing. Can you come to my office?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Omw! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Omw?? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: On my way... cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Oooooo that explains so much. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Orlando NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04a-Q04-D02-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: "So tell me.. what\u2019s the deal with this new thing called PixChat? My kids keep talking about! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "The energy drink company, Voltage Energy is interested in doing a multi-city PixChat campaign. You\u2019d be travelling to different bars and clubs promoting the brand and taking PixChats. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "I need you to meet with Voltage Energy\u2019s rep, Darrell Strong. I set up a meeting in his hometown, Dallas, Texas. It\u2019s at a bar Brooke Place. He\u2019s throwing a small shindig, so show him a bit of your fun side!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Ok! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "If you do well, I\u2019m sure the tour will be all yours!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 1 Location: Bourne Natural Models NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04a-Q05-D01-Sidney Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%.. fancy running to you in Houston! Would you be willing to take a few photos for us?' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Strike a pose) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 3 level: 1 reward: glam: 1 experience: 2 dollars: 10 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: CH04a-Q05-T02-Sidney - Text: No thanks. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sidney Adams - Text: Thanks! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sidney Adams - Text: Oh come on! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sidney Adams ConvType: 0 Location: Houston NPCId: - Sidney Adams - id: CH04a-Q05-D02-Darrell Dialogs: - Text: "Howdy there! The name\u2019s Darrell, owner of Voltage Energy. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Introduce self) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 3 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Darrell Strong - Text: So, do you have what it takes to be our lead on the PixChat campaign? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Darrell Strong - Text: "We need someone to travel to a few cities, represent Voltage Energy\u2019s brand, engage with our customers - both in person and on PixChat. You know really party it up and have a good time!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I can do that. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Darrell Strong - Text: Why should I select you? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m fun." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: "I\u2019m charismatic." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: I know how to party. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Darrell Strong - Text: "Alrighty then! You\u2019re quite the charmer!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Darrell Strong - Text: "Well what\u2019s a bit of southern hospitality without a good ol\u2019 party. Let\u2019s have a good time and hopefully we can get somethin\u2019 workin\u2019 between us!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "First drink\u2019s on me!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: 0 tweetID: CH04a-Q05-G01-Sponsored - Text: Hold up! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Darrell Strong ConvType: 1 Location: Brooke Place NPCId: - Darrell Strong - id: CH04a-Q06-D01-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, are you in Texas?!? ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I am. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: Well howdy dooo, cause I am too! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: No way! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Oh yes dahling! And better yet, I\u2019m doing a runway shoot at Crimson Studios for my positivity campaign, National Fierceness League. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "It\u2019s all about promoting positive body image, because everyone has fierceness in them. How about you come strut yourself on the runway with me?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019d love to!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Perfect! I\u2019m going for that casual [girl/guy] next door type of look. Pick up an outfit from American Threads and then meet at Crimson Studios!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 3 Location: Houston NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH04a-Q06-D02-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: "Let\u2019s continue to remind everyone to love their inner fierceness!" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 2 Location: Crimson Studios NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH04b-Q01-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: Warehouse B is ready for the Voltage Energy PixChat event. Head on over! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thx! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04b-Q01-D02-Chris Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name% how\u2019s it going? Things are going well with Ciara if you were wondering! Are you here for the Voltage Energy event?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I'm ready. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04b-Q01-G01-Sponsored tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a min? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Chris Swanson ConvType: 1 Location: Warehouse B NPCId: - Chris Swanson - id: CH04b-Q02-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: IVY Yacht Club in Miami is ready for the Voltage Energy PixChat event.. Head on over to sunny Florida! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thx cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04b-Q02-D02-Bethany Dialogs: - Text: "I\u2019m Bethany, the Event Director for IVY Yacht Club. Pleasure to have you here for the Voltage Energy PixChat event. Ready?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I'm ready. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04b-Q02-G01-Sponsored tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a min? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Bethany Hilton ConvType: 1 Location: IVY Yacht Club NPCId: - Bethany Hilton - id: CH04b-Q03-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: The last stop of the Voltage Energy PixChat tour is ready for you. Go on over to Brooke Place in Houston! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04b-Q03-D02-Terrance Dialogs: - Text: Hey there, you must be here for that PixChat thing right? Are you ready to start the event? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I'm ready. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04b-Q03-G01-Sponsored tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a min? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Terrance Bridges ConvType: 1 Location: Brooke Place NPCId: - Terrance Bridges - id: CH04c-Q01-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, come on over when you can to my office! I have some new exciting opportunities.' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: OK! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04c-Q01-D02-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, there\u2019s an activewear campaign I\u2019d like to book for you. It\u2019s for a cycling product called BlueBike. How athletic would you say you are?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m a couch potato." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: I move around. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: I love working out! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Well let\u2019s get you moving then for this campaign!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Good to hear.. Let\u2019s keep you moving then!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Great, then let\u2019s you\u2019ll love this then!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: I set you up with a personal trainer. Hopefully this will acquaint you with the BlueBike product so we can get you that gig! And it never hurts to exercise when you can! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: OK! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Head to the Convention Center by JFK Airport. Your trainer will meet you there! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 1 Location: Bourne Natural Models NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04c-Q02-D01-Billy Dialogs: - Text: "You must be %Player_Name%! This is boot camp training, so no time to waste! Let\u2019s go!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Let's go! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 5 actionId: CH04c-Q02-A01-BikeOn tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - Billy Kane - id: CH04c-Q02-D02-Billy Dialogs: - Text: Great energy from you today. You will be perfect for the BlueBike cycling campaign. I will let Sarah know to set up the shoot! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Huh? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: "Ha, she didn\u2019t tell you.. did she? I\u2019m a personal trainer but also a rep for BlueBike!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "She didn\u2019t mention it!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: Well you got the gig! So congrats! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - Billy Kane - id: CH04c-Q03-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: "I heard the personal training session went well! Sorry I didn\u2019t mention that it was essentially an audition for the part but I didn\u2019t want you to be too nervous!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "It\u2019s okay!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "The photoshoot will be at Glamlight Studios. And don\u2019t forget to wear some activewear for the campaign!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04c-Q03-D02-Katherine Dialogs: - Text: Hey, are you here for the BlueBike Ad Campaign? Ready? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I'm ready. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04c-Q03-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a min? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Katherine Hamm ConvType: 1 Location: Glamlight Studios NPCId: - Katherine Hamm - id: CH04c-Q04-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: "I\u2019m getting a lot of inquiries about you!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Oh really? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: None NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: Yes indeed. A jewelry company, PivotGold is seeking some brand ambassadors to be wearing their jewelry during a party at Hotel Paragon. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m in!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: None NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: Great, the event will be at Hotel Paragon in the Upper East Side. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Fashion Ave NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH04c-Q04-D02-Ciara Dialogs: - Text: I love all the jewelry here! Are you here for the PivotGold appearance? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04c-Q04-Sponsored tweetID: none - Text: Not right now. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Ciara Johnson ConvType: 1 Location: Hotel Paragon NPCId: - Ciara Johnson - id: CH04c-Q04-D03-Random Dialogs: - Text: Did you know that the amber in this necklace is made of fossilised tree resin? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Grady Fez ConvType: 1 Location: Hotel Paragon NPCId: - Grady Fez - id: CH04c-Q04-D04-Random Dialogs: - Text: "I\u2019m so happy choker necklaces are back in style!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Michela Kurtz ConvType: 1 Location: Hotel Paragon NPCId: - Michela Kurtz - id: CH04c-Q04-D05-Random Dialogs: - Text: "Omg, can I buy what you\u2019re wearing?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Abbi Le ConvType: 1 Location: Hotel Paragon NPCId: - Abbi Le - id: CH04c-Q05-D01-Ricardo Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, I\u2019m putting together a lifestyle collection for next season\u2019s line. I\u2019d love to feature you. Are you interested?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz - Text: "Awesome. I will be at Triple B Clothing when you\u2019re ready." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Ricardo Ruiz - id: CH04c-Q05-D02-Ricardo Dialogs: - Text: Ready for the lifestyle collection photoshoot? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04c-Q05-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz ConvType: 1 Location: Triple B Clothing NPCId: - Ricardo Ruiz - id: CH04c-Q06-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, it\u2019s a beautiful day! Can you come to my office?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Sure! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: SoHo NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH04c-Q06-D02-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, first things first. I adopted a new kitty. What should I name her? I\u2019m between Clawdia, Catzilla, or Eleanor. What do you think?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Clawdia cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Catzilla cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Eleanor cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: I love it!! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Is that it? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "Oh! One more thing. I arranged an appearance for you over at Brooke Place in Dallas. It\u2019s for Pro Flex Zone, a protein powder. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "Instead of just handing out samples, you will be \u201Cbartending\u201D, whipping up some delicious protein shakes! They would like you wear some activewear for the event." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Sounds like fun! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "Excellent, head over there when you\u2019re ready." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 1 Location: Gift of Gab NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH04c-Q07-D01-Billy Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, fancy seeing you here! I\u2019ll be working alongside you today!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Really? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: "Yeah.. didn\u2019t you know? Pro Flex Zone is my company!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Wow! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: 'I developed this powder with cutting-edge strength and stamina boosters. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: So how about we show everybody how to get Clean, Lean, and Power with Pro Flex Zone! What do you think of that slogan? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "It\u2019s catchy." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Could use some work. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: Thanks, I came up with it one day when I was biking in the jungles of Costa Rica! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: Yeah, I thought it might be a bit corny. I came up with it one day when I was biking in the jungles of Costa Rica! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: Anyways, are you ready to make some delicious protein shakes? The Beat It Berry Shake is my favorite! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane ConvType: 1 Location: Brooke Place NPCId: - Billy Kane - id: CH04c-Q07-D02-Random Dialogs: - Text: "This Peaches n\u2019 Cream Shake is delicious!!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Andy Bean ConvType: 1 Location: Brooke Place NPCId: - Andy Bean - id: CH04c-Q07-D03-Random Dialogs: - Text: "You\u2019re doing great!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane ConvType: 1 Location: Brooke Place NPCId: - Billy Kane - id: CH04d-Q01-D01-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "Bestieeeee! How\u2019s life, love? I\u2019m doing a beach photoshoot and I want you to join yours truly. We can bring some fire to the shoot if you know what I mean Come to Miami Beach when ur free! xox" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: C u there! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q01-D02-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "Bestie, you made it! Isn\u2019t this beach gorg?? I\u2019m so excited. This is Denise Ali, photographer. These beach shoot is going to be featured in her online mag." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White - Text: "This guy who I have my eye on is a huuuuge fan of hers and I know seeing this shoot will make him contact me. He\u2019s a basketball player! Anyways, ready to get some werk in?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Let\u2019s vogue!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04d-Q01-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Hold up! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 1 Location: Miami Beach NPCId: - Effy White - Denise Ali - id: CH04d-Q01-D03-Effy Dialogs: - Text: LOVE werking with you!! Werk it AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 2 Location: Miami Beach NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q01-D03-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%..I\u2019m freaking out right now!! Can you please come over when you can?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo ConvType: 3 Location: Miami Beach NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - id: CH04d-Q01-D04-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "Omg.. was that Fabricio Marcelo\u2026 like the actor who is going to be on the next season of The Twisted Vampires?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yep. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "YOU KNOW HIM? He\u2019s soooo hawt! I\u2019ve been following him on PixlGram! Does he gave a girlfriend?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Nope. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "What, really!? That\u2019s very interesting! I can\u2019t wait to see him on The Twisted Vamps. It\u2019s probably a big contract deal, huh?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I guess? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "Well I gotta run bestie, I\u2019ll hit you up to hang soon. Luv ya <3 " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 0 Location: Miami Beach NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q02-D01-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, it\u2019s missing. It\u2019s missing!!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "What\u2019s missing?" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: My lucky shirt! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Nope. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: Yea, my lucky shirt. Today is first day of shooting and I need my lucky shirt. I swear I put it right here..! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Lucky shirt? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "*gasp* you don\u2019t think she would??" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Natalia? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: OMG what do I do?? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: No... cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Of course she would. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: No way, we work together!! What do I do? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019ll help look." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 5 actionId: CH04d-Q02-A01 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo ConvType: 1 Location: Chestnut Apartments NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - id: CH04d-Q02-D02-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: '...it was in the fridge??' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Any idea why? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Ahhh, I totally forgot that I was feeling super nervous and I needed to cool down so I thought it\u2019d be a good idea to put it in the fridge. Gosh, I\u2019m such a nervous wreck!!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Don\u2019t be nervous" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: You got this! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "You\u2019re right.. I just can\u2019t believe I\u2019m about to film for The Twisted Vampires. And honestly, it\u2019s thanks to you.." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: How so? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: You invited me to that party, remember? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: But your talent got you the job! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Ha, I guess so! Ugh thank you so much %Player_Name%. I don\u2019t know what I would do without you. Homies for life, never forget." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I won\u2019t!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: OK, well I got to run. At least I have a nice cool t-shirt to wear, haha! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "It\u2019s you..." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 8 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "What is this commotion? I\u2019m trying to get my beauty rest before call time." AnimationIndex: Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "Of course it\u2019s me. This is MY apartment. Remember you don\u2019t live here anymore. Gosh you\u2019re like a cockroach that I just can\u2019t get rid of." AnimationIndex: Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "Guh, I seriously don\u2019t have time for a peon such as yourself. BYEEEE!" AnimationIndex: Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens ConvType: 0 Location: Chestnut Apartments NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - Natalia Jansens - id: CH04d-Q03-D01-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "[King/Queen] hope you\u2019re well! Want to do a shoot by Houston Pier? Join me? Pls!!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: OK! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 3 Location: Fashion Ave NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q03-D02-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "Weren\u2019t you also in Houston not too long ago for a gig? It\u2019s like we\u2019re connected or something!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Uh.. yeah!! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "So that basketball player I was telling you about, finally hit me up! He\u2019s so gorg and not to mention loadeeeed! I want you to meet him sometime soon, he\u2019s so kewl. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White - Text: Anyways should we get started with this photoshoot? I hate to keep Denise waiting! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Let\u2019s start." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04d-Q03-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Hold up! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 1 Location: Houston Pier NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q03-D03-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "YAAS we\u2019re at it again!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 2 Location: Houston Pier NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q04-D01-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "Bestie! I got another gig at Tiki Cove and it has both our names on it! It\u2019s for a toy donation benefit! I\u2019m going to donate my favorite doll. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019ll bring something too!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: Yaaaaay [king/queen], see you there! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q04-D02-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "I can\u2019t believe all the toys that are here! People spending a lot of bucks on this event!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m glad!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "Also I\u2019ve been seeing that basketball player! He\u2019s so gorg and bought me this bracelet! See!!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "It\u2019s nice!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: Thanks! Should we start the event? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Let\u2019s start." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04d-Q04-G01-Sponsored tweetID: none - Text: Hold up! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 1 Location: Tiki Cove NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q04-D03-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "I\u2019m gonna miss my doll!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 2 Location: Tiki Cove NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q04-D04-Random Dialogs: - Text: So like what exactly are fidget spinners? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Andy Bean ConvType: 2 Location: Tiki Cove NPCId: - Andy Bean - id: CH04d-Q04-D05-Random Dialogs: - Text: I used to have this virtual pet toy that I would keep in my pocket all the time! My teacher took it from me because it kept beeping in class... AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Ava Roth ConvType: 2 Location: Tiki Cove NPCId: - Ava Roth - id: CH04d-Q05-D01-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, big announcement here.. It\u2019s a wrap for season 2 of The Twisted Vampires!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Congrats! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Thanks, couldn\u2019t have done it without you. Listen, we have a wrap up party.. come through!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Of course! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Sweet, it\u2019s at the Convention Center out by the airport. See you there!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo ConvType: 3 Location: Tiki Cove NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - id: CH04d-Q05-D02-Effy Dialogs: - Text: "Eeeek, did I overhear you speaking to Fabricio? I\u2019ve been following him on Pixlgram.. all of the production pics from The Twisted Vampire looks soooo dope. I can\u2019t wait for the second season." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Me neither! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "..hey would it be possible to meet him? And the crew of course.. I\u2019d love to meet the rest of the cast!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Mention party) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "Omg! Do you really think it\u2019d be okay to bring me?? I\u2019ve never been to New York.. ahhh this is amazing!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yeah. come! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "Ok ok ok! Let me go pack.. I\u2019ll meet you at the Convention Center? I can\u2019t wait. Luv you bestie xox!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 0 Location: Tiki Cove NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q05-D03-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, you made it!!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Introduce Effy) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "I can\u2019t believe I\u2019m meeting THE Fabricio Marcelo. I\u2019m blushing!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White - Text: "Haha, I\u2019m not that big of an actor\u2026 yet! But it\u2019s nice to finally meet you.. I\u2019ve seen the work you two have done. Dope stuff." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "I can\u2019t believe we\u2019ve wrapped up season 2. It\u2019s been a crazy roller coaster. Especially with Natalia over there. She is a mess." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Not surprised! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Let\u2019s not let her get in our way. Let\u2019s celebrate!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yaas! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04d-Q05-G01-Sponsored tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q05-D04-Natalia Dialogs: - Text: "Lookie who it is.. the cockroach that won\u2019t leave me alone. You know, since I got this job.. mommy and daddy won\u2019t give me any more money. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "Like what sense does that make?? I\u2019m a huge actress now, I should be getting more money!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "What\u2019s it to you anyways..." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - Natalia/Nate Jansens - id: CH04d-Q05-D05-Effy Dialogs: - Text: This party is cray!! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White - Text: "Ha you\u2019re always soo right bestie. I think I\u2019m gunna go talk to Fabricio!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Take it easy! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "Oh him\u2026 whatever with him! Actors are way cooler these days. Plus, if Twisted Vamps gets renewed for another season.. that\u2019s huge bucks! And it could go into movies, books, figurines.. the works!!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Your boyfriend? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - Effy White - id: CH04d-Q06-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, my kids love The Twisted Vamps.. why does the youth like vampires? It just doesn\u2019t make sense!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Come to my office when you can. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04d-Q06-D02-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: 'American Threads is looking for a model for their national television commercial. Big bucks, big exposure.. the commercial will air during the Turkeybowl, so lots of impressions on this one! ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: I set you up on a go-see at American Threads. Good luck! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 1 Location: Bourne Natural Models NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH04d-Q07-D01-Ava Dialogs: - Text: "Hi! Sarah mentioned a lot about you. As she mentioned we\u2019re looking for a few models to be featured in our commercial for American Threads. It\u2019s a :30 spot and will be shown nationwide during the TurkeyBowl! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Ava Roth - Text: "Before we get started, we\u2019re looking to fill several roles in the commercial. Which role are you auditioning for.. the \u201Cfriend-next-door,\u201D the \u201Crebel with a cause,\u201D or \u201C[king/queen] bee\u201D?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Friend-next-door cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Rebel with a cause cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: '[King/Queen] bee' cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Ava Roth - Text: "Great! You\u2019re the first person auditioning for this position." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Ava Roth - Text: Shall we get started? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I am. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH04d-Q07-G01-GoSee tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a min? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Ava Roth ConvType: 1 Location: American Threads NPCId: - Ava Roth quests: - id: CH04a-Q01-Sarah tasks: - Description: Go to Bourne Natural Models in Upper East Side action: type: 1 propertyId: Bourne Natural Models duration: 0 - Description: Meet Sarah Bourne action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04a-Q01-D01-Sarah duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 40 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Sarah Bourne - id: CH04a-Q02-FleekPhotoshoot tasks: - Description: 'Go to Selene Cosmetics in Orlando, Florida ' action: type: 1 propertyId: Selene Cosmetics duration: 0 - Description: Purchase a new look action: type: 1 propertyId: Selene Cosmetics duration: 0 - Description: Go to StyleDaily in Orlando action: type: 1 propertyId: StyleDaily duration: 0 - Description: Complete the photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04a-Q02-D01-Stefanie duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 45 dollars: 65 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: "\u201C10 Looks on Fleek\u201D Photoshoot" - id: CH04a-Q03-FleekInterview tasks: - Description: Complete the interview at StyleDaily in Orlando action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04a-Q03-D02-Stefanie duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: "\u201C10 Looks on Fleek\u201D Interview" - id: CH04a-Q04-SarahText tasks: - Description: Meet Sarah at Bourne Natural Models in Upper East Side action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04a-Q04-D02-Sarah duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 30 dollars: 40 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: "Sarah\u2019s Text" - id: CH04a-Q05-Darrell tasks: - Description: Travel to Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Houston duration: 0 - Description: Go to Brooke Place in Houston action: type: 1 propertyId: Brooke Place duration: 0 - Description: Meet Darrell Strong action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04a-Q05-D02-Darrell duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 30 dollars: 40 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Darrell Strong - id: CH04a-Q06-NFL tasks: - Description: Go to American Threads in Dallas, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: American Threads duration: 0 - Description: Shop at American Threads action: type: 1 propertyId: American Threads duration: 0 - Description: Meet Tyra Banks at Crimson Studios in Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Crimson Studios duration: 0 - Description: Complete the National Fierceness League runway show action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04a-Q06-G01-Runway duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 80 motivation: 3 level: 0 Description: National Fierceness League - id: CH04b-Q01-VoltageNYC tasks: - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call " action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04b-Q01-D01-Sarah duration: 0 - Description: Go to Warehouse B in Brooklyn action: type: 1 propertyId: Warehouse B duration: 0 - Description: Complete the PixChat appearance (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04b-Q01-D02-Chris duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Voltage Energy NYC - id: CH04b-Q02-VoltageFlorida tasks: - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call " action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04b-Q02-D01-Sarah duration: 0 - Description: Go to IVY Yacht Club in Miami, Florida action: type: 1 propertyId: IVY Yacht Club duration: 0 - Description: Complete the PixChat appearance (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04b-Q02-D02-Bethany duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Voltage Energy Florida - id: CH04b-Q03-VoltageTexas tasks: - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call " action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04b-Q03-D01-Sarah duration: 0 - Description: Go to Brooke Place in Dallas, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Brooke Place duration: 0 - Description: Complete the PixChat appearance (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04b-Q03-D02-Terrance duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 70 dollars: 80 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Voltage Energy Texas - id: CH04c-Q01-MeetSarah tasks: - Description: Meet Sarah at Bourne Natural Models in Upper East Side action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04c-Q01-D02-Sarah duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 10 dollars: 10 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Sarah - id: CH04c-Q02-BikeOn tasks: - Description: Go to the Convention Center by JFK Airport action: type: 1 propertyId: Convention Center duration: 0 - Description: Complete your personal training session action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04c-Q02-D01-Billy duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 40 dollars: 40 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Bike On - id: CH04c-Q03-BlueBike tasks: - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave action: type: 1 propertyId: Glamight Studios duration: 0 - Description: Complete the photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04c-Q03-D02-Katherine duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: BlueBike Ad Campaign - id: CH04c-Q04-PivotGold tasks: - Description: Go to Hotel Paragon in Upper East Side action: type: 1 propertyId: Hotel Paragon duration: 0 - Description: Complete the sponsored appearance action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04c-Q04-D02-Ciara duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 40 dollars: 60 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: PivotGold Appearance - id: CH04c-Q05-LifeStyle tasks: - Description: Go to Triple B Clothing in SoHo action: type: 1 propertyId: Triple B Clothing duration: 0 - Description: Complete the sponsored appearance action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04c-Q05-D02-Ricardo duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 80 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Lifestyle Photos - id: CH04c-Q06-MeetGabby tasks: - Description: Meet Gabby at Gift of Gab Publicity in Upper East Side action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04c-Q06-MeetGabby duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 20 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Gabby - id: CH04c-Q07-ProFlexZone tasks: - Description: Go to Brooke Place in Dallas, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Brooke Place duration: 0 - Description: Mix up some delicious samples action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04c-Q07-D01-Billy duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Pro Flex Zone - id: CH04d-Q01-BeachBums tasks: - Description: Meet Effy White at Miami Beach action: type: 1 propertyId: Miami Beach duration: 0 - Description: Complete the photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04d-Q01-D02-Effy duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Beach Bums - id: CH04d-Q02-SOSFabricio tasks: - Description: Meet Fabricio at Chestnut Apartments on Fashion Ave action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04d-Q02-D01-Fabricio duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 20 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: SOS Fabricio - id: CH04d-Q03-HoustonPier tasks: - Description: Meet Effy at Houston Pier in Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Houston Pier duration: 0 - Description: Complete the photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04d-Q03-D02-Effy duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Houston Pier Shoot - id: CH04d-Q04-Dolly tasks: - Description: Meet Effy at Tiki Cove in Orlando, Florida action: type: 1 propertyId: Tiki Cove duration: 0 - Description: Make an appearance at the toy donation benefit action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04d-Q04-D02-Effy duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 80 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Oh My Dolly - id: CH04d-Q05-TwistedWrap tasks: - Description: Go to the NY Convention Center by JFK Airport action: type: 1 propertyId: Convention Center duration: 0 - Description: Attend the Twisted Vamps Wrap-up Party action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04d-Q05-D03-Fabricio duration: 0 reward: glam: 1 experience: 50 dollars: 60 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Twisted Vamps Wrap-up Party - id: CH04d-Q06-MeetSarah tasks: - Description: Meet Sarah at Bourne Natural Models in Upper East Side action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04d-Q06-D02-Sarah duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 20 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Sarah - id: CH04d-Q07-TurkeybowlGoSee tasks: - Description: Go to American Threads in Dallas, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: American Threads duration: 0 - Description: Complete the go-see action: type: 1 propertyId: CH04d-Q07-D01-Ava duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Turkeybowl Go-see gigs: - id: CH04a-Q02-G01-Photoshoot duration: 300 Location: StyleDaily actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH04a-Q03-G01-Interview duration: 180 Location: StyleDaily actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH04a-Q05-G01-Sponsored duration: 300 Location: Brooke Place actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04a-Q05-D02-Darrell Type: 5 starsNeeded: 70 - id: CH04a-Q06-G01-Runway duration: 720 Location: Crimson Studios actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: Type: 5 starsNeeded: 140 - id: CH04b-Q01-G01-Sponsored duration: 180 Location: Warehouse B actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04b-Q01-D02-Chris Type: 5 starsNeeded: 40 - id: CH04b-Q02-G01-Sponsored duration: 180 Location: IVY Yacht Club actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04b-Q02-D02-Bethany Type: 5 starsNeeded: 40 - id: CH04b-Q03-G01-Sponsored duration: 300 Location: Brooke Place actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04b-Q03-D02-Terrance Type: 5 starsNeeded: 70 - id: CH04c-Q03-G01-Photoshoot duration: 180 Location: Glamlight Studios actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04c-Q03-D02-Katherine Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH04c-Q04-Sponsored duration: 60 Location: Hotel Paragon actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04c-Q04-D02-Ciara Type: 5 starsNeeded: 20 - id: CH04c-Q05-G01-Photoshoot duration: 300 Location: Triple B Clothing actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04c-Q05-D02-Ricardo Type: 5 starsNeeded: 60 - id: CH04d-Q01-G01-Photoshoot duration: 60 Location: Miami Beach actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04d-Q01-D02-Effy Type: 5 starsNeeded: 20 - id: CH04d-Q03-G01-Photoshoot duration: 60 Location: Houston Pier actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04d-Q04-D02-Effy Type: 5 starsNeeded: 26 - id: CH04d-Q04-G01-Sponsored duration: 300 Location: Tiki Cove actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04d-Q04-D02-Effy Type: 5 starsNeeded: 60 - id: CH04d-Q05-G01-Sponsored duration: 300 Location: Convention Center actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04d-Q05-D03-Fabricio Type: 5 starsNeeded: 60 - id: CH04d-Q07-G01-GoSee duration: 300 Location: Convention Center actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH04d-Q07-D01-Ava Type: 5 starsNeeded: 40 Assistances: - id: CH04c-Q02-A01-BikeOn Location: Convention Center Instructions: - ConversationID: Bike On Training actions: - id: Cycle fast energyCost: 3 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Cycle slow energyCost: 4 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Punches energyCost: 5 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Squats energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Take a rest energyCost: 1 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Hands up energyCost: 4 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Hands side to side energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" Reward: glam: 0 experience: 30 dollars: 10 motivation: 0 level: 0 - id: CH04c-Q07-A01 Location: Brooke Place Instructions: - ConversationID: Bike On Training actions: - id: Beat It Berry Shake energyCost: 5 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Hand out samples energyCost: 1 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Smile energyCost: 4 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Charm guests energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: "Peaches n\u2019 Cream Shake" energyCost: 3 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Strange Fruity Shake energyCost: 4 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Mix it up energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" Reward: glam: 0 experience: 20 dollars: 20 motivation: 0 level: 0 - id: CH04d-Q02-A01 Location: Brooke Place Instructions: - ConversationID: SOS Fabricio actions: - id: Look under bed energyCost: 5 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Go through clothes energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Under rug energyCost: 1 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Look here energyCost: 4 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Reassure Fabricio energyCost: 3 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Check dressers energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" - id: Check fridge energyCost: 1 stars: 0 tag: "none\r" Reward: glam: 1 experience: 20 dollars: 10 motivation: 0 level: 0 tweets: - id: CH04a-Q05-T01-StyleDaily SenderID: '@styledaily' NumberOFfollowes: 12 TweetMsg: "We loved working with %Player_Name% on our latest feature \u201C10 Looks on Fleek\u201D!" Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#top10 #modelalert\r" - id: CH04a-Q05-T02-Sidney SenderID: '@StarRadar' NumberOFfollowes: 9 TweetMsg: '%Player_Name% was spotted rocking a trendy outfit in Houston, Texas!' Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#trendsetter #ootd\r" - id: CH04a-Q06-T01-Tyra SenderID: '@TyraBanks' NumberOFfollowes: 25 TweetMsg: 'RT if you love yourself and your body! Big shoutouts to %Player_Name% for supporting the National Fierceness League campaign! ' Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#nationalfiercenessleague\r" - id: CH04b-Q02-T01-Streetbeast SenderID: '@streetbeast' NumberOFfollowes: 5 TweetMsg: "If you\u2019re not following %Player_Name% on PixChat, then you should! [He/she] is on tour with Voltage Energy!" Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#pixchat #voltage\r" - id: CH04c-Q04-T01-Natalia SenderID: '@nJansens' NumberOFfollowes: 0 TweetMsg: "I\u2019m so glamorous!" Type: TypeIndex: 1 HashTag: "#itstrue\r" - id: CH04d-Q02-T01-Natalia SenderID: '@nJansens' NumberOFfollowes: -15 TweetMsg: Woke up to %Player_Name% standing over me. What a stalker!! Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#stalker #creep\r" - id: CH04d-Q03-T01-Natalia SenderID: '@nJansens' NumberOFfollowes: 0 TweetMsg: "..and that\u2019s a wrap! S2 of The Twisted Vamps is done. Can\u2019t wait for you all to see me on TV!! Luv to all my fans." Type: TypeIndex: 1 HashTag: "#livinglifetothefullest\r" - id: CH04d-Q05-T01-Effy SenderID: '@effywhite' NumberOFfollowes: 14 TweetMsg: "Vacay w my bestie %Player_Name%, I can\u2019t wait!! " Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#bffs\r" - id: CH04d-Q05-T02-StarRadar SenderID: '@StarRadar' NumberOFfollowes: 10 TweetMsg: 'Sources tell me that %Player_Name% is attending The Twisted Vamps wrap-up party tn! What will [he/she] wear? ' Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#twistedvamps #willtherebedrama?\r" senders: [] Chapters: [] dailyRewwardList: [] textAssetAchiev: {fileID: 0} textAssetCust: [] textAssetLook: [] textAssetsConv: [] textAssetsQuests: [] textAssetsGigs: [] textAssetsAsis: [] textAssetTweets: {fileID: 0} textAssetSend: {fileID: 0} textAssetsChap: [] textAssetDailyRe: {fileID: 0} --- !u!114 &114450207608346382 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 927adf6a3f0d747449b3a379d8dc07b9, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: dataBaseUrl: nexttopmodel-74b6d.firebaseio.com