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  67. achievements: []
  68. customizes: []
  69. lookbooks: []
  70. conversations:
  71. - id: CH06a-Q01-D01-Gabby
  72. Dialogs:
  73. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, could you come to my office?
  74. AnimationIndex: TALK
  75. Replies:
  76. - Text: Okay.
  77. cost:
  78. glam: 0
  79. experience: 0
  80. dollars: 0
  81. motivation: 0
  82. level: 1
  83. reward:
  84. glam: 0
  85. experience: 0
  86. dollars: 0
  87. motivation: 0
  88. level: 1
  89. nextDialogIndex: 0
  90. startAction: 0
  91. actionId: 0
  92. tweetID: none
  93. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  94. ConvType: 3
  95. Location: Exterior
  96. NPCId:
  97. - Gabriella Hall
  98. - id: CH06a-Q01-D02-Gabby
  99. Dialogs:
  100. - Text: I have a favor to ask of you.
  101. AnimationIndex: TALK
  102. Replies:
  103. - Text: What is it?
  104. cost:
  105. glam: 0
  106. experience: 0
  107. dollars: 0
  108. motivation: 0
  109. level: 1
  110. reward:
  111. glam: 0
  112. experience: 0
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  114. motivation: 0
  115. level: 1
  116. nextDialogIndex: 2
  117. startAction: 0
  118. actionId: 0
  119. tweetID: none
  120. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  121. - Text: "Well, I\u2019m absolutely in LOVE with the Marc Ray collection and let\u2019s
  122. just say there was a dress in the line that would make a perfect wedding dress!"
  123. AnimationIndex: TALK
  124. Replies: []
  125. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  126. - Text: "I already bought my wedding dress, but.. a Marc Ray dress would be a
  127. million times better. Plus there\u2019s nothing wrong with having two wedding
  128. dresses is there..?!"
  129. AnimationIndex: TALK
  130. Replies:
  131. - Text: "You\u2019re crazy."
  132. cost:
  133. glam: 0
  134. experience: 0
  135. dollars: 0
  136. motivation: 0
  137. level: 1
  138. reward:
  139. glam: 0
  140. experience: 1
  141. dollars: 2
  142. motivation: 0
  143. level: 1
  144. nextDialogIndex: 4
  145. startAction: 0
  146. actionId: 0
  147. tweetID: none
  148. - Text: "You\u2019re right."
  149. cost:
  150. glam: 0
  151. experience: 0
  152. dollars: 0
  153. motivation: 0
  154. level: 1
  155. reward:
  156. glam: 0
  157. experience: 1
  158. dollars: 2
  159. motivation: 0
  160. level: 1
  161. nextDialogIndex: 5
  162. startAction: 0
  163. actionId: 0
  164. tweetID: none
  165. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  166. - Text: ' right?! '
  167. AnimationIndex: TALK
  168. Replies: []
  169. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  170. - Text: I know!
  171. AnimationIndex: TALK
  172. Replies: []
  173. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  174. - Text: So do you think you could talk to Marc Ray for me?
  175. AnimationIndex: TALK
  176. Replies:
  177. - Text: Sure.
  178. cost:
  179. glam: 0
  180. experience: 0
  181. dollars: 0
  182. motivation: 0
  183. level: 1
  184. reward:
  185. glam: 0
  186. experience: 0
  187. dollars: 0
  188. motivation: 0
  189. level: 1
  190. nextDialogIndex: 0
  191. startAction: 0
  192. actionId: 0
  193. tweetID: none
  194. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  195. ConvType: 1
  196. Location: Gift of Gab
  197. NPCId:
  198. - Gabriella Hall
  199. - id: CH06a-Q02-D01-Marc
  200. Dialogs:
  201. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I didn\u2019t know you\u2019d be in town! Still on a high
  202. from Paris Fashion Week? Cause I am too!"
  203. AnimationIndex: TALK
  204. Replies:
  205. - Text: Yes!
  206. cost:
  207. glam: 0
  208. experience: 0
  209. dollars: 0
  210. motivation: 0
  211. level: 1
  212. reward:
  213. glam: 0
  214. experience: 0
  215. dollars: 0
  216. motivation: 0
  217. level: 1
  218. nextDialogIndex: 0
  219. startAction: 0
  220. actionId: 0
  221. tweetID: none
  222. NPCId: Marc Ray
  223. - Text: So what can I do for you?
  224. AnimationIndex: TALK
  225. Replies:
  226. - Text: "(Gabriella\u2019s wedding dress) "
  227. cost:
  228. glam: 0
  229. experience: 0
  230. dollars: 0
  231. motivation: 0
  232. level: 1
  233. reward:
  234. glam: 0
  235. experience: 0
  236. dollars: 0
  237. motivation: 0
  238. level: 1
  239. nextDialogIndex: 0
  240. startAction: 0
  241. actionId: 0
  242. tweetID: none
  243. NPCId: Marc Ray
  244. - Text: "Ooo I see. She\u2019s a fan of my collection, huh? Well, I still have
  245. the outfits from Paris Fashion Week, and it\u2019s not like I\u2019m going
  246. to sell them or anything."
  247. AnimationIndex: TALK
  248. Replies:
  249. - Text: "Ooo I see. She\u2019s a fan of my collection. huh? Well. I still have
  250. the outfits from Paris Fashion Week. and it\u2019s not like I\u2019m going
  251. to sell them or anything."
  252. cost:
  253. glam: 0
  254. experience: 0
  255. dollars: 0
  256. motivation: 0
  257. level: 1
  258. reward:
  259. glam: 0
  260. experience: 0
  261. dollars: 0
  262. motivation: 0
  263. level: 1
  264. nextDialogIndex: 0
  265. startAction: 0
  266. actionId: 0
  267. tweetID: none
  268. NPCId: Marc Ray
  269. - Text: "Ok ok, how about this\u2026 you stay in Houston for a bit longer and
  270. complete an impromptu photoshoot with me and I\u2019ll send over the dress
  271. to Gabriella."
  272. AnimationIndex: TALK
  273. Replies:
  274. - Text: (Use wits)
  275. cost:
  276. glam: 3
  277. experience: 0
  278. dollars: 0
  279. motivation: 0
  280. level: 1
  281. reward:
  282. glam: 0
  283. experience: 0
  284. dollars: 0
  285. motivation: 0
  286. level: 1
  287. nextDialogIndex: 0
  288. startAction: 0
  289. actionId: 0
  290. tweetID: none
  291. - Text: (Convince)
  292. cost:
  293. glam: 0
  294. experience: 0
  295. dollars: 0
  296. motivation: 10
  297. level: 1
  298. reward:
  299. glam: 0
  300. experience: 0
  301. dollars: 0
  302. motivation: 0
  303. level: 1
  304. nextDialogIndex: 0
  305. startAction: 0
  306. actionId: 0
  307. tweetID: none
  308. NPCId: Marc Ray
  309. ConvType: 1
  310. Location: Marc Ray
  311. NPCId:
  312. - Marc Ray
  313. - id: CH06a-Q03-D01-Marc
  314. Dialogs:
  315. - Text: "Aren\u2019t smartphones amazing now? The photo quality is exceptional!
  316. Let\u2019s start the photoshoot!"
  317. AnimationIndex: TALK
  318. Replies:
  319. - Text: "Let\u2019s start."
  320. cost:
  321. glam: 0
  322. experience: 0
  323. dollars: 0
  324. motivation: 0
  325. level: 1
  326. reward:
  327. glam: 0
  328. experience: 0
  329. dollars: 0
  330. motivation: 0
  331. level: 1
  332. nextDialogIndex: 0
  333. startAction: 1
  334. actionId: CH06a-Q03-G01-Photoshoot
  335. tweetID: none
  336. - Text: Hold up!
  337. cost:
  338. glam: 0
  339. experience: 0
  340. dollars: 0
  341. motivation: 0
  342. level: 1
  343. reward:
  344. glam: 0
  345. experience: 0
  346. dollars: 0
  347. motivation: 0
  348. level: 1
  349. nextDialogIndex: 0
  350. startAction: 0
  351. actionId: 0
  352. tweetID: none
  353. NPCId: Marc Ray
  354. ConvType: 1
  355. Location: Marc Ray
  356. NPCId:
  357. - Marc Ray
  358. - id: CH06a-Q04-D01-Sarah
  359. Dialogs:
  360. - Text: "%Player_Name%, just to let you know\u2026 you are in demand! Dominic
  361. Donovan called me and is doing a pop-up exhibition. Something about Inner
  362. Selves and Humans. "
  363. AnimationIndex: TALK
  364. Replies: []
  365. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  366. - Text: "And he wants you to be featured! I think it\u2019ll be good for your
  367. career to continue work and grow with those you\u2019ve worked with in the
  368. past."
  369. AnimationIndex: TALK
  370. Replies: []
  371. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  372. - Text: "Plus I hear Adam R. Reynolds is attending the show. He\u2019s currently
  373. writing a fantasy novel and rumor is he\u2019s looking for a model for his
  374. book cover art."
  375. AnimationIndex: TALK
  376. Replies: []
  377. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  378. - Text: "So you know, like my kids say\u2026 \u201Cdo you!\u201D"
  379. AnimationIndex: TALK
  380. Replies:
  381. - Text: Ha. I will.
  382. cost:
  383. glam: 0
  384. experience: 0
  385. dollars: 0
  386. motivation: 0
  387. level: 1
  388. reward:
  389. glam: 0
  390. experience: 0
  391. dollars: 0
  392. motivation: 0
  393. level: 1
  394. nextDialogIndex: 0
  395. startAction: 0
  396. actionId: 0
  397. tweetID: none
  398. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  399. ConvType: 3
  400. Location: Exterior
  401. NPCId:
  402. - Sarah Bourne
  403. - id: CH06a-Q04-D02-Dominic
  404. Dialogs:
  405. - Text: '%Player_Name%, welcome to my latest pop-up exhibition.. Inner Selves
  406. and Humans. '
  407. AnimationIndex: TALK
  408. Replies: []
  409. NPCId: Dominic Donovan
  410. - Text: "We are showing off the newest line of intense avant-garde hats that will
  411. make people think about their everyday battle with their inner selves. Let\u2019s
  412. begin!"
  413. AnimationIndex: TALK
  414. Replies:
  415. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  416. cost:
  417. glam: 0
  418. experience: 0
  419. dollars: 0
  420. motivation: 0
  421. level: 1
  422. reward:
  423. glam: 0
  424. experience: 0
  425. dollars: 0
  426. motivation: 0
  427. level: 1
  428. nextDialogIndex: 0
  429. startAction: 1
  430. actionId: CH06a-Q04-G01-Runway
  431. tweetID: none
  432. - Text: One moment.
  433. cost:
  434. glam: 0
  435. experience: 0
  436. dollars: 0
  437. motivation: 0
  438. level: 1
  439. reward:
  440. glam: 0
  441. experience: 0
  442. dollars: 0
  443. motivation: 0
  444. level: 1
  445. nextDialogIndex: 0
  446. startAction: 0
  447. actionId: 0
  448. tweetID: none
  449. NPCId: Dominic Donovan
  450. ConvType: 1
  451. Location: Gallery 22
  452. NPCId:
  453. - Dominic Donovan
  454. - id: CH06a-Q04-D03-Random
  455. Dialogs:
  456. - Text: Wow, this exhibit is really bringing out the existential dread in me.
  457. AnimationIndex: TALK
  458. Replies: []
  459. NPCId: Abbi Le
  460. ConvType: 2
  461. Location: Gallery 22
  462. NPCId:
  463. - Abbi Le
  464. - id: CH06a-Q04-D04-Random
  465. Dialogs:
  466. - Text: What an amazing display of talent. %Player_Name%, I am now questioning
  467. my own soul.
  468. AnimationIndex: TALK
  469. Replies: []
  470. NPCId: Shawn Harvey
  471. ConvType: 2
  472. Location: Gallery 22
  473. NPCId:
  474. - Shawn Harvey
  475. - id: CH06a-Q04-D05-Adam
  476. Dialogs:
  477. - Text: Wow, what piercing eyes you have. You must be %Player_Name%.
  478. AnimationIndex: TALK
  479. Replies:
  480. - Text: "That\u2019s me."
  481. cost:
  482. glam: 0
  483. experience: 0
  484. dollars: 0
  485. motivation: 0
  486. level: 1
  487. reward:
  488. glam: 0
  489. experience: 1
  490. dollars: 2
  491. motivation: 0
  492. level: 1
  493. nextDialogIndex: 0
  494. startAction: 0
  495. actionId: 0
  496. tweetID: none
  497. - Text: "Don\u2019t forget!"
  498. cost:
  499. glam: 0
  500. experience: 0
  501. dollars: 0
  502. motivation: 0
  503. level: 1
  504. reward:
  505. glam: 0
  506. experience: 1
  507. dollars: 2
  508. motivation: 0
  509. level: 1
  510. nextDialogIndex: 0
  511. startAction: 0
  512. actionId: 0
  513. tweetID: none
  514. NPCId: Adam R. Reynolds
  515. - Text: "I\u2019ve heard a lot about you. My name is Adam R. Reynolds, writer
  516. of the book series Game of Empires."
  517. AnimationIndex: TALK
  518. Replies:
  519. - Text: (Inquire)
  520. cost:
  521. glam: 0
  522. experience: 0
  523. dollars: 0
  524. motivation: 0
  525. level: 1
  526. reward:
  527. glam: 0
  528. experience: 0
  529. dollars: 0
  530. motivation: 0
  531. level: 1
  532. nextDialogIndex: 0
  533. startAction: 0
  534. actionId: 0
  535. tweetID: none
  536. NPCId: Adam R. Reynolds
  537. - Text: "Ah yes, I\u2019ve been working on this book.. for what seems like ages..
  538. And I\u2019m finally ready to release it to my fans. You know, you remind
  539. me of one of my characters."
  540. AnimationIndex: TALK
  541. Replies:
  542. - Text: Oh really?
  543. cost:
  544. glam: 0
  545. experience: 0
  546. dollars: 0
  547. motivation: 0
  548. level: 1
  549. reward:
  550. glam: 0
  551. experience: 0
  552. dollars: 0
  553. motivation: 0
  554. level: 1
  555. nextDialogIndex: 0
  556. startAction: 0
  557. actionId: 0
  558. tweetID: none
  559. NPCId: Adam R. Reynolds
  560. - Text: Yes, you look just like [King/Queen] Tartaris! In book 6 there is an epic
  561. battle at [his/her] kingdom. Tell me, would you be interested in modeling
  562. for my upcoming book cover?
  563. AnimationIndex: TALK
  564. Replies:
  565. - Text: Yes!
  566. cost:
  567. glam: 0
  568. experience: 0
  569. dollars: 0
  570. motivation: 0
  571. level: 1
  572. reward:
  573. glam: 0
  574. experience: 0
  575. dollars: 0
  576. motivation: 0
  577. level: 1
  578. nextDialogIndex: 0
  579. startAction: 0
  580. actionId: 0
  581. tweetID: none
  582. NPCId: Adam R. Reynolds
  583. - Text: "Great. I\u2019ll give your agent a call with details. I have to run,
  584. I\u2019m meeting with some network producers.. I\u2019m hoping to bring my
  585. books to the big screen!"
  586. AnimationIndex: TALK
  587. Replies:
  588. - Text: Good luck!
  589. cost:
  590. glam: 0
  591. experience: 0
  592. dollars: 0
  593. motivation: 0
  594. level: 1
  595. reward:
  596. glam: 0
  597. experience: 0
  598. dollars: 0
  599. motivation: 0
  600. level: 1
  601. nextDialogIndex: 0
  602. startAction: 0
  603. actionId: 0
  604. tweetID: none
  605. NPCId: Adam R. Reynolds
  606. ConvType: 1
  607. Location: Gallery 22
  608. NPCId:
  609. - Adam R. Reynolds
  610. - id: CH06a-Q06-D01-Sarah
  611. Dialogs:
  612. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, Glamlight Studios is ready for the Game of Empires
  613. book cover shoot.
  614. AnimationIndex: TALK
  615. Replies:
  616. - Text: Great!
  617. cost:
  618. glam: 0
  619. experience: 0
  620. dollars: 0
  621. motivation: 0
  622. level: 1
  623. reward:
  624. glam: 0
  625. experience: 0
  626. dollars: 0
  627. motivation: 0
  628. level: 1
  629. nextDialogIndex: 0
  630. startAction: 0
  631. actionId: 0
  632. tweetID: none
  633. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  634. ConvType: 3
  635. Location: Exterior
  636. NPCId:
  637. - Sarah Bourne
  638. - id: CH06a-Q06-D02-Katherine
  639. Dialogs:
  640. - Text: "%Player_Name%, here for the Game of Empires book cover shoot? I love
  641. these book series.. I can\u2019t believe this book is finally coming out!"
  642. AnimationIndex: TALK
  643. Replies:
  644. - Text: "Let\u2019s do it!"
  645. cost:
  646. glam: 0
  647. experience: 0
  648. dollars: 0
  649. motivation: 0
  650. level: 1
  651. reward:
  652. glam: 0
  653. experience: 0
  654. dollars: 0
  655. motivation: 0
  656. level: 1
  657. nextDialogIndex: 0
  658. startAction: 1
  659. actionId: CH06a-Q06-G01-Photoshoot
  660. tweetID: none
  661. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  662. cost:
  663. glam: 0
  664. experience: 0
  665. dollars: 0
  666. motivation: 0
  667. level: 1
  668. reward:
  669. glam: 0
  670. experience: 0
  671. dollars: 0
  672. motivation: 0
  673. level: 1
  674. nextDialogIndex: 0
  675. startAction: 0
  676. actionId: 0
  677. tweetID: none
  678. NPCId: Katherine Hamm
  679. ConvType: 1
  680. Location: Glamlight Studios
  681. NPCId:
  682. - Katherine Hamm
  683. - id: CH06a-Q07-D01-Gabby
  684. Dialogs:
  685. - Text: 'Eeeeee! This wedding dress looks absolutely FAB on me!! Thank you thank
  686. you so much. '
  687. AnimationIndex: TALK
  688. Replies:
  689. - Text: No problem.
  690. cost:
  691. glam: 0
  692. experience: 0
  693. dollars: 0
  694. motivation: 0
  695. level: 1
  696. reward:
  697. glam: 0
  698. experience: 0
  699. dollars: 0
  700. motivation: 0
  701. level: 1
  702. nextDialogIndex: 2
  703. startAction: 0
  704. actionId: 0
  705. tweetID: none
  706. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  707. - Text: 'I have a gig for you that is near and dear to my heart. Remember Crabby
  708. Cat? The adorable cat that looks crabby all the time.. '
  709. AnimationIndex: TALK
  710. Replies:
  711. - Text: Yea...
  712. cost:
  713. glam: 0
  714. experience: 0
  715. dollars: 0
  716. motivation: 0
  717. level: 1
  718. reward:
  719. glam: 0
  720. experience: 0
  721. dollars: 0
  722. motivation: 0
  723. level: 1
  724. nextDialogIndex: 3
  725. startAction: 0
  726. actionId: 0
  727. tweetID: none
  728. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  729. - Text: 'Well this cat is trying to make a comeback, call it a cat-back if you
  730. will! And they want YOU for a calendar with Crabby Cat. '
  731. AnimationIndex: TALK
  732. Replies: []
  733. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  734. - Text: And best part is that proceeds from the calendar will support the Animal
  735. Friends Foundation. You know how much I loooove cats. Please take this gig!
  736. AnimationIndex: TALK
  737. Replies:
  738. - Text: "I\u2019ll do it!"
  739. cost:
  740. glam: 0
  741. experience: 0
  742. dollars: 0
  743. motivation: 0
  744. level: 1
  745. reward:
  746. glam: 0
  747. experience: 0
  748. dollars: 0
  749. motivation: 0
  750. level: 1
  751. nextDialogIndex: 5
  752. startAction: 0
  753. actionId: 0
  754. tweetID: none
  755. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  756. - Text: "Excellent.. and you need me there right. To uhh, meet Crabby Cat. I mean,
  757. to make sure everything goes okay.. right\u2026?"
  758. AnimationIndex: TALK
  759. Replies:
  760. - Text: Yes. Gabby.
  761. cost:
  762. glam: 0
  763. experience: 0
  764. dollars: 0
  765. motivation: 0
  766. level: 1
  767. reward:
  768. glam: 0
  769. experience: 0
  770. dollars: 0
  771. motivation: 0
  772. level: 1
  773. nextDialogIndex: 6
  774. startAction: 0
  775. actionId: 0
  776. tweetID: none
  777. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  778. - Text: I hope I can find my cat sweater!! Meet me at EnVision Studios in Brooklyn!
  779. AnimationIndex: TALK
  780. Replies: []
  781. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  782. ConvType: 3
  783. Location: Exterior
  784. NPCId:
  785. - Gabriella Hall
  786. - id: CH06a-Q07-D02-Gabby
  787. Dialogs:
  788. - Text: 'I literally cannot contain my excitement right now. I wish I had my cat
  789. sweater though.. Sir Fluffercat seemed to really love the sweater and scratched
  790. it up.. '
  791. AnimationIndex: TALK
  792. Replies: []
  793. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  794. - Text: "Can we start the shoot before I play with this cat for hours? Let Frankie
  795. know when you\u2019re ready!"
  796. AnimationIndex: TALK
  797. Replies: []
  798. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  799. ConvType: 1
  800. Location: EnVision Studios
  801. NPCId:
  802. - Gabriella Hall
  803. - id: CH06a-Q07-D03-Frankie
  804. Dialogs:
  805. - Text: '%Player_Name%, Crabby Cat is ready for the photoshoot! Are you?'
  806. AnimationIndex: TALK
  807. Replies:
  808. - Text: Purrfect!
  809. cost:
  810. glam: 0
  811. experience: 0
  812. dollars: 0
  813. motivation: 0
  814. level: 1
  815. reward:
  816. glam: 0
  817. experience: 0
  818. dollars: 0
  819. motivation: 0
  820. level: 1
  821. nextDialogIndex: 0
  822. startAction: 1
  823. actionId: CH06a-Q07-G01-Photoshoot
  824. tweetID: none
  825. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  826. cost:
  827. glam: 0
  828. experience: 0
  829. dollars: 0
  830. motivation: 0
  831. level: 1
  832. reward:
  833. glam: 0
  834. experience: 0
  835. dollars: 0
  836. motivation: 0
  837. level: 1
  838. nextDialogIndex: 0
  839. startAction: 0
  840. actionId: 0
  841. tweetID: none
  842. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  843. ConvType: 1
  844. Location: EnVision Studios
  845. NPCId:
  846. - Frankie Yu
  847. - id: CH06a-Q08-D01-Fabricio
  848. Dialogs:
  849. - Text: '%Player_Name%.. I have two tickets to see Lil Kirty at IVY Yacht Club
  850. in Miami and one ticket has your name on it!'
  851. AnimationIndex: TALK
  852. Replies:
  853. - Text: "I\u2019m in!"
  854. cost:
  855. glam: 0
  856. experience: 0
  857. dollars: 0
  858. motivation: 0
  859. level: 1
  860. reward:
  861. glam: 0
  862. experience: 0
  863. dollars: 0
  864. motivation: 0
  865. level: 1
  866. nextDialogIndex: 0
  867. startAction: 0
  868. actionId: 0
  869. tweetID: none
  870. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  871. - Text: "Schwing! I\u2019ll text you the details! I\u2019m heading down there
  872. in <Gig_Timer> hours."
  873. AnimationIndex: TALK
  874. Replies: []
  875. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  876. ConvType: 3
  877. Location: Exterior
  878. NPCId:
  879. - Fabricio Marcelo
  880. - id: CH06a-Q08-D02-Fabricio
  881. Dialogs:
  882. - Text: "%Player_Name%.. I\u2019m on my way down to IVY Yacht Club for Lil Kirty!
  883. See you there!"
  884. AnimationIndex: TALK
  885. Replies:
  886. - Text: See you there!
  887. cost:
  888. glam: 0
  889. experience: 0
  890. dollars: 0
  891. motivation: 0
  892. level: 1
  893. reward:
  894. glam: 0
  895. experience: 0
  896. dollars: 0
  897. motivation: 0
  898. level: 1
  899. nextDialogIndex: 0
  900. startAction: 0
  901. actionId: 0
  902. tweetID: none
  903. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  904. ConvType: 3
  905. Location: Exterior
  906. NPCId:
  907. - Fabricio Marcelo
  908. - id: CH06a-Q08-D03-Fabricio
  909. Dialogs:
  910. - Text: "You made it! I\u2019m so hype I got these tickets\u2026 and we\u2019re
  911. going to celebrate!"
  912. AnimationIndex: TALK
  913. Replies:
  914. - Text: Celebrate what?
  915. cost:
  916. glam: 0
  917. experience: 0
  918. dollars: 0
  919. motivation: 0
  920. level: 1
  921. reward:
  922. glam: 0
  923. experience: 0
  924. dollars: 0
  925. motivation: 0
  926. level: 1
  927. nextDialogIndex: 0
  928. startAction: 0
  929. actionId: 0
  930. tweetID: none
  931. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  932. - Text: "... I landed a feature film! You\u2019re looking at the supporting actor
  933. of the next big superhero movie, Captain Phantom and Mystic Boy!"
  934. AnimationIndex: TALK
  935. Replies:
  936. - Text: Congrats!
  937. cost:
  938. glam: 0
  939. experience: 0
  940. dollars: 0
  941. motivation: 0
  942. level: 1
  943. reward:
  944. glam: 0
  945. experience: 0
  946. dollars: 0
  947. motivation: 0
  948. level: 1
  949. nextDialogIndex: 0
  950. startAction: 0
  951. actionId: 0
  952. tweetID: none
  953. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  954. - Text: "You\u2019re telling me! I can\u2019t believe we\u2019re both making it.
  955. You\u2019re over here landing huge deals and I\u2019m about to hit the big
  956. screen."
  957. AnimationIndex: TALK
  958. Replies:
  959. - Text: "I\u2019m proud of us!"
  960. cost:
  961. glam: 0
  962. experience: 0
  963. dollars: 0
  964. motivation: 0
  965. level: 1
  966. reward:
  967. glam: 0
  968. experience: 0
  969. dollars: 0
  970. motivation: 0
  971. level: 1
  972. nextDialogIndex: 0
  973. startAction: 0
  974. actionId: 0
  975. tweetID: none
  976. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  977. ConvType: 1
  978. Location: IVY Yacht Club
  979. NPCId:
  980. - Fabricio Marcelo
  981. - id: CH06a-Q08-D04-Natalia
  982. Dialogs:
  983. - Text: '...'
  984. AnimationIndex: TALK
  985. Replies:
  986. - Text: '...'
  987. cost:
  988. glam: 0
  989. experience: 0
  990. dollars: 0
  991. motivation: 0
  992. level: 1
  993. reward:
  994. glam: 0
  995. experience: 0
  996. dollars: 0
  997. motivation: 0
  998. level: 1
  999. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1000. startAction: 0
  1001. actionId: 0
  1002. tweetID: none
  1003. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1004. ConvType: 1
  1005. Location: IVY Yacht Club
  1006. NPCId:
  1007. - Natalia/Nate Jansens
  1008. - id: CH06a-Q08-D05-LilKirty
  1009. Dialogs:
  1010. - Text: "You\u2019re %Player_Name%, aren\u2019t you? I saw you on Law and Rule..
  1011. I\u2019m a sucker for that show!"
  1012. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1013. Replies:
  1014. - Text: That was me!
  1015. cost:
  1016. glam: 0
  1017. experience: 0
  1018. dollars: 0
  1019. motivation: 0
  1020. level: 1
  1021. reward:
  1022. glam: 0
  1023. experience: 0
  1024. dollars: 0
  1025. motivation: 0
  1026. level: 1
  1027. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1028. startAction: 0
  1029. actionId: 0
  1030. tweetID: none
  1031. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1032. - Text: "I saw your sweet dancing moves over there\u2026 would you be interested
  1033. in being in my next music video for Boom Boom Boom?"
  1034. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1035. Replies:
  1036. - Text: OMG yes!
  1037. cost:
  1038. glam: 0
  1039. experience: 0
  1040. dollars: 0
  1041. motivation: 0
  1042. level: 1
  1043. reward:
  1044. glam: 0
  1045. experience: 1
  1046. dollars: 2
  1047. motivation: 0
  1048. level: 1
  1049. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1050. startAction: 0
  1051. actionId: 0
  1052. tweetID: none
  1053. - Text: (Play it cool)
  1054. cost:
  1055. glam: 0
  1056. experience: 0
  1057. dollars: 0
  1058. motivation: 0
  1059. level: 1
  1060. reward:
  1061. glam: 0
  1062. experience: 1
  1063. dollars: 2
  1064. motivation: 0
  1065. level: 1
  1066. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1067. startAction: 0
  1068. actionId: 0
  1069. tweetID: none
  1070. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1071. - Text: Tight! You should also bring your friend.. He has some moves too!
  1072. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1073. Replies: []
  1074. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1075. - Text: Lil Kirty! What about me? You know we go back.. with my daddy funding
  1076. your first music video and all. So like, I should totally be included in this
  1077. music video.
  1078. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1079. Replies: []
  1080. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1081. - Text: Even if I HAVE to be in this video with [him/her]!
  1082. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  1083. Replies:
  1084. - Text: (Roll eyes)
  1085. cost:
  1086. glam: 0
  1087. experience: 0
  1088. dollars: 0
  1089. motivation: 0
  1090. level: 1
  1091. reward:
  1092. glam: 0
  1093. experience: 0
  1094. dollars: 0
  1095. motivation: 0
  1096. level: 1
  1097. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1098. startAction: 0
  1099. actionId: 0
  1100. tweetID: none
  1101. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1102. - Text: "Uhhh sure\u2026 "
  1103. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1104. Replies: []
  1105. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1106. - Text: "We\u2019ll be filming at SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood. My manager
  1107. will connect with your agent to let you know the deets!"
  1108. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1109. Replies:
  1110. - Text: Great!
  1111. cost:
  1112. glam: 0
  1113. experience: 0
  1114. dollars: 0
  1115. motivation: 0
  1116. level: 1
  1117. reward:
  1118. glam: 0
  1119. experience: 0
  1120. dollars: 0
  1121. motivation: 0
  1122. level: 1
  1123. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1124. startAction: 0
  1125. actionId: 0
  1126. tweetID: none
  1127. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1128. ConvType: 1
  1129. Location: IVY Yacht Club
  1130. NPCId:
  1131. - Lil Kirty
  1132. - Natalia/Nate Jansens
  1133. - id: CH06a-Q09-D01-Sarah
  1134. Dialogs:
  1135. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I spoke with Lil Kirty\u2019s manager and they are ready
  1136. for the Boom Boom Boom music video shoot."
  1137. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1138. Replies:
  1139. - Text: Okay.
  1140. cost:
  1141. glam: 0
  1142. experience: 0
  1143. dollars: 0
  1144. motivation: 0
  1145. level: 1
  1146. reward:
  1147. glam: 0
  1148. experience: 0
  1149. dollars: 0
  1150. motivation: 0
  1151. level: 1
  1152. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1153. startAction: 0
  1154. actionId: 0
  1155. tweetID: none
  1156. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1157. - Text: "I also saw Natalia\u2019s name on the call sheet. Word of advice, show
  1158. off your best dance moves!"
  1159. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1160. Replies:
  1161. - Text: I will!
  1162. cost:
  1163. glam: 0
  1164. experience: 0
  1165. dollars: 0
  1166. motivation: 0
  1167. level: 1
  1168. reward:
  1169. glam: 0
  1170. experience: 0
  1171. dollars: 0
  1172. motivation: 0
  1173. level: 1
  1174. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1175. startAction: 0
  1176. actionId: 0
  1177. tweetID: none
  1178. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1179. ConvType: 3
  1180. Location: Exterior
  1181. NPCId:
  1182. - Sarah Bourne
  1183. - id: CH06a-Q09-D02-Kirty
  1184. Dialogs:
  1185. - Text: Welcome to the music video shoot for Boom Boom Boom! I just need your
  1186. sweet dance moves like from the club!
  1187. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1188. Replies: []
  1189. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1190. - Text: We got you covered!
  1191. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1192. Replies: []
  1193. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  1194. - Text: Excellent!
  1195. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1196. Replies: []
  1197. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1198. - Text: What about me? I get a feature close up shot right...
  1199. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1200. Replies: []
  1201. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1202. - Text: "Uh we\u2019ll see. Ready to Boom Boom Boom?"
  1203. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1204. Replies: []
  1205. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1206. ConvType: 1
  1207. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  1208. NPCId:
  1209. - Lil Kirty
  1210. - Fabricio Marcelo
  1211. - Natalia/Nate Jansens
  1212. - id: CH06a-Q09-D03-Natalia
  1213. Dialogs:
  1214. - Text: UH where is my spotlight? %Player_Name% already had [his/her] close up.
  1215. So now I deserve mine!
  1216. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1217. Replies: []
  1218. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1219. - Text: "No offense Natalia, but I wanted to feature %Player_Name%\u2019s look
  1220. in my music video. We don\u2019t have time for your \u201Cclose-up.\u201D"
  1221. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1222. Replies: []
  1223. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1224. - Text: My dad would NOT be happy about this.
  1225. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1226. Replies: []
  1227. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1228. - Text: "Well your dad isn\u2019t funding this music video. I am. So I need you
  1229. to cut the bad vibes and get outta here."
  1230. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1231. Replies: []
  1232. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1233. - Text: Are you serious? Whatever.
  1234. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1235. Replies: []
  1236. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1237. - Text: "You know what. Your music sucks anyways and I don\u2019t need to be in
  1238. this stupid music video. "
  1239. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1240. Replies: []
  1241. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1242. - Text: Well then, bye Felicia!
  1243. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1244. Replies: []
  1245. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1246. - Text: "UGH the name\u2019s Natalia! BYEEE!"
  1247. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1248. Replies: []
  1249. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1250. ConvType: 1
  1251. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  1252. NPCId:
  1253. - Lil Kirty
  1254. - Natalia/Nate Jansens
  1255. - id: CH06a-Q09-D04-Kirty
  1256. Dialogs:
  1257. - Text: "I wasn\u2019t too harsh, was I?"
  1258. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1259. Replies:
  1260. - Text: Not at all.
  1261. cost:
  1262. glam: 0
  1263. experience: 0
  1264. dollars: 0
  1265. motivation: 0
  1266. level: 1
  1267. reward:
  1268. glam: 0
  1269. experience: 3
  1270. dollars: 4
  1271. motivation: 0
  1272. level: 1
  1273. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1274. startAction: 0
  1275. actionId: 0
  1276. tweetID: none
  1277. - Text: She deserved it.
  1278. cost:
  1279. glam: 0
  1280. experience: 0
  1281. dollars: 0
  1282. motivation: 0
  1283. level: 1
  1284. reward:
  1285. glam: 0
  1286. experience: 3
  1287. dollars: 4
  1288. motivation: 0
  1289. level: 1
  1290. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1291. startAction: 0
  1292. actionId: 0
  1293. tweetID: none
  1294. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1295. - Text: "That\u2019s what I thought."
  1296. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1297. Replies: []
  1298. NPCId: Lil Kirty
  1299. ConvType: 1
  1300. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  1301. NPCId:
  1302. - Lil Kirty
  1303. - id: CH06b-Q01-D01-Sarah
  1304. Dialogs:
  1305. - Text: "I heard you made Gabby\u2019s day with something called Crabby Cat?"
  1306. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1307. Replies:
  1308. - Text: It was fun!
  1309. cost:
  1310. glam: 0
  1311. experience: 0
  1312. dollars: 0
  1313. motivation: 0
  1314. level: 1
  1315. reward:
  1316. glam: 0
  1317. experience: 0
  1318. dollars: 0
  1319. motivation: 0
  1320. level: 1
  1321. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1322. startAction: 0
  1323. actionId: 0
  1324. tweetID: none
  1325. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1326. - Text: "Good! I hope she didn\u2019t bring home any new cats\u2026 her fiance
  1327. would not be happy!"
  1328. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1329. Replies: []
  1330. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1331. - Text: Anyways, I booked you for a casting call at Swagsta, an activewear shop
  1332. in Malibu for their new catalog. The part is up for grabs, so give it all
  1333. you got!
  1334. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1335. Replies:
  1336. - Text: I will!
  1337. cost:
  1338. glam: 0
  1339. experience: 0
  1340. dollars: 0
  1341. motivation: 0
  1342. level: 1
  1343. reward:
  1344. glam: 0
  1345. experience: 0
  1346. dollars: 0
  1347. motivation: 0
  1348. level: 1
  1349. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1350. startAction: 0
  1351. actionId: 0
  1352. tweetID: none
  1353. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1354. ConvType: 3
  1355. Location: Exterior
  1356. NPCId:
  1357. - Sarah Bourne
  1358. - id: CH06b-Q01-D02-Alexis
  1359. Dialogs:
  1360. - Text: Welcome to Swagsta! Are you here for the casting call?
  1361. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1362. Replies:
  1363. - Text: I am.
  1364. cost:
  1365. glam: 0
  1366. experience: 0
  1367. dollars: 0
  1368. motivation: 0
  1369. level: 1
  1370. reward:
  1371. glam: 0
  1372. experience: 0
  1373. dollars: 0
  1374. motivation: 0
  1375. level: 1
  1376. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1377. startAction: 0
  1378. actionId: 0
  1379. tweetID: none
  1380. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1381. - Text: "Excellent. We just wrapped up an audition with Dylan Dillon. I\u2019d
  1382. love to get to know you better."
  1383. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1384. Replies: []
  1385. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1386. - Text: 'What would your ideal getaway be? A romantic getaway in a foreign country,
  1387. relaxing on a beautiful beach, or a multi-country cruise in the Caribbean? '
  1388. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1389. Replies:
  1390. - Text: Romantic foreign country
  1391. cost:
  1392. glam: 0
  1393. experience: 0
  1394. dollars: 0
  1395. motivation: 0
  1396. level: 1
  1397. reward:
  1398. glam: 0
  1399. experience: 2
  1400. dollars: 4
  1401. motivation: 0
  1402. level: 1
  1403. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1404. startAction: 0
  1405. actionId: 0
  1406. tweetID: none
  1407. - Text: Relaxing beach
  1408. cost:
  1409. glam: 0
  1410. experience: 0
  1411. dollars: 0
  1412. motivation: 0
  1413. level: 1
  1414. reward:
  1415. glam: 0
  1416. experience: 2
  1417. dollars: 4
  1418. motivation: 0
  1419. level: 1
  1420. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1421. startAction: 0
  1422. actionId: 0
  1423. tweetID: none
  1424. - Text: Multi-country cruise
  1425. cost:
  1426. glam: 0
  1427. experience: 0
  1428. dollars: 0
  1429. motivation: 0
  1430. level: 1
  1431. reward:
  1432. glam: 0
  1433. experience: 2
  1434. dollars: 4
  1435. motivation: 0
  1436. level: 1
  1437. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1438. startAction: 0
  1439. actionId: 0
  1440. tweetID: none
  1441. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1442. - Text: Excellent. You have a family party to attend. What is your go-to style?
  1443. Casual with nice shoes to dress it up, something attention-grabbing, or something
  1444. simple and comfortable?
  1445. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1446. Replies:
  1447. - Text: Casual with nice shoes
  1448. cost:
  1449. glam: 0
  1450. experience: 0
  1451. dollars: 0
  1452. motivation: 0
  1453. level: 1
  1454. reward:
  1455. glam: 0
  1456. experience: 2
  1457. dollars: 4
  1458. motivation: 0
  1459. level: 1
  1460. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1461. startAction: 0
  1462. actionId: 0
  1463. tweetID: none
  1464. - Text: Attention-grabbing
  1465. cost:
  1466. glam: 0
  1467. experience: 0
  1468. dollars: 0
  1469. motivation: 0
  1470. level: 1
  1471. reward:
  1472. glam: 0
  1473. experience: 2
  1474. dollars: 4
  1475. motivation: 0
  1476. level: 1
  1477. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1478. startAction: 0
  1479. actionId: 0
  1480. tweetID: none
  1481. - Text: Simple and comfortable
  1482. cost:
  1483. glam: 0
  1484. experience: 0
  1485. dollars: 0
  1486. motivation: 0
  1487. level: 1
  1488. reward:
  1489. glam: 0
  1490. experience: 2
  1491. dollars: 4
  1492. motivation: 0
  1493. level: 1
  1494. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1495. startAction: 0
  1496. actionId: 0
  1497. tweetID: none
  1498. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1499. - Text: Great! We should be wrapping up now with Dylan. Let me know when you are
  1500. ready to start!
  1501. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1502. Replies: []
  1503. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1504. ConvType: 1
  1505. Location: Swagsta
  1506. NPCId:
  1507. - Alexis Lane
  1508. - id: CH06b-Q01-D03-Alexis
  1509. Dialogs:
  1510. - Text: Are you ready to start the casting call?
  1511. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1512. Replies:
  1513. - Text: "Let\u2019s start."
  1514. cost:
  1515. glam: 0
  1516. experience: 0
  1517. dollars: 0
  1518. motivation: 0
  1519. level: 1
  1520. reward:
  1521. glam: 0
  1522. experience: 0
  1523. dollars: 0
  1524. motivation: 0
  1525. level: 1
  1526. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1527. startAction: 1
  1528. actionId: CH06b-Q01-G01-CastingCall
  1529. tweetID: none
  1530. - Text: Can you give me a min?
  1531. cost:
  1532. glam: 0
  1533. experience: 0
  1534. dollars: 0
  1535. motivation: 0
  1536. level: 1
  1537. reward:
  1538. glam: 0
  1539. experience: 0
  1540. dollars: 0
  1541. motivation: 0
  1542. level: 1
  1543. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1544. startAction: 0
  1545. actionId: 0
  1546. tweetID: none
  1547. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1548. ConvType: 1
  1549. Location: Swagsta
  1550. NPCId:
  1551. - Alexis Lane
  1552. - id: CH06b-Q01-D04-Dylan
  1553. Dialogs:
  1554. - Text: "Gosh, am I really going against you in this casting call? I\u2019m pretty
  1555. new this whole thing. Good luck!"
  1556. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1557. Replies: []
  1558. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1559. ConvType: 1
  1560. Location: Swagsta
  1561. NPCId:
  1562. - Dylan Dillon
  1563. - id: CH06b-Q02-D01-Sarah
  1564. Dialogs:
  1565. - Text: 'Hey %Player_Name%, I have some bad news for you. Swagsta decided to go
  1566. with Dylan Dillon for their catalog. Something about wanting to try out a
  1567. new, fresh face. '
  1568. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1569. Replies: []
  1570. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1571. - Text: "But don\u2019t let it knock you down though. There are plenty of opportunities
  1572. out there for you!"
  1573. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1574. Replies: []
  1575. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1576. - Text: "Speaking of which, there\u2019s a runway feature at Crimson Studios in
  1577. Houston. "
  1578. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1579. Replies:
  1580. - Text: "I\u2019ll do it!"
  1581. cost:
  1582. glam: 0
  1583. experience: 0
  1584. dollars: 0
  1585. motivation: 0
  1586. level: 1
  1587. reward:
  1588. glam: 0
  1589. experience: 10
  1590. dollars: 5
  1591. motivation: 0
  1592. level: 1
  1593. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1594. startAction: 0
  1595. actionId: 0
  1596. tweetID: none
  1597. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1598. - Text: Great! Get yourself to Crimson Studios.
  1599. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1600. Replies: []
  1601. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1602. ConvType: 3
  1603. Location: Exterior
  1604. NPCId:
  1605. - Sarah Bourne
  1606. - id: CH06b-Q02-D02-Paul
  1607. Dialogs:
  1608. - Text: "Hi %Player_Name%, you look like you\u2019re ready for the runway shoot.
  1609. I\u2019ll be photographing you today. Let\u2019s begin."
  1610. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1611. Replies:
  1612. - Text: "Let\u2019s start."
  1613. cost:
  1614. glam: 0
  1615. experience: 0
  1616. dollars: 0
  1617. motivation: 0
  1618. level: 1
  1619. reward:
  1620. glam: 0
  1621. experience: 0
  1622. dollars: 0
  1623. motivation: 0
  1624. level: 1
  1625. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1626. startAction: 1
  1627. actionId: CH06b-Q02-G01-Runway
  1628. tweetID: none
  1629. - Text: "I\u2019m not ready."
  1630. cost:
  1631. glam: 0
  1632. experience: 0
  1633. dollars: 0
  1634. motivation: 0
  1635. level: 1
  1636. reward:
  1637. glam: 0
  1638. experience: 0
  1639. dollars: 0
  1640. motivation: 0
  1641. level: 1
  1642. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1643. startAction: 0
  1644. actionId: 0
  1645. tweetID: none
  1646. NPCId: Paul Pena
  1647. ConvType: 1
  1648. Location: Crimson Studios
  1649. NPCId:
  1650. - Paul Pena
  1651. - id: CH06b-Q04-D01-Gabby
  1652. Dialogs:
  1653. - Text: '%Player_Name%, can you come by my office?'
  1654. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1655. Replies:
  1656. - Text: Sure!
  1657. cost:
  1658. glam: 0
  1659. experience: 0
  1660. dollars: 0
  1661. motivation: 0
  1662. level: 1
  1663. reward:
  1664. glam: 0
  1665. experience: 0
  1666. dollars: 0
  1667. motivation: 0
  1668. level: 1
  1669. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1670. startAction: 0
  1671. actionId: 0
  1672. tweetID: none
  1673. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1674. ConvType: 3
  1675. Location: Exterior
  1676. NPCId:
  1677. - Gabriella Hall
  1678. - id: CH06b-Q04-D02-Gabby
  1679. Dialogs:
  1680. - Text: '%Player_Name%, who is this newcomer Dylan Dillon? He has been going around
  1681. telling tabloids that there were some issues on set during the casting call. '
  1682. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1683. Replies: []
  1684. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1685. - Text: Also some stuff about you being a sore loser about not getting the job.
  1686. Any idea about this?
  1687. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1688. Replies:
  1689. - Text: "He\u2019s lying!"
  1690. cost:
  1691. glam: 0
  1692. experience: 0
  1693. dollars: 0
  1694. motivation: 0
  1695. level: 1
  1696. reward:
  1697. glam: 0
  1698. experience: 0
  1699. dollars: 0
  1700. motivation: 0
  1701. level: 1
  1702. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1703. startAction: 0
  1704. actionId: 0
  1705. tweetID: none
  1706. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1707. - Text: 'I figured as much. GlitzPop Magazine is interested in doing a vlog with
  1708. you both. You know playing up the drama a little bit could bring some publicity
  1709. for you. Or you can be honest about the situation. '
  1710. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1711. Replies: []
  1712. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1713. - Text: Either way, the interview would be good to set you against new competition
  1714. like Dylan. How do you want to handle it?
  1715. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1716. Replies:
  1717. - Text: Honesty.
  1718. cost:
  1719. glam: 0
  1720. experience: 0
  1721. dollars: 0
  1722. motivation: 0
  1723. level: 1
  1724. reward:
  1725. glam: 0
  1726. experience: 5
  1727. dollars: 8
  1728. motivation: 0
  1729. level: 1
  1730. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1731. startAction: 0
  1732. actionId: 0
  1733. tweetID: none
  1734. - Text: Bring the drama.
  1735. cost:
  1736. glam: 0
  1737. experience: 0
  1738. dollars: 0
  1739. motivation: 0
  1740. level: 1
  1741. reward:
  1742. glam: 0
  1743. experience: 5
  1744. dollars: 10
  1745. motivation: 0
  1746. level: 1
  1747. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1748. startAction: 0
  1749. actionId: 0
  1750. tweetID: none
  1751. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1752. - Text: Sounds like a plan to me. I will let you know when the interview is ready.
  1753. It will be at their Beverly Hills location.
  1754. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1755. Replies: []
  1756. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1757. ConvType: 1
  1758. Location: Gift of Gab
  1759. NPCId:
  1760. - Gabriella Hall
  1761. - id: CH06b-Q05-D02-Dylan
  1762. Dialogs:
  1763. - Text: 'Oh hey, %Player_Name%... '
  1764. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1765. Replies: []
  1766. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1767. - Text: "So, uhh. I\u2019m not even supposed to be talking with you. My manager
  1768. said I should just keep it to social media."
  1769. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1770. Replies: []
  1771. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1772. - Text: "But lowkey, I\u2019m a fan of yours! I hate that it has to be this way,
  1773. I would much rather work with you."
  1774. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1775. Replies:
  1776. - Text: You should be yourself.
  1777. cost:
  1778. glam: 0
  1779. experience: 0
  1780. dollars: 0
  1781. motivation: 0
  1782. level: 1
  1783. reward:
  1784. glam: 0
  1785. experience: 0
  1786. dollars: 0
  1787. motivation: 0
  1788. level: 1
  1789. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1790. startAction: 0
  1791. actionId: 0
  1792. tweetID: none
  1793. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1794. - Text: Yeah you might be right. I actually really hate starting beef, but my
  1795. manager says it sells well. I like being nice to people.
  1796. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1797. Replies:
  1798. - Text: Then be nice!
  1799. cost:
  1800. glam: 0
  1801. experience: 0
  1802. dollars: 0
  1803. motivation: 0
  1804. level: 1
  1805. reward:
  1806. glam: 0
  1807. experience: 2
  1808. dollars: 2
  1809. motivation: 0
  1810. level: 1
  1811. nextDialogIndex: 5
  1812. startAction: 0
  1813. actionId: 0
  1814. tweetID: none
  1815. - Text: "Don\u2019t listen to your manager!"
  1816. cost:
  1817. glam: 0
  1818. experience: 0
  1819. dollars: 0
  1820. motivation: 0
  1821. level: 1
  1822. reward:
  1823. glam: 0
  1824. experience: 2
  1825. dollars: 2
  1826. motivation: 0
  1827. level: 1
  1828. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1829. startAction: 0
  1830. actionId: 0
  1831. tweetID: none
  1832. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1833. - Text: Hmmmm.. I want to be!
  1834. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1835. Replies: []
  1836. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1837. - Text: Yeah you might be onto something.
  1838. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1839. Replies: []
  1840. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1841. ConvType: 1
  1842. Location: Beverly Hills
  1843. NPCId:
  1844. - Dylan Dillon
  1845. - id: CH06b-Q05-D03-Cora
  1846. Dialogs:
  1847. - Text: "%Player_Name%, welcome to GlitzPop Magazine in Beverly Hills. We\u2019re
  1848. hearing rumors that you and Dylan Dillon have an ongoing feud. Over him getting
  1849. the Swagsta catalog over you."
  1850. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1851. Replies: []
  1852. NPCId: Cora Holt
  1853. - Text: How do you feel that he got the gig over you?
  1854. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1855. Replies: []
  1856. NPCId: Cora Holt
  1857. - Text: Before [he/she] answers.. I have to say something.
  1858. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1859. Replies: []
  1860. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1861. - Text: What is it?
  1862. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1863. Replies: []
  1864. NPCId: Cora Holt
  1865. - Text: It was a lie. %Player_Name% was actually nice to me and gave me advice
  1866. to just be myself. So here I am being myself.
  1867. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1868. Replies: []
  1869. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1870. - Text: 'I made it all up. Just to get some extra publicity. '
  1871. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1872. Replies: []
  1873. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  1874. - Text: "Wow! %Player_Name%, any replies to Dylan\u2019s statements?"
  1875. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1876. Replies:
  1877. - Text: (Forgive him)
  1878. cost:
  1879. glam: 0
  1880. experience: 0
  1881. dollars: 0
  1882. motivation: 0
  1883. level: 1
  1884. reward:
  1885. glam: 0
  1886. experience: 2
  1887. dollars: 2
  1888. motivation: 0
  1889. level: 1
  1890. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1891. startAction: 0
  1892. actionId: 0
  1893. tweetID: none
  1894. - Text: "It\u2019s whatever."
  1895. cost:
  1896. glam: 0
  1897. experience: 0
  1898. dollars: 0
  1899. motivation: 0
  1900. level: 1
  1901. reward:
  1902. glam: 0
  1903. experience: 2
  1904. dollars: 2
  1905. motivation: 0
  1906. level: 1
  1907. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1908. startAction: 0
  1909. actionId: 0
  1910. tweetID: none
  1911. NPCId: Cora Holt
  1912. - Text: "Well, everyone heard it first here at GlitzPop Beverly Hills! We\u2019ll
  1913. let the dust settle a bit and we will continue the interview!"
  1914. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1915. Replies: []
  1916. NPCId: Cora Holt
  1917. ConvType: 1
  1918. Location: GlitzPop Beverly Hills
  1919. NPCId:
  1920. - Cora Holt
  1921. - Dylan Dillon
  1922. - id: CH06b-Q05-D03-Cora
  1923. Dialogs:
  1924. - Text: Dylan and %Player_Name%, are you ready to continue the interview?
  1925. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1926. Replies:
  1927. - Text: Yes!
  1928. cost:
  1929. glam: 0
  1930. experience: 0
  1931. dollars: 0
  1932. motivation: 0
  1933. level: 1
  1934. reward:
  1935. glam: 0
  1936. experience: 0
  1937. dollars: 0
  1938. motivation: 0
  1939. level: 1
  1940. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1941. startAction: 1
  1942. actionId: CH06b-Q05-G01-Interview
  1943. tweetID: none
  1944. - Text: Hold on.
  1945. cost:
  1946. glam: 0
  1947. experience: 0
  1948. dollars: 0
  1949. motivation: 0
  1950. level: 1
  1951. reward:
  1952. glam: 0
  1953. experience: 0
  1954. dollars: 0
  1955. motivation: 0
  1956. level: 1
  1957. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1958. startAction: 0
  1959. actionId: 0
  1960. tweetID: none
  1961. NPCId: Cora Holt
  1962. ConvType: 1
  1963. Location: GlitzPop Beverly Hills
  1964. NPCId:
  1965. - Cora Holt
  1966. - Dylan Dillon
  1967. - id: CH06b-Q06-D01-Alexis
  1968. Dialogs:
  1969. - Text: Hi, is this %Player_Name%? This is Alexis Lane from Swagsta.
  1970. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1971. Replies:
  1972. - Text: Hi there.
  1973. cost:
  1974. glam: 0
  1975. experience: 0
  1976. dollars: 0
  1977. motivation: 0
  1978. level: 1
  1979. reward:
  1980. glam: 0
  1981. experience: 0
  1982. dollars: 0
  1983. motivation: 0
  1984. level: 1
  1985. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1986. startAction: 0
  1987. actionId: 0
  1988. tweetID: none
  1989. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1990. - Text: 'We watched your vlog with Dylan Dillon and I wanted to say that I appreciate
  1991. that you forgave him and helped him out. '
  1992. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1993. Replies: []
  1994. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  1995. - Text: Dylan called us afterwards and asked if it would be possible to do a joint
  1996. photoshoot with the two of you and frankly, I love the idea. Especially with
  1997. all of the drama that went down.
  1998. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1999. Replies: []
  2000. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  2001. - Text: Are you interested?
  2002. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2003. Replies:
  2004. - Text: Of course!
  2005. cost:
  2006. glam: 0
  2007. experience: 0
  2008. dollars: 0
  2009. motivation: 0
  2010. level: 1
  2011. reward:
  2012. glam: 0
  2013. experience: 0
  2014. dollars: 0
  2015. motivation: 0
  2016. level: 1
  2017. nextDialogIndex: 5
  2018. startAction: 0
  2019. actionId: 0
  2020. tweetID: none
  2021. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  2022. - Text: Great! I will set it up with your agent.
  2023. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2024. Replies: []
  2025. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  2026. ConvType: 3
  2027. Location: Exterior
  2028. NPCId:
  2029. - Alexis Lane
  2030. - id: CH06b-Q06-D02-Sarah
  2031. Dialogs:
  2032. - Text: '%Player_Name%, nice job on handling the Dylan situation. Glad to see
  2033. he figured it out too. '
  2034. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2035. Replies: []
  2036. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2037. - Text: Swagsta is ready for your joint shoot! It will take place at their store
  2038. in Malibu.
  2039. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2040. Replies:
  2041. - Text: "I\u2019m on it!"
  2042. cost:
  2043. glam: 0
  2044. experience: 0
  2045. dollars: 0
  2046. motivation: 0
  2047. level: 1
  2048. reward:
  2049. glam: 0
  2050. experience: 0
  2051. dollars: 0
  2052. motivation: 0
  2053. level: 1
  2054. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2055. startAction: 0
  2056. actionId: 0
  2057. tweetID: none
  2058. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2059. ConvType: 3
  2060. Location: Exterior
  2061. NPCId:
  2062. - Sarah Bourne
  2063. - id: CH06b-Q06-D03-Alexis
  2064. Dialogs:
  2065. - Text: Thanks for doing the catalog with such late notice. You too Dylan.
  2066. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2067. Replies: []
  2068. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  2069. - Text: "Thanks Alexis. And thanks %Player_Name%. By the way, I got a new agent.
  2070. She seems way better. Her name\u2019s Emma Hunt if you\u2019ve heard of her."
  2071. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2072. Replies:
  2073. - Text: I know Emma!
  2074. cost:
  2075. glam: 0
  2076. experience: 0
  2077. dollars: 0
  2078. motivation: 0
  2079. level: 1
  2080. reward:
  2081. glam: 0
  2082. experience: 0
  2083. dollars: 0
  2084. motivation: 0
  2085. level: 1
  2086. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2087. startAction: 0
  2088. actionId: 0
  2089. tweetID: none
  2090. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  2091. - Text: "That\u2019s crazy you worked with her too! Hopefully I can get as famous
  2092. as you one day."
  2093. AnimationIndex:
  2094. Replies:
  2095. - Text: Anything is possible.
  2096. cost:
  2097. glam: 0
  2098. experience: 0
  2099. dollars: 0
  2100. motivation: 0
  2101. level: 1
  2102. reward:
  2103. glam: 0
  2104. experience: 2
  2105. dollars: 3
  2106. motivation: 0
  2107. level: 1
  2108. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2109. startAction: 0
  2110. actionId: 0
  2111. tweetID: none
  2112. - Text: You can do it!
  2113. cost:
  2114. glam: 0
  2115. experience: 0
  2116. dollars: 0
  2117. motivation: 0
  2118. level: 1
  2119. reward:
  2120. glam: 0
  2121. experience: 2
  2122. dollars: 3
  2123. motivation: 0
  2124. level: 1
  2125. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2126. startAction: 0
  2127. actionId: 0
  2128. tweetID: none
  2129. NPCId: Dylan Dillon
  2130. ConvType: 1
  2131. Location: Swagsta
  2132. NPCId:
  2133. - Alexis Lane
  2134. - Dylan Dillon
  2135. - id: CH06b-Q06-D04-Alexis
  2136. Dialogs:
  2137. - Text: Glad to have both of you on the roster then. Can we start the catalog
  2138. shoot?
  2139. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2140. Replies:
  2141. - Text: "Let\u2019s start!"
  2142. cost:
  2143. glam: 0
  2144. experience: 0
  2145. dollars: 0
  2146. motivation: 0
  2147. level: 1
  2148. reward:
  2149. glam: 0
  2150. experience: 0
  2151. dollars: 0
  2152. motivation: 0
  2153. level: 1
  2154. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2155. startAction: 1
  2156. actionId: CH06b-Q06-G01-Photoshoot
  2157. tweetID: none
  2158. - Text: Hold on.
  2159. cost:
  2160. glam: 0
  2161. experience: 0
  2162. dollars: 0
  2163. motivation: 0
  2164. level: 1
  2165. reward:
  2166. glam: 0
  2167. experience: 0
  2168. dollars: 0
  2169. motivation: 0
  2170. level: 1
  2171. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2172. startAction: 0
  2173. actionId: 0
  2174. tweetID: none
  2175. NPCId: Alexis Lane
  2176. ConvType: 1
  2177. Location: Swagsta
  2178. NPCId:
  2179. - Alexis Lane
  2180. - id: CH06b-Q06-D05-Sidney
  2181. Dialogs:
  2182. - Text: '%Player_Name%, how was the shoot with Dylan Dillon. Is there any drama
  2183. between you two?'
  2184. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2185. Replies:
  2186. - Text: No drama.
  2187. cost:
  2188. glam: 0
  2189. experience: 0
  2190. dollars: 0
  2191. motivation: 0
  2192. level: 1
  2193. reward:
  2194. glam: 0
  2195. experience: 2
  2196. dollars: 2
  2197. motivation: 0
  2198. level: 1
  2199. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2200. startAction: 0
  2201. actionId: 0
  2202. tweetID: none
  2203. - Text: No comment.
  2204. cost:
  2205. glam: 0
  2206. experience: 0
  2207. dollars: 0
  2208. motivation: 0
  2209. level: 1
  2210. reward:
  2211. glam: 0
  2212. experience: 2
  2213. dollars: 2
  2214. motivation: 0
  2215. level: 1
  2216. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2217. startAction: 0
  2218. actionId: 0
  2219. tweetID: none
  2220. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  2221. - Text: Can you pose for a photo?
  2222. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2223. Replies:
  2224. - Text: (Strike a pose)
  2225. cost:
  2226. glam: 0
  2227. experience: 0
  2228. dollars: 0
  2229. motivation: 0
  2230. level: 1
  2231. reward:
  2232. glam: 3
  2233. experience: 10
  2234. dollars: 20
  2235. motivation: 0
  2236. level: 1
  2237. nextDialogIndex: 3
  2238. startAction: 0
  2239. actionId: 0
  2240. tweetID: CH06b-Q06-T01-StarRadar
  2241. - Text: No thanks.
  2242. cost:
  2243. glam: 0
  2244. experience: 0
  2245. dollars: 0
  2246. motivation: 0
  2247. level: 1
  2248. reward:
  2249. glam: 0
  2250. experience: 0
  2251. dollars: 0
  2252. motivation: 0
  2253. level: 1
  2254. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2255. startAction: 0
  2256. actionId: 0
  2257. tweetID: none
  2258. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  2259. - Text: Thank you! We love you!
  2260. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2261. Replies: []
  2262. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  2263. ConvType: 1
  2264. Location: Malibu
  2265. NPCId:
  2266. - Sidney Adams
  2267. - id: CH06b-Q07-D01-Annie
  2268. Dialogs:
  2269. - Text: "%Player_Name%, it\u2019s Annie Man! Would you like to meet me at Harp
  2270. & Dagger? I have a new gallery collection I\u2019d like to talk to you about."
  2271. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2272. Replies:
  2273. - Text: Okay.
  2274. cost:
  2275. glam: 0
  2276. experience: 0
  2277. dollars: 0
  2278. motivation: 0
  2279. level: 1
  2280. reward:
  2281. glam: 0
  2282. experience: 0
  2283. dollars: 0
  2284. motivation: 0
  2285. level: 1
  2286. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2287. startAction: 0
  2288. actionId: 0
  2289. tweetID: none
  2290. NPCId: Annie Man
  2291. ConvType: 1
  2292. Location: Exterior
  2293. NPCId:
  2294. - Annie Man
  2295. - id: CH06b-Q07-D02-Annie
  2296. Dialogs:
  2297. - Text: "%Player_Name, it\u2019s Annie Man! I\u2019m doing another gallery collection
  2298. at Gallery 22 and would love to get a new photography print from you. "
  2299. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2300. Replies:
  2301. - Text: Okay.
  2302. cost:
  2303. glam: 0
  2304. experience: 0
  2305. dollars: 0
  2306. motivation: 0
  2307. level: 1
  2308. reward:
  2309. glam: 0
  2310. experience: 0
  2311. dollars: 0
  2312. motivation: 0
  2313. level: 1
  2314. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2315. startAction: 0
  2316. actionId: 0
  2317. tweetID: none
  2318. NPCId: Annie Man
  2319. - Text: "I call this collection \u201CUgly-Pretty.\u201D There's a fine line between
  2320. ugly and pretty, so show me a cover photo that conveys that!"
  2321. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2322. Replies: []
  2323. NPCId: Annie Man
  2324. - Text: 'I set you up at Glamlight Studios for an initial photoshoot. Then please
  2325. create a new cover photo and bring it to me! '
  2326. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2327. Replies:
  2328. - Text: Great.
  2329. cost:
  2330. glam: 0
  2331. experience: 0
  2332. dollars: 0
  2333. motivation: 0
  2334. level: 1
  2335. reward:
  2336. glam: 0
  2337. experience: 0
  2338. dollars: 0
  2339. motivation: 0
  2340. level: 1
  2341. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2342. startAction: 0
  2343. actionId: 0
  2344. tweetID: none
  2345. NPCId: Annie Man
  2346. ConvType: 1
  2347. Location: Harp and Dagger
  2348. NPCId:
  2349. - Annie Man
  2350. - id: CH06b-Q08-D01-Katherine
  2351. Dialogs:
  2352. - Text: "Is this what you will be wearing for the \u201CUgly-Pretty\u201D photoshoot?"
  2353. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2354. Replies:
  2355. - Text: Yes!
  2356. cost:
  2357. glam: 0
  2358. experience: 0
  2359. dollars: 0
  2360. motivation: 0
  2361. level: 1
  2362. reward:
  2363. glam: 0
  2364. experience: 0
  2365. dollars: 0
  2366. motivation: 0
  2367. level: 1
  2368. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2369. startAction: 1
  2370. actionId: CH06b-Q08-G01-Photoshoot
  2371. tweetID: none
  2372. - Text: Hold on.
  2373. cost:
  2374. glam: 0
  2375. experience: 0
  2376. dollars: 0
  2377. motivation: 0
  2378. level: 1
  2379. reward:
  2380. glam: 0
  2381. experience: 0
  2382. dollars: 0
  2383. motivation: 0
  2384. level: 1
  2385. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2386. startAction: 0
  2387. actionId: 0
  2388. tweetID: none
  2389. NPCId: Katherine Hamm
  2390. ConvType: 1
  2391. Location: Glamlight Studios
  2392. NPCId:
  2393. - Katherine Hamm
  2394. - id: CH06b-Q08-D02-Annie
  2395. Dialogs:
  2396. - Text: '%Player_Name%, show me what you got!'
  2397. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2398. Replies:
  2399. - Text: (Show cover photo)
  2400. cost:
  2401. glam: 0
  2402. experience: 0
  2403. dollars: 0
  2404. motivation: 0
  2405. level: 1
  2406. reward:
  2407. glam: 0
  2408. experience: 0
  2409. dollars: 0
  2410. motivation: 0
  2411. level: 1
  2412. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2413. startAction: 0
  2414. actionId: 0
  2415. tweetID: none
  2416. NPCId: Annie Man
  2417. - Text: "Wow you have outdone yourself again! L-O-V-E it and can\u2019t wait to
  2418. show it to the buyers!"
  2419. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2420. Replies: []
  2421. NPCId: Annie Man
  2422. - Text: The gallery opening starts in <Gig_Timer>. See you there!
  2423. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2424. Replies:
  2425. - Text: Thanks!
  2426. cost:
  2427. glam: 0
  2428. experience: 0
  2429. dollars: 0
  2430. motivation: 0
  2431. level: 1
  2432. reward:
  2433. glam: 0
  2434. experience: 0
  2435. dollars: 0
  2436. motivation: 0
  2437. level: 1
  2438. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2439. startAction: 0
  2440. actionId: 0
  2441. tweetID: none
  2442. NPCId: Annie Man
  2443. ConvType: 1
  2444. Location: Gallery 22
  2445. NPCId:
  2446. - Annie Man
  2447. - id: CH06b-Q09-D01-Gabby
  2448. Dialogs:
  2449. - Text: "The \u201CUgly-Pretty\u201D gallery opening starts now! Have fun!"
  2450. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2451. Replies:
  2452. - Text: Okay!
  2453. cost:
  2454. glam: 0
  2455. experience: 0
  2456. dollars: 0
  2457. motivation: 0
  2458. level: 1
  2459. reward:
  2460. glam: 0
  2461. experience: 0
  2462. dollars: 0
  2463. motivation: 0
  2464. level: 1
  2465. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2466. startAction: 0
  2467. actionId: 0
  2468. tweetID: none
  2469. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2470. ConvType: 3
  2471. Location: Exterior
  2472. NPCId:
  2473. - Gabriella Hall
  2474. - id: CH06b-Q09-D02-Annie
  2475. Dialogs:
  2476. - Text: "Welcome to the \u201CUgly-Pretty\u201D gallery opening! Can\u2019t wait
  2477. to see how the critics respond to your print! Enjoy the opening."
  2478. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2479. Replies: []
  2480. NPCId: Annie Man
  2481. ConvType: 1
  2482. Location: Gallery 22
  2483. NPCId:
  2484. - Annie Man
  2485. - id: CH06b-Q09-D03-Dominic
  2486. Dialogs:
  2487. - Text: Ugly-pretty is the new pretty!
  2488. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2489. Replies: []
  2490. NPCId: Dominic Donovan
  2491. ConvType: 2
  2492. Location: Gallery 22
  2493. NPCId:
  2494. - Dominic Donovan
  2495. - id: CH06b-Q09-D04-Random
  2496. Dialogs:
  2497. - Text: Wow. Very art. Such colors.
  2498. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2499. Replies: []
  2500. NPCId: Grady Fez
  2501. ConvType: 2
  2502. Location: Gallery 22
  2503. NPCId:
  2504. - Grady Fez
  2505. - id: CH06b-Q09-D05-Annie
  2506. Dialogs:
  2507. - Text: '%Player_Name%, the demand for your piece was crazy! The critics loved
  2508. it!'
  2509. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2510. Replies:
  2511. - Text: Awesome!
  2512. cost:
  2513. glam: 0
  2514. experience: 0
  2515. dollars: 0
  2516. motivation: 0
  2517. level: 1
  2518. reward:
  2519. glam: 0
  2520. experience: 0
  2521. dollars: 0
  2522. motivation: 0
  2523. level: 1
  2524. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2525. startAction: 0
  2526. actionId: 0
  2527. tweetID: none
  2528. NPCId: Annie Man
  2529. ConvType: 3
  2530. Location: Exterior
  2531. NPCId:
  2532. - Annie Man
  2533. - id: CH06b-Q10-D01-Sarah
  2534. Dialogs:
  2535. - Text: '%Player_Name%, I booked you a gig for a new scent collection of lotions.
  2536. And they want you to be the face of their Pizza Lotion.'
  2537. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2538. Replies:
  2539. - Text: Weird.
  2540. cost:
  2541. glam: 0
  2542. experience: 0
  2543. dollars: 0
  2544. motivation: 0
  2545. level: 1
  2546. reward:
  2547. glam: 0
  2548. experience: 0
  2549. dollars: 0
  2550. motivation: 0
  2551. level: 1
  2552. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2553. startAction: 0
  2554. actionId: 0
  2555. tweetID: none
  2556. - Text: Love it.
  2557. cost:
  2558. glam: 0
  2559. experience: 0
  2560. dollars: 0
  2561. motivation: 0
  2562. level: 1
  2563. reward:
  2564. glam: 0
  2565. experience: 0
  2566. dollars: 0
  2567. motivation: 0
  2568. level: 1
  2569. nextDialogIndex: 3
  2570. startAction: 0
  2571. actionId: 0
  2572. tweetID: none
  2573. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2574. - Text: "Right? I swear there is a lotion scent for everything these days! But
  2575. I guess someone\u2019s buying it."
  2576. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2577. Replies: []
  2578. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2579. - Text: "That\u2019s what my kids said. I swear there is a lotion scent for everything
  2580. these days! But I guess someone\u2019s buying it."
  2581. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2582. Replies: []
  2583. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2584. - Text: "The photoshoot will be at GlitzPop Magazine in Beverly Hills. You\u2019ll
  2585. be shooting with Rachel Crow."
  2586. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2587. Replies:
  2588. - Text: Okay!
  2589. cost:
  2590. glam: 0
  2591. experience: 0
  2592. dollars: 0
  2593. motivation: 0
  2594. level: 1
  2595. reward:
  2596. glam: 0
  2597. experience: 0
  2598. dollars: 0
  2599. motivation: 0
  2600. level: 1
  2601. nextDialogIndex: 4
  2602. startAction: 0
  2603. actionId: 0
  2604. tweetID: none
  2605. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2606. ConvType: 3
  2607. Location: Exterior
  2608. NPCId:
  2609. - Sarah Bourne
  2610. - id: CH06b-Q10-D02-Rachel
  2611. Dialogs:
  2612. - Text: Hi %Player_Name%, the Pizza Lotion feature is ready. Time to get started!
  2613. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2614. Replies:
  2615. - Text: "Let\u2019s start."
  2616. cost:
  2617. glam: 0
  2618. experience: 0
  2619. dollars: 0
  2620. motivation: 0
  2621. level: 1
  2622. reward:
  2623. glam: 0
  2624. experience: 0
  2625. dollars: 0
  2626. motivation: 0
  2627. level: 1
  2628. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2629. startAction: 1
  2630. actionId: CH06b-Q10-G01-Photoshoot
  2631. tweetID: none
  2632. - Text: Hold on a bit.
  2633. cost:
  2634. glam: 0
  2635. experience: 0
  2636. dollars: 0
  2637. motivation: 0
  2638. level: 1
  2639. reward:
  2640. glam: 0
  2641. experience: 0
  2642. dollars: 0
  2643. motivation: 0
  2644. level: 1
  2645. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2646. startAction: 0
  2647. actionId: 0
  2648. tweetID: none
  2649. NPCId: Rachel Crow
  2650. - Text: Hi %Player_Name%, the Pizza Lotion feature is ready. However, please put
  2651. on some casualwear before we start.
  2652. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2653. Replies: []
  2654. NPCId: Rachel Crow
  2655. ConvType: 1
  2656. Location: GlitzPop Beverly Hills
  2657. NPCId:
  2658. - Rachel Crow
  2659. - id: CH06b-Q11-D01-Tyra
  2660. Dialogs:
  2661. - Text: Hey lovely! I'm hosting a charity event at Brooke Place for a wonderful
  2662. non-profit aimed at providing work clothes for underprivileged people in the
  2663. workforce.
  2664. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2665. Replies:
  2666. - Text: Of course!
  2667. cost:
  2668. glam: 0
  2669. experience: 0
  2670. dollars: 0
  2671. motivation: 0
  2672. level: 1
  2673. reward:
  2674. glam: 0
  2675. experience: 0
  2676. dollars: 0
  2677. motivation: 0
  2678. level: 1
  2679. nextDialogIndex: 3
  2680. startAction: 0
  2681. actionId: 0
  2682. tweetID: none
  2683. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2684. - Text: Would you like to co-host and help me with the event?
  2685. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2686. Replies: []
  2687. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2688. - Text: I knew I could count on you! We will put on a fabulous fashion show and
  2689. then we'll auction off the looks to raise money!
  2690. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2691. Replies: []
  2692. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2693. - Text: Could you go to Liam Mason and pick up some looks for the fashion show?
  2694. I will finalize the event details and guest list in the meantime!
  2695. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2696. Replies:
  2697. - Text: Okay.
  2698. cost:
  2699. glam: 0
  2700. experience: 0
  2701. dollars: 0
  2702. motivation: 0
  2703. level: 1
  2704. reward:
  2705. glam: 0
  2706. experience: 0
  2707. dollars: 0
  2708. motivation: 0
  2709. level: 1
  2710. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2711. startAction: 0
  2712. actionId: 0
  2713. tweetID: none
  2714. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2715. ConvType: 3
  2716. Location: Exterior
  2717. NPCId:
  2718. - Tyra Banks
  2719. - id: CH06b-Q11-D02-Sandra
  2720. Dialogs:
  2721. - Text: Hi there, feel free to look around and let me know if you have any questions!
  2722. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2723. Replies: []
  2724. NPCId: Sandra Price
  2725. ConvType: 1
  2726. Location: Liam Mason
  2727. NPCId:
  2728. - Sandra Price
  2729. - id: CH06b-Q11-D03-Sandra
  2730. Dialogs:
  2731. - Text: Excellent choices! We will send over to the LA Convention Center right
  2732. away!
  2733. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2734. Replies: []
  2735. NPCId: Sandra Price
  2736. ConvType: 1
  2737. Location: Liam Mason
  2738. NPCId:
  2739. - Sandra Price
  2740. - id: CH06b-Q11-D04-Tyra
  2741. Dialogs:
  2742. - Text: '%Player_Name%, the fashion shoot is all set up and ready to go! Head
  2743. over to LA Convention Center in Hollywood!'
  2744. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2745. Replies:
  2746. - Text: See you there!
  2747. cost:
  2748. glam: 0
  2749. experience: 0
  2750. dollars: 0
  2751. motivation: 0
  2752. level: 1
  2753. reward:
  2754. glam: 0
  2755. experience: 0
  2756. dollars: 0
  2757. motivation: 0
  2758. level: 1
  2759. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2760. startAction: 0
  2761. actionId: 0
  2762. tweetID: none
  2763. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2764. ConvType: 3
  2765. Location: Exterior
  2766. NPCId:
  2767. - Tyra Banks
  2768. - id: CH06b-Q11-D05-Tyra
  2769. Dialogs:
  2770. - Text: '%Player_Name%, the outfits you picked are on point! You rock!'
  2771. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2772. Replies:
  2773. - Text: Thanks!
  2774. cost:
  2775. glam: 0
  2776. experience: 0
  2777. dollars: 0
  2778. motivation: 0
  2779. level: 1
  2780. reward:
  2781. glam: 0
  2782. experience: 0
  2783. dollars: 0
  2784. motivation: 0
  2785. level: 1
  2786. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2787. startAction: 0
  2788. actionId: 0
  2789. tweetID: none
  2790. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2791. - Text: Now let's glam up and hit this runway. Show 'em what we got!
  2792. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2793. Replies:
  2794. - Text: "Let\u2019s work it!"
  2795. cost:
  2796. glam: 0
  2797. experience: 0
  2798. dollars: 0
  2799. motivation: 0
  2800. level: 1
  2801. reward:
  2802. glam: 0
  2803. experience: 0
  2804. dollars: 0
  2805. motivation: 0
  2806. level: 1
  2807. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2808. startAction: 1
  2809. actionId: 0
  2810. tweetID: none
  2811. - Text: Hold on a second.
  2812. cost:
  2813. glam: 0
  2814. experience: 0
  2815. dollars: 0
  2816. motivation: 0
  2817. level: 1
  2818. reward:
  2819. glam: 0
  2820. experience: 0
  2821. dollars: 0
  2822. motivation: 0
  2823. level: 1
  2824. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2825. startAction: 0
  2826. actionId: 0
  2827. tweetID: none
  2828. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2829. ConvType: 1
  2830. Location: LA Convention Center
  2831. NPCId:
  2832. - Tyra Banks
  2833. - id: CH06b-Q11-D06-Tyra
  2834. Dialogs:
  2835. - Text: Tyra here! Thanks again for helping me out with that event. We got tons
  2836. of media coverage and raised thousands of dollars!
  2837. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2838. Replies:
  2839. - Text: No problem!
  2840. cost:
  2841. glam: 0
  2842. experience: 0
  2843. dollars: 0
  2844. motivation: 0
  2845. level: 1
  2846. reward:
  2847. glam: 0
  2848. experience: 0
  2849. dollars: 0
  2850. motivation: 0
  2851. level: 1
  2852. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2853. startAction: 0
  2854. actionId: 0
  2855. tweetID: none
  2856. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2857. - Text: "You\u2019re best. Hugs and kisses!!"
  2858. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2859. Replies: []
  2860. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2861. ConvType: 3
  2862. Location: Exterior
  2863. NPCId:
  2864. - Tyra Banks
  2865. - id: CH06c-Q01-D01-Sarah
  2866. Dialogs:
  2867. - Text: '%Player_Name%, can you swing by my office?'
  2868. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2869. Replies:
  2870. - Text: Sure!
  2871. cost:
  2872. glam: 0
  2873. experience: 0
  2874. dollars: 0
  2875. motivation: 0
  2876. level: 1
  2877. reward:
  2878. glam: 0
  2879. experience: 0
  2880. dollars: 0
  2881. motivation: 0
  2882. level: 1
  2883. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2884. startAction: 0
  2885. actionId: 0
  2886. tweetID: none
  2887. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2888. ConvType: 3
  2889. Location: Exterior
  2890. NPCId:
  2891. - Sarah Bourne
  2892. - id: CH06c-Q01-D02-Sarah
  2893. Dialogs:
  2894. - Text: "%Player_Name%, StyleDaily is interested in doing a fashion editorial
  2895. for \u201CTop 3 Trends.\u201D They are interested in seeing you wear three
  2896. favorite outfits, each with a different trend - casual, activewear and couture. "
  2897. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2898. Replies: []
  2899. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2900. - Text: 'It will be three photoshoots and will be a major feature in their magazine!
  2901. So I suggest you do some shopping! '
  2902. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2903. Replies: []
  2904. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2905. - Text: '"I managed to get you a sign-on bonus for $1.000 for the contract'
  2906. AnimationIndex: ' so buy something that will really wow them!"'
  2907. Replies: []
  2908. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2909. - Text: Great! The photoshoots will be done at their office in Orlando.
  2910. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2911. Replies: []
  2912. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2913. ConvType: 1
  2914. Location: Bourne Natural Models
  2915. NPCId:
  2916. - Sarah Bourne
  2917. - id: CH06c-Q02-D01-Stefanie
  2918. Dialogs:
  2919. - Text: "%Player_Name%, nice to see you. You must be here for the \u201C5 Signs
  2920. your Jeans are Old\u201D interview?"
  2921. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2922. Replies:
  2923. - Text: Uh...
  2924. cost:
  2925. glam: 0
  2926. experience: 0
  2927. dollars: 0
  2928. motivation: 0
  2929. level: 1
  2930. reward:
  2931. glam: 0
  2932. experience: 0
  2933. dollars: 0
  2934. motivation: 0
  2935. level: 1
  2936. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2937. startAction: 0
  2938. actionId: 0
  2939. tweetID: none
  2940. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  2941. - Text: "No? How about the \u201CDIY Polka Dot Shirts\u201D shoot?"
  2942. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2943. Replies:
  2944. - Text: No..
  2945. cost:
  2946. glam: 0
  2947. experience: 0
  2948. dollars: 0
  2949. motivation: 0
  2950. level: 1
  2951. reward:
  2952. glam: 0
  2953. experience: 0
  2954. dollars: 0
  2955. motivation: 0
  2956. level: 1
  2957. nextDialogIndex: 3
  2958. startAction: 0
  2959. actionId: 0
  2960. tweetID: none
  2961. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  2962. - Text: "Ah yes, then the \u201CTop 3 Trends\u201D feature. "
  2963. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2964. Replies:
  2965. - Text: Yes!
  2966. cost:
  2967. glam: 0
  2968. experience: 0
  2969. dollars: 0
  2970. motivation: 0
  2971. level: 1
  2972. reward:
  2973. glam: 0
  2974. experience: 0
  2975. dollars: 0
  2976. motivation: 0
  2977. level: 1
  2978. nextDialogIndex: 4
  2979. startAction: 0
  2980. actionId: 0
  2981. tweetID: none
  2982. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  2983. - Text: "Perfect. You know, I should really get an assistant. I\u2019m all over
  2984. the place..."
  2985. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2986. Replies: []
  2987. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  2988. ConvType: 1
  2989. Location: StyleDaily
  2990. NPCId:
  2991. - Stefanie Serrano
  2992. - id: CH06c-Q02-D02-Stefanie
  2993. Dialogs:
  2994. - Text: "We will start with the casual wear shoot. Is this the outfit you\u2019d
  2995. like to wear?"
  2996. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2997. Replies:
  2998. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  2999. cost:
  3000. glam: 0
  3001. experience: 0
  3002. dollars: 0
  3003. motivation: 0
  3004. level: 1
  3005. reward:
  3006. glam: 0
  3007. experience: 0
  3008. dollars: 0
  3009. motivation: 0
  3010. level: 1
  3011. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3012. startAction: 1
  3013. actionId: CH06c-Q02-G01-Photoshoot
  3014. tweetID: none
  3015. - Text: Hold on.
  3016. cost:
  3017. glam: 0
  3018. experience: 0
  3019. dollars: 0
  3020. motivation: 0
  3021. level: 1
  3022. reward:
  3023. glam: 0
  3024. experience: 0
  3025. dollars: 0
  3026. motivation: 0
  3027. level: 1
  3028. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3029. startAction: 0
  3030. actionId: 0
  3031. tweetID: none
  3032. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3033. - Text: I recommend that you change your wardrobe a bit. Something a bit more
  3034. casual...
  3035. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3036. Replies: []
  3037. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3038. ConvType: 1
  3039. Location: StyleDaily
  3040. NPCId:
  3041. - Stefanie Serrano
  3042. - id: CH06c-Q02-D03-Stefanie
  3043. Dialogs:
  3044. - Text: "Are you ready for the next part of the \u201CTop 3 Trends\u201D feature?
  3045. Next, let\u2019s do the activewear photoshoot. Your outfit looks great, our
  3046. readers will love it."
  3047. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3048. Replies:
  3049. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3050. cost:
  3051. glam: 0
  3052. experience: 0
  3053. dollars: 0
  3054. motivation: 0
  3055. level: 1
  3056. reward:
  3057. glam: 0
  3058. experience: 0
  3059. dollars: 0
  3060. motivation: 0
  3061. level: 1
  3062. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3063. startAction: 1
  3064. actionId: CH06c-Q02-G02-Photoshoot
  3065. tweetID: none
  3066. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  3067. cost:
  3068. glam: 0
  3069. experience: 0
  3070. dollars: 0
  3071. motivation: 0
  3072. level: 1
  3073. reward:
  3074. glam: 0
  3075. experience: 0
  3076. dollars: 0
  3077. motivation: 0
  3078. level: 1
  3079. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3080. startAction: 0
  3081. actionId: 0
  3082. tweetID: none
  3083. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3084. - Text: "Are you ready for the next feature? This isn\u2019t quite what we are
  3085. looking for. Could you put on a bit more activewear?"
  3086. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3087. Replies: []
  3088. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3089. ConvType: 1
  3090. Location: StyleDaily
  3091. NPCId:
  3092. - Stefanie Serrano
  3093. - id: CH06c-Q02-D04-Stefanie
  3094. Dialogs:
  3095. - Text: "And now onto the final photoshoot - this one is all about couture! You
  3096. look great! Let\u2019s start."
  3097. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3098. Replies:
  3099. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3100. cost:
  3101. glam: 0
  3102. experience: 0
  3103. dollars: 0
  3104. motivation: 0
  3105. level: 1
  3106. reward:
  3107. glam: 0
  3108. experience: 0
  3109. dollars: 0
  3110. motivation: 0
  3111. level: 1
  3112. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3113. startAction: 1
  3114. actionId: CH06c-Q02-G03-Photoshoot
  3115. tweetID: none
  3116. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  3117. cost:
  3118. glam: 0
  3119. experience: 0
  3120. dollars: 0
  3121. motivation: 0
  3122. level: 1
  3123. reward:
  3124. glam: 0
  3125. experience: 0
  3126. dollars: 0
  3127. motivation: 0
  3128. level: 1
  3129. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3130. startAction: 0
  3131. actionId: 0
  3132. tweetID: none
  3133. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3134. - Text: "And now onto the final photoshoot - this one is all about couture! But
  3135. your outfit won\u2019t work. You need more couture."
  3136. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3137. Replies: []
  3138. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3139. ConvType: 1
  3140. Location: StyleDaily
  3141. NPCId:
  3142. - Stefanie Serrano
  3143. - id: CH06c-Q03-D01-Gabby
  3144. Dialogs:
  3145. - Text: "%Player_Name%, the media is loving your \u201CTop 3 Trends\u201D feature.
  3146. It\u2019s gaining a lot of traction on social media. And because of it, I
  3147. have an exciting project for you!"
  3148. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3149. Replies: []
  3150. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3151. - Text: Can you come to my office to discuss?
  3152. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3153. Replies:
  3154. - Text: Sure!
  3155. cost:
  3156. glam: 0
  3157. experience: 0
  3158. dollars: 0
  3159. motivation: 0
  3160. level: 1
  3161. reward:
  3162. glam: 0
  3163. experience: 0
  3164. dollars: 0
  3165. motivation: 0
  3166. level: 1
  3167. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3168. startAction: 0
  3169. actionId: 0
  3170. tweetID: none
  3171. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3172. ConvType: 3
  3173. Location: Exterior
  3174. NPCId:
  3175. - Gabriella Hall
  3176. - id: CH06c-Q04-D01-Morgan
  3177. Dialogs:
  3178. - Text: '%Player_Name%, so excited to be working with you! I have been following
  3179. your work ever since Fashion Week.'
  3180. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3181. Replies: []
  3182. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3183. - Text: "And I can\u2019t believe you worked with Crabby Cat! I have been trying
  3184. to get him on my VideoTube channel for ages now. So jelly!"
  3185. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3186. Replies:
  3187. - Text: It was fun!
  3188. cost:
  3189. glam: 0
  3190. experience: 0
  3191. dollars: 0
  3192. motivation: 0
  3193. level: 1
  3194. reward:
  3195. glam: 0
  3196. experience: 0
  3197. dollars: 0
  3198. motivation: 0
  3199. level: 1
  3200. nextDialogIndex: 3
  3201. startAction: 0
  3202. actionId: 0
  3203. tweetID: none
  3204. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3205. - Text: "I\u2019m sure it was. I love cats! I actually met Gabby at an adoption
  3206. benefit I was hosting. "
  3207. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3208. Replies:
  3209. - Text: "I\u2019m not surprised!"
  3210. cost:
  3211. glam: 0
  3212. experience: 0
  3213. dollars: 0
  3214. motivation: 0
  3215. level: 1
  3216. reward:
  3217. glam: 0
  3218. experience: 0
  3219. dollars: 0
  3220. motivation: 0
  3221. level: 1
  3222. nextDialogIndex: 4
  3223. startAction: 0
  3224. actionId: 0
  3225. tweetID: none
  3226. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3227. - Text: "Ha! I know right. And now it\u2019s so cool we get to work with each
  3228. other. Should we start the VideoTube shoot? I was thinking we could do several
  3229. shots of us dancing!"
  3230. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3231. Replies: []
  3232. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3233. - Text: Which dance do you think I should do? Milly rock, chicken dance or the
  3234. nae nae?
  3235. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3236. Replies:
  3237. - Text: Milly rock
  3238. cost:
  3239. glam: 0
  3240. experience: 0
  3241. dollars: 0
  3242. motivation: 0
  3243. level: 1
  3244. reward:
  3245. glam: 0
  3246. experience: 0
  3247. dollars: 0
  3248. motivation: 0
  3249. level: 1
  3250. nextDialogIndex: 6
  3251. startAction: 0
  3252. actionId: 0
  3253. tweetID: none
  3254. - Text: Chicken dance
  3255. cost:
  3256. glam: 0
  3257. experience: 0
  3258. dollars: 0
  3259. motivation: 0
  3260. level: 1
  3261. reward:
  3262. glam: 0
  3263. experience: 0
  3264. dollars: 0
  3265. motivation: 0
  3266. level: 1
  3267. nextDialogIndex: 6
  3268. startAction: 0
  3269. actionId: 0
  3270. tweetID: none
  3271. - Text: Nae nae
  3272. cost:
  3273. glam: 0
  3274. experience: 0
  3275. dollars: 0
  3276. motivation: 0
  3277. level: 1
  3278. reward:
  3279. glam: 0
  3280. experience: 0
  3281. dollars: 0
  3282. motivation: 0
  3283. level: 1
  3284. nextDialogIndex: 6
  3285. startAction: 0
  3286. actionId: 0
  3287. tweetID: none
  3288. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3289. - Text: "Good call! OK, let Peter know when you\u2019re ready!"
  3290. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3291. Replies: []
  3292. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3293. ConvType: 1
  3294. Location: EnVision Studios
  3295. NPCId:
  3296. - Morgan Swift
  3297. - id: CH06c-Q04-D02-Frankie
  3298. Dialogs:
  3299. - Text: '%Player_Name%, are you ready to start the PyreFly promotional video shoot?'
  3300. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3301. Replies:
  3302. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3303. cost:
  3304. glam: 0
  3305. experience: 0
  3306. dollars: 0
  3307. motivation: 0
  3308. level: 1
  3309. reward:
  3310. glam: 0
  3311. experience: 0
  3312. dollars: 0
  3313. motivation: 0
  3314. level: 1
  3315. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3316. startAction: 1
  3317. actionId: CH06c-Q04-G01-Film
  3318. tweetID: none
  3319. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  3320. cost:
  3321. glam: 0
  3322. experience: 0
  3323. dollars: 0
  3324. motivation: 0
  3325. level: 1
  3326. reward:
  3327. glam: 0
  3328. experience: 0
  3329. dollars: 0
  3330. motivation: 0
  3331. level: 1
  3332. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3333. startAction: 0
  3334. actionId: 0
  3335. tweetID: none
  3336. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  3337. ConvType: 1
  3338. Location: EnVision Studios
  3339. NPCId:
  3340. - Frankie Yu
  3341. - id: CH06c-Q04-D03-Morgan
  3342. Dialogs:
  3343. - Text: "I\u2019m so honored to be dancing with you %Player_Name%!"
  3344. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3345. Replies: []
  3346. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3347. ConvType: 2
  3348. Location: EnVision Studios
  3349. NPCId:
  3350. - Morgan Swift
  3351. - id: CH06c-Q04-D04-Morgan
  3352. Dialogs:
  3353. - Text: Our video already has over 1 million views! This campaign is getting tons
  3354. of traction and tickets have been selling like crazy since they announced
  3355. we will be attending!
  3356. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3357. Replies:
  3358. - Text: "Let\u2019s do it!"
  3359. cost:
  3360. glam: 0
  3361. experience: 0
  3362. dollars: 0
  3363. motivation: 0
  3364. level: 1
  3365. reward:
  3366. glam: 0
  3367. experience: 0
  3368. dollars: 0
  3369. motivation: 0
  3370. level: 1
  3371. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3372. startAction: 0
  3373. actionId: 0
  3374. tweetID: none
  3375. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3376. - Text: "Let\u2019s keep up the buzz!"
  3377. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3378. Replies: []
  3379. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3380. - Text: What type of posing do you think I should do for this shoot? Hands on
  3381. face, arms up or dancing?
  3382. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3383. Replies:
  3384. - Text: Hands on face
  3385. cost:
  3386. glam: 0
  3387. experience: 0
  3388. dollars: 0
  3389. motivation: 0
  3390. level: 1
  3391. reward:
  3392. glam: 0
  3393. experience: 2
  3394. dollars: 4
  3395. motivation: 0
  3396. level: 1
  3397. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3398. startAction: 0
  3399. actionId: 0
  3400. tweetID: none
  3401. - Text: Arms up
  3402. cost:
  3403. glam: 0
  3404. experience: 0
  3405. dollars: 0
  3406. motivation: 0
  3407. level: 1
  3408. reward:
  3409. glam: 0
  3410. experience: 2
  3411. dollars: 4
  3412. motivation: 0
  3413. level: 1
  3414. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3415. startAction: 0
  3416. actionId: 0
  3417. tweetID: none
  3418. - Text: Dancing
  3419. cost:
  3420. glam: 0
  3421. experience: 0
  3422. dollars: 0
  3423. motivation: 0
  3424. level: 1
  3425. reward:
  3426. glam: 0
  3427. experience: 2
  3428. dollars: 4
  3429. motivation: 0
  3430. level: 1
  3431. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3432. startAction: 0
  3433. actionId: 0
  3434. tweetID: none
  3435. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3436. - Text: "You\u2019re so good at this! Alright I\u2019m ready! Let Denise know
  3437. when you\u2019re ready!"
  3438. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  3439. Replies: []
  3440. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3441. ConvType: 1
  3442. Location: Miami Beach
  3443. NPCId:
  3444. - Morgan Swift
  3445. - id: CH06c-Q04-D05-Denise
  3446. Dialogs:
  3447. - Text: '%Player_Name%, we are all set for the photoshoot!'
  3448. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3449. Replies:
  3450. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3451. cost:
  3452. glam: 0
  3453. experience: 0
  3454. dollars: 0
  3455. motivation: 0
  3456. level: 1
  3457. reward:
  3458. glam: 0
  3459. experience: 0
  3460. dollars: 0
  3461. motivation: 0
  3462. level: 1
  3463. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3464. startAction: 1
  3465. actionId: CH06c-Q04-G02-Photoshoot
  3466. tweetID: none
  3467. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  3468. cost:
  3469. glam: 0
  3470. experience: 0
  3471. dollars: 0
  3472. motivation: 0
  3473. level: 1
  3474. reward:
  3475. glam: 0
  3476. experience: 0
  3477. dollars: 0
  3478. motivation: 0
  3479. level: 1
  3480. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3481. startAction: 0
  3482. actionId: 0
  3483. tweetID: none
  3484. NPCId: Denise Ali
  3485. ConvType: 1
  3486. Location: Miami Beach
  3487. NPCId:
  3488. - Denise Ali
  3489. - id: CH06c-Q04-D06-Morgan
  3490. Dialogs:
  3491. - Text: Am I doing it right? I love your poses!
  3492. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3493. Replies: []
  3494. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3495. ConvType: 2
  3496. Location: Miami Beach
  3497. NPCId:
  3498. - Morgan Swift
  3499. - id: CH06c-Q04-D07-Gabby
  3500. Dialogs:
  3501. - Text: You both are doing a great job! Next up is the appearance at Tiki Cove
  3502. in Orlando! Have fun!
  3503. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3504. Replies: []
  3505. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3506. ConvType: 3
  3507. Location: Exterior
  3508. NPCId:
  3509. - Gabriella Hall
  3510. - id: CH06c-Q04-D08-Morgan
  3511. Dialogs:
  3512. - Text: "Whew, this is exhausting! Being an influencer is a lot of work when you\u2019re
  3513. on the road. Balancing work and home life is tough! "
  3514. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3515. Replies:
  3516. - Text: 'I agree! '
  3517. cost:
  3518. glam: 0
  3519. experience: 0
  3520. dollars: 0
  3521. motivation: 0
  3522. level: 1
  3523. reward:
  3524. glam: 0
  3525. experience: 2
  3526. dollars: 4
  3527. motivation: 0
  3528. level: 1
  3529. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3530. startAction: 0
  3531. actionId: 0
  3532. tweetID: none
  3533. - Text: "You\u2019ll get the hang of it."
  3534. cost:
  3535. glam: 0
  3536. experience: 0
  3537. dollars: 0
  3538. motivation: 0
  3539. level: 1
  3540. reward:
  3541. glam: 0
  3542. experience: 2
  3543. dollars: 4
  3544. motivation: 0
  3545. level: 1
  3546. nextDialogIndex: 3
  3547. startAction: 0
  3548. actionId: 0
  3549. tweetID: none
  3550. - Text: "It\u2019s not that hard..."
  3551. cost:
  3552. glam: 0
  3553. experience: 0
  3554. dollars: 0
  3555. motivation: 0
  3556. level: 1
  3557. reward:
  3558. glam: 0
  3559. experience: 2
  3560. dollars: 4
  3561. motivation: 0
  3562. level: 1
  3563. nextDialogIndex: 4
  3564. startAction: 0
  3565. actionId: 0
  3566. tweetID: none
  3567. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3568. - Text: Nice that you feel the same way!
  3569. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3570. Replies: []
  3571. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3572. - Text: I hope so!
  3573. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3574. Replies: []
  3575. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3576. - Text: "Cause you\u2019re so good at this! One day I\u2019ll get to your level."
  3577. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3578. Replies: []
  3579. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3580. ConvType: 1
  3581. Location: Tiki Cove
  3582. NPCId:
  3583. - Morgan Swift
  3584. - id: CH06c-Q04-D09-Morgan
  3585. Dialogs:
  3586. - Text: "I\u2019m glad that tickets have been selling though! Well, let\u2019s
  3587. mingle and keep spreading the world about PyreFly Festival!"
  3588. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3589. Replies:
  3590. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3591. cost:
  3592. glam: 0
  3593. experience: 0
  3594. dollars: 0
  3595. motivation: 0
  3596. level: 1
  3597. reward:
  3598. glam: 0
  3599. experience: 2
  3600. dollars: 4
  3601. motivation: 0
  3602. level: 1
  3603. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3604. startAction: 1
  3605. actionId: CH06c-Q04-G03-Sponsored
  3606. tweetID: none
  3607. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  3608. cost:
  3609. glam: 0
  3610. experience: 0
  3611. dollars: 0
  3612. motivation: 0
  3613. level: 1
  3614. reward:
  3615. glam: 0
  3616. experience: 2
  3617. dollars: 4
  3618. motivation: 0
  3619. level: 1
  3620. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3621. startAction: 0
  3622. actionId: 0
  3623. tweetID: none
  3624. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3625. ConvType: 1
  3626. Location: Tiki Cove
  3627. NPCId:
  3628. - Morgan Swift
  3629. - id: CH06c-Q04-D10-Morgan
  3630. Dialogs:
  3631. - Text: "I can\u2019t wait for us to be at the festival!"
  3632. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3633. Replies: []
  3634. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3635. ConvType: 2
  3636. Location: Tiki Cove
  3637. NPCId:
  3638. - Morgan Swift
  3639. - id: CH06c-Q04-D11-Random
  3640. Dialogs:
  3641. - Text: "If you\u2019re gonna be at PyreFly Festival, then I will be too!"
  3642. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3643. Replies: []
  3644. NPCId: Neil Ross
  3645. ConvType: 2
  3646. Location: Tiki Cove
  3647. NPCId:
  3648. - Neil Ross
  3649. - id: CH06c-Q04-D12-Random
  3650. Dialogs:
  3651. - Text: "I\u2019m partying with %Player_Name% AND Morgan Swift!! Omg, let\u2019s
  3652. take a selfie!"
  3653. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3654. Replies: []
  3655. NPCId: Olive Patel
  3656. ConvType: 2
  3657. Location: Tiki Cove
  3658. NPCId:
  3659. - Olive Patel
  3660. - id: CH06c-Q04-D13-Gabby
  3661. Dialogs:
  3662. - Text: "I\u2019m hearing great things about the Tiki Cove party! PyreFly Festival
  3663. tickets are almost sold out!! And because I\u2019m great at negotiating, I
  3664. managed to get you an extra cut of the ticket sales."
  3665. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3666. Replies: []
  3667. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3668. - Text: "You\u2019re welcome. $1.500 coming your way!"
  3669. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3670. Replies:
  3671. - Text: Thanks. Gabby!
  3672. cost:
  3673. glam: 0
  3674. experience: 0
  3675. dollars: 0
  3676. motivation: 0
  3677. level: 1
  3678. reward:
  3679. glam: 0
  3680. experience: 0
  3681. dollars: 1500
  3682. motivation: 0
  3683. level: 1
  3684. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3685. startAction: 0
  3686. actionId: 0
  3687. tweetID: none
  3688. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3689. - Text: "The music festival will be soon, I\u2019ll give you a call when you can
  3690. head down there!"
  3691. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3692. Replies: []
  3693. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3694. ConvType: 3
  3695. Location: Exterior
  3696. NPCId:
  3697. - Gabriella Hall
  3698. - id: CH06c-Q04-D14-Morgan
  3699. Dialogs:
  3700. - Text: '%Player_Name%... are you there?'
  3701. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3702. Replies:
  3703. - Text: "What\u2019s up?"
  3704. cost:
  3705. glam: 0
  3706. experience: 0
  3707. dollars: 0
  3708. motivation: 0
  3709. level: 1
  3710. reward:
  3711. glam: 0
  3712. experience: 0
  3713. dollars: 0
  3714. motivation: 0
  3715. level: 1
  3716. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3717. startAction: 0
  3718. actionId: 0
  3719. tweetID: none
  3720. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3721. - Text: "OMG! It\u2019s a mess, all of it..."
  3722. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3723. Replies:
  3724. - Text: What is?
  3725. cost:
  3726. glam: 0
  3727. experience: 0
  3728. dollars: 0
  3729. motivation: 0
  3730. level: 1
  3731. reward:
  3732. glam: 0
  3733. experience: 0
  3734. dollars: 0
  3735. motivation: 0
  3736. level: 1
  3737. nextDialogIndex: 3
  3738. startAction: 0
  3739. actionId: 0
  3740. tweetID: none
  3741. NPCId: Morgan Swift
  3742. ConvType: 3
  3743. Location: Exterior
  3744. NPCId:
  3745. - Morgan Swift
  3746. - id: CH06c-Q04-D15-Gabby
  3747. Dialogs:
  3748. - Text: '%Player_Name%, have you talked to Morgan? '
  3749. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3750. Replies:
  3751. - Text: I did.
  3752. cost:
  3753. glam: 0
  3754. experience: 0
  3755. dollars: 0
  3756. motivation: 0
  3757. level: 1
  3758. reward:
  3759. glam: 0
  3760. experience: 0
  3761. dollars: 0
  3762. motivation: 0
  3763. level: 1
  3764. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3765. startAction: 0
  3766. actionId: 0
  3767. tweetID: none
  3768. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3769. - Text: "Okay, so I\u2019m sure you heard that PyreFly Festival was cancelled.
  3770. Seems like the event planners didn\u2019t have everything under control."
  3771. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3772. Replies: []
  3773. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3774. - Text: "But thankfully, we got paid already for the work we did! Media seems
  3775. to be all over the festival and hasn\u2019t really mentioned you or Morgan."
  3776. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3777. Replies: []
  3778. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3779. - Text: "I\u2019ll keep an eye out on the media if we need to do anything. We
  3780. seem to be good for now!"
  3781. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3782. Replies:
  3783. - Text: Whew.
  3784. cost:
  3785. glam: 0
  3786. experience: 0
  3787. dollars: 0
  3788. motivation: 0
  3789. level: 1
  3790. reward:
  3791. glam: 0
  3792. experience: 0
  3793. dollars: 0
  3794. motivation: 0
  3795. level: 1
  3796. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3797. startAction: 0
  3798. actionId: 0
  3799. tweetID: none
  3800. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3801. ConvType: 3
  3802. Location: Exterior
  3803. NPCId:
  3804. - Gabriella Hall
  3805. - id: CH06d-Q01-D01-LaChapelle
  3806. Dialogs:
  3807. - Text: "Hi %Player_Name%. Mr. LaChapelle here. I hope you having a fantabulous
  3808. day! I am casting for an upcoming network television movie called \u201CA
  3809. Dance to Remember.\u201D"
  3810. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3811. Replies:
  3812. - Text: I would love to.
  3813. cost:
  3814. glam: 0
  3815. experience: 0
  3816. dollars: 0
  3817. motivation: 0
  3818. level: 1
  3819. reward:
  3820. glam: 0
  3821. experience: 0
  3822. dollars: 0
  3823. motivation: 0
  3824. level: 1
  3825. nextDialogIndex: 4
  3826. startAction: 0
  3827. actionId: 0
  3828. tweetID: none
  3829. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  3830. - Text: "It\u2019s a modern day love story about a couple who must fight for their
  3831. chance to be with each other! The main parts have already been cast, but I
  3832. am looking for supporting actors. I would love if you auditioned."
  3833. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3834. Replies: []
  3835. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  3836. - Text: Perfect! Please meet me at EnVision studios in Brooklyn and we can begin
  3837. the audition.
  3838. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3839. Replies:
  3840. - Text: See you there.
  3841. cost:
  3842. glam: 0
  3843. experience: 0
  3844. dollars: 0
  3845. motivation: 0
  3846. level: 1
  3847. reward:
  3848. glam: 0
  3849. experience: 0
  3850. dollars: 0
  3851. motivation: 0
  3852. level: 1
  3853. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3854. startAction: 0
  3855. actionId: 0
  3856. tweetID: none
  3857. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  3858. ConvType: 3
  3859. Location: Exterior
  3860. NPCId:
  3861. - Mr. LaChapelle
  3862. - id: CH06d-Q01-D02-LaChapelle
  3863. Dialogs:
  3864. - Text: "%Player_Name%, welcome to the audition for \u201CA Dance to Remember\u201D!
  3865. I have a few roles that I think would be perfect for you: "
  3866. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3867. Replies: []
  3868. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  3869. - Text: The best friend who secretly loves the main lead, the jealous ex who ruins
  3870. the dance, or the class president who plans the powerful reveal moment!
  3871. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3872. Replies: []
  3873. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  3874. - Text: Which role would you like to try out for?
  3875. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3876. Replies:
  3877. - Text: Best friend
  3878. cost:
  3879. glam: 0
  3880. experience: 0
  3881. dollars: 0
  3882. motivation: 0
  3883. level: 1
  3884. reward:
  3885. glam: 0
  3886. experience: 5
  3887. dollars: 2
  3888. motivation: 0
  3889. level: 1
  3890. nextDialogIndex: 5
  3891. startAction: 0
  3892. actionId: 0
  3893. tweetID: none
  3894. - Text: Jealous ex
  3895. cost:
  3896. glam: 0
  3897. experience: 0
  3898. dollars: 0
  3899. motivation: 0
  3900. level: 1
  3901. reward:
  3902. glam: 0
  3903. experience: 5
  3904. dollars: 2
  3905. motivation: 0
  3906. level: 1
  3907. nextDialogIndex: 5
  3908. startAction: 0
  3909. actionId: 0
  3910. tweetID: none
  3911. - Text: Class president
  3912. cost:
  3913. glam: 0
  3914. experience: 0
  3915. dollars: 0
  3916. motivation: 0
  3917. level: 1
  3918. reward:
  3919. glam: 0
  3920. experience: 5
  3921. dollars: 2
  3922. motivation: 0
  3923. level: 1
  3924. nextDialogIndex: 5
  3925. startAction: 0
  3926. actionId: 0
  3927. tweetID: none
  3928. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  3929. - Text: I think you will do great in this role! Please talk with Frankie when
  3930. you are ready to start!
  3931. AnimationIndex:
  3932. Replies: []
  3933. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  3934. ConvType: 1
  3935. Location: EnVision Studios
  3936. NPCId:
  3937. - Mr. LaChapelle
  3938. - id: CH06d-Q01-D03-Frankie
  3939. Dialogs:
  3940. - Text: "Are you ready to start the audition for \u201CA Dance to Remember\u201D?"
  3941. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3942. Replies:
  3943. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3944. cost:
  3945. glam: 0
  3946. experience: 0
  3947. dollars: 0
  3948. motivation: 0
  3949. level: 1
  3950. reward:
  3951. glam: 0
  3952. experience: 0
  3953. dollars: 0
  3954. motivation: 0
  3955. level: 1
  3956. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3957. startAction: 1
  3958. actionId: CH06d-Q01-G01-Film
  3959. tweetID: none
  3960. - Text: Hold on.
  3961. cost:
  3962. glam: 0
  3963. experience: 0
  3964. dollars: 0
  3965. motivation: 0
  3966. level: 1
  3967. reward:
  3968. glam: 0
  3969. experience: 0
  3970. dollars: 0
  3971. motivation: 0
  3972. level: 1
  3973. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3974. startAction: 0
  3975. actionId: 0
  3976. tweetID: none
  3977. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  3978. ConvType: 1
  3979. Location: EnVision Studios
  3980. NPCId:
  3981. - Frankie Yu
  3982. - id: CH06d-Q02-D01-Sarah
  3983. Dialogs:
  3984. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I booked you for a Fashion Hair Show with Lush Locks.
  3985. You\u2019ll be hitting the runway with their new hair looks. I recommend getting
  3986. a new hair-do before the fashion show!"
  3987. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3988. Replies:
  3989. - Text: Sounds good!
  3990. cost:
  3991. glam: 0
  3992. experience: 0
  3993. dollars: 0
  3994. motivation: 0
  3995. level: 1
  3996. reward:
  3997. glam: 0
  3998. experience: 0
  3999. dollars: 0
  4000. motivation: 0
  4001. level: 1
  4002. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4003. startAction: 0
  4004. actionId: 0
  4005. tweetID: none
  4006. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4007. ConvType: 3
  4008. Location: Exterior
  4009. NPCId:
  4010. - Sarah Bourne
  4011. - id: CH06d-Q02-D02-Kent
  4012. Dialogs:
  4013. - Text: Hi there! Are you here to get ready for the fashion hair show? What would
  4014. you like done?
  4015. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4016. Replies:
  4017. - Text: Shop
  4018. cost:
  4019. glam: 0
  4020. experience: 0
  4021. dollars: 0
  4022. motivation: 0
  4023. level: 1
  4024. reward:
  4025. glam: 0
  4026. experience: 0
  4027. dollars: 0
  4028. motivation: 0
  4029. level: 1
  4030. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4031. startAction: 0
  4032. actionId: 0
  4033. tweetID: none
  4034. - Text: Deep condition & style
  4035. cost:
  4036. glam: 0
  4037. experience: 0
  4038. dollars: 25
  4039. motivation: 0
  4040. level: 1
  4041. reward:
  4042. glam: 0
  4043. experience: 0
  4044. dollars: 0
  4045. motivation: 0
  4046. level: 1
  4047. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4048. startAction: 0
  4049. actionId: 0
  4050. tweetID: none
  4051. NPCId: Kent Wills
  4052. ConvType: 1
  4053. Location: Lush Locks
  4054. NPCId:
  4055. - Kent Wills
  4056. - id: CH06d-Q02-D03-Dominic
  4057. Dialogs:
  4058. - Text: Welcome! Are you ready to start the Lush Locks Fashion Show?
  4059. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4060. Replies:
  4061. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  4062. cost:
  4063. glam: 0
  4064. experience: 0
  4065. dollars: 0
  4066. motivation: 0
  4067. level: 1
  4068. reward:
  4069. glam: 0
  4070. experience: 0
  4071. dollars: 0
  4072. motivation: 0
  4073. level: 1
  4074. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4075. startAction: 1
  4076. actionId: CH06d-Q02-G01-Runway
  4077. tweetID: none
  4078. - Text: Not right now.
  4079. cost:
  4080. glam: 0
  4081. experience: 0
  4082. dollars: 0
  4083. motivation: 0
  4084. level: 1
  4085. reward:
  4086. glam: 0
  4087. experience: 0
  4088. dollars: 0
  4089. motivation: 0
  4090. level: 1
  4091. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4092. startAction: 0
  4093. actionId: 0
  4094. tweetID: none
  4095. NPCId: Dominic Donovan
  4096. ConvType: 1
  4097. Location: Gallery 22
  4098. NPCId:
  4099. - Dominic Donovan
  4100. - id: CH06d-Q03-D01-LaChapelle
  4101. Dialogs:
  4102. - Text: "Hi %Player_Name%, this is Mr. LaChapelle! I\u2019m happy to say that
  4103. you have booked a role on A Dance to Remember! We will start the shoot in
  4104. <Gig_Timer>. I will see you at EnVision Studios!"
  4105. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4106. Replies:
  4107. - Text: "I\u2019m excited!"
  4108. cost:
  4109. glam: 0
  4110. experience: 0
  4111. dollars: 0
  4112. motivation: 0
  4113. level: 1
  4114. reward:
  4115. glam: 0
  4116. experience: 0
  4117. dollars: 0
  4118. motivation: 0
  4119. level: 1
  4120. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4121. startAction: 0
  4122. actionId: 0
  4123. tweetID: none
  4124. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4125. ConvType: 3
  4126. Location: Exterior
  4127. NPCId:
  4128. - Mr. LaChapelle
  4129. - id: CH06d-Q03-D02-Sarah
  4130. Dialogs:
  4131. - Text: '%Player_Name%, head on over to EnVision Studios! They are ready to start
  4132. filming A Dance to Remember.'
  4133. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4134. Replies:
  4135. - Text: I got it!
  4136. cost:
  4137. glam: 0
  4138. experience: 0
  4139. dollars: 0
  4140. motivation: 0
  4141. level: 1
  4142. reward:
  4143. glam: 0
  4144. experience: 0
  4145. dollars: 0
  4146. motivation: 0
  4147. level: 1
  4148. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4149. startAction: 0
  4150. actionId: 0
  4151. tweetID: none
  4152. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4153. ConvType: 3
  4154. Location: Exterior
  4155. NPCId:
  4156. - Sarah Bourne
  4157. - id: CH06d-Q03-D03-LaChapelle
  4158. Dialogs:
  4159. - Text: '%Player_Name%, allow me to introduce you to the two leads of the movie,
  4160. Kara and Devin.'
  4161. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4162. Replies: []
  4163. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4164. - Text: Hey.
  4165. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4166. Replies: []
  4167. NPCId: Kara Ellis
  4168. - Text: Hey, I saw you at Paris Fashion Week! Nice to meet you.
  4169. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4170. Replies:
  4171. - Text: Nice to meet you.
  4172. cost:
  4173. glam: 0
  4174. experience: 0
  4175. dollars: 0
  4176. motivation: 0
  4177. level: 1
  4178. reward:
  4179. glam: 0
  4180. experience: 0
  4181. dollars: 0
  4182. motivation: 0
  4183. level: 1
  4184. nextDialogIndex: 4
  4185. startAction: 0
  4186. actionId: 0
  4187. tweetID: none
  4188. NPCId: Devin Hull
  4189. - Text: "Let\u2019s get started, shall we! Please talk to Frankie when you are
  4190. ready."
  4191. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4192. Replies: []
  4193. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4194. ConvType: 1
  4195. Location: EnVision Studios
  4196. NPCId:
  4197. - Mr. LaChapelle
  4198. - Kara Ellis
  4199. - Devin Hull
  4200. - id: CH06d-Q03-D04-Frankie
  4201. Dialogs:
  4202. - Text: "%Player_Name%, is this what you\u2019ll be wearing for A Dance to Remember?"
  4203. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4204. Replies:
  4205. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  4206. cost:
  4207. glam: 0
  4208. experience: 0
  4209. dollars: 0
  4210. motivation: 0
  4211. level: 1
  4212. reward:
  4213. glam: 0
  4214. experience: 0
  4215. dollars: 0
  4216. motivation: 0
  4217. level: 1
  4218. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4219. startAction: 1
  4220. actionId: CH06d-Q03-G01-Film
  4221. tweetID: none
  4222. - Text: Hold on.
  4223. cost:
  4224. glam: 0
  4225. experience: 0
  4226. dollars: 0
  4227. motivation: 0
  4228. level: 1
  4229. reward:
  4230. glam: 0
  4231. experience: 0
  4232. dollars: 0
  4233. motivation: 0
  4234. level: 1
  4235. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4236. startAction: 0
  4237. actionId: 0
  4238. tweetID: none
  4239. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  4240. ConvType: 1
  4241. Location: EnVision Studios
  4242. NPCId:
  4243. - Frankie Yu
  4244. - id: CH06d-Q04-D01-Sarah
  4245. Dialogs:
  4246. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, GlitzPop Magazine is doing a swimsuit feature in Fiji
  4247. and it has your name all over it!
  4248. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4249. Replies:
  4250. - Text: Awesome!
  4251. cost:
  4252. glam: 0
  4253. experience: 0
  4254. dollars: 0
  4255. motivation: 0
  4256. level: 1
  4257. reward:
  4258. glam: 0
  4259. experience: 0
  4260. dollars: 0
  4261. motivation: 0
  4262. level: 1
  4263. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4264. startAction: 0
  4265. actionId: 0
  4266. tweetID: none
  4267. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4268. - Text: Only downside is that Effy White will be there too.. sorry I tried to
  4269. schedule you for another time but it was the only time slot available.
  4270. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4271. Replies:
  4272. - Text: Ugh.
  4273. cost:
  4274. glam: 0
  4275. experience: 0
  4276. dollars: 0
  4277. motivation: 0
  4278. level: 1
  4279. reward:
  4280. glam: 0
  4281. experience: 0
  4282. dollars: 0
  4283. motivation: 0
  4284. level: 1
  4285. nextDialogIndex: 3
  4286. startAction: 0
  4287. actionId: 0
  4288. tweetID: none
  4289. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4290. - Text: I know, try to keep it professional!
  4291. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4292. Replies:
  4293. - Text: I will.
  4294. cost:
  4295. glam: 0
  4296. experience: 0
  4297. dollars: 0
  4298. motivation: 0
  4299. level: 1
  4300. reward:
  4301. glam: 0
  4302. experience: 0
  4303. dollars: 0
  4304. motivation: 0
  4305. level: 1
  4306. nextDialogIndex: 4
  4307. startAction: 0
  4308. actionId: 0
  4309. tweetID: none
  4310. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4311. - Text: "The gig starts in <Gig_Timer>. I\u2019ll give you a call when the contract
  4312. is finalized!"
  4313. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4314. Replies: []
  4315. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4316. ConvType: 3
  4317. Location: Exterior
  4318. NPCId:
  4319. - Sarah Bourne
  4320. - id: CH06d-Q04-D02-Sarah
  4321. Dialogs:
  4322. - Text: "%Player_Name%, the swimsuit feature for GlitzPop Magazine is ready for
  4323. you. Don\u2019t forget to put on some swimwear."
  4324. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4325. Replies:
  4326. - Text: Okay.
  4327. cost:
  4328. glam: 0
  4329. experience: 0
  4330. dollars: 0
  4331. motivation: 0
  4332. level: 1
  4333. reward:
  4334. glam: 0
  4335. experience: 0
  4336. dollars: 0
  4337. motivation: 0
  4338. level: 1
  4339. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4340. startAction: 0
  4341. actionId: 0
  4342. tweetID: none
  4343. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4344. ConvType: 3
  4345. Location: Exterior
  4346. NPCId:
  4347. - Sarah Bourne
  4348. - id: CH06d-Q04-D03-Effy
  4349. Dialogs:
  4350. - Text: '...hey.'
  4351. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4352. Replies:
  4353. - Text: Hey.
  4354. cost:
  4355. glam: 0
  4356. experience: 0
  4357. dollars: 0
  4358. motivation: 0
  4359. level: 1
  4360. reward:
  4361. glam: 0
  4362. experience: 0
  4363. dollars: 0
  4364. motivation: 0
  4365. level: 1
  4366. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4367. startAction: 0
  4368. actionId: 0
  4369. tweetID: none
  4370. - Text: (Brush off)
  4371. cost:
  4372. glam: 0
  4373. experience: 0
  4374. dollars: 0
  4375. motivation: 0
  4376. level: 1
  4377. reward:
  4378. glam: 0
  4379. experience: 0
  4380. dollars: 0
  4381. motivation: 0
  4382. level: 1
  4383. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4384. startAction: 0
  4385. actionId: 0
  4386. tweetID: none
  4387. NPCId: Effy White
  4388. - Text: Sorry what happened between Fabricio. And what happened between us.
  4389. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4390. Replies:
  4391. - Text: "Let\u2019s get to work."
  4392. cost:
  4393. glam: 0
  4394. experience: 0
  4395. dollars: 0
  4396. motivation: 0
  4397. level: 1
  4398. reward:
  4399. glam: 0
  4400. experience: 2
  4401. dollars: 4
  4402. motivation: 0
  4403. level: 1
  4404. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4405. startAction: 0
  4406. actionId: 0
  4407. tweetID: none
  4408. - Text: Uh huh.
  4409. cost:
  4410. glam: 0
  4411. experience: 0
  4412. dollars: 0
  4413. motivation: 0
  4414. level: 1
  4415. reward:
  4416. glam: 0
  4417. experience: 2
  4418. dollars: 4
  4419. motivation: 0
  4420. level: 1
  4421. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4422. startAction: 0
  4423. actionId: 0
  4424. tweetID: none
  4425. NPCId: Effy White
  4426. ConvType: 1
  4427. Location: Fiji
  4428. NPCId:
  4429. - Effy White
  4430. - id: CH06d-Q04-D04-Jeremy
  4431. Dialogs:
  4432. - Text: Excellent swimwear! Your look will be perfect for this photoshoot. Are
  4433. you ready?
  4434. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4435. Replies:
  4436. - Text: "Let\u2019s start!"
  4437. cost:
  4438. glam: 0
  4439. experience: 0
  4440. dollars: 0
  4441. motivation: 0
  4442. level: 1
  4443. reward:
  4444. glam: 0
  4445. experience: 0
  4446. dollars: 0
  4447. motivation: 0
  4448. level: 1
  4449. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4450. startAction: 1
  4451. actionId: CH06d-Q04-G01-Photoshoot
  4452. tweetID: none
  4453. - Text: Hold on.
  4454. cost:
  4455. glam: 0
  4456. experience: 0
  4457. dollars: 0
  4458. motivation: 0
  4459. level: 1
  4460. reward:
  4461. glam: 0
  4462. experience: 0
  4463. dollars: 0
  4464. motivation: 0
  4465. level: 1
  4466. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4467. startAction: 0
  4468. actionId: 0
  4469. tweetID: none
  4470. NPCId: Jeremy Cariveau
  4471. - Text: Sorry, %Player_Name%, could you please put on some swimwear before we
  4472. start the shoot?
  4473. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4474. Replies: []
  4475. NPCId: Jeremy Cariveau
  4476. ConvType: 1
  4477. Location: Fiji
  4478. NPCId:
  4479. - Jeremy Cariveau
  4480. - id: CH06d-Q04-D05-Effy
  4481. Dialogs:
  4482. - Text: This brings back so many memories!
  4483. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4484. Replies: []
  4485. NPCId: Effy White
  4486. ConvType: 2
  4487. Location: Fiji
  4488. NPCId:
  4489. - Effy White
  4490. - id: CH06d-Q05-D01-Tyra
  4491. Dialogs:
  4492. - Text: "Hey %Player_Name%.. hope all is well! There\u2019s a director I\u2019d
  4493. like for you to meet. He\u2019s going to be at Clover Room. "
  4494. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4495. Replies: []
  4496. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4497. - Text: Impress him and there might be a fun project for you to work on!
  4498. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4499. Replies: []
  4500. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4501. ConvType: 3
  4502. Location: Exterior
  4503. NPCId:
  4504. - Tyra Banks
  4505. - id: CH06d-Q05-D02-Zayne
  4506. Dialogs:
  4507. - Text: 'You must be %Player_Name%. Pleasure to meet you! '
  4508. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4509. Replies:
  4510. - Text: Nice to meet you!
  4511. cost:
  4512. glam: 0
  4513. experience: 0
  4514. dollars: 0
  4515. motivation: 0
  4516. level: 1
  4517. reward:
  4518. glam: 0
  4519. experience: 0
  4520. dollars: 0
  4521. motivation: 0
  4522. level: 1
  4523. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4524. startAction: 0
  4525. actionId: 0
  4526. tweetID: none
  4527. NPCId: Zayne Brock
  4528. - Text: "I have been following your career and I must say you are magnificent!
  4529. I\u2019d love to have you on an episode of my TV show, Dolly\u2019s World."
  4530. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4531. Replies: []
  4532. NPCId: Zayne Brock
  4533. - Text: "It\u2019s going to be our 100th episode and I think you\u2019d be great!
  4534. And the best part is.. Tyra will be filming with us too!"
  4535. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4536. Replies: []
  4537. NPCId: Zayne Brock
  4538. - Text: What do you think?
  4539. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4540. Replies:
  4541. - Text: (Use wits)
  4542. cost:
  4543. glam: 3
  4544. experience: 0
  4545. dollars: 0
  4546. motivation: 0
  4547. level: 1
  4548. reward:
  4549. glam: 0
  4550. experience: 0
  4551. dollars: 0
  4552. motivation: 0
  4553. level: 1
  4554. nextDialogIndex: 5
  4555. startAction: 2
  4556. actionId: CH06d-Q05-DollysWorld
  4557. tweetID: none
  4558. - Text: (Express interest)
  4559. cost:
  4560. glam: 0
  4561. experience: 0
  4562. dollars: 10
  4563. motivation: 0
  4564. level: 1
  4565. reward:
  4566. glam: 0
  4567. experience: 0
  4568. dollars: 0
  4569. motivation: 0
  4570. level: 1
  4571. nextDialogIndex: 5
  4572. startAction: 2
  4573. actionId: CH06d-Q05-DollysWorld
  4574. tweetID: none
  4575. - Text: (Be right back)
  4576. cost:
  4577. glam: 0
  4578. experience: 0
  4579. dollars: 0
  4580. motivation: 0
  4581. level: 1
  4582. reward:
  4583. glam: 0
  4584. experience: 0
  4585. dollars: 0
  4586. motivation: 0
  4587. level: 1
  4588. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4589. startAction: 0
  4590. actionId: 0
  4591. tweetID: none
  4592. NPCId: Zayne Brock
  4593. - Text: Excellent! We start filming in <Gig_Timer> at SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood!
  4594. See you there!
  4595. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4596. Replies: []
  4597. NPCId: Zayne Brock
  4598. ConvType: 1
  4599. Location: Clover Room
  4600. NPCId:
  4601. - Zayne Brock
  4602. - id: CH06d-Q05-D03-Sarah
  4603. Dialogs:
  4604. - Text: "%Player_Name%, filming for Dolly\u2019s World will start now! Get on
  4605. over to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood."
  4606. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4607. Replies:
  4608. - Text: Okay!
  4609. cost:
  4610. glam: 0
  4611. experience: 0
  4612. dollars: 0
  4613. motivation: 0
  4614. level: 1
  4615. reward:
  4616. glam: 0
  4617. experience: 0
  4618. dollars: 0
  4619. motivation: 0
  4620. level: 1
  4621. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4622. startAction: 0
  4623. actionId: 0
  4624. tweetID: none
  4625. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4626. ConvType: 3
  4627. Location: Exterior
  4628. NPCId:
  4629. - Sarah Bourne
  4630. - id: CH06d-Q05-D04-Tyra
  4631. Dialogs:
  4632. - Text: "Hey boo, I\u2019m so glad you got to meet Zayne! I wanted it to be a
  4633. surprise that I\u2019m filming with you too!"
  4634. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4635. Replies:
  4636. - Text: "I\u2019m surprised!"
  4637. cost:
  4638. glam: 0
  4639. experience: 0
  4640. dollars: 0
  4641. motivation: 0
  4642. level: 1
  4643. reward:
  4644. glam: 0
  4645. experience: 0
  4646. dollars: 0
  4647. motivation: 0
  4648. level: 1
  4649. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4650. startAction: 0
  4651. actionId: 0
  4652. tweetID: none
  4653. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4654. - Text: "I\u2019m glad! I love working with you, so any opportunity! I know both
  4655. of our lives are crazy so it\u2019s nice to see you."
  4656. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4657. Replies:
  4658. - Text: (Hug)
  4659. cost:
  4660. glam: 0
  4661. experience: 0
  4662. dollars: 0
  4663. motivation: 0
  4664. level: 1
  4665. reward:
  4666. glam: 0
  4667. experience: 0
  4668. dollars: 0
  4669. motivation: 0
  4670. level: 1
  4671. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4672. startAction: 0
  4673. actionId: 0
  4674. tweetID: none
  4675. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4676. - Text: "Aww! Let Karen know when you\u2019re ready!"
  4677. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4678. Replies: []
  4679. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4680. ConvType: 1
  4681. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  4682. NPCId:
  4683. - Tyra Banks
  4684. - id: CH06d-Q05-D05-Karen
  4685. Dialogs:
  4686. - Text: "Ready to film the 100th episode of Dolly\u2019s World?"
  4687. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4688. Replies:
  4689. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  4690. cost:
  4691. glam: 0
  4692. experience: 0
  4693. dollars: 0
  4694. motivation: 0
  4695. level: 1
  4696. reward:
  4697. glam: 0
  4698. experience: 0
  4699. dollars: 0
  4700. motivation: 0
  4701. level: 1
  4702. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4703. startAction: 1
  4704. actionId: CH06d-Q05-G01-Film
  4705. tweetID: none
  4706. - Text: Hold on.
  4707. cost:
  4708. glam: 0
  4709. experience: 0
  4710. dollars: 0
  4711. motivation: 0
  4712. level: 1
  4713. reward:
  4714. glam: 0
  4715. experience: 0
  4716. dollars: 0
  4717. motivation: 0
  4718. level: 1
  4719. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4720. startAction: 0
  4721. actionId: 0
  4722. tweetID: none
  4723. NPCId: Karen Paine
  4724. ConvType: 1
  4725. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  4726. NPCId:
  4727. - Karen Paine
  4728. - id: CH06d-Q05-D06-Zayne
  4729. Dialogs:
  4730. - Text: "It\u2019s a pleasure working with you and Tyra!"
  4731. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4732. Replies: []
  4733. NPCId: Zayne Brock
  4734. ConvType: 2
  4735. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  4736. NPCId:
  4737. - Zayne Brock
  4738. quests:
  4739. - id: CH06a-Q01-MeetGabby
  4740. tasks:
  4741. - Description: Meet Gabriella at Stratus Towers in SoHo
  4742. action:
  4743. type: 1
  4744. propertyId: CH06a-Q01-D02-Gabby
  4745. duration: 0
  4746. reward:
  4747. glam: 0
  4748. experience: 30
  4749. dollars: 40
  4750. motivation: 0
  4751. level: 1
  4752. Description: Meet Gabriella
  4753. - id: CH06a-Q02-WeddingDress
  4754. tasks:
  4755. - Description: Go to Marc Ray in Houston, Texas
  4756. action:
  4757. type: 1
  4758. propertyId: Marc Ray
  4759. duration: 0
  4760. - Description: Get Gabriella a wedding dress
  4761. action:
  4762. type: 1
  4763. propertyId: CH06a-Q02-D01-Marc
  4764. duration: 0
  4765. reward:
  4766. glam: 0
  4767. experience: 30
  4768. dollars: 40
  4769. motivation: 0
  4770. level: 1
  4771. Description: Wedding Dress Broker
  4772. - id: CH06a-Q03-ImpromptuPhotoshoot
  4773. tasks:
  4774. - Description: Talk with Marc Ray at his shop in Houston
  4775. action:
  4776. type: 1
  4777. propertyId: Marc Ray
  4778. duration: 0
  4779. - Description: Complete his impromptu photoshoot
  4780. action:
  4781. type: 1
  4782. propertyId: CH06a-Q03-D01-Marc
  4783. duration: 0
  4784. reward:
  4785. glam: 0
  4786. experience: 80
  4787. dollars: 90
  4788. motivation: 0
  4789. level: 1
  4790. Description: An Impromptu Photoshoot
  4791. - id: CH06a-Q04-InnerSelves
  4792. tasks:
  4793. - Description: Go to Gallery 22 in Upper East Side
  4794. action:
  4795. type: 1
  4796. propertyId: Gallery 22
  4797. duration: 0
  4798. - Description: "Complete Dominic\u2019s pop-up exhibition "
  4799. action:
  4800. type: 1
  4801. propertyId: CH06a-Q04-D02-Dominic
  4802. duration: 0
  4803. reward:
  4804. glam: 0
  4805. experience: 60
  4806. dollars: 75
  4807. motivation: 0
  4808. level: 1
  4809. Description: Inner Selves and Humans
  4810. - id: CH06a-Q05-GameofEmpiresCover
  4811. tasks:
  4812. - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s phone call"
  4813. action:
  4814. type: 1
  4815. propertyId: CH06a-Q06-D01-Sarah
  4816. duration: 0
  4817. - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave
  4818. action:
  4819. type: 1
  4820. propertyId: Glamlight Studios
  4821. duration: 0
  4822. - Description: Complete the photoshoot (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  4823. action:
  4824. type: 1
  4825. propertyId: CH06a-Q06-D02-Katherine
  4826. duration: 0
  4827. reward:
  4828. glam: 0
  4829. experience: 80
  4830. dollars: 100
  4831. motivation: 0
  4832. level: 1
  4833. Description: Game of Empires Book Cover
  4834. - id: CH06a-Q07-CrabbyCat
  4835. tasks:
  4836. - Description: Go to EnVision Studios in Brooklyn
  4837. action:
  4838. type: 1
  4839. propertyId: EnVision Studios
  4840. duration: 0
  4841. - Description: Complete the Crabby Cat Calendar shoot
  4842. action:
  4843. type: 1
  4844. propertyId: CH06a-Q07-D03-Frankie
  4845. duration: 0
  4846. reward:
  4847. glam: 0
  4848. experience: 80
  4849. dollars: 100
  4850. motivation: 0
  4851. level: 1
  4852. Description: Crabby Cat Calendar
  4853. - id: CH06a-Q07-LilKirty
  4854. tasks:
  4855. - Description: "Wait for Fabricio\u2019s call"
  4856. action:
  4857. type: 1
  4858. propertyId: CH06a-Q08-D02-Fabricio
  4859. duration: 0
  4860. - Description: Go to IVY Yacht Club in Miami, Florida
  4861. action:
  4862. type: 1
  4863. propertyId: IVY Yacht Club
  4864. duration: 0
  4865. - Description: Go to the Lil Kirty show with Fabricio
  4866. action:
  4867. type: 1
  4868. propertyId: CH06a-Q08-A01
  4869. duration: 0
  4870. reward:
  4871. glam: 0
  4872. experience: 80
  4873. dollars: 100
  4874. motivation: 0
  4875. level: 1
  4876. Description: Lil Kirty
  4877. - id: CH06a-Q09-BoomBoomBoom
  4878. tasks:
  4879. - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call"
  4880. action:
  4881. type: 1
  4882. propertyId: CH06a-Q09-D01-Sarah
  4883. duration: 0
  4884. - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood, California
  4885. action:
  4886. type: 1
  4887. propertyId: SilverMax Pictures
  4888. duration: 0
  4889. - Description: Film the music video (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  4890. action:
  4891. type: 1
  4892. propertyId: CH06a-Q09-A01
  4893. duration: 0
  4894. reward:
  4895. glam: 0
  4896. experience: 70
  4897. dollars: 90
  4898. motivation: 0
  4899. level: 1
  4900. Description: Boom Boom Boom
  4901. - id: CH06b-Q01-SwagstaCasting
  4902. tasks:
  4903. - Description: Go to Swagsta in Malibu, California
  4904. action:
  4905. type: 1
  4906. propertyId: Swagsta
  4907. duration: 0
  4908. - Description: Compete in the Swagsta casting call
  4909. action:
  4910. type: 1
  4911. propertyId: CH06b-Q01-D03-Alexis
  4912. duration: 0
  4913. reward:
  4914. glam: 0
  4915. experience: 90
  4916. dollars: 100
  4917. motivation: 0
  4918. level: 1
  4919. Description: Swagsta Casting Call
  4920. - id: CH06b-Q02-RunwayFeature
  4921. tasks:
  4922. - Description: Go to Crimson Studios in Houston, Texas
  4923. action:
  4924. type: 1
  4925. propertyId: Crimson Studios
  4926. duration: 0
  4927. - Description: Complete the runway feature
  4928. action:
  4929. type: 1
  4930. propertyId: CH06b-Q02-D02-Paul
  4931. duration: 0
  4932. reward:
  4933. glam: 0
  4934. experience: 70
  4935. dollars: 85
  4936. motivation: 0
  4937. level: 1
  4938. Description: A Runway Feature
  4939. - id: CH06b-Q04-MeetGabby
  4940. tasks:
  4941. - Description: Go to Stratus Towers in Upper East Side
  4942. action:
  4943. type: 1
  4944. propertyId: Gift of Gab
  4945. duration: 0
  4946. - Description: Meet Gabby
  4947. action:
  4948. type: 1
  4949. propertyId: CH06b-Q04-D02-Gabby
  4950. duration: 0
  4951. reward:
  4952. glam: 0
  4953. experience: 30
  4954. dollars: 50
  4955. motivation: 0
  4956. level: 1
  4957. Description: Meet Gabby
  4958. - id: CH06b-Q05-DramaVlog
  4959. tasks:
  4960. - Description: "Wait for Gabriella\u2019s call"
  4961. action:
  4962. type: 1
  4963. propertyId: CH06b-Q05-D01-Gabby
  4964. duration: 0
  4965. - Description: Go to GlitzPop Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills, Florida
  4966. action:
  4967. type: 1
  4968. propertyId: GlitzPop Beverly Hills
  4969. duration: 0
  4970. - Description: Film the vlog (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  4971. action:
  4972. type: 1
  4973. propertyId: CH06b-Q05-D04-Cora
  4974. duration: 0
  4975. reward:
  4976. glam: 0
  4977. experience: 80
  4978. dollars: 95
  4979. motivation: 0
  4980. level: 1
  4981. Description: A Drama Vlog
  4982. - id: CH06b-Q06-SwagstaCatalog
  4983. tasks:
  4984. - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call"
  4985. action:
  4986. type: 1
  4987. propertyId: CH06b-Q06-D02-Sarah
  4988. duration: 0
  4989. - Description: Go to Swagsta in Malibu, California
  4990. action:
  4991. type: 1
  4992. propertyId: GlitzPop Beverly Hills
  4993. duration: 0
  4994. - Description: Complete the catalog shoot (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  4995. action:
  4996. type: 1
  4997. propertyId: CH06b-Q06-D04-Alexis
  4998. duration: 0
  4999. reward:
  5000. glam: 0
  5001. experience: 90
  5002. dollars: 110
  5003. motivation: 0
  5004. level: 1
  5005. Description: Swagsta Catalog
  5006. - id: CH06b-Q07-MeetAnnie
  5007. tasks:
  5008. - Description: Meet Annie at Harp & Dagger in SoHo
  5009. action:
  5010. type: 1
  5011. propertyId: CH06b-Q07-D02-Annie
  5012. duration: 0
  5013. reward:
  5014. glam: 0
  5015. experience: 35
  5016. dollars: 50
  5017. motivation: 0
  5018. level: 1
  5019. Description: Meet Annie
  5020. - id: CH06b-Q09-UglyPrettyOpening
  5021. tasks:
  5022. - Description: Go to Gallery 22 in Upper East Side
  5023. action:
  5024. type: 1
  5025. propertyId: Gallery 22
  5026. duration: 0
  5027. - Description: "Complete the \u201CUgly-Pretty\u201D gallery opening (available
  5028. in <Gig_Timer>)"
  5029. action:
  5030. type: 1
  5031. propertyId: CH06b-Q09-A01
  5032. duration: 0
  5033. reward:
  5034. glam: 0
  5035. experience: 70
  5036. dollars: 90
  5037. motivation: 0
  5038. level: 1
  5039. Description: Ugly-Pretty Opening
  5040. - id: CH06b-Q10-PizzaLotion
  5041. tasks:
  5042. - Description: Go to GlitzPop Magazine in Beverly Hills
  5043. action:
  5044. type: 1
  5045. propertyId: GlitzPop Beverly Hills
  5046. duration: 0
  5047. - Description: Complete the photoshoot
  5048. action:
  5049. type: 1
  5050. propertyId: CH06b-Q10-D02-Rachel
  5051. duration: 0
  5052. reward:
  5053. glam: 0
  5054. experience: 60
  5055. dollars: 80
  5056. motivation: 0
  5057. level: 1
  5058. Description: Pizza Lotion
  5059. - id: CH06b-Q11-CharityEvent
  5060. tasks:
  5061. - Description: Go to Liam Mason in Beverly Hills, California
  5062. action:
  5063. type: 1
  5064. propertyId: Liam Mason
  5065. duration: 0
  5066. - Description: Pick up clothes for the fashion show
  5067. action:
  5068. type: 1
  5069. propertyId: CH06b-Q11-A01
  5070. duration: 0
  5071. - Description: Go to LA Convention Center in Hollywood, California
  5072. action:
  5073. type: 1
  5074. propertyId: LA Convention Center
  5075. duration: 0
  5076. - Description: Attend the fashion show (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  5077. action:
  5078. type: 1
  5079. propertyId: CH06b-Q11-D04-Tyra
  5080. duration: 0
  5081. reward:
  5082. glam: 2
  5083. experience: 75
  5084. dollars: 95
  5085. motivation: 0
  5086. level: 1
  5087. Description: A Charity Event
  5088. - id: CH06c-Q01-MeetSarah
  5089. tasks:
  5090. - Description: Meet Sarah at Bourne Natural Models in Upper East Side
  5091. action:
  5092. type: 1
  5093. propertyId: CH06c-Q01-D02-Sarah
  5094. duration: 0
  5095. reward:
  5096. glam: 0
  5097. experience: 30
  5098. dollars: 40
  5099. motivation: 0
  5100. level: 1
  5101. Description: Meet Sarah
  5102. - id: CH06c-Q02-Top3Trends
  5103. tasks:
  5104. - Description: Go to StyleDaily in Orlando
  5105. action:
  5106. type: 1
  5107. propertyId: StyleDaily
  5108. duration: 0
  5109. - Description: Complete the casual photoshoot
  5110. action:
  5111. type: 1
  5112. propertyId: CH06c-Q01-D04-Stefanie
  5113. duration: 0
  5114. - Description: Complete the activewear photoshoot
  5115. action:
  5116. type: 1
  5117. propertyId: CH06c-Q01-D05-Stefanie
  5118. duration: 0
  5119. - Description: Complete the couture photoshoot
  5120. action:
  5121. type: 1
  5122. propertyId: CH06c-Q01-D06-Stefanie
  5123. duration: 0
  5124. reward:
  5125. glam: 0
  5126. experience: 90
  5127. dollars: 110
  5128. motivation: 0
  5129. level: 1
  5130. Description: Top 3 Trends
  5131. - id: CH06c-Q03-MeetGabby
  5132. tasks:
  5133. - Description: Go to Stratus Towers in Upper East Side
  5134. action:
  5135. type: 1
  5136. propertyId: Gift of Gab
  5137. duration: 0
  5138. - Description: Meet Gabby
  5139. action:
  5140. type: 1
  5141. propertyId: CH06c-Q03-D02-Gabby
  5142. duration: 0
  5143. reward:
  5144. glam: 0
  5145. experience: 30
  5146. dollars: 40
  5147. motivation: 0
  5148. level: 1
  5149. Description: Meet Gabby
  5150. - id: CH06c-Q04-PyreFlyFestival
  5151. tasks:
  5152. - Description: Film a VideoTube video at EnVision Studios in Brooklyn
  5153. action:
  5154. type: 1
  5155. propertyId: CH06c-Q04-D02-Frankie
  5156. duration: 0
  5157. - Description: Complete the photoshoot at Miami Beach, Florida
  5158. action:
  5159. type: 1
  5160. propertyId: CH06c-Q04-D05-Denise
  5161. duration: 0
  5162. - Description: Make an appearance at Tiki Cove in Orlando, Florida
  5163. action:
  5164. type: 1
  5165. propertyId: CH06c-Q04-D09-Morgan
  5166. duration: 0
  5167. reward:
  5168. glam: 0
  5169. experience: 90
  5170. dollars: 120
  5171. motivation: 0
  5172. level: 1
  5173. Description: PyreFly Festival
  5174. - id: CH06d-Q01-DancetoRememberAudition
  5175. tasks:
  5176. - Description: Go to EnVision Studios in Brooklyn
  5177. action:
  5178. type: 1
  5179. propertyId: EnVision Studios
  5180. duration: 0
  5181. - Description: Complete the audition
  5182. action:
  5183. type: 1
  5184. propertyId: CH06d-Q01-D03-Frankie
  5185. duration: 0
  5186. reward:
  5187. glam: 0
  5188. experience: 60
  5189. dollars: 80
  5190. motivation: 0
  5191. level: 1
  5192. Description: A Dance to Remember Audition
  5193. - id: CH06d-Q02-LushLocksFashion
  5194. tasks:
  5195. - Description: Go to Lush Locks in SoHo
  5196. action:
  5197. type: 1
  5198. propertyId: Lush Locks
  5199. duration: 0
  5200. - Description: Get your hair done
  5201. action:
  5202. type: 1
  5203. propertyId: CH06d-Q02-D02-Kent
  5204. duration: 0
  5205. - Description: Go to Gallery 22 in Upper East Side
  5206. action:
  5207. type: 1
  5208. propertyId: Gallery 22
  5209. duration: 0
  5210. - Description: Complete the fashion hair show
  5211. action:
  5212. type: 1
  5213. propertyId: CH06d-Q02-D03-Dominic
  5214. duration: 0
  5215. reward:
  5216. glam: 0
  5217. experience: 75
  5218. dollars: 80
  5219. motivation: 0
  5220. level: 1
  5221. Description: Lush Locks Fashion Hair Show
  5222. - id: CH06d-Q03-DancetoRemember
  5223. tasks:
  5224. - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call"
  5225. action:
  5226. type: 1
  5227. propertyId: CH06d-Q03-D02-Sarah
  5228. duration: 0
  5229. - Description: Go to EnVision Studios in Brooklyn
  5230. action:
  5231. type: 1
  5232. propertyId: EnVision Studios
  5233. duration: 0
  5234. - Description: Film A Dance to Remember (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  5235. action:
  5236. type: 1
  5237. propertyId: CH06d-Q03-D04-Frankie
  5238. duration: 0
  5239. reward:
  5240. glam: 0
  5241. experience: 90
  5242. dollars: 110
  5243. motivation: 0
  5244. level: 1
  5245. Description: A Dance to Remember
  5246. - id: CH06d-Q04-GlitzPopSwimsuit
  5247. tasks:
  5248. - Description: Fly to Fiji
  5249. action:
  5250. type: 1
  5251. propertyId: Fiji
  5252. duration: 0
  5253. - Description: Complete the swimwear photoshoot
  5254. action:
  5255. type: 1
  5256. propertyId: CH06d-Q04-D04-Jeremy
  5257. duration: 0
  5258. reward:
  5259. glam: 0
  5260. experience: 100
  5261. dollars: 120
  5262. motivation: 0
  5263. level: 1
  5264. Description: A Dance to Remember
  5265. - id: CH06d-Q05-DollysWorld
  5266. tasks:
  5267. - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call"
  5268. action:
  5269. type: 1
  5270. propertyId: CH06d-Q05-D03-Sarah
  5271. duration: 0
  5272. - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood
  5273. action:
  5274. type: 1
  5275. propertyId: Clover Room
  5276. duration: 0
  5277. - Description: "Film Dolly\u2019s World (available in <Gig_Timer>)"
  5278. action:
  5279. type: 1
  5280. propertyId: CH06d-Q05-D05-Karen
  5281. duration: 0
  5282. reward:
  5283. glam: 4
  5284. experience: 70
  5285. dollars: 100
  5286. motivation: 0
  5287. level: 1
  5288. Description: "Filming Dolly\u2019s World"
  5289. - id: CH06d-Q05-MeetDirector
  5290. tasks:
  5291. - Description: Go to Clover Room on Fashion Ave
  5292. action:
  5293. type: 1
  5294. propertyId: Clover Room
  5295. duration: 0
  5296. - Description: Meet the director
  5297. action:
  5298. type: 1
  5299. propertyId: CH06d-Q05-D02-Zayne
  5300. duration: 0
  5301. reward:
  5302. glam: 0
  5303. experience: 40
  5304. dollars: 30
  5305. motivation: 0
  5306. level: 1
  5307. Description: Meet the Director
  5308. - id: CH06b-Q08-UglyPretty
  5309. tasks:
  5310. - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave
  5311. action:
  5312. type: 1
  5313. propertyId: Glamlight Studios
  5314. duration: 0
  5315. - Description: "Complete the \u201CUgly-Pretty\u201D photoshoot"
  5316. action:
  5317. type: 1
  5318. propertyId: CH06b-Q08-D01-Katherine
  5319. duration: 0
  5320. - Description: Design a new lookbook cover photo
  5321. action:
  5322. type: 1
  5323. propertyId:
  5324. duration: 0
  5325. - Description: Show your cover photo to Annie at Gallery 22 in Upper East Side
  5326. action:
  5327. type: 1
  5328. propertyId: CH06b-Q08-D02-Annie
  5329. duration: 0
  5330. reward:
  5331. glam: 0
  5332. experience: 60
  5333. dollars: 75
  5334. motivation: 0
  5335. level: 1
  5336. Description: Ugly-Pretty
  5337. gigs:
  5338. - id: CH06a-Q03-G01-Photoshoot
  5339. duration: 60
  5340. Location: Marc Ray
  5341. actions:
  5342. - id: text
  5343. energyCost: 0
  5344. stars: 0
  5345. tag: "text\r"
  5346. - id: text
  5347. energyCost: 0
  5348. stars: 0
  5349. tag: "text\r"
  5350. currency:
  5351. glam: 0
  5352. experience: 0
  5353. dollars: 0
  5354. motivation: 0
  5355. level: 1
  5356. chirp:
  5357. Time: 0
  5358. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5359. conversation: CH06a-Q03-D01-Marc
  5360. Type: 5
  5361. starsNeeded: 25
  5362. - id: CH06a-Q04-G01-Runway
  5363. duration: 180
  5364. Location: Gallery 22
  5365. actions:
  5366. - id: text
  5367. energyCost: 0
  5368. stars: 0
  5369. tag: "text\r"
  5370. - id: text
  5371. energyCost: 0
  5372. stars: 0
  5373. tag: "text\r"
  5374. currency:
  5375. glam: 0
  5376. experience: 0
  5377. dollars: 0
  5378. motivation: 0
  5379. level: 1
  5380. chirp:
  5381. Time: 0
  5382. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5383. conversation: CH06a-Q04-G01-Runway
  5384. Type: 5
  5385. starsNeeded: 25
  5386. - id: CH06a-Q06-G01-Photoshoot
  5387. duration: 180
  5388. Location: Glamlight Studios
  5389. actions:
  5390. - id: text
  5391. energyCost: 0
  5392. stars: 0
  5393. tag: "text\r"
  5394. - id: text
  5395. energyCost: 0
  5396. stars: 0
  5397. tag: "text\r"
  5398. currency:
  5399. glam: 0
  5400. experience: 0
  5401. dollars: 0
  5402. motivation: 0
  5403. level: 1
  5404. chirp:
  5405. Time: 0
  5406. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5407. conversation: CH06a-Q06-D02-Katherine
  5408. Type: 5
  5409. starsNeeded: 38
  5410. - id: CH06a-Q07-G01-Photoshoot
  5411. duration: 60
  5412. Location: Glamlight Studios
  5413. actions:
  5414. - id: text
  5415. energyCost: 0
  5416. stars: 0
  5417. tag: "text\r"
  5418. - id: text
  5419. energyCost: 0
  5420. stars: 0
  5421. tag: "text\r"
  5422. currency:
  5423. glam: 0
  5424. experience: 0
  5425. dollars: 0
  5426. motivation: 0
  5427. level: 1
  5428. chirp:
  5429. Time: 0
  5430. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5431. conversation: CH06a-Q07-D03-Frankie
  5432. Type: 5
  5433. starsNeeded: 20
  5434. - id: CH06b-Q01-G01-CastingCall
  5435. duration: 180
  5436. Location: Swagsta
  5437. actions:
  5438. - id: text
  5439. energyCost: 0
  5440. stars: 0
  5441. tag: "text\r"
  5442. - id: text
  5443. energyCost: 0
  5444. stars: 0
  5445. tag: "text\r"
  5446. currency:
  5447. glam: 0
  5448. experience: 0
  5449. dollars: 0
  5450. motivation: 0
  5451. level: 1
  5452. chirp:
  5453. Time: 0
  5454. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5455. conversation: CH06b-Q01-D03-Alexis
  5456. Type: 5
  5457. starsNeeded: 40
  5458. - id: CH06b-Q02-G01-Runway
  5459. duration: 60
  5460. Location: Crimson Studios
  5461. actions:
  5462. - id: text
  5463. energyCost: 0
  5464. stars: 0
  5465. tag: "text\r"
  5466. - id: text
  5467. energyCost: 0
  5468. stars: 0
  5469. tag: "text\r"
  5470. currency:
  5471. glam: 0
  5472. experience: 0
  5473. dollars: 0
  5474. motivation: 0
  5475. level: 1
  5476. chirp:
  5477. Time: 0
  5478. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5479. conversation: CH06b-Q02-D02-Paul
  5480. Type: 5
  5481. starsNeeded: 22
  5482. - id: CH06b-Q05-G01-Interview
  5483. duration: 180
  5484. Location: GlitzPop Beverly Hills
  5485. actions:
  5486. - id: text
  5487. energyCost: 0
  5488. stars: 0
  5489. tag: "text\r"
  5490. - id: text
  5491. energyCost: 0
  5492. stars: 0
  5493. tag: "text\r"
  5494. currency:
  5495. glam: 0
  5496. experience: 0
  5497. dollars: 0
  5498. motivation: 0
  5499. level: 1
  5500. chirp:
  5501. Time: 0
  5502. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5503. conversation: CH06b-Q05-D04-Cora
  5504. Type: 5
  5505. starsNeeded: 42
  5506. - id: CH06b-Q06-G01-Photoshoot
  5507. duration: 60
  5508. Location: Swagsta
  5509. actions:
  5510. - id: text
  5511. energyCost: 0
  5512. stars: 0
  5513. tag: "text\r"
  5514. - id: text
  5515. energyCost: 0
  5516. stars: 0
  5517. tag: "text\r"
  5518. currency:
  5519. glam: 0
  5520. experience: 0
  5521. dollars: 0
  5522. motivation: 0
  5523. level: 1
  5524. chirp:
  5525. Time: 0
  5526. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5527. conversation: CH06b-Q06-D04-Alexis
  5528. Type: 5
  5529. starsNeeded: 24
  5530. - id: CH06b-Q10-G01-Photoshoot
  5531. duration: 60
  5532. Location: GlitzPop Magazine
  5533. actions:
  5534. - id: text
  5535. energyCost: 0
  5536. stars: 0
  5537. tag: "text\r"
  5538. - id: text
  5539. energyCost: 0
  5540. stars: 0
  5541. tag: "text\r"
  5542. currency:
  5543. glam: 0
  5544. experience: 0
  5545. dollars: 0
  5546. motivation: 0
  5547. level: 1
  5548. chirp:
  5549. Time: 0
  5550. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5551. conversation: CH06b-Q10-D02-Rachel
  5552. Type: 5
  5553. starsNeeded: 22
  5554. - id: CH06b-Q11-G01-Runway
  5555. duration: 720
  5556. Location: LA Convention Center
  5557. actions:
  5558. - id: text
  5559. energyCost: 0
  5560. stars: 0
  5561. tag: "text\r"
  5562. - id: text
  5563. energyCost: 0
  5564. stars: 0
  5565. tag: "text\r"
  5566. currency:
  5567. glam: 0
  5568. experience: 0
  5569. dollars: 0
  5570. motivation: 0
  5571. level: 1
  5572. chirp:
  5573. Time: 0
  5574. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5575. conversation: CH06b-Q11-D05-Tyra
  5576. Type: 5
  5577. starsNeeded: 140
  5578. - id: CH06c-Q01-D05-Stefanie
  5579. duration: 180
  5580. Location: StyleDaily
  5581. actions:
  5582. - id: text
  5583. energyCost: 0
  5584. stars: 0
  5585. tag: "text\r"
  5586. - id: text
  5587. energyCost: 0
  5588. stars: 0
  5589. tag: "text\r"
  5590. currency:
  5591. glam: 0
  5592. experience: 0
  5593. dollars: 0
  5594. motivation: 0
  5595. level: 1
  5596. chirp:
  5597. Time: 0
  5598. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5599. conversation: CH06c-Q01-D05-Stefanie
  5600. Type: 5
  5601. starsNeeded: 45
  5602. - id: CH06c-Q01-G01-Photoshoot
  5603. duration: 180
  5604. Location: StyleDaily
  5605. actions:
  5606. - id: text
  5607. energyCost: 0
  5608. stars: 0
  5609. tag: "text\r"
  5610. - id: text
  5611. energyCost: 0
  5612. stars: 0
  5613. tag: "text\r"
  5614. currency:
  5615. glam: 0
  5616. experience: 0
  5617. dollars: 0
  5618. motivation: 0
  5619. level: 1
  5620. chirp:
  5621. Time: 0
  5622. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5623. conversation: CH06c-Q01-D04-Stefanie
  5624. Type: 5
  5625. starsNeeded: 45
  5626. - id: CH06c-Q04-G01-Film
  5627. duration: 180
  5628. Location: EnVision Studios
  5629. actions:
  5630. - id: text
  5631. energyCost: 0
  5632. stars: 0
  5633. tag: "text\r"
  5634. - id: text
  5635. energyCost: 0
  5636. stars: 0
  5637. tag: "text\r"
  5638. currency:
  5639. glam: 0
  5640. experience: 0
  5641. dollars: 0
  5642. motivation: 0
  5643. level: 1
  5644. chirp:
  5645. Time: 0
  5646. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5647. conversation: CH06c-Q04-D02-Frankie
  5648. Type: 5
  5649. starsNeeded: 40
  5650. - id: CH06c-Q04-G02-Photoshoot
  5651. duration: 60
  5652. Location: Miami Beach
  5653. actions:
  5654. - id: text
  5655. energyCost: 0
  5656. stars: 0
  5657. tag: "text\r"
  5658. - id: text
  5659. energyCost: 0
  5660. stars: 0
  5661. tag: "text\r"
  5662. currency:
  5663. glam: 0
  5664. experience: 0
  5665. dollars: 0
  5666. motivation: 0
  5667. level: 1
  5668. chirp:
  5669. Time: 0
  5670. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5671. conversation: CH06c-Q04-D05-Denise
  5672. Type: 5
  5673. starsNeeded: 24
  5674. - id: CH06c-Q04-G03-Sponsored
  5675. duration: 300
  5676. Location: Tiki Cove
  5677. actions:
  5678. - id: text
  5679. energyCost: 0
  5680. stars: 0
  5681. tag: "text\r"
  5682. - id: text
  5683. energyCost: 0
  5684. stars: 0
  5685. tag: "text\r"
  5686. currency:
  5687. glam: 0
  5688. experience: 0
  5689. dollars: 0
  5690. motivation: 0
  5691. level: 1
  5692. chirp:
  5693. Time: 0
  5694. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5695. conversation: CH06c-Q04-D09-Morgan
  5696. Type: 5
  5697. starsNeeded: 70
  5698. - id: CH06d-Q01-G01-Film
  5699. duration: 180
  5700. Location: EnVision Studios
  5701. actions:
  5702. - id: text
  5703. energyCost: 0
  5704. stars: 0
  5705. tag: "text\r"
  5706. - id: text
  5707. energyCost: 0
  5708. stars: 0
  5709. tag: "text\r"
  5710. currency:
  5711. glam: 0
  5712. experience: 0
  5713. dollars: 0
  5714. motivation: 0
  5715. level: 1
  5716. chirp:
  5717. Time: 0
  5718. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5719. conversation: CH06d-Q01-D03-Frankie
  5720. Type: 5
  5721. starsNeeded: 45
  5722. - id: CH06d-Q02-G01-Runway
  5723. duration: 300
  5724. Location: Gallery 22
  5725. actions:
  5726. - id: text
  5727. energyCost: 0
  5728. stars: 0
  5729. tag: "text\r"
  5730. - id: text
  5731. energyCost: 0
  5732. stars: 0
  5733. tag: "text\r"
  5734. currency:
  5735. glam: 0
  5736. experience: 0
  5737. dollars: 0
  5738. motivation: 0
  5739. level: 1
  5740. chirp:
  5741. Time: 0
  5742. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5743. conversation: CH06d-Q02-D03-Dominic
  5744. Type: 5
  5745. starsNeeded: 70
  5746. - id: CH06d-Q03-G01-Film
  5747. duration: 300
  5748. Location: EnVision Studios
  5749. actions:
  5750. - id: text
  5751. energyCost: 0
  5752. stars: 0
  5753. tag: "text\r"
  5754. - id: text
  5755. energyCost: 0
  5756. stars: 0
  5757. tag: "text\r"
  5758. currency:
  5759. glam: 0
  5760. experience: 0
  5761. dollars: 0
  5762. motivation: 0
  5763. level: 1
  5764. chirp:
  5765. Time: 0
  5766. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5767. conversation: CH06d-Q03-D04-Frankie
  5768. Type: 5
  5769. starsNeeded: 70
  5770. - id: CH06d-Q05-G01-Film
  5771. duration: 300
  5772. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  5773. actions:
  5774. - id: text
  5775. energyCost: 0
  5776. stars: 0
  5777. tag: "text\r"
  5778. - id: text
  5779. energyCost: 0
  5780. stars: 0
  5781. tag: "text\r"
  5782. currency:
  5783. glam: 0
  5784. experience: 0
  5785. dollars: 0
  5786. motivation: 0
  5787. level: 1
  5788. chirp:
  5789. Time: 0
  5790. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5791. conversation: CH06d-Q05-D05-Karen
  5792. Type: 5
  5793. starsNeeded: 70
  5794. Assistances:
  5795. - id: CH06a-Q08-A01
  5796. Location: IVY Yacht Club
  5797. Instructions:
  5798. - ConversationID: Lil Kirty
  5799. actions:
  5800. - id: Dance
  5801. energyCost: 2
  5802. stars: 0
  5803. tag: "\r"
  5804. - id: Take a drink
  5805. energyCost: 3
  5806. stars: 0
  5807. tag: "\r"
  5808. - id: High fives
  5809. energyCost: 4
  5810. stars: 0
  5811. tag: "\r"
  5812. - id: Celebrate
  5813. energyCost: 5
  5814. stars: 0
  5815. tag: "\r"
  5816. - id: Joke
  5817. energyCost: 1
  5818. stars: 0
  5819. tag: "\r"
  5820. - id: Mingle
  5821. energyCost: 2
  5822. stars: 0
  5823. tag: "\r"
  5824. - id: Rap lyrics
  5825. energyCost: 3
  5826. stars: 0
  5827. tag: "\r"
  5828. Reward:
  5829. glam: 0
  5830. experience: 0
  5831. dollars: 0
  5832. motivation: 0
  5833. level: 1
  5834. - id: CH06b-Q09-A01
  5835. Location: Gallery 22
  5836. Instructions:
  5837. - ConversationID: Ugly-Pretty Gallery Opening
  5838. actions:
  5839. - id: Look at art
  5840. energyCost: 2
  5841. stars: 0
  5842. tag: "\r"
  5843. - id: Art critique
  5844. energyCost: 3
  5845. stars: 0
  5846. tag: "\r"
  5847. - id: Tell your art story
  5848. energyCost: 3
  5849. stars: 0
  5850. tag: "\r"
  5851. - id: Art feature
  5852. energyCost: 5
  5853. stars: 0
  5854. tag: "\r"
  5855. - id: Sell your piece
  5856. energyCost: 3
  5857. stars: 0
  5858. tag: "\r"
  5859. - id: Mingle
  5860. energyCost: 2
  5861. stars: 0
  5862. tag: "\r"
  5863. - id: Reenact pose
  5864. energyCost: 3
  5865. stars: 0
  5866. tag: "\r"
  5867. - id: Personable jokes
  5868. energyCost: 1
  5869. stars: 0
  5870. tag: "\r"
  5871. Reward:
  5872. glam: 0
  5873. experience: 0
  5874. dollars: 0
  5875. motivation: 0
  5876. level: 1
  5877. - id: CH06b-Q11-A01
  5878. Location: Liam Mason
  5879. Instructions:
  5880. - ConversationID: A Charity Event
  5881. actions:
  5882. - id: Peruse racks
  5883. energyCost: 2
  5884. stars: 0
  5885. tag: "\r"
  5886. - id: Try on clothes
  5887. energyCost: 3
  5888. stars: 0
  5889. tag: "\r"
  5890. - id: Selfie
  5891. energyCost: 3
  5892. stars: 0
  5893. tag: "\r"
  5894. - id: Select outfits
  5895. energyCost: 5
  5896. stars: 0
  5897. tag: "\r"
  5898. - id: Mix and match
  5899. energyCost: 3
  5900. stars: 0
  5901. tag: "\r"
  5902. Reward:
  5903. glam: 0
  5904. experience: 0
  5905. dollars: 0
  5906. motivation: 0
  5907. level: 1
  5908. tweets:
  5909. - id: CH06a-Q06-T01-Buzzword
  5910. SenderID: '@BUZZWORD'
  5911. NumberOFfollowes: 18
  5912. TweetMsg: 'Rumor is that %Player_Name% was seen taking photos for Game of Empires!
  5913. Does this mean the book will finally launch? '
  5914. Type: 0
  5915. TypeIndex: 2
  5916. HashTag: "#solong #waiting\r"
  5917. - id: CH06a-Q07-T01-Fabricio
  5918. SenderID: '@fabricioM'
  5919. NumberOFfollowes: 0
  5920. TweetMsg: Whoo! This guy just got casted for the new superhero movie, Mystic Boy
  5921. as the loveable sidekick!
  5922. Type:
  5923. TypeIndex: 2
  5924. HashTag: "#onmywayup\r"
  5925. - id: CH06a-Q09-T01-Kirty
  5926. SenderID: '@lilkirty'
  5927. NumberOFfollowes: 14
  5928. TweetMsg: Boom Boom Boom music video shoot is happening today with my [girl/guy],
  5929. %Player_Name%!
  5930. Type:
  5931. TypeIndex: 2
  5932. HashTag: "#boomboomboom\r"
  5933. - id: CH06a-Q09-T02-Natalia
  5934. SenderID: '@nJansens'
  5935. NumberOFfollowes: -24
  5936. TweetMsg: 'Guess what? I can act and dance better than %Player_Name%, Lil Kirty,
  5937. and Fabricio combined! '
  5938. Type:
  5939. TypeIndex: 2
  5940. HashTag: "#haters #notmyfriends\r"
  5941. - id: CH06b-Q02-T01-Dylan
  5942. SenderID: '@dylandillon'
  5943. NumberOFfollowes: -23
  5944. TweetMsg: This guy got the Swagsta catalog job! Beat the competition, %Player_Name%...
  5945. what a sore loser!
  5946. Type:
  5947. TypeIndex: 2
  5948. HashTag: "#sorrynotsorry\r"
  5949. - id: CH06b-Q02-T01-Buzzword
  5950. SenderID: '@BUZZWORD'
  5951. NumberOFfollowes: 10
  5952. TweetMsg: What day is it? Because everyone needs to buy the new Crabby Cat Calendar
  5953. featuring %Player_Name%
  5954. Type:
  5955. TypeIndex: 2
  5956. HashTag: "#crabbycat\r"
  5957. - id: CH06b-Q06-T01-StarRadar
  5958. SenderID: '@StarRadar'
  5959. NumberOFfollowes: 14
  5960. TweetMsg: '%Player_Name% was seen keeping it fashionably casual after [his/her]
  5961. shoot with Dylan Dillon. No drama here!'
  5962. Type:
  5963. TypeIndex: 2
  5964. HashTag: "#keepingitclassy\r"
  5965. - id: CH06b-Q09-T01-Annie
  5966. SenderID: '@annieman'
  5967. NumberOFfollowes: 15
  5968. TweetMsg: "Working with %Player_Name% again! My collection, \u201CUgly-Pretty\u201D
  5969. opens soon. Everyone needs to see [his/her] art!"
  5970. Type:
  5971. TypeIndex: 2
  5972. HashTag: "#uglyprettyisthenewpretty\r"
  5973. - id: CH06b-Q09-T01-Natalia
  5974. SenderID: '@nJansens'
  5975. NumberOFfollowes: 0
  5976. TweetMsg: "If you look at the word beautiful in the dictionary, you\u2019ll see
  5977. my face."
  5978. Type:
  5979. TypeIndex: 2
  5980. HashTag: "#bisforbeautiful\r"
  5981. - id: CH06b-Q11-T01-StarRadar
  5982. SenderID: '@StarRadar'
  5983. NumberOFfollowes: 20
  5984. TweetMsg: Tyra Banks and %Player_Name% were seen slaying the runway!
  5985. Type:
  5986. TypeIndex: 2
  5987. HashTag: "#runwaymasters\r"
  5988. - id: CH06c-Q04-T01-Morgan
  5989. SenderID: '@morganswift'
  5990. NumberOFfollowes: 15
  5991. TweetMsg: "I\u2019m starstruck working with %Player_Name% promoting PyreFly Festival!
  5992. Everyone needs to be at this festival! Check out my VideoTube for a sneak peek! "
  5993. Type:
  5994. TypeIndex: 2
  5995. HashTag: "#plur #pyreflyfestival\r"
  5996. - id: CH06c-Q04-T02-Buzzword
  5997. SenderID: '@BUZZWORD'
  5998. NumberOFfollowes: 10
  5999. TweetMsg: Roll call for PyreFly Festival! %Player_Name% and Morgan Swift will
  6000. be there. Will you?
  6001. Type:
  6002. TypeIndex: 2
  6003. HashTag: "#partyoftheyear\r"
  6004. - id: CH06d-Q04-T01-StarRadar
  6005. SenderID: '@StarRadar'
  6006. NumberOFfollowes: 12
  6007. TweetMsg: '%Player_Name% and Effy White seen together again! Are they friends
  6008. or foes?'
  6009. Type:
  6010. TypeIndex: 2
  6011. HashTag: "#frenemies\r"
  6012. senders: []
  6013. Chapters: []
  6014. dailyRewwardList: []
  6015. textAssetAchiev: {fileID: 0}
  6016. textAssetCust: []
  6017. textAssetLook: []
  6018. textAssetsConv: []
  6019. textAssetsQuests: []
  6020. textAssetsGigs: []
  6021. textAssetsAsis: []
  6022. textAssetTweets: {fileID: 0}
  6023. textAssetSend: {fileID: 0}
  6024. textAssetsChap: []
  6025. textAssetDailyRe: {fileID: 0}