DOTween43 Methods that extend known Unity objects and allow to directly create and control tweens from their instances. These, as all DOTween43 methods, require Unity 4.3 or later. Tweens a Material's color using the given gradient (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener). Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The gradient to useThe duration of the tween Tweens a Material's named color property using the given gradient (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener). Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The gradient to use The name of the material property to tween (like _Tint or _SpecColor) The duration of the tween Tweens a SpriteRenderer's color to the given value. Also stores the spriteRenderer as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The end value to reachThe duration of the tween Tweens a Material's alpha color to the given value. Also stores the spriteRenderer as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The end value to reachThe duration of the tween Tweens a SpriteRenderer's color using the given gradient (NOTE 1: only uses the colors of the gradient, not the alphas - NOTE 2: creates a Sequence, not a Tweener). Also stores the image as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The gradient to useThe duration of the tween Tweens a Rigidbody2D's position to the given value. Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The end value to reachThe duration of the tween If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers Tweens a Rigidbody2D's X position to the given value. Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The end value to reachThe duration of the tween If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers Tweens a Rigidbody2D's Y position to the given value. Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The end value to reachThe duration of the tween If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers Tweens a Rigidbody2D's rotation to the given value. Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The end value to reachThe duration of the tween Tweens a Rigidbody2D's position to the given value, while also applying a jump effect along the Y axis. Returns a Sequence instead of a Tweener. Also stores the Rigidbody2D as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations. IMPORTANT: a rigidbody2D can't be animated in a jump arc using MovePosition, so the tween will directly set the position The end value to reach Power of the jump (the max height of the jump is represented by this plus the final Y offset) Total number of jumps The duration of the tween If TRUE the tween will smoothly snap all values to integers Tweens a SpriteRenderer's color to the given value, in a way that allows other DOBlendableColor tweens to work together on the same target, instead than fight each other as multiple DOColor would do. Also stores the SpriteRenderer as the tween's target so it can be used for filtered operations The value to tween toThe duration of the tween