%YAML 1.1 %TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: --- !u!1001 &100100000 Prefab: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 serializedVersion: 2 m_Modification: m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0} m_Modifications: [] m_RemovedComponents: [] m_ParentPrefab: {fileID: 0} m_RootGameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_IsPrefabParent: 1 --- !u!1 &1826662503564900 GameObject: m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} serializedVersion: 5 m_Component: - component: {fileID: 4097055200080294} - component: {fileID: 114450207608346382} - component: {fileID: 114148307145215176} m_Layer: 0 m_Name: DataManageCH5 m_TagString: Untagged m_Icon: {fileID: 0} m_NavMeshLayer: 0 m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 m_IsActive: 1 --- !u!4 &4097055200080294 Transform: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_LocalRotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1} m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1} m_Children: [] m_Father: {fileID: 0} m_RootOrder: 0 m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0} --- !u!114 &114148307145215176 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 809be2a7ed8114944aae94d028d0a2bb, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: achievements: [] customizes: [] lookbooks: [] conversations: - id: CH05a-Q01-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: Hey, I am at my office. Can you come by? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: On the way! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05a-Q01-D02-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: "Welcome back! I spoke with Ava and she was very impressed with you.. they\u2019re still making a decision.. so in the meantime I went ahead and booked you an acting class." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Acting class? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "I know what you\u2019re thinking.. why an acting class? Well, with this national commercial opportunity, I think we can really open doors for you in the acting industry. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: And a great acting coach and producer happens to be in town for a pop-up class. He goes by Mr. LaChapelle. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: As I tell my kids, professional development is but one key to success! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I agree! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Great! The class is at the NY Convention Center by JFK Airport. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 1 Location: Bourne Natural Models NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05a-Q02-D01-LaChapelle Dialogs: - Text: I am Mr. LaChapelle, acting coach extraordinaire. And you are? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: '%Player_Name%' cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: Ah yes. Welcome to my acting class. Tell me, what type of shows would you like to get a role in? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Drama cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Action cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Comedy cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: "Great! You know\u2026 film acting is mostly reacting and listening. Taking direction from the director and reacting and working with your fellow actors!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: "Now, let\u2019s start by reading some lines and take it from there. Are you ready to start my acting class?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 5 actionId: CH05a-Q02-A01 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - Mr. LaChapelle - id: CH05a-Q02-D02-LaChapelle Dialogs: - Text: That was excellent! You have natural talent. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - Mr. LaChapelle - id: CH05a-Q03-D01-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: "Ayyy, holla at ya boy! You\u2019re in town?" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: I am! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Come on, let\u2019s go for happy hour\u2026 you promised!" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: Your treat? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: Ha, you know it! AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m down." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Clover Room? I\u2019m walking there now. Be there or be..." AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: Staahp. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo ConvType: 3 Location: Upper East Side NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - id: CH05a-Q03-D02-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: "Half off appetizers.. I\u2019m in heaven!" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: Nice! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "So what\u2019s new with you?" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: (Catch up) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Sick! I hope you get that commercial! There\u2019s talks of renewing season 3 of The Twisted Vampire.. I\u2019m hoping to find out soon." AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: [] NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "..and I\u2019m also seeing someone!" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: Who??! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Your friend Effy.. after that party.. she DM\u2019ed me on PixlGram and we got to talking. Now we\u2019re.. official.. ya know!" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: I have a feeling about her. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: "She\u2019s a gold digger." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: What does that mean? AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: - Text: "You shouldn\u2019t date her." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 7 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Are you kidding me right now? Finally, things are up for me. I\u2019m in a hit TV drama, dating a fine model, and you want to bring me down? " AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: [] NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "You\u2019re just jealous." AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m not." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 9 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: (Drop it) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 10 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "You are. I thought you\u2019d be happy for me." AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: [] NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Yeah that\u2019s what I thought." AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: [] NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "This happy hour isn\u2019t so happy after all. I\u2019m gonna bounce. Let\u2019s hang another time when you\u2019ve gotten over this jealous attitude." AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: [] NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo ConvType: 1 Location: Clover Room NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - id: CH05a-Q04-D01-Asher Dialogs: - Text: I am Asher Short, the young award winning photographer. You must be %Player_Name%! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: Well then, %Player_Name%, shall we start? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Let\u2019s start" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05a-Q04-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Hold up! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: "Didn\u2019t Sarah tell you this is a BEACH photoshoot? I recommend putting on some swimwear." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Asher Short ConvType: 1 Location: Miami Beach NPCId: - Asher Short - id: CH05a-Q04-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, another gig is coming your way!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: '...great...' cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Everything okay? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Tell her about Fabricio) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Eek, I am totally not good at this drama stuff.. I can\u2019t even deal with my kid\u2019s drama.. they\u2019re always getting into fights on PixChat, Chirp, Insta-whatever it\u2019s called! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Sorry I\u2019m not much help, but hopefully this gig will cheer you up. It\u2019s on Miami Beach! I\u2019m sure the sun will brighten your day." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: What is it? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "It\u2019s with an upcoming photographer, who\u2019s disrupting the scene right now with his experimental looks. His name is Asher Short. Head on over to Miami Beach!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "It\u2019s a swimwear shoot! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Fashion Ave NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05a-Q04-D02-Asher Dialogs: - Text: How about next time you cut the attitude and bring me your best work... AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: What?! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: You heard me. I hate working with diva models who think they know better. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: '...' cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short ConvType: 0 Location: Miami Beach NPCId: - Asher Short - id: CH05a-Q05-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, I wanted to check in with you! Sarah mentioned something with your friend Fabricio. Do you mind coming to my office?' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Sure. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Miami NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05a-Q06-D01-Asher Dialogs: - Text: ..oh hey. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Confront him) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 5 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: "Yeaaaa, I\u2019m sorry, I was in such a grumpy mood. My girlfriend just broke up with me. " AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: [] NPCId: Asher Short - Text: For my best friend surprisingly. How could she do that to me... AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m sorry." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: "Yeah, I\u2019m torn about it. Not sure what to do." AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: - Text: "She\u2019s not worth it." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: You should move on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: "You\u2019re right. And my best friend, what do I do about him?" AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: - Text: "He\u2019s not your best friend." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 7 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Forget about him. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 7 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: "Yeahh yeahhh. It\u2019s tough. But thanks for listening. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Mention press) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 8 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short - Text: Oh yeah, sorry about that nonsense calling you a diva and all. I guess it was some form of projecting on my end. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Asher Short - Text: "I\u2019ll fix this." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Asher Short ConvType: 1 Location: Tiki Cove NPCId: - Asher Short - id: CH05a-Q07-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: "Hey %Player_Name%, I\u2019m glad you got everything sorted out with Asher. It was over a girl?! How original. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I know! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: Well, glad you fixed that before it got out of hand. Since I have you on the phone, I booked you for an appearance over at the Convention Center. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "It\u2019s for a book reading for the kid\u2019s book, Goodbye, Pluto. And you\u2019ll be reading!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Sounds fun! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Orlando NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05a-Q07-D02-James Dialogs: - Text: Hey %Player_Name%! Fancy seeing you out of work. I volunteer here on my off days to hang out with the kids! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "That\u2019s awesome!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 5 actionId: CH05a-Q02-A01 tweetID: none NPCId: James Harris - Text: "I know! I\u2019m glad you\u2019re here too. Let\u2019s start!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: James Harris ConvType: 1 Location: Convention Center NPCId: - James Harris - id: CH05a-Q08-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, how was the book reading? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Fun! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "Excellent. Well, I booked you for another event with kids! It\u2019s a football event, featuring the famous running back, Jim Sanders." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "It\u2019s for a great cause - bringing the power of sports to young kids. The event is over at the Solitaire Center in Orlando. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m on it!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: The event will start in ! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: Ps, I hope you know how to throw a football.. you might have to throw one around.. so put on your best activewear! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05a-Q08-D02-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, the Play\u2019n Football Event is ready at the Solitaire Center in Florida! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05a-Q08-D02-Jim Dialogs: - Text: "Welcome to the Play\u2019n Football Charity Event, %Player_Name%! Pleasure to have you making an appearance here!" AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: Thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Jim Sanders - Text: "It\u2019s so important to show our young fans the benefits of exercise, even if it\u2019s for a few minutes a day! Do you like football?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: ..No cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Jim Sanders - Text: 'Then you must be a fan of mine.. haha just kidding! ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Ha! Maybe..! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Jim Sanders - Text: "It\u2019s never too late to love the game!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Jim Sanders - Text: Well how about we throw around some footballs and show kids some fun ways to exercise! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Jim Sanders - Text: Do you want to change into some activewear before we throw around some footballs with these kids? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Jim Sanders ConvType: 1 Location: Solitaire Center NPCId: - Jim Sanders - id: CH05a-Q08-D03-Jim Dialogs: - Text: "This is tons of fun %Player_Name%! Thanks for coming by. I\u2019d like you to meet my girlfriend, Effy." AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY Replies: - Text: Girlfriend?!?! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Jim Sanders - Text: Uhh...ohh.. nice to meet you. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Call her out) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 5 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: (Walk away) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Effy White - Text: "No, Jim it\u2019s not what it seems! %Player_Name%, please don\u2019t tell Fabricio!" AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White - Text: "...wait %Player_Name%! Please don\u2019t tell Fabricio!" AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: [] NPCId: Effy White ConvType: 1 Location: Solitaire Center NPCId: - Jim Sanders - Effy White - id: CH05a-Q08-D04-Jim Dialogs: - Text: "I can\u2019t believe Effy was cheating on us both! With my favorite character from The Twisted Vamps, nonetheless!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Jim Sanders ConvType: 1 Location: Solitaire Center NPCId: - Jim Sanders - id: CH05a-Q09-D01-Fabricio Dialogs: - Text: '...hey %Player_Name%.' AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: - Text: (Mention Effy) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: 'Yeah, I was following the event on PixlChat and saw her there with him. ' AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: - Text: "It\u2019s all good" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "You were right about her. I\u2019m sorry. I should have listened to you from the beginning." AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: - Text: "You don\u2019t have to." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: "Are you sure? I feel like a jerk. I\u2019ll make it up to you, I swear." AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: - Text: Homies for life! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo - Text: Thanks. Homies for life? AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD Replies: [] NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Fabricio Marcelo - id: CH05a-Q10-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, I have some GREAT news for you! ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: What is it? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: You booked the American Threads national commercial! Your face will be shown during the TurkeyBowl! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yaaaas! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: (Play it cool) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: My feeling exactly! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Ha, you\u2019re just like my kids.. always the cool ones." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "I\u2019m finalizing all the details, should be ready for you in ! Filming will be at SilverMax Pictures in Los Angeles. Have you been to California before?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Nope! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Well, enjoy your first time there! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05a-Q10-D02-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, the American Threads TurkeyBowl ad is ready to be filmed in California! Get over there!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05a-Q10-D03-Sidney Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, tell us what\u2019s going on with Effy White? Can you make a comment?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Everything\u2019s ok." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: (Spill the drama) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sidney Adams - Text: Do you have any other comments? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: No comments. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sidney Adams - Text: Well would you mind us taking some photos of you in beautiful LA? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Strike a pose) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 3 level: 1 reward: glam: 1 experience: 5 dollars: 10 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: No thanks. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sidney Adams - Text: Thanks! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sidney Adams ConvType: 0 Location: Hollywood NPCId: - Sidney Adams - id: CH05a-Q10-D04-Natalia Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, what are you doing on my turf?' AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: - Text: Excuse me? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: You heard me. Cali is MY city. And this commercial is mine too. Why are you even here? AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: - Text: I booked the commercial too. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "No way. They\u2019re just letting anybody take these jobs, huh?" AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: - Text: I can say the same for you. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "Whatever. I won\u2019t let you ruin this opportunity for me. So how about we play nice for this commercial and get it over with." AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: - Text: I agree. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: You better keep up. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "Good. Let\u2019s just get through this." AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: Oh I will. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens ConvType: 1 Location: SilverMax Pictures NPCId: - Natalia/Nate Jansens - id: CH05a-Q10-D05-Karen Dialogs: - Text: 'You both are here! We can get started with the American Threads TurkeyBowl commercial then. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Karen Paine - Text: "It\u2019s going to be a long day, so please both get to set!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05a-Q10-G01-TurkeyBowl tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Karen Paine ConvType: 1 Location: SilverMax Pictures NPCId: - Karen Paine - id: CH05a-Q10-D06-Natalia Dialogs: - Text: "I guess this isn\u2019t too bad. You still make me want to vom though." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia/Nate Jansens ConvType: 1 Location: SilverMax Pictures NPCId: - Natalia/Nate Jansens - id: CH05b-Q01-D01-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, I know you have been working hard and I know it\u2019s been paying off! How about a little getaway with yours truly?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: '...tell me more!' cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Let\u2019s go to Fiji! I\u2019m doing a photoshoot out there with fashion designer Marc Ray. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "I think it\u2019d also be a good opportunity to meet him. He\u2019s prolific designer and he\u2019s up to big things." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m in!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Great. The shoot is scheduled in .. so don\u2019t be late!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05b-Q01-D02-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: Hello gorgeous, the photoshoot is ready for you! See you in Fiji! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05b-Q01-D03-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, how do you like Fiji? ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Love it! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "I\u2019d like to introduce you to fashion designer, Marc Ray. Marc is a prominent couture designer!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: I still remember your 2014 collection transforming raincoats into dreses! You are truly a visionary. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "You\u2019re too kind Tyra. It\u2019s lovely to meet you %Player_Name%. I\u2019ve seen some of your recent work and your talent exceeds you." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: OMG thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: (Play it cool) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "I\u2019m also a fan of your fashion style, %Player_Name%.. have you ever thought about becoming a fashion buyer or designer?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Not really. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "You should give it a try! I\u2019d love to chat about it with you.. maybe we can set something up after the shoot." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: That would be great! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 7 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "Sounds like you two are hitting it off! %Player_Name%, when you\u2019re ready for the shoot let Jeremy know!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 1 Location: Fiji NPCId: - Tyra Banks - Marc Ray - id: CH05b-Q01-D04-Jeremy Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, are you ready?' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05b-Q01-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Jeremy Cariveau ConvType: 1 Location: Fiji NPCId: - Jeremy Cariveau - id: CH05b-Q01-D05-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: Your pose is slammin! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 2 Location: Fiji NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05b-Q02-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: 'Hey %Player_Name%, I booked you a gig for a toy. Something called a fidget spinner? ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I love them! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Huh? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Supposedly all the craze with the young ones. My kids even asked for one too. The photoshoot is at Glamlight Studios, so head on over there when you\u2019re ready." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05b-Q02-D02-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, thanks again for coming to the Marc Ray photoshoot in Fiji. I had a blast!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Me too! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "I spoke with Marc Ray after you left and he\u2019s going to give you a call. He\u2019s a big deal in the fashion industry and rumor is he\u2019s debuting a line at Paris Fashion Week. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: I think you would be perfect to be the lead model of the line! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: You think so? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Yeah honey, I do! I\u2019ll put in a good word with him. Keep up your hustle to the top! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "I\u2019m rooting for you!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: '"Thanks. Tyra!"' cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 3 Location: Fashion Ave NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05b-Q02-D03-Katherine Dialogs: - Text: The fidget spinner photoshoot is ready. Are you ready? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05b-Q02-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Katherine Hamm ConvType: 1 Location: Glamlight Studios NPCId: - Katherine Hamm - id: CH05b-Q03-D01-Marc Dialogs: - Text: Is this %Player_Name%? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: It is. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "Hey, it\u2019s Marc Ray. I spoke with Tyra after the shoot and I\u2019m interested in working with you a bit more!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Me too. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: Excellent, can you meet me at my shop in Houston? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Of course! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Marc Ray - id: CH05b-Q03-D02-Marc Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, pleasure to see you again! Loving your outfit yet again.. you have an eye for fashion, don\u2019t you?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I love fashion cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Fashion is life. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "My sentiment exactly. So I don\u2019t know how much you know about my work, but I love combining things that might seem like they have nothing in common and making it high fashion!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: I want to continue to push the barriers. And I want my next line to do exactly that. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "I\u2019m looking to push my couture line and crossover into something new and innovative. But I have writer\u2019s block.. I guess in this case, fashion designer\u2019s block!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Wearable tech) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: Wearable tech, huh? My head is spinning with ideas. Imagine a whole line, formal wear couture mixed with technology. But where would I find such tech within fashion? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Triple B Clothing) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "Ricardo Ruiz? I never thought of collaborating with him. %Player_Name%, I think you\u2019re onto something! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: 'Would you be willing to act as a buyer for me at Triple B Clothing? I need you pick out a few looks that I can incorporate in my line? ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 8 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "Excellent. I will give Ricardo a call in the meantime and let him know you\u2019re on the way." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray ConvType: 1 Location: Marc Ray NPCId: - Marc Ray - id: CH05b-Q04-D01-Ricardo Dialogs: - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, Marc Ray told me you would be heading on over. Feel free to look around and let me know if you see anything that would fit the line! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 5 actionId: CH05b-Q04-A01 tweetID: none NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz ConvType: 1 Location: Triple B Clothing NPCId: - Ricardo Ruiz - id: CH05b-Q04-D02-Ricardo Dialogs: - Text: "Great selections! I\u2019m excited to see how Marc Ray incorporates my looks with his line! His collections are very high fashion so I\u2019m excited to see it." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Me too! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz ConvType: 1 Location: Triple B Clothing NPCId: - Ricardo Ruiz - id: CH05b-Q05-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, hope your meeting with Ricardo went well! What are your thoughts on hand modeling?' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Hand modeling? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Yeah you know.. modeling.. but just your hands! An old associate of mine, Chelsea Cruise, works at the jewelry company Mia & Sophia. She\u2019s in New York for a few days." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "I scheduled a meeting for you two over at Harp & Dagger.. not too far from Ricardo\u2019s! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: OK! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: SoHo NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05b-Q05-D02-Chelsea Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, glad that Sarah Bourne connected us. I run a jewelry company called Mia & Sophia. Let me see your hands...' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Uhh okay. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Chelsea Cruise - Text: "Oooo\u2026 ahhh, what magnificent nail beds. And the proportions of hand to finger to nails is almost perfect! Sarah wasn\u2019t wrong about you." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Chelsea Cruise - Text: 'How would you feel about modeling our wonderful collection of rings, watches and bracelets? Your hands would be ideal for our Remembrance collection. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m interested!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Chelsea Cruise - Text: 'Great! I will set up the photoshoot at Glamlight Studios in . ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Chelsea Cruise ConvType: 1 Location: Harp and Dagger NPCId: - Chelsea Cruise - id: CH05b-Q06-D01-Chelsea Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, I have a suitcase full of jewelry with your name on it! The photoshoot at Glamlight is ready!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Chelsea Cruise ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Chelsea Cruise - id: CH05b-Q06-D02-Katherine Dialogs: - Text: Are you ready to start the Mia & Sophia photoshoot? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05b-Q06-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Katherine Hamm ConvType: 1 Location: Glamlight Studios NPCId: - Katherine Hamm - id: CH05b-Q07-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, I booked you for an ad campaign for a new fragrance called Questionable. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "They are requiring that you tooch a bit! You know, don\u2019t be afraid to be a bit sexy during this shoot!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019ll bring sexy back!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: I will try! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "I know you will! It\u2019ll be a swimwear photoshoot at Houston Pier." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019ll be there!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05b-Q07-D02-Denise Dialogs: - Text: You look great %Player_Name%! Are you ready to start the Questionable fragrance photoshoot? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05b-Q07-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Denise Ali - Text: "You\u2019ll need to put on some swimwear for this photoshoot. Bring the sexy to this shoot!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Denise Ali ConvType: 1 Location: Houston Pier NPCId: - Denise Ali - id: CH05b-Q08-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, what color do you like better? Millennial pink or rose quartz?' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Millennial pink cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Rose quartz cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: "Aren\u2019t they the same?" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: Me too! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: My fiance likes that color too! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: What?! They are two completely different colors! Come on, %Player_Name%! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "I\u2019m just over here debating colors for the bridesmaids dresses! Also, I booked you for an appearance at IVY Yacht Club! Head on over to beautiful Miami in !" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05b-Q08-D02-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, the appearance at IVY Yacht Club is ready! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Got it! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05b-Q08-D03-Bethany Dialogs: - Text: "Welcome to IVY Yacht Club. Is this what you\u2019re wearing for the appearance?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yep! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05b-Q08-G01-Sponsored tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Bethany Hilton ConvType: 1 Location: IVY Yacht Club NPCId: - Bethany Hilton - id: CH05c-Q01-D01-Marc Dialogs: - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, could you meet me at my shop in Houston? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Sure thing! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: Excellent. See you soon. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Marc Ray - id: CH05c-Q01-D02-Marc Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, you\u2019re a genius! The pieces you selected from Triple B Clothing are perfect. The new line is couture meets wearable tech. I can\u2019t wait to debut it at Paris Fashion Week. Speaking of which, I am looking for models at the fashion show." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "I spoke with Tyra and she highly recommends you for the position. I don\u2019t doubt her at all.. I think you\u2019d be a great brand ambassador. What do you think?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I agree! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "I\u2019d like to do a test shoot to see how the pieces look. I\u2019ll set one up next door at Crimson Studios. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: Excellent. I will set up the details and give you a call when we are ready. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray ConvType: 1 Location: Marc Ray NPCId: - Marc Ray - id: CH05c-Q02-D01-Marc Dialogs: - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, everything is set up at Crimson Studios for the test photoshoot! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Marc Ray - id: CH05c-Q02-D02-Marc Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, here is the final line! What do you think?' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Love it! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: I knew you would. Your personal style was a great inspiration for it. Not to mention, some of the pieces you selected are featured! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Excited) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "Me as well! Now let\u2019s take a test shoot with these outfits. Speak with Paul when you are ready." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray ConvType: 1 Location: Crimson Studios NPCId: - Marc Ray - Paul Pena - id: CH05c-Q02-D03-Paul Dialogs: - Text: Hey, are you ready for the Marc Ray test shoot? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05c-Q02-G01-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Paul Pena ConvType: 1 Location: Crimson Studios NPCId: - Paul Pena - id: CH05c-Q03-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, Style Daily magazine is creating a feature \u201COn the road to Paris Fashion Week\u201D and they want you to be part of the story! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: And the best part is you have been chosen for the magazine cover. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yaass! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: "To be honest, I had to pull some strings. Your good friend Natalia was in line for the magazine cover, but turns out I hired the photographer for my wedding and we are total bffs now since I\u2019ve been messaging her constantly about what filters to use. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Nice! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall - Text: Head on over to Style Daily! It will be an interview and runway shoot. They want to get to know your fashion style, so wear your best! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05c-Q03-D02-Stefanie Dialogs: - Text: Hi. May I help you? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Fashion Week article) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: Fashion Week? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Paris Fashion Week? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "Wow, is it that time of the year again?! Yes, we\u2019re doing a feature.. \u201COn the Road to Paris Fashion Week.\u201D Are you going?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yeees. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "Of course you are! And who\u2019s line will you be featured in?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Marc Ray. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 5 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "Oh my goodness, yes that\u2019s right! You will be on the cover of the magazine!! Well shall, we start the interview then?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 6 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "First question. How do you feel about being featured in legendary designer Marc Ray\u2019s couture fashion line?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Delighted. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 7 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Nervous. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 8 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Eager to be there. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 3 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 9 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: I would be too! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: Ah the nervous bugs! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "I\u2019m sure you are." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: 'Second question. Rumor is that you helped Marc Ray with some of the pieces by featuring clothing from New York shop, Triple B Clothing. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: Give me one word to describe what you were looking for. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Modern. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 12 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Cool. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 12 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Contemporary. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 3 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 12 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: Excellent, third question. What can we expect to see from you at Paris Fashion Week? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Attitude. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 13 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Classiness. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 13 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Fun. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 13 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano - Text: "Well, we can\u2019t wait to see you on the runway! Now I would love to hear your story about how you got here..." AnimationIndex: Replies: - Text: (Tell story) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05c-Q03-G01-Interview tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 13 startAction: 4 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano ConvType: 1 Location: StyleDaily NPCId: - Stefanie Serrano - id: CH05c-Q03-D03-Stefanie Dialogs: - Text: "Next on the list is the \u201COn the Road to Paris Fashion Week\u201D runway shoot. Is this what you want to wear for this shoot?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05c-Q03-G02-Photoshoot tweetID: none - Text: Wardrobe change. please! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Stefanie Serrano ConvType: 1 Location: StyleDaily NPCId: - Stefanie Serrano - id: CH05c-Q04-D01-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: "Hey hunny! I\u2019m seeing all of your coverage for Paris Fashion Week and I couldn\u2019t be more excited for you! You look gorgeous!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks. Tyra! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "So\u2026 are you ready to walk the big runway?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Sort of! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Oh come on! I know you\u2019ll do just fine. How about you join me for a fashion show I\u2019m doing for Strobe & Flawless cosmetics? And you can show me your strut!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m in!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05c-Q04-D02-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: "Ready to show me some personality down that catwalk? ..and don\u2019t be afraid to give a lil\u2019 tooch with it!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05c-Q04-G01-Runway tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 1 Location: Crimson Studios NPCId: - Tyra Banks - Paul Pena - id: CH05c-Q04-D03-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: Practicing your walk is important! Work hard, perfect your poses, and life will seem like a day at the beach! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 1 Location: Crimson Studios NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05c-Q05-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, I hope the interview and runway shoot went well. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: It did! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Perfect! Are you ready for the big day? I spoke with Marc Ray and all of the details are set. Now we just need you to get to Paris! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: OK! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Marc Ray\u2019s collection is scheduled to go on in . Don\u2019t be late. And don\u2019t forget to wear the couture!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05c-Q05-D02-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, I can\u2019t wait to see your debut! Sending you all of my love! " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m in!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: 'After the fashion show, there is an after party at Bistro Rouge. Come with? ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Can\u2019t wait to see you!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05c-Q05-D03-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: "Welcome to Paris!! Well don\u2019t you look fierce, fabulous and ferocious! Are you ready to slay the runway?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 1 Location: Du Oeuvre NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05c-Q05-D04-Ricardo Dialogs: - Text: "Tell me you\u2019re as nervous as me. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Don\u2019t be nervous!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Everything will be okay! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz - Text: I believe you! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz ConvType: 1 Location: Du Oeuvre NPCId: - Ricardo Ruiz - id: CH05c-Q05-D05-Marc Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, don\u2019t you look stunning! I think we are just about ready to start the show. It\u2019s time to hit the runway!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Show time! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05c-Q05-G01-Runway tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Marc Ray - Text: "%Player_Name%, go to wardrobe right away! We\u2019re on soon and you need to be wearing couture!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Marc Ray ConvType: 1 Location: Du Oeuvre NPCId: - Marc Ray - id: CH05c-Q06-D01-Gabby Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%.. I\u2019m speechless about your performance on the runway today! This appearance was huge and I can already tell there will be hundreds of voicemails and emails when I get back!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks. Gabby! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Gabriella Hall ConvType: 1 Location: Bistro Rouge NPCId: - Gabriella Hall - id: CH05c-Q06-D02-Natalia Dialogs: - Text: YOU! AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: - Text: "It\u2019s me." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: "I hope you know that you STOLE that magazine cover from me. That was supposed to be my feature. How\u2019d you do it? Butter up the editor or something?" AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: - Text: (Brush off) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: (Throw shade) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 1 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: Typical. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens - Text: How rude. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY Replies: [] NPCId: Natalia Jansens ConvType: 1 Location: Bistro Rouge NPCId: - Natalia/Nate Jansens - id: CH05c-Q06-D03-Tyra Dialogs: - Text: Everything okay? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: (Natalia) cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "Hey, don\u2019t stress out about her. Don't let the haters bring you down. They aren't worth it!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks - Text: "You should enjoy your accomplishments tonight. You deserve it. Now let\u2019s celebrate!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Tyra Banks ConvType: 1 Location: Bistro Rouge NPCId: - Tyra Banks - id: CH05d-Q01-D01-Chapelle Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, this is Mr. LaChapelle, acting coach extraordinaire! ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Hi. Mr. LaChapelle! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: 'I hope you are having a fantastic day! I am casting for a recurring role in the the hit TV show, Law and Rule: Deposition. Lots of big actors have had an appearance on this show!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: Would you be interested in auditioning for the role? We are looking for a guest detective for a 2-part episode. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Yes! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: "Excellent. I\u2019ll forward the information along to your agent, Sarah. The audition should start in ." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Mr. LaChapelle - id: CH05d-Q01-D02-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, Mr. LaChapelle is ready for you at SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood. You will be auditioning for Law and Rule: Deposition alongside the lead actor who is also a producer of the show. Break a leg!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05d-Q01-D3-LaChapelle Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, welcome on set for the audition for Law and Rule: Deposition. I\u2019d like you to meet Martin Jackson, lead actor. He plays the lead detective on the show." AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: Yeah, hi. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: - Text: Nice to meet you. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Martin Jackson - Text: ..yeah.. whatever. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: [] NPCId: Martin Jackson - Text: 'I am casting for a 2-part episode where your character plays a detective who turns out to be the killer! The episodes are full of deception and murder, with your character being caught in the end. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: Are you ready for the audition? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05d-Q01-G01-Film tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle ConvType: 1 Location: SilverMax Pictures NPCId: - Mr. LaChapelle - Martin Jackson - id: CH05d-Q02-D01-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: 'Surprise news! You got the role in Law and Rule: Deposition!' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: No way. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: "Yes way!! And best part, it\u2019s a 2-part episode. So put on your best detective work!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I will! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne - Text: Filming will be at SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05d-Q02-D02-Chapelle Dialogs: - Text: '%Player_Name%, welcome to the first episode you will be featured in on Law and Rule: Deposition. In the first episode, your character will be assigned as the detective for a murder case. ' AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: However, unbeknownst to your colleagues, you are actually the murderer! In this episode, please put on your best face of deceit! Martin, anything else to add? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: "Don\u2019t suck." AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: - Text: "I won\u2019t." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: Same to you. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 2 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Martin Jackson - Text: Good. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: [] NPCId: Martin Jackson - Text: Oh Martin, you need to play nicer! So %Player_Name%, are you ready to get on set? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: CH05d-Q02-G01-Film tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle ConvType: 1 Location: SilverMax Pictures NPCId: - Mr. LaChapelle - Martin Jackson - id: CH05d-Q02-D03-Chapelle Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, are you ready to film the second episode of this 2-part Law and Rule special? In this episode, you\u2019ve gotten a bit sloppy with your latest crime and your colleagues suspect it\u2019s you!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: "In the last 15 minutes of the show, you are ousted and arrested by Martin\u2019s character!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle - Text: I like the sound of that! AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m sure you do." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 4 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Martin Jackson - Text: Roll call! Ready on set, %Player_Name%? AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "I\u2019m ready." cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: CH05d-Q02-G02-Film tweetID: none - Text: Can you give me a minute? cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle ConvType: 1 Location: SilverMax Pictures NPCId: - Mr. LaChapelle - Martin Jackson - id: CH05d-Q03-D01-Billy Dialogs: - Text: "Hey %Player_Name% - Billy here! From BlueBike. I\u2019m filming an infomercial for the bike and classes. Want to be part of the infomercial? " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Sure! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: "Excellent! Put on your best activewear. Let\u2019s show the world how much fun working out can be!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Okay. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: "I\u2019ll work out the deets with your agent! Filming should start in at EnVision Studios. " AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Billy Kane - id: CH05d-Q03-D02-Sarah Dialogs: - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, Billy is waiting for you at EnVision Studios to film the BlueBike infomerical! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: Thanks! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Sarah Bourne ConvType: 3 Location: Exterior NPCId: - Sarah Bourne - id: CH05d-Q03-D03-Billy Dialogs: - Text: "%Player_Name%, I came up with a tagline for BlueBike. It\u2019s BlueBike: Spin it Out. What do you think?" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: I like it. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 2 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none - Text: I think it needs some work! cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 1 dollars: 2 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 3 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: Awesome! AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: Yeah you might be right. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane - Text: "Let Frankie know when you\u2019re ready!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Billy Kane ConvType: 1 Location: EnVision Studios NPCId: - Billy Kane - id: CH05d-Q03-D04-Frankie Dialogs: - Text: "Digging the outfit! Let\u2019s start!" AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: - Text: "Let\u2019s spin!" cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 1 actionId: CH05d-Q03-G01-Film tweetID: none - Text: Hold on. cost: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 1 nextDialogIndex: 0 startAction: 0 actionId: 0 tweetID: none NPCId: Frankie Yu - Text: We cannot start filming until you put on some activewear. AnimationIndex: TALK Replies: [] NPCId: Frankie Yu ConvType: 1 Location: EnVision Studios NPCId: - Frankie Yu quests: - id: CH05a-Q01-MeetSarah tasks: - Description: Meet Sarah at Bourne Natural Models in Upper East Side action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q01-D02-Sarah duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 10 dollars: 20 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Sarah - id: CH05a-Q02-Acting101 tasks: - Description: Go to the NY Convention Center by JFK Airport action: type: 1 propertyId: Convention Center duration: 0 - Description: Complete the acting class with Mr. LaChapelle action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q02-D01-LaChapelle duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 10 dollars: 20 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Acting 101 - id: CH05a-Q03-HappyHour tasks: - Description: Meet Fabricio for at Clover Room action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q03-D02-Fabricio duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 20 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Happy Hour - id: CH05a-Q04-ShortBeach tasks: - Description: Go to Miami Beach in Miami, Florida action: type: 1 propertyId: Miami Beach duration: 0 - Description: Complete the photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q04-D01-Asher duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 90 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: "Short\u2019s Beach Shoot" - id: CH05a-Q05-MeetGabby tasks: - Description: Meet Gabriella at Stratus Towers in SoHo action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q05-D02-Gabby duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 20 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Gabriella - id: CH05a-Q06-ConfrontShort tasks: - Description: Go to Tiki Cove in Orlando, Florida action: type: 1 propertyId: Tiki Cove duration: 0 - Description: Confront Asher Short action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q06-D01-Asher duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Confront Short - id: CH05a-Q07-GoodbyePluto tasks: - Description: Go to the Convention Center by JFK Airport action: type: 1 propertyId: Convention Center duration: 0 - Description: Complete the book reading action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q07-D02-James duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 85 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Goodbye Pluto - id: CH05a-Q07-PlayFootball tasks: - Description: "Wait for Gabby\u2019s call" action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q08-D02-Gabby duration: 0 - Description: Go to the Solitaire Center in Orlando, Florida action: type: 1 propertyId: Solitaire Center duration: 0 - Description: Complete the pro-social event (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q08-D02-Jim duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 70 dollars: 90 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: "Play\u2019n Football Event" - id: CH05a-Q09-CallFabricio tasks: - Description: Call Fabricio and tell him the news action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q09-D01-Fabricio duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 30 dollars: 40 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Call Fabricio - id: CH05a-Q10-TurkeyBowlAd tasks: - Description: Fly to Hollywood, California action: type: 1 propertyId: Hollywood duration: 0 - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood action: type: 1 propertyId: SilverMax Pictures duration: 0 - Description: Film the commercial (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05a-Q10-D05-Karen duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 75 dollars: 100 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: TurkeyBowl Ad - id: CH05b-Q01-FijiAffair tasks: - Description: Fly to Fiji action: type: 1 propertyId: Fiji duration: 0 - Description: Meet Tyra at Fiji Beach (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: Fiji Beach duration: 0 - Description: Complete the Marc Ray photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q01-D04-Jeremy duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 80 dollars: 110 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: A Fiji Affair - id: CH05b-Q02-FidgetSpinner tasks: - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave, New York action: type: 1 propertyId: Glamlight Studios duration: 0 - Description: Complete the photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q02-D03-Katherine duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 70 dollars: 90 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Fidget Spinners - id: CH05b-Q03-MarcRay tasks: - Description: Go to Marc Ray in Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Marc Ray duration: 0 - Description: Meet with Marc Ray about a new opportunity action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q03-D02-Marc duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 20 dollars: 30 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: A Meeting with Marc Ray - id: CH05b-Q04-FashionBuyer tasks: - Description: Go to Triple B Clothing in SoHo action: type: 1 propertyId: Triple B Clothing duration: 0 - Description: Select pieces for Marc Ray action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q04-D01-Ricardo duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 40 dollars: 60 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Fashion Buyer - id: CH05b-Q05-HandModeling tasks: - Description: Go to Harp & Dagger in SoHo action: type: 1 propertyId: Harp & Dagger duration: 0 - Description: Meet Chelsea Cruise action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q05-D02-Chelsea duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 30 dollars: 40 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Hand Modeling - id: CH05b-Q06-MiaSophia tasks: - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave action: type: 1 propertyId: Glamlight Studios duration: 0 - Description: Complete the Mia & Sophia photoshoot (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q06-D02-Katherine duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 50 dollars: 80 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Mia & Sophia Photoshoot - id: CH05b-Q07-Questionable tasks: - Description: Go to Houston Pier in Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Houston Pier duration: 0 - Description: Complete the photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q07-D02-Denise duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 55 dollars: 90 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Questionable Fragrance - id: CH05b-Q08-KashmirGoods tasks: - Description: "Wait for Gabby\u2019s phone call" action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q08-D02-Gabby duration: 0 - Description: Go to IVY Yacht Club in Miami, Florida action: type: 1 propertyId: IVY Yacht Club duration: 0 - Description: Complete the appearance (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05b-Q08-D03-Bethany duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 70 dollars: 100 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Kashmir Goods Party - id: CH05c-Q01-MeetMarc tasks: - Description: Go to Marc Ray in Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Marc Ray duration: 0 - Description: Meet with Marc action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05c-Q01-D02-Marc duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 30 dollars: 40 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Meet Marc - id: CH05c-Q02-TestShoot tasks: - Description: Go to Crimson Studios in Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Crimson Studios duration: 0 - Description: "Complete Marc Ray\u2019s Fashion Week test shoot." action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05c-Q02-D03-PPaul duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 70 dollars: 90 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Fashion Week Test Shoot - id: CH05c-Q03-FashionWkFeature tasks: - Description: Go to StyleDaily in Orlando, Florida action: type: 1 propertyId: Style Daily duration: 0 - Description: Complete the Fashion Week interview action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05c-Q03-D02-Stefanie duration: 0 - Description: Complete the Fashion Week photoshoot action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05c-Q03-D03-Stefanie duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 75 dollars: 100 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Fashion Week Feature - id: CH05c-Q04-RunwayTyra tasks: - Description: Go to Crimson Studios in Houston, Texas action: type: 1 propertyId: Crimson Studios duration: 0 - Description: Walk down the runway with Tyra action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05c-Q04-D02-Tyra duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 80 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Runway with Tyra - id: CH05c-Q05-ParisFashion tasks: - Description: Fly to Paris, France action: type: 1 propertyId: Paris duration: 0 - Description: Go to Du Oeuvre action: type: 1 propertyId: Du Oeuvre duration: 0 - Description: Walk at Paris Fashion Week (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05c-Q05-D05-Marc duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 90 dollars: 120 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Paris Fashion Week - id: CH05c-Q06-FashionWkParty tasks: - Description: Fly to Paris, France action: type: 1 propertyId: Paris duration: 0 - Description: Go to Bistro Rouge action: type: 1 propertyId: Bistro Rouge duration: 0 - Description: Meet Tyra for the Fashion Week After Party action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05c-Q06-D03-Tyra duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 70 dollars: 90 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Fashion Week After Party - id: CH05d-Q01-LawRuleAudition tasks: - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call " action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05d-Q01-D02-Sarah duration: 0 - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood, California action: type: 1 propertyId: SilverMax Pictures duration: 0 - Description: Complete the audition (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05d-Q01-D3-LaChapelle duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 60 dollars: 80 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Law and Rule Audition - id: CH05d-Q02-LawRule tasks: - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood action: type: 1 propertyId: SilverMax Pictures duration: 0 - Description: 'Film first episode of Law and Rule: Deposition' action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05d-Q02-D02-Chapelle duration: 0 - Description: 'Film second episode of Law and Rule: Deposition' action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05d-Q02-D03-Chapelle duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 75 dollars: 110 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: Law and Rule Audition - id: CH05d-Q03-BlueInfomercial tasks: - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call" action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05d-Q03-D02-Sarah duration: 0 - Description: Go to EnVision Studios in Brooklyn action: type: 1 propertyId: EnVision Studios duration: 0 - Description: Film the BlueBike infomerical (available in ) action: type: 1 propertyId: CH05d-Q03-D04-Frankie duration: 0 reward: glam: 0 experience: 80 dollars: 70 motivation: 0 level: 0 Description: BlueBike Infomercial gigs: - id: CH05a-Q04-G01-Photoshoot duration: 180 Location: Miami Beach actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05a-Q04-D01-Asher Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH05a-Q08-G01-Sponsored duration: 180 Location: Solitaire Center actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05a-Q08-D02-Jim Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH05a-Q10-G01-TurkeyBowl duration: 720 Location: SilverMax Pictures actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05a-Q10-D05-Karen Type: 5 starsNeeded: 140 - id: CH05b-Q01-G01-Photoshoot duration: 720 Location: Fiji actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05b-Q01-D04-Jeremy Type: 5 starsNeeded: 65 - id: CH05b-Q02-G01-Photoshoot duration: 60 Location: Glamlight Studios actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05b-Q02-D03-Katherine Type: 5 starsNeeded: 25 - id: CH05b-Q06-Photoshoot duration: 60 Location: Glamlight Studios actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05b-Q06-D02-Katherine Type: 5 starsNeeded: 22 - id: CH05b-Q07-G01-Photoshoot duration: 180 Location: Houston Pier actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05b-Q07-D02-Denise Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH05b-Q08-G01-Sponsored duration: 300 Location: IVY Yacht Club actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05b-Q08-D03-Bethany Type: 5 starsNeeded: 70 - id: CH05c-Q02-G01-Photoshoot duration: 180 Location: Crimson Studios actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05c-Q02-D03-Paul Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH05c-Q03-G01-Interview duration: 180 Location: StyleDaily actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05c-Q03-D02-Stefanie Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH05c-Q03-G02-Runway duration: 300 Location: StyleDaily actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05c-Q03-D03-Stefanie Type: 5 starsNeeded: 73 - id: CH05c-Q04-G01-Runway duration: 180 Location: Crimson Studios actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05c-Q04-D02-Tyra Type: 5 starsNeeded: 45 - id: CH05c-Q05-G01-Runway duration: 720 Location: Du Oeuvre actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05c-Q05-D05-Marc Type: 5 starsNeeded: 150 - id: CH05c-Q06-G01-Sponsored duration: 300 Location: Bistro Rouge actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05c-Q06-D03-Tyra Type: 5 starsNeeded: 60 - id: CH05d-Q01-G01-Film duration: 300 Location: SilverMax Pictures actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05d-Q01-D3-LaChapelle Type: 5 starsNeeded: 70 - id: CH05d-Q02-G02-Film duration: 300 Location: SilverMax Pictures actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05d-Q02-D03-Chapelle Type: 5 starsNeeded: 70 - id: CH05d-Q03-G01-Film duration: 60 Location: EnVision Studios actions: - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" - id: text energyCost: 0 stars: 0 tag: "text\r" currency: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 chirp: Time: 0 Followers: 000000000000000000000000 conversation: CH05d-Q03-D04-Frankie Type: 5 starsNeeded: 24 Assistances: - id: CH05b-Q04-A01 Location: Triple B Clothing Instructions: - ConversationID: Acting 101 actions: - id: Peruse clothing racks. energyCost: 5 stars: 0 tag: "\r" - id: Suggest options. energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "\r" - id: Oos and aahs. energyCost: 1 stars: 0 tag: "\r" - id: Discuss opportunities. energyCost: 4 stars: 0 tag: "\r" - id: Make selections. energyCost: 3 stars: 0 tag: "\r" - id: Pitch ideas. energyCost: 2 stars: 0 tag: "\r" Reward: glam: 0 experience: 0 dollars: 0 motivation: 0 level: 0 tweets: - id: CH05a-Q03-T01-Fabricio SenderID: '@fabricioM' NumberOFfollowes: -13 TweetMsg: 'TFW ya homie is really just another hater: %Player_Name%' Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#sippinghaterade\r" - id: CH05a-Q04-T01-Asher SenderID: '@asherShort' NumberOFfollowes: -25 TweetMsg: "Yet again, working with another model diva who can\u2019t take direction: %Player_Name%" Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#diva\r" - id: CH05a-Q06-T01-Asher SenderID: '@asherShort' NumberOFfollowes: 10 TweetMsg: "Apologies to %Player_Name%.. didn\u2019t mean [he/she] was a diva! I was being a diva! " Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#sorry #mybad\r" - id: CH05a-Q10-T01-AmericanThreads SenderID: '@americanthreads' NumberOFfollowes: 8 TweetMsg: Excited to announce %Player_Name% will be one of three models in our TurkeyBowl ad! Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#turkeybowl #americanthread\r" - id: CH05a-Q10-T02-Natalia SenderID: '@nJansens' NumberOFfollowes: -28 TweetMsg: "Oh hay fans, make sure to check me out during the TurkeyBowl American Threads commerical! Oh and don\u2019t worry about %Player_Name%. I look way better." Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#spotlight #ilookgreat\r" - id: CH05b-Q01-T01-StyleCraze SenderID: '@styleCraze' NumberOFfollowes: 20 TweetMsg: "@TyraBanks and %Player_Name% were seen in Fiji together! We can\u2019t wait to see the shoot!" Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#beachlife\r" - id: CH05b-Q01-T01-Tyra SenderID: '@TyraBanks' NumberOFfollowes: 25 TweetMsg: Finished up the Marc Ray photoshoot in beautiful Fiji with the beautiful %Player_Name%! Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#slayshoot #fiji\r" - id: CH05c-Q02-T01-StarRadar SenderID: '@StarRadar' NumberOFfollowes: 16 TweetMsg: "It isn\u2019t a rumor anymore that %Player_Name% is lead model for Marc Ray\u2019s new collection to be debuted at Paris Fashion Week!" Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#parisfashionweek\r" - id: CH05c-Q03-T01-StyleDaily SenderID: '@styledaily' NumberOFfollowes: 15 TweetMsg: "We wrapped up an exclusive interview with %Player_Name%! We can\u2019t wait to see [him/her] at Paris Fashion Week!" Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#fashionweek #paris\r" - id: CH05c-Q06-T01-Natalia SenderID: '@nJansens' NumberOFfollowes: -18 TweetMsg: 'Attn: lameness overload at Paris Fashion Week thanks to %Player_Name%' Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#loser\r" - id: CH05d-Q01-T01-Natalia SenderID: '@nJansens' NumberOFfollowes: 0 TweetMsg: Paris Fashion Week AND got signed to a new soap opera! Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#fashionweek #haterswatchme\r" - id: CH05d-Q02-T01-Fabricio SenderID: '@fabricioM' NumberOFfollowes: 12 TweetMsg: "Can\u2019t wait to check out %Player_Name% in new episodes of Law and Rule: Deposition!" Type: TypeIndex: 2 HashTag: "#thatsmybestfriendbestfriend\r" senders: [] Chapters: [] dailyRewwardList: [] textAssetAchiev: {fileID: 0} textAssetCust: [] textAssetLook: [] textAssetsConv: [] textAssetsQuests: [] textAssetsGigs: [] textAssetsAsis: [] textAssetTweets: {fileID: 0} textAssetSend: {fileID: 0} textAssetsChap: [] textAssetDailyRe: {fileID: 0} --- !u!114 &114450207608346382 MonoBehaviour: m_ObjectHideFlags: 1 m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0} m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000} m_GameObject: {fileID: 1826662503564900} m_Enabled: 1 m_EditorHideFlags: 0 m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 927adf6a3f0d747449b3a379d8dc07b9, type: 3} m_Name: m_EditorClassIdentifier: dataBaseUrl: nexttopmodel-74b6d.firebaseio.com