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  58. conversations:
  59. - id: CH2-D2-TEST
  60. Dialogs:
  61. - Text: Hello how are you?
  62. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  63. Replies:
  64. - Text: Fine
  65. cost:
  66. glam: 0
  67. experience: 0
  68. dollars: 0
  69. motivation: 0
  70. level: 1
  71. reward:
  72. glam: 0
  73. experience: 0
  74. dollars: 0
  75. motivation: 0
  76. level: 1
  77. nextDialogIndex: 1
  78. startAction: 5
  79. actionId:
  80. tweetID:
  81. - Text: Not good
  82. cost:
  83. glam: 0
  84. experience: 0
  85. dollars: 0
  86. motivation: 0
  87. level: 1
  88. reward:
  89. glam: 0
  90. experience: 0
  91. dollars: 0
  92. motivation: 0
  93. level: 1
  94. nextDialogIndex: 2
  95. startAction: 0
  96. actionId:
  97. tweetID:
  98. NPCId: Andy Bean
  99. - Text: "Let\u2019s just say a little birdy told me that your favorite DJ, SkrullMaus
  100. is in town, playing at this new warehouse spot in Brooklyn! "
  101. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  102. Replies:
  103. - Text: We have to go!
  104. cost:
  105. glam: 0
  106. experience: 0
  107. dollars: 0
  108. motivation: 0
  109. level: 1
  110. reward:
  111. glam: 0
  112. experience: 0
  113. dollars: 0
  114. motivation: 0
  115. level: 1
  116. nextDialogIndex: 2
  117. startAction: 0
  118. actionId:
  119. tweetID:
  120. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  121. - Text: "You\u2019re telling me! Only downside is that tickets are sold out. But
  122. another little birdy told me that the party promoter, Chris Swanson, is going
  123. to be at Hotel Paragon tonight. "
  124. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  125. Replies:
  126. - Text: Oh yeah?
  127. cost:
  128. glam: 0
  129. experience: 0
  130. dollars: 0
  131. motivation: 0
  132. level: 1
  133. reward:
  134. glam: 0
  135. experience: 0
  136. dollars: 0
  137. motivation: 0
  138. level: 1
  139. nextDialogIndex: 3
  140. startAction: 0
  141. actionId:
  142. tweetID:
  143. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  144. - Text: "Yes, and I think you\u2019re the perfect person to go introduce yourself
  145. to him. I\u2019m sure he\u2019ll know who you are!"
  146. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  147. Replies:
  148. - Text: "I\u2019m on it!"
  149. cost:
  150. glam: 0
  151. experience: 0
  152. dollars: 0
  153. motivation: 0
  154. level: 1
  155. reward:
  156. glam: 0
  157. experience: 1
  158. dollars: 2
  159. motivation: 0
  160. level: 1
  161. nextDialogIndex: 0
  162. startAction: 0
  163. actionId:
  164. tweetID:
  165. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  166. ConvType: 0
  167. Location: Glamlight Studios
  168. NPCId:
  169. - Andy Bean
  170. - id: CH2-Q1-D1-Fabricio
  171. Dialogs:
  172. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I saw all of the Chirps about the meat dress\u2026 sorry
  173. about that. I know what will take your mind off of it. "
  174. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  175. Replies:
  176. - Text: What is it?
  177. cost:
  178. glam: 0
  179. experience: 0
  180. dollars: 0
  181. motivation: 5
  182. level: 1
  183. reward:
  184. glam: 0
  185. experience: 0
  186. dollars: 0
  187. motivation: 0
  188. level: 1
  189. nextDialogIndex: 1
  190. startAction: 0
  191. actionId:
  192. tweetID:
  193. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  194. - Text: "Let\u2019s just say a little birdy told me that your favorite DJ, SkrullMaus
  195. is in town, playing at this new warehouse spot in Brooklyn! "
  196. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  197. Replies:
  198. - Text: We have to go!
  199. cost:
  200. glam: 0
  201. experience: 0
  202. dollars: 0
  203. motivation: 0
  204. level: 1
  205. reward:
  206. glam: 0
  207. experience: 0
  208. dollars: 0
  209. motivation: 0
  210. level: 1
  211. nextDialogIndex: 2
  212. startAction: 0
  213. actionId:
  214. tweetID:
  215. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  216. - Text: "You\u2019re telling me! Only downside is that tickets are sold out. But
  217. another little birdy told me that the party promoter, Chris Swanson, is going
  218. to be at Hotel Paragon tonight. "
  219. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  220. Replies:
  221. - Text: Oh yeah?
  222. cost:
  223. glam: 0
  224. experience: 0
  225. dollars: 0
  226. motivation: 0
  227. level: 1
  228. reward:
  229. glam: 0
  230. experience: 0
  231. dollars: 0
  232. motivation: 0
  233. level: 1
  234. nextDialogIndex: 3
  235. startAction: 0
  236. actionId:
  237. tweetID:
  238. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  239. - Text: "Yes, and I think you\u2019re the perfect person to go introduce yourself
  240. to him. I\u2019m sure he\u2019ll know who you are!"
  241. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  242. Replies:
  243. - Text: "I\u2019m on it!"
  244. cost:
  245. glam: 0
  246. experience: 0
  247. dollars: 0
  248. motivation: 0
  249. level: 1
  250. reward:
  251. glam: 0
  252. experience: 1
  253. dollars: 2
  254. motivation: 0
  255. level: 1
  256. nextDialogIndex: 4
  257. startAction: 0
  258. actionId:
  259. tweetID:
  260. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  261. ConvType: 3
  262. Location: Soho
  263. NPCId:
  264. - Fabricio Marcelo
  265. - id: CH2-Q1-D2-Chris
  266. Dialogs:
  267. - Text: '...'
  268. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  269. Replies:
  270. - Text: (Introduce self)
  271. cost:
  272. glam: 0
  273. experience: 0
  274. dollars: 0
  275. motivation: 5
  276. level: 1
  277. reward:
  278. glam: 0
  279. experience: 0
  280. dollars: 0
  281. motivation: 0
  282. level: 1
  283. nextDialogIndex: 1
  284. startAction: 0
  285. actionId:
  286. tweetID:
  287. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  288. - Text: "I\u2019ve heard of you on Chirp.. something about a meat dress?! "
  289. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  290. Replies: []
  291. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  292. - Text: "I\u2019m Chris, I\u2019m a promoter over at Warehouse B. I\u2019m working
  293. a huge party tonight, featuring SkrullMaus. "
  294. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  295. Replies:
  296. - Text: Use Wits
  297. cost:
  298. glam: 1
  299. experience: 0
  300. dollars: 0
  301. motivation: 0
  302. level: 1
  303. reward:
  304. glam: 0
  305. experience: 0
  306. dollars: 0
  307. motivation: 0
  308. level: 1
  309. nextDialogIndex: 3
  310. startAction: 0
  311. actionId:
  312. tweetID:
  313. - Text: (Looking for tickets)
  314. cost:
  315. glam: 0
  316. experience: 0
  317. dollars: 0
  318. motivation: 0
  319. level: 1
  320. reward:
  321. glam: 0
  322. experience: 0
  323. dollars: 0
  324. motivation: 0
  325. level: 1
  326. nextDialogIndex: 4
  327. startAction: 0
  328. actionId:
  329. tweetID:
  330. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  331. - Text: "Hmmm, I\u2019ll tell you what. You seem like an outgoing person seeing
  332. that you just came up to me out of the blue. "
  333. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  334. Replies:
  335. - Text: I am.
  336. cost:
  337. glam: 0
  338. experience: 0
  339. dollars: 0
  340. motivation: 0
  341. level: 1
  342. reward:
  343. glam: 0
  344. experience: 1
  345. dollars: 1
  346. motivation: 0
  347. level: 1
  348. nextDialogIndex: 0
  349. startAction: 2
  350. actionId: CH2-Q1-P2-ScoreTickets
  351. tweetID:
  352. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  353. - Text: 'Cool. Well, see the bartender over there? Her name is Ciara. I come to
  354. this bar once a week, hoping to score a date with her. Problem is, I have
  355. no idea what she likes! '
  356. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  357. Replies: []
  358. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  359. - Text: Get me some intel on what she likes and you can attend the event. Better
  360. yet, you can help me promote the club and see SkrullMaus!
  361. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  362. Replies:
  363. - Text: Easy peasy!
  364. cost:
  365. glam: 0
  366. experience: 0
  367. dollars: 0
  368. motivation: 0
  369. level: 1
  370. reward:
  371. glam: 0
  372. experience: 0
  373. dollars: 0
  374. motivation: 0
  375. level: 1
  376. nextDialogIndex: 0
  377. startAction: 2
  378. actionId: CH2-Q2-MeetCiara
  379. tweetID:
  380. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  381. ConvType: 1
  382. Location: HotelParagon
  383. NPCId:
  384. - Ciara Johnson
  385. - Chris Swanson
  386. - id: CH2-Q1-D3-Chris
  387. Dialogs:
  388. - Text: "So\u2026 what\u2019s the intel?"
  389. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  390. Replies:
  391. - Text: Makeup.
  392. cost:
  393. glam: 0
  394. experience: 0
  395. dollars: 0
  396. motivation: 0
  397. level: 1
  398. reward:
  399. glam: 0
  400. experience: 0
  401. dollars: 0
  402. motivation: 0
  403. level: 1
  404. nextDialogIndex: 1
  405. startAction: 0
  406. actionId:
  407. tweetID:
  408. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  409. - Text: Makeup? Geesh, of course the one thing I know NOTHING about!
  410. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  411. Replies:
  412. - Text: (Offer help).
  413. cost:
  414. glam: 0
  415. experience: 0
  416. dollars: 0
  417. motivation: 0
  418. level: 1
  419. reward:
  420. glam: 0
  421. experience: 2
  422. dollars: 3
  423. motivation: 0
  424. level: 1
  425. nextDialogIndex: 2
  426. startAction: 0
  427. actionId:
  428. tweetID:
  429. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  430. - Text: "You\u2019d really help me out with this? Do this for me and those tickets
  431. are yours!!"
  432. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  433. Replies:
  434. - Text: I got you.
  435. cost:
  436. glam: 0
  437. experience: 0
  438. dollars: 0
  439. motivation: 0
  440. level: 1
  441. reward:
  442. glam: 0
  443. experience: 0
  444. dollars: 0
  445. motivation: 0
  446. level: 1
  447. nextDialogIndex: 0
  448. startAction: 0
  449. actionId:
  450. tweetID:
  451. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  452. ConvType: 1
  453. Location: HotelParagon
  454. NPCId:
  455. - Ciara Johnson
  456. - Chris Swanson
  457. - id: CH2-Q2-D1-Ciara
  458. Dialogs:
  459. - Text: What can I get for you?
  460. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  461. Replies: []
  462. NPCId: Ciara Johnson
  463. ConvType: 1
  464. Location: HotelParagon
  465. NPCId:
  466. - Ciara Johnson
  467. - Chris Swanson
  468. - id: CH2-Q2-D2-Ciara
  469. Dialogs:
  470. - Text: 'Hah, %Player_Name%, you are too funny! I constantly get raccoon eyes.. '
  471. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  472. Replies: []
  473. NPCId: Ciara Johnson
  474. - Text: "It must be the eye makeup I use. I\u2019m such a makeup diva, I need
  475. better eye makeup!"
  476. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  477. Replies:
  478. - Text: I love makeup too!
  479. cost:
  480. glam: 0
  481. experience: 0
  482. dollars: 0
  483. motivation: 0
  484. level: 1
  485. reward:
  486. glam: 0
  487. experience: 1
  488. dollars: 1
  489. motivation: 0
  490. level: 1
  491. nextDialogIndex: 2
  492. startAction: 0
  493. actionId:
  494. tweetID:
  495. NPCId: Ciara Johnson
  496. - Text: Well, I better be getting back to work. I see some thirsty customers!
  497. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  498. Replies:
  499. - Text: Good luck
  500. cost:
  501. glam: 0
  502. experience: 0
  503. dollars: 0
  504. motivation: 0
  505. level: 1
  506. reward:
  507. glam: 0
  508. experience: 0
  509. dollars: 0
  510. motivation: 0
  511. level: 1
  512. nextDialogIndex: 0
  513. startAction: 2
  514. actionId: CH2-Q2-GetMakeup
  515. tweetID:
  516. NPCId: Ciara Johnson
  517. ConvType: 1
  518. Location: HotelParagon
  519. NPCId:
  520. - Ciara Johnson
  521. - Chris Swanson
  522. - id: CH2-Q2-D3-BuyMakeup
  523. Dialogs:
  524. - Text: "Welcome \u200Bto \u200BLush \u200BLocks! \u200BWhat \u200Bwould \u200Byou
  525. \u200Blike \u200Btoday? "
  526. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  527. Replies:
  528. - Text: (Shop)
  529. cost:
  530. glam: 0
  531. experience: 0
  532. dollars: 0
  533. motivation: 0
  534. level: 1
  535. reward:
  536. glam: 0
  537. experience: 0
  538. dollars: 0
  539. motivation: 0
  540. level: 1
  541. nextDialogIndex: 0
  542. startAction: 0
  543. actionId:
  544. tweetID:
  545. NPCId: Kent Wills
  546. ConvType: 1
  547. Location: Lush Locks
  548. NPCId:
  549. - Kent Wills
  550. - id: CH2-Q3-D2-Chris
  551. Dialogs:
  552. - Text: "You\u2026 are.. amazing!"
  553. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  554. Replies:
  555. - Text: I know!
  556. cost:
  557. glam: 0
  558. experience: 0
  559. dollars: 0
  560. motivation: 0
  561. level: 1
  562. reward:
  563. glam: 0
  564. experience: 0
  565. dollars: 0
  566. motivation: 0
  567. level: 1
  568. nextDialogIndex: 1
  569. startAction: 0
  570. actionId:
  571. tweetID:
  572. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  573. - Text: "As promised, here are 2 tickets to SkrullMaus. I\u2019ll see you there
  574. in <Gig_Timer>."
  575. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  576. Replies:
  577. - Text: See you there.
  578. cost:
  579. glam: 0
  580. experience: 0
  581. dollars: 0
  582. motivation: 0
  583. level: 1
  584. reward:
  585. glam: 0
  586. experience: 0
  587. dollars: 0
  588. motivation: 0
  589. level: 1
  590. nextDialogIndex: 2
  591. startAction: 0
  592. actionId:
  593. tweetID:
  594. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  595. - Text: '...I hope Ciara will come with me...'
  596. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  597. Replies:
  598. - Text: Me Too
  599. cost:
  600. glam: 0
  601. experience: 0
  602. dollars: 0
  603. motivation: 0
  604. level: 1
  605. reward:
  606. glam: 0
  607. experience: 0
  608. dollars: 0
  609. motivation: 0
  610. level: 1
  611. nextDialogIndex: 0
  612. startAction: 2
  613. actionId: CH2-Q4-SkrullMaus
  614. tweetID:
  615. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  616. ConvType: 1
  617. Location: HotelParagon
  618. NPCId:
  619. - Ciara Johnson
  620. - Chris Swanson
  621. - id: CH2-Q4-D1-Fabricio
  622. Dialogs:
  623. - Text: U ready for DJ SkrullMaus? Cause this kid is! C u there!
  624. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  625. Replies: []
  626. NPCId: Abbi Le
  627. ConvType: 3
  628. Location: Soho
  629. NPCId:
  630. - Abbi Le
  631. - id: CH2-Q4-D2-Chris
  632. Dialogs:
  633. - Text: "%Player_Name%.. you wouldn\u2019t believe it! Ciara is here with me!!
  634. I couldn\u2019t have done without you."
  635. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  636. Replies:
  637. - Text: "I\u2019m happy to help."
  638. cost:
  639. glam: 0
  640. experience: 0
  641. dollars: 0
  642. motivation: 0
  643. level: 1
  644. reward:
  645. glam: 0
  646. experience: 1
  647. dollars: 1
  648. motivation: 0
  649. level: 1
  650. nextDialogIndex: 1
  651. startAction: 0
  652. actionId:
  653. tweetID:
  654. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  655. - Text: You rock, seriously. Now - you ready to rock this party?
  656. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  657. Replies:
  658. - Text: I am.
  659. cost:
  660. glam: 0
  661. experience: 0
  662. dollars: 0
  663. motivation: 0
  664. level: 1
  665. reward:
  666. glam: 0
  667. experience: 0
  668. dollars: 0
  669. motivation: 0
  670. level: 1
  671. nextDialogIndex: 0
  672. startAction: 1
  673. actionId:
  674. tweetID:
  675. - Text: Can you give me a min?
  676. cost:
  677. glam: 0
  678. experience: 0
  679. dollars: 0
  680. motivation: 0
  681. level: 1
  682. reward:
  683. glam: 0
  684. experience: 0
  685. dollars: 0
  686. motivation: 0
  687. level: 1
  688. nextDialogIndex: 0
  689. startAction: 4
  690. actionId:
  691. tweetID:
  692. NPCId: Chris Swanson
  693. ConvType: 1
  694. Location: Warehouse B
  695. NPCId:
  696. - Chris Swanson
  697. - id: CH2-Q4-D2-Ciara
  698. Dialogs:
  699. - Text: "%Player_Name%, you\u2019re here!! Check out this rad makeup this guy
  700. I\u2019m talking to got me!"
  701. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  702. Replies: []
  703. NPCId: Ciara Johnson
  704. ConvType: 2
  705. Location: Warehouse B
  706. NPCId:
  707. - Ciara Johnson
  708. - id: CH2-Q4-D2-Fabricio
  709. Dialogs:
  710. - Text: "Wooooo! I can\u2019t believe we\u2019re here! I hope he plays our song!"
  711. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  712. Replies: []
  713. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  714. ConvType: 2
  715. Location: Warehouse B
  716. NPCId:
  717. - Fabricio Marcelo
  718. - id: CH2b-Q10-D1-Ricardo
  719. Dialogs:
  720. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, would you mind swinging by the shop for a social media
  721. photoshoot for my new joggers?
  722. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  723. Replies:
  724. - Text: Sure!
  725. cost:
  726. glam: 0
  727. experience: 0
  728. dollars: 0
  729. motivation: 0
  730. level: 1
  731. reward:
  732. glam: 0
  733. experience: 1
  734. dollars: 1
  735. motivation: 0
  736. level: 1
  737. nextDialogIndex: 1
  738. startAction: 0
  739. actionId:
  740. tweetID:
  741. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  742. - Text: "Great. I\u2019m wrapping up some new backdrops for the shoot. Can you
  743. meet me in <Gig_Timer>?"
  744. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  745. Replies:
  746. - Text: Yes.
  747. cost:
  748. glam: 0
  749. experience: 0
  750. dollars: 0
  751. motivation: 0
  752. level: 1
  753. reward:
  754. glam: 0
  755. experience: 0
  756. dollars: 0
  757. motivation: 0
  758. level: 1
  759. nextDialogIndex: 0
  760. startAction: 0
  761. actionId:
  762. tweetID:
  763. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  764. ConvType: 3
  765. Location: Fashion Ave
  766. NPCId:
  767. - Ricardo Ruiz
  768. - id: CH2b-Q10-D2-Ricardo
  769. Dialogs:
  770. - Text: The jogger photoshoot is ready to go! Head on over when you can.
  771. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  772. Replies: []
  773. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  774. ConvType: 3
  775. Location: Exterior
  776. NPCId:
  777. - Ricardo Ruiz
  778. - id: CH2b-Q10-D3-Ricardo
  779. Dialogs:
  780. - Text: The jogger photoshoot is ready to start. Ready?
  781. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  782. Replies:
  783. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  784. cost:
  785. glam: 0
  786. experience: 0
  787. dollars: 0
  788. motivation: 0
  789. level: 1
  790. reward:
  791. glam: 0
  792. experience: 0
  793. dollars: 0
  794. motivation: 0
  795. level: 1
  796. nextDialogIndex: 0
  797. startAction: 0
  798. actionId: CH2b-Q10-G1-Photoshoot
  799. tweetID:
  800. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  801. cost:
  802. glam: 0
  803. experience: 0
  804. dollars: 0
  805. motivation: 0
  806. level: 1
  807. reward:
  808. glam: 0
  809. experience: 0
  810. dollars: 0
  811. motivation: 0
  812. level: 1
  813. nextDialogIndex: 0
  814. startAction: 0
  815. actionId:
  816. tweetID:
  817. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  818. ConvType: 1
  819. Location: Triple B Clothing
  820. NPCId:
  821. - Ricardo Ruiz
  822. - id: CH2b-Q5-D1-Dominic
  823. Dialogs:
  824. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I\u2019m delighted to see you again for my new installment..
  825. Animal and Human. "
  826. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  827. Replies: []
  828. NPCId: Dominic Donovan
  829. - Text: "It\u2019s a dramatic tale of friendship between human and animal. And
  830. in the end we hope to form new friendships here tonight!"
  831. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  832. Replies:
  833. - Text: 'Sounds.. erm.. dramatic! '
  834. cost:
  835. glam: 0
  836. experience: 0
  837. dollars: 0
  838. motivation: 0
  839. level: 1
  840. reward:
  841. glam: 0
  842. experience: 1
  843. dollars: 1
  844. motivation: 0
  845. level: 1
  846. nextDialogIndex: 2
  847. startAction: 0
  848. actionId:
  849. tweetID:
  850. NPCId: Dominic Donovan
  851. - Text: Indeed it is. Let the runway show begin
  852. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  853. Replies:
  854. - Text: "Let\u2019s go!"
  855. cost:
  856. glam: 0
  857. experience: 0
  858. dollars: 0
  859. motivation: 0
  860. level: 1
  861. reward:
  862. glam: 0
  863. experience: 0
  864. dollars: 0
  865. motivation: 0
  866. level: 1
  867. nextDialogIndex: 0
  868. startAction: 1
  869. actionId:
  870. tweetID:
  871. - Text: Hold on.
  872. cost:
  873. glam: 0
  874. experience: 0
  875. dollars: 0
  876. motivation: 0
  877. level: 1
  878. reward:
  879. glam: 0
  880. experience: 0
  881. dollars: 0
  882. motivation: 0
  883. level: 1
  884. nextDialogIndex: 0
  885. startAction: 4
  886. actionId:
  887. tweetID:
  888. NPCId: Dominic Donovan
  889. ConvType: 1
  890. Location: Gallery22
  891. NPCId:
  892. - Dominic Donovan
  893. - Gabriella Hall
  894. - id: CH2b-Q5-D1-Gabby
  895. Dialogs:
  896. - Text: Gabby here, I have the answer to our little PR disaster.
  897. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  898. Replies: []
  899. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  900. - Text: "Gallery 22 is teaming up with the Animal Friend Foundation, and I got
  901. you a spot on the catwalk\u2026 with cats.. and dogs!"
  902. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  903. Replies:
  904. - Text: Awesome!
  905. cost:
  906. glam: 0
  907. experience: 0
  908. dollars: 0
  909. motivation: 0
  910. level: 1
  911. reward:
  912. glam: 0
  913. experience: 0
  914. dollars: 0
  915. motivation: 0
  916. level: 1
  917. nextDialogIndex: 2
  918. startAction: 0
  919. actionId:
  920. tweetID:
  921. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  922. - Text: "Head on over when you\u2019re ready! I\u2019ll be there, maybe I\u2019ll
  923. adopt another cat!"
  924. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  925. Replies: []
  926. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  927. ConvType: 3
  928. Location: Soho
  929. NPCId:
  930. - Gabriella Hall
  931. - id: CH2b-Q5-D2-Random
  932. Dialogs:
  933. - Text: Brilliant again! Dominic has shown me the cuteness overload! I will adopt
  934. one tonight!
  935. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  936. Replies: []
  937. NPCId: Andy Bean
  938. ConvType: 2
  939. Location: Gallery 22
  940. NPCId:
  941. - Andy Bean
  942. - id: CH2b-Q5-D3-Random
  943. Dialogs:
  944. - Text: OMG! Do you see that cat over there? I need to bring her home.
  945. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  946. Replies: []
  947. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  948. ConvType: 2
  949. Location: Gallery 22
  950. NPCId:
  951. - Gabriella Hall
  952. - id: CH2b-Q5-D4-Random
  953. Dialogs:
  954. - Text: "I literally can\u2019t right now\u2026 these kitties!"
  955. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  956. Replies: []
  957. NPCId: Carrie Ross
  958. ConvType: 2
  959. Location: Gallery 22
  960. NPCId:
  961. - Carrie Ross
  962. - id: CH2b-Q6-D1
  963. Dialogs:
  964. - Text: '%Player_Name%, can you swing on by? Some good things on the horizon!'
  965. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  966. Replies:
  967. - Text: Sure.
  968. cost:
  969. glam: 0
  970. experience: 0
  971. dollars: 0
  972. motivation: 0
  973. level: 1
  974. reward:
  975. glam: 0
  976. experience: 0
  977. dollars: 0
  978. motivation: 0
  979. level: 1
  980. nextDialogIndex: 0
  981. startAction: 0
  982. actionId:
  983. tweetID:
  984. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  985. ConvType: 3
  986. Location: Upper East Side
  987. NPCId:
  988. - Emma Hunt
  989. - id: CH2b-Q6-D2-Emma
  990. Dialogs:
  991. - Text: Gabby really outdid herself this time! Working alongside Animal Friend
  992. Foundation has really upped your exposure. GlitzPop Magazine wants to do a
  993. vlog special on you!
  994. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  995. Replies: []
  996. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  997. - Text: Gabby really outdid herself this time! Working alongside Animal Friend
  998. Foundation has really upped your exposure. GlitzPop Magazine wants to do a
  999. vlog special on you!
  1000. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1001. Replies:
  1002. - Text: Vlog?
  1003. cost:
  1004. glam: 0
  1005. experience: 0
  1006. dollars: 0
  1007. motivation: 0
  1008. level: 1
  1009. reward:
  1010. glam: 0
  1011. experience: 0
  1012. dollars: 0
  1013. motivation: 0
  1014. level: 1
  1015. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1016. startAction: 0
  1017. actionId:
  1018. tweetID:
  1019. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1020. - Text: "You don\u2019t know what a vlog is? Essentially it\u2019s a video blog.
  1021. They\u2019ll interview you and do some fun activities and then post it on
  1022. their social media outlets."
  1023. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1024. Replies: []
  1025. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1026. - Text: "This is the time to really let your personality shine. Show them that
  1027. you\u2019re a model who means it.. And put that meat dress incident in the
  1028. past!"
  1029. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1030. Replies:
  1031. - Text: Will do.
  1032. cost:
  1033. glam: 0
  1034. experience: 0
  1035. dollars: 0
  1036. motivation: 0
  1037. level: 1
  1038. reward:
  1039. glam: 0
  1040. experience: 0
  1041. dollars: 0
  1042. motivation: 0
  1043. level: 1
  1044. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1045. startAction: 0
  1046. actionId:
  1047. tweetID:
  1048. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1049. - Text: 'Yes! This being your first video appearance, I highly recommend getting
  1050. super duper ready for it. '
  1051. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1052. Replies:
  1053. - Text: How?
  1054. cost:
  1055. glam: 0
  1056. experience: 0
  1057. dollars: 0
  1058. motivation: 0
  1059. level: 1
  1060. reward:
  1061. glam: 0
  1062. experience: 0
  1063. dollars: 0
  1064. motivation: 0
  1065. level: 1
  1066. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1067. startAction: 0
  1068. actionId:
  1069. tweetID:
  1070. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1071. - Text: ..I think Tyra Banks would be a great person to ask.
  1072. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1073. Replies:
  1074. - Text: Good idea.
  1075. cost:
  1076. glam: 0
  1077. experience: 0
  1078. dollars: 0
  1079. motivation: 0
  1080. level: 1
  1081. reward:
  1082. glam: 0
  1083. experience: 0
  1084. dollars: 0
  1085. motivation: 0
  1086. level: 1
  1087. nextDialogIndex: 5
  1088. startAction: 0
  1089. actionId:
  1090. tweetID:
  1091. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1092. - Text: "Perfect, no one would know better than her. Try giving her a call and
  1093. maybe she\u2019ll help you out! Then, head on over to GlitzPop Magazine\u2019s
  1094. HQ in Brooklyn in <Gig_Timer> hours."
  1095. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1096. Replies: []
  1097. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1098. - Text: "You\u2019ll be interviewing with GlitzPop\u2019s Creative Director, Damon
  1099. Chopra. He can seem tough, but I assure you he\u2019s a big ol\u2019 teddy
  1100. bear on the inside!"
  1101. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1102. Replies:
  1103. - Text: Got it!
  1104. cost:
  1105. glam: 0
  1106. experience: 0
  1107. dollars: 0
  1108. motivation: 0
  1109. level: 1
  1110. reward:
  1111. glam: 0
  1112. experience: 0
  1113. dollars: 0
  1114. motivation: 0
  1115. level: 1
  1116. nextDialogIndex: 7
  1117. startAction: 0
  1118. actionId:
  1119. tweetID:
  1120. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1121. - Text: Oh one last thing, in terms of your outfit. Trendy casual is the way to
  1122. go. GlitzPop loves that look.
  1123. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1124. Replies: []
  1125. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1126. ConvType: 1
  1127. Location: Hunt and Peck
  1128. NPCId:
  1129. - Emma Hunt
  1130. - id: CH2b-Q6-D2-Natalia
  1131. Dialogs:
  1132. - Text: Hey um, could u pls clean up the bathroom when u get home? Kthxbye!!
  1133. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1134. Replies:
  1135. - Text: Who dis?
  1136. cost:
  1137. glam: 0
  1138. experience: 0
  1139. dollars: 0
  1140. motivation: 0
  1141. level: 1
  1142. reward:
  1143. glam: 0
  1144. experience: 0
  1145. dollars: 0
  1146. motivation: 0
  1147. level: 1
  1148. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1149. startAction: 0
  1150. actionId:
  1151. tweetID:
  1152. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1153. ConvType: 3
  1154. Location: Upper East Side
  1155. NPCId:
  1156. - Natalia Jansens
  1157. - id: CH2b-Q7-D1-Tyra
  1158. Dialogs:
  1159. - Text: "%Player_Name%, it\u2019s been a while! How\u2019s everything going?"
  1160. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1161. Replies:
  1162. - Text: (Catch up)
  1163. cost:
  1164. glam: 0
  1165. experience: 0
  1166. dollars: 0
  1167. motivation: 0
  1168. level: 1
  1169. reward:
  1170. glam: 0
  1171. experience: 0
  1172. dollars: 0
  1173. motivation: 0
  1174. level: 1
  1175. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1176. startAction: 0
  1177. actionId:
  1178. tweetID:
  1179. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1180. - Text: "Wow, talk about eventful! PR blunders are bound to happen. It\u2019s
  1181. good to have a strong team behind you. "
  1182. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1183. Replies: []
  1184. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1185. - Text: "And I love that you want to give back where you can. I\u2019m proud!"
  1186. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1187. Replies:
  1188. - Text: Thanks!
  1189. cost:
  1190. glam: 0
  1191. experience: 0
  1192. dollars: 0
  1193. motivation: 0
  1194. level: 1
  1195. reward:
  1196. glam: 0
  1197. experience: 0
  1198. dollars: 0
  1199. motivation: 0
  1200. level: 1
  1201. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1202. startAction: 0
  1203. actionId:
  1204. tweetID:
  1205. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1206. - Text: My best advice I can give to you is.. be you! Be your loveable, caring
  1207. self.
  1208. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1209. Replies: []
  1210. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1211. - Text: "Also, it\u2019s ok to laugh at yourself! What happened, happened.. so
  1212. the only thing to do is move forward."
  1213. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1214. Replies:
  1215. - Text: Move forward, huh?
  1216. cost:
  1217. glam: 0
  1218. experience: 0
  1219. dollars: 0
  1220. motivation: 0
  1221. level: 1
  1222. reward:
  1223. glam: 0
  1224. experience: 0
  1225. dollars: 0
  1226. motivation: 0
  1227. level: 1
  1228. nextDialogIndex: 5
  1229. startAction: 0
  1230. actionId:
  1231. tweetID:
  1232. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1233. - Text: "You got it! You know what\u2026 call me crazy, but you should come to
  1234. Miami with me. I\u2019m going to a fundraiser at IVY Yacht Club. I think it
  1235. would be good practice. Network with others and be yourself!"
  1236. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1237. Replies:
  1238. - Text: "I\u2019m in!"
  1239. cost:
  1240. glam: 0
  1241. experience: 0
  1242. dollars: 0
  1243. motivation: 0
  1244. level: 1
  1245. reward:
  1246. glam: 0
  1247. experience: 1
  1248. dollars: 1
  1249. motivation: 0
  1250. level: 1
  1251. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1252. startAction: 0
  1253. actionId:
  1254. tweetID:
  1255. - Text: What should I wear?
  1256. cost:
  1257. glam: 0
  1258. experience: 0
  1259. dollars: 0
  1260. motivation: 0
  1261. level: 1
  1262. reward:
  1263. glam: 0
  1264. experience: 1
  1265. dollars: 1
  1266. motivation: 0
  1267. level: 1
  1268. nextDialogIndex: 7
  1269. startAction: 0
  1270. actionId:
  1271. tweetID:
  1272. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1273. - Text: Great! How quickly can you get on a plane? I will see you in Miami!
  1274. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1275. Replies:
  1276. - Text: Fight fire with fire.
  1277. cost:
  1278. glam: 0
  1279. experience: 0
  1280. dollars: 0
  1281. motivation: 0
  1282. level: 1
  1283. reward:
  1284. glam: 0
  1285. experience: 2
  1286. dollars: 3
  1287. motivation: 0
  1288. level: 1
  1289. nextDialogIndex: 7
  1290. startAction: 0
  1291. actionId:
  1292. tweetID:
  1293. - Text: Be the bigger person.
  1294. cost:
  1295. glam: 0
  1296. experience: 0
  1297. dollars: 0
  1298. motivation: 0
  1299. level: 1
  1300. reward:
  1301. glam: 0
  1302. experience: 2
  1303. dollars: 3
  1304. motivation: 0
  1305. level: 1
  1306. nextDialogIndex: 8
  1307. startAction: 0
  1308. actionId:
  1309. tweetID:
  1310. - Text: Take it to social media.
  1311. cost:
  1312. glam: 0
  1313. experience: 0
  1314. dollars: 0
  1315. motivation: 0
  1316. level: 1
  1317. reward:
  1318. glam: 0
  1319. experience: 3
  1320. dollars: 2
  1321. motivation: 0
  1322. level: 1
  1323. nextDialogIndex: 9
  1324. startAction: 0
  1325. actionId:
  1326. tweetID:
  1327. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1328. - Text: "Do you! Wear whatever you\u2019re feeling. I will see you in Miami!"
  1329. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1330. Replies: []
  1331. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1332. ConvType: 3
  1333. Location: Soho
  1334. NPCId:
  1335. - Tyra Banks
  1336. - id: CH2b-Q7-D2-Damon
  1337. Dialogs:
  1338. - Text: '%Player_Name%, welcome to GlitzPop! We are the leading media outlet in
  1339. everything fashion and lifestyle. You have been making quite a name for yourself. '
  1340. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1341. Replies: []
  1342. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1343. - Text: First, with the meat dress incident and now making a positive name for
  1344. yourself. Tell me, what are you really?
  1345. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1346. Replies:
  1347. - Text: A model.
  1348. cost:
  1349. glam: 0
  1350. experience: 0
  1351. dollars: 0
  1352. motivation: 0
  1353. level: 1
  1354. reward:
  1355. glam: 0
  1356. experience: 1
  1357. dollars: 1
  1358. motivation: 0
  1359. level: 1
  1360. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1361. startAction: 1
  1362. actionId: CH2b-Q8-G1-Sponsored
  1363. tweetID:
  1364. - Text: A brand.
  1365. cost:
  1366. glam: 0
  1367. experience: 0
  1368. dollars: 0
  1369. motivation: 0
  1370. level: 1
  1371. reward:
  1372. glam: 0
  1373. experience: 1
  1374. dollars: 1
  1375. motivation: 0
  1376. level: 1
  1377. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1378. startAction: 0
  1379. actionId:
  1380. tweetID:
  1381. - Text: Nervous.
  1382. cost:
  1383. glam: 0
  1384. experience: 0
  1385. dollars: 0
  1386. motivation: 0
  1387. level: 1
  1388. reward:
  1389. glam: 0
  1390. experience: 1
  1391. dollars: 1
  1392. motivation: 0
  1393. level: 1
  1394. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1395. startAction: 0
  1396. actionId:
  1397. tweetID:
  1398. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1399. - Text: Just a model, huh? There has to be more to %Player_Name% than that.
  1400. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1401. Replies: []
  1402. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1403. - Text: "I couldn\u2019t agree more. Being famous is a brand. Your life is your
  1404. brand."
  1405. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1406. Replies: []
  1407. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1408. - Text: Ha, I appreciate the honesty but you have nothing to be nervous about!
  1409. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1410. Replies: []
  1411. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1412. - Text: 'Now tell me, what would you say your personal style is? '
  1413. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1414. Replies:
  1415. - Text: Urban hipster
  1416. cost:
  1417. glam: 0
  1418. experience: 0
  1419. dollars: 0
  1420. motivation: 0
  1421. level: 1
  1422. reward:
  1423. glam: 0
  1424. experience: 2
  1425. dollars: 2
  1426. motivation: 0
  1427. level: 1
  1428. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1429. startAction: 0
  1430. actionId:
  1431. tweetID:
  1432. - Text: Contemporary chic
  1433. cost:
  1434. glam: 0
  1435. experience: 0
  1436. dollars: 0
  1437. motivation: 0
  1438. level: 1
  1439. reward:
  1440. glam: 0
  1441. experience: 2
  1442. dollars: 2
  1443. motivation: 0
  1444. level: 1
  1445. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1446. startAction: 0
  1447. actionId:
  1448. tweetID:
  1449. - Text: Artistic boho
  1450. cost:
  1451. glam: 0
  1452. experience: 0
  1453. dollars: 0
  1454. motivation: 0
  1455. level: 1
  1456. reward:
  1457. glam: 0
  1458. experience: 2
  1459. dollars: 2
  1460. motivation: 0
  1461. level: 1
  1462. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1463. startAction: 0
  1464. actionId:
  1465. tweetID:
  1466. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1467. - Text: I can see it! Last question, how do you deal with the haters?
  1468. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1469. Replies:
  1470. - Text: Fight fire with fire.
  1471. cost:
  1472. glam: 0
  1473. experience: 0
  1474. dollars: 0
  1475. motivation: 0
  1476. level: 1
  1477. reward:
  1478. glam: 0
  1479. experience: 2
  1480. dollars: 3
  1481. motivation: 0
  1482. level: 1
  1483. nextDialogIndex: 7
  1484. startAction: 0
  1485. actionId:
  1486. tweetID:
  1487. - Text: Be the bigger person.
  1488. cost:
  1489. glam: 0
  1490. experience: 0
  1491. dollars: 0
  1492. motivation: 0
  1493. level: 1
  1494. reward:
  1495. glam: 0
  1496. experience: 2
  1497. dollars: 3
  1498. motivation: 0
  1499. level: 1
  1500. nextDialogIndex: 8
  1501. startAction: 0
  1502. actionId:
  1503. tweetID:
  1504. - Text: Take it to social media.
  1505. cost:
  1506. glam: 0
  1507. experience: 0
  1508. dollars: 0
  1509. motivation: 0
  1510. level: 1
  1511. reward:
  1512. glam: 0
  1513. experience: 3
  1514. dollars: 2
  1515. motivation: 0
  1516. level: 1
  1517. nextDialogIndex: 9
  1518. startAction: 0
  1519. actionId:
  1520. tweetID:
  1521. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1522. - Text: Sassy. I like it!
  1523. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1524. Replies: []
  1525. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1526. - Text: Smart. I like it!
  1527. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1528. Replies: []
  1529. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1530. - Text: Sassy. I like it!
  1531. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1532. Replies: []
  1533. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1534. - Text: "Alright, now for the next part of the vlog, let\u2019s continue our interview
  1535. while doing a cooking demonstration by the famous Chef Greggy Flay!"
  1536. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1537. Replies: []
  1538. NPCId: Damon Chopra
  1539. ConvType: 1
  1540. Location: GlitzPop Magazine
  1541. NPCId:
  1542. - Damon Chopra
  1543. - id: CH2b-Q8-D2-Tyra
  1544. Dialogs:
  1545. - Text: Welcome, welcome to Miami!
  1546. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1547. Replies:
  1548. - Text: Thanks!
  1549. cost:
  1550. glam: 0
  1551. experience: 0
  1552. dollars: 0
  1553. motivation: 0
  1554. level: 1
  1555. reward:
  1556. glam: 0
  1557. experience: 0
  1558. dollars: 0
  1559. motivation: 0
  1560. level: 1
  1561. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1562. startAction: 0
  1563. actionId:
  1564. tweetID:
  1565. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1566. - Text: "So glad you made it on such short notice. Now let\u2019s get to networking
  1567. and partying! Remember, don\u2019t be afraid to let loose and be yourself!"
  1568. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1569. Replies:
  1570. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  1571. cost:
  1572. glam: 0
  1573. experience: 0
  1574. dollars: 0
  1575. motivation: 0
  1576. level: 1
  1577. reward:
  1578. glam: 0
  1579. experience: 0
  1580. dollars: 0
  1581. motivation: 0
  1582. level: 1
  1583. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1584. startAction: 1
  1585. actionId: CH2b-Q8-G1-Sponsored
  1586. tweetID:
  1587. - Text: Hold on a sec!
  1588. cost:
  1589. glam: 0
  1590. experience: 0
  1591. dollars: 0
  1592. motivation: 0
  1593. level: 1
  1594. reward:
  1595. glam: 0
  1596. experience: 0
  1597. dollars: 0
  1598. motivation: 0
  1599. level: 1
  1600. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1601. startAction: 0
  1602. actionId:
  1603. tweetID:
  1604. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1605. ConvType: 1
  1606. Location: IVY Yacht Club
  1607. NPCId:
  1608. - Tyra Banks
  1609. - id: CH2b-Q9-D1-Emma
  1610. Dialogs:
  1611. - Text: Dahling!
  1612. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1613. Replies:
  1614. - Text: Yes, Emma?
  1615. cost:
  1616. glam: 0
  1617. experience: 0
  1618. dollars: 0
  1619. motivation: 0
  1620. level: 1
  1621. reward:
  1622. glam: 0
  1623. experience: 1
  1624. dollars: 2
  1625. motivation: 0
  1626. level: 1
  1627. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1628. startAction: 0
  1629. actionId:
  1630. tweetID:
  1631. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1632. - Text: I have a rather sweet gig for you. The Sweet Shoppe is looking to create
  1633. a series of billboards with you. Get on over to Glamlight Studios when you
  1634. get a chance!
  1635. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1636. Replies: []
  1637. NPCId: Emma Hunt
  1638. ConvType: 1
  1639. Location: Brooklyn
  1640. NPCId:
  1641. - Emma Hunt
  1642. - id: CH2b-Q9-D2-Katherine
  1643. Dialogs:
  1644. - Text: The Sweet Shoppe billboard shoot is ready to start. What candy would you
  1645. like to model with today?
  1646. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1647. Replies:
  1648. - Text: Lollipops
  1649. cost:
  1650. glam: 0
  1651. experience: 0
  1652. dollars: 0
  1653. motivation: 0
  1654. level: 1
  1655. reward:
  1656. glam: 0
  1657. experience: 1
  1658. dollars: 2
  1659. motivation: 0
  1660. level: 1
  1661. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1662. startAction: 0
  1663. actionId:
  1664. tweetID:
  1665. - Text: Chocolate
  1666. cost:
  1667. glam: 0
  1668. experience: 0
  1669. dollars: 0
  1670. motivation: 0
  1671. level: 1
  1672. reward:
  1673. glam: 0
  1674. experience: 1
  1675. dollars: 2
  1676. motivation: 0
  1677. level: 1
  1678. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1679. startAction: 0
  1680. actionId:
  1681. tweetID:
  1682. - Text: Jelly Beans
  1683. cost:
  1684. glam: 0
  1685. experience: 0
  1686. dollars: 0
  1687. motivation: 0
  1688. level: 1
  1689. reward:
  1690. glam: 0
  1691. experience: 1
  1692. dollars: 2
  1693. motivation: 0
  1694. level: 1
  1695. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1696. startAction: 0
  1697. actionId:
  1698. tweetID:
  1699. NPCId: Katherine Hamm
  1700. - Text: "Sweet. Let\u2019s get started!"
  1701. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1702. Replies:
  1703. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  1704. cost:
  1705. glam: 0
  1706. experience: 0
  1707. dollars: 0
  1708. motivation: 0
  1709. level: 1
  1710. reward:
  1711. glam: 0
  1712. experience: 0
  1713. dollars: 0
  1714. motivation: 0
  1715. level: 1
  1716. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1717. startAction: 1
  1718. actionId: CH2b-Q9-G1-Photoshoot
  1719. tweetID:
  1720. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  1721. cost:
  1722. glam: 0
  1723. experience: 0
  1724. dollars: 0
  1725. motivation: 0
  1726. level: 1
  1727. reward:
  1728. glam: 0
  1729. experience: 0
  1730. dollars: 0
  1731. motivation: 0
  1732. level: 1
  1733. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1734. startAction: 0
  1735. actionId:
  1736. tweetID:
  1737. NPCId: Katherine Hamm
  1738. ConvType: 1
  1739. Location: Glamlight Studios
  1740. NPCId:
  1741. - Katherine Hamm
  1742. - id: CH2c-Q11-D1-Gabby
  1743. Dialogs:
  1744. - Text: "I\u2019m hearing great things about that vlog! Keep up the good work."
  1745. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1746. Replies:
  1747. - Text: Thx!
  1748. cost:
  1749. glam: 0
  1750. experience: 0
  1751. dollars: 0
  1752. motivation: 0
  1753. level: 1
  1754. reward:
  1755. glam: 0
  1756. experience: 0
  1757. dollars: 0
  1758. motivation: 0
  1759. level: 1
  1760. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1761. startAction: 0
  1762. actionId:
  1763. tweetID:
  1764. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1765. - Text: Tracy should be calling u soon, press is all over her new line. U should
  1766. give it a try.
  1767. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1768. Replies:
  1769. - Text: OK
  1770. cost:
  1771. glam: 0
  1772. experience: 0
  1773. dollars: 0
  1774. motivation: 0
  1775. level: 1
  1776. reward:
  1777. glam: 0
  1778. experience: 0
  1779. dollars: 0
  1780. motivation: 0
  1781. level: 1
  1782. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1783. startAction: 0
  1784. actionId:
  1785. tweetID:
  1786. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1787. - Text: ' more thing.. Roses or lilies for my bouquet? '
  1788. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1789. Replies:
  1790. - Text: Roses
  1791. cost:
  1792. glam: 0
  1793. experience: 0
  1794. dollars: 0
  1795. motivation: 0
  1796. level: 1
  1797. reward:
  1798. glam: 0
  1799. experience: 1
  1800. dollars: 2
  1801. motivation: 0
  1802. level: 1
  1803. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1804. startAction: 0
  1805. actionId:
  1806. tweetID:
  1807. - Text: Lilies
  1808. cost:
  1809. glam: 0
  1810. experience: 0
  1811. dollars: 0
  1812. motivation: 0
  1813. level: 1
  1814. reward:
  1815. glam: 0
  1816. experience: 2
  1817. dollars: 2
  1818. motivation: 0
  1819. level: 1
  1820. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1821. startAction: 0
  1822. actionId:
  1823. tweetID:
  1824. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1825. - Text: Great!
  1826. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1827. Replies: []
  1828. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1829. ConvType: 3
  1830. Location: Brooklyn
  1831. NPCId:
  1832. - Gabriella Hall
  1833. - id: CH2c-Q11-D2-Tracy
  1834. Dialogs:
  1835. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, sorry to be calling you out of the blue. But I have
  1836. something important to talk to you about.
  1837. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1838. Replies:
  1839. - Text: What is it?
  1840. cost:
  1841. glam: 0
  1842. experience: 0
  1843. dollars: 0
  1844. motivation: 0
  1845. level: 1
  1846. reward:
  1847. glam: 0
  1848. experience: 0
  1849. dollars: 0
  1850. motivation: 0
  1851. level: 1
  1852. nextDialogIndex: 1
  1853. startAction: 0
  1854. actionId: CH2c-Q11-G1-Photoshoot
  1855. tweetID:
  1856. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  1857. - Text: "Well I feel awful about what happened with my so-called special project.
  1858. I didn\u2019t think the media would react to it like that!"
  1859. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1860. Replies:
  1861. - Text: "It\u2019s okay."
  1862. cost:
  1863. glam: 0
  1864. experience: 0
  1865. dollars: 0
  1866. motivation: 0
  1867. level: 1
  1868. reward:
  1869. glam: 0
  1870. experience: 1
  1871. dollars: 1
  1872. motivation: 0
  1873. level: 1
  1874. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1875. startAction: 0
  1876. actionId:
  1877. tweetID:
  1878. - Text: Not a good look.
  1879. cost:
  1880. glam: 0
  1881. experience: 0
  1882. dollars: 0
  1883. motivation: 0
  1884. level: 1
  1885. reward:
  1886. glam: 0
  1887. experience: 1
  1888. dollars: 1
  1889. motivation: 0
  1890. level: 1
  1891. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1892. startAction: 0
  1893. actionId:
  1894. tweetID:
  1895. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  1896. - Text: "It\u2019s not okay. And I\u2019d like to make it right for putting you
  1897. in that position."
  1898. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1899. Replies: []
  1900. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  1901. - Text: "I know. And I\u2019d like to make it right for putting you in that position."
  1902. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1903. Replies: []
  1904. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  1905. - Text: I have a new line, made with 100% sustainable materials. I call it [RE]ganic
  1906. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1907. Replies: []
  1908. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  1909. - Text: "I would love for you to head the outreach campaign. We\u2019re talking
  1910. Chirp ads, video ads and a launch party for it. What do you say?"
  1911. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1912. Replies:
  1913. - Text: "I\u2019m in."
  1914. cost:
  1915. glam: 0
  1916. experience: 0
  1917. dollars: 0
  1918. motivation: 0
  1919. level: 1
  1920. reward:
  1921. glam: 0
  1922. experience: 0
  1923. dollars: 0
  1924. motivation: 0
  1925. level: 1
  1926. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1927. startAction: 0
  1928. actionId:
  1929. tweetID:
  1930. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  1931. - Text: "Excellent. Head to Glamlight Studios for the Chirp ads. In the meantime
  1932. I\u2019ll set up the video ad shoot and finalize details for the party."
  1933. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1934. Replies:
  1935. - Text: OK.
  1936. cost:
  1937. glam: 0
  1938. experience: 0
  1939. dollars: 0
  1940. motivation: 0
  1941. level: 1
  1942. reward:
  1943. glam: 0
  1944. experience: 0
  1945. dollars: 0
  1946. motivation: 0
  1947. level: 1
  1948. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1949. startAction: 0
  1950. actionId:
  1951. tweetID:
  1952. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  1953. ConvType: 3
  1954. Location: Brooklyn
  1955. NPCId:
  1956. - Tracy Eastwood
  1957. - id: CH2c-Q11-D3-Katherine
  1958. Dialogs:
  1959. - Text: '%Player_Name%, pleasure to see you working with Tracy again! Her instructions
  1960. for this shoot are dramatic, moody with a bit of sophistication. Got it? '
  1961. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  1962. Replies:
  1963. - Text: Drama is ready!
  1964. cost:
  1965. glam: 0
  1966. experience: 0
  1967. dollars: 0
  1968. motivation: 0
  1969. level: 1
  1970. reward:
  1971. glam: 0
  1972. experience: 0
  1973. dollars: 0
  1974. motivation: 0
  1975. level: 1
  1976. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1977. startAction: 0
  1978. actionId: CH2c-Q11-G1-Photoshoot
  1979. tweetID:
  1980. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  1981. cost:
  1982. glam: 0
  1983. experience: 0
  1984. dollars: 0
  1985. motivation: 0
  1986. level: 1
  1987. reward:
  1988. glam: 0
  1989. experience: 0
  1990. dollars: 0
  1991. motivation: 0
  1992. level: 1
  1993. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1994. startAction: 0
  1995. actionId:
  1996. tweetID:
  1997. NPCId: Katherine Hamm
  1998. ConvType: 1
  1999. Location: Glamlight Studios
  2000. NPCId:
  2001. - Katherine Hamm
  2002. - id: CH2c-Q12-D1-Gabby
  2003. Dialogs:
  2004. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, the [RE]ganic Video Ad is ready for you. Head on over
  2005. to EnVision Studios in Brooklyn.
  2006. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2007. Replies: []
  2008. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2009. ConvType: 3
  2010. Location: Exterior
  2011. NPCId:
  2012. - Gabriella Hall
  2013. - id: CH2c-Q12-D2-Fabricio
  2014. Dialogs:
  2015. - Text: "Yoooo, what\u2019s good rn? Wanna grab happy hour? Ya know it\u2019s
  2016. 5pm somewhere."
  2017. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2018. Replies:
  2019. - Text: I have a gig.
  2020. cost:
  2021. glam: 0
  2022. experience: 0
  2023. dollars: 0
  2024. motivation: 0
  2025. level: 1
  2026. reward:
  2027. glam: 0
  2028. experience: 0
  2029. dollars: 0
  2030. motivation: 0
  2031. level: 1
  2032. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2033. startAction: 0
  2034. actionId:
  2035. tweetID:
  2036. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2037. - Text: Laaaaaaame.
  2038. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2039. Replies:
  2040. - Text: I know.
  2041. cost:
  2042. glam: 0
  2043. experience: 0
  2044. dollars: 0
  2045. motivation: 0
  2046. level: 1
  2047. reward:
  2048. glam: 0
  2049. experience: 0
  2050. dollars: 0
  2051. motivation: 0
  2052. level: 1
  2053. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2054. startAction: 0
  2055. actionId:
  2056. tweetID:
  2057. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2058. - Text: "Yoooo, what\u2019s good rn? Wanna grab happy hour? Ya know it\u2019s
  2059. 5pm somewhere."
  2060. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2061. Replies:
  2062. - Text: I have a gig.
  2063. cost:
  2064. glam: 0
  2065. experience: 0
  2066. dollars: 0
  2067. motivation: 0
  2068. level: 1
  2069. reward:
  2070. glam: 0
  2071. experience: 0
  2072. dollars: 0
  2073. motivation: 0
  2074. level: 1
  2075. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2076. startAction: 0
  2077. actionId:
  2078. tweetID:
  2079. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2080. - Text: Laaaaaaame.
  2081. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2082. Replies:
  2083. - Text: I know.
  2084. cost:
  2085. glam: 0
  2086. experience: 0
  2087. dollars: 0
  2088. motivation: 0
  2089. level: 1
  2090. reward:
  2091. glam: 0
  2092. experience: 0
  2093. dollars: 0
  2094. motivation: 0
  2095. level: 1
  2096. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2097. startAction: 1
  2098. actionId: CH2c-Q12-G1-TV
  2099. tweetID:
  2100. - Text: "I\u2019ll make it up to u. "
  2101. cost:
  2102. glam: 0
  2103. experience: 0
  2104. dollars: 0
  2105. motivation: 0
  2106. level: 1
  2107. reward:
  2108. glam: 0
  2109. experience: 0
  2110. dollars: 0
  2111. motivation: 0
  2112. level: 1
  2113. nextDialogIndex: 3
  2114. startAction: 0
  2115. actionId:
  2116. tweetID:
  2117. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2118. - Text: Booooo.
  2119. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2120. Replies: []
  2121. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2122. - Text: U owe me some delicious food!
  2123. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2124. Replies: []
  2125. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2126. ConvType: 3
  2127. Location: Brooklyn
  2128. NPCId:
  2129. - Fabricio Marcelo
  2130. - id: CH2c-Q12-D3-Frankie
  2131. Dialogs:
  2132. - Text: "Hey! The name\u2019s Frankie, I\u2019m the lead camera operator here.
  2133. Is this your first time at EnVision Studios?"
  2134. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2135. Replies:
  2136. - Text: It is.
  2137. cost:
  2138. glam: 0
  2139. experience: 0
  2140. dollars: 0
  2141. motivation: 0
  2142. level: 1
  2143. reward:
  2144. glam: 0
  2145. experience: 0
  2146. dollars: 0
  2147. motivation: 0
  2148. level: 1
  2149. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2150. startAction: 0
  2151. actionId:
  2152. tweetID:
  2153. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  2154. - Text: Coolio. EnVision Studios is your state of the art film production facility.
  2155. We film everything from commercials to movies to TV shows.
  2156. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2157. Replies: []
  2158. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  2159. - Text: You must be here for the Tracy Eastwood [RE]ganic ad shoot?
  2160. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2161. Replies:
  2162. - Text: Yep!
  2163. cost:
  2164. glam: 0
  2165. experience: 0
  2166. dollars: 0
  2167. motivation: 0
  2168. level: 1
  2169. reward:
  2170. glam: 0
  2171. experience: 0
  2172. dollars: 0
  2173. motivation: 0
  2174. level: 1
  2175. nextDialogIndex: 3
  2176. startAction: 0
  2177. actionId:
  2178. tweetID:
  2179. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  2180. - Text: "Well alrightey then. Looks like we\u2019re doing 2 minute video ad with
  2181. cuts of you posing, walking and twirling around in her new line. Think flow
  2182. and symmetry for this shoot. Ready to get flowy?"
  2183. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2184. Replies:
  2185. - Text: "Let\u2019s start!"
  2186. cost:
  2187. glam: 0
  2188. experience: 0
  2189. dollars: 0
  2190. motivation: 0
  2191. level: 1
  2192. reward:
  2193. glam: 0
  2194. experience: 0
  2195. dollars: 0
  2196. motivation: 0
  2197. level: 1
  2198. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2199. startAction: 1
  2200. actionId: CH2c-Q12-G1-TV
  2201. tweetID:
  2202. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  2203. cost:
  2204. glam: 0
  2205. experience: 0
  2206. dollars: 0
  2207. motivation: 0
  2208. level: 1
  2209. reward:
  2210. glam: 0
  2211. experience: 0
  2212. dollars: 0
  2213. motivation: 0
  2214. level: 1
  2215. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2216. startAction: 0
  2217. actionId:
  2218. tweetID:
  2219. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  2220. ConvType: 1
  2221. Location: EnVision Studios
  2222. NPCId:
  2223. - Frankie Yu
  2224. - id: CH2c-Q13-D1-Gabby
  2225. Dialogs:
  2226. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, the [RE]ganic launch party is ready at Warehouse B
  2227. in Brooklyn.
  2228. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  2229. Replies: []
  2230. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2231. ConvType: 3
  2232. Location: Exterior
  2233. NPCId:
  2234. - Gabriella Hall
  2235. - id: CH2c-Q13-D2-Tracy
  2236. Dialogs:
  2237. - Text: '%Player_Name% the media loves the latest campaign, especially that video.
  2238. You really pushed yourself!'
  2239. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  2240. Replies:
  2241. - Text: Thanks!
  2242. cost:
  2243. glam: 0
  2244. experience: 0
  2245. dollars: 0
  2246. motivation: 0
  2247. level: 1
  2248. reward:
  2249. glam: 0
  2250. experience: 0
  2251. dollars: 0
  2252. motivation: 0
  2253. level: 1
  2254. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2255. startAction: 0
  2256. actionId:
  2257. tweetID:
  2258. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  2259. - Text: "I can\u2019t wait to take this line international, and I hope to bring
  2260. you with me!"
  2261. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2262. Replies:
  2263. - Text: I hope so too.
  2264. cost:
  2265. glam: 0
  2266. experience: 0
  2267. dollars: 0
  2268. motivation: 0
  2269. level: 1
  2270. reward:
  2271. glam: 0
  2272. experience: 1
  2273. dollars: 1
  2274. motivation: 0
  2275. level: 1
  2276. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2277. startAction: 0
  2278. actionId:
  2279. tweetID:
  2280. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  2281. - Text: "All of this hard work, and now let\u2019s party!"
  2282. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2283. Replies:
  2284. - Text: "Let\u2019s do it!"
  2285. cost:
  2286. glam: 0
  2287. experience: 0
  2288. dollars: 0
  2289. motivation: 0
  2290. level: 1
  2291. reward:
  2292. glam: 0
  2293. experience: 0
  2294. dollars: 0
  2295. motivation: 0
  2296. level: 1
  2297. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2298. startAction: 1
  2299. actionId: CH2c-Q13-G1-Sponsored
  2300. tweetID:
  2301. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  2302. cost:
  2303. glam: 0
  2304. experience: 0
  2305. dollars: 0
  2306. motivation: 0
  2307. level: 1
  2308. reward:
  2309. glam: 0
  2310. experience: 0
  2311. dollars: 0
  2312. motivation: 0
  2313. level: 1
  2314. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2315. startAction: 0
  2316. actionId:
  2317. tweetID:
  2318. NPCId: Tracy Eastwood
  2319. ConvType: 1
  2320. Location: Warehouse B
  2321. NPCId:
  2322. - Tracy Eastwood
  2323. - id: "CH2c-Q13-D3-Ciara\uFEFF"
  2324. Dialogs:
  2325. - Text: "I can\u2019t wait to buy a jacket from the [RE]ganic line! "
  2326. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2327. Replies: []
  2328. NPCId: Ciara Johnson
  2329. ConvType: 2
  2330. Location: Warehouse B
  2331. NPCId:
  2332. - Ciara Johnson
  2333. - id: CH2c-Q14-D1-Gabby
  2334. Dialogs:
  2335. - Text: "DIDN\u2019T I SAY BURLAP TABLE RUNNERS.. NOT LINEN..!!!"
  2336. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  2337. Replies:
  2338. - Text: '...Hello?'
  2339. cost:
  2340. glam: 0
  2341. experience: 0
  2342. dollars: 0
  2343. motivation: 0
  2344. level: 1
  2345. reward:
  2346. glam: 0
  2347. experience: 1
  2348. dollars: 2
  2349. motivation: 0
  2350. level: 1
  2351. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2352. startAction: 0
  2353. actionId:
  2354. tweetID:
  2355. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2356. - Text: "You\u2019re not the decor company..? "
  2357. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2358. Replies:
  2359. - Text: "It\u2019s %Player_Name%."
  2360. cost:
  2361. glam: 0
  2362. experience: 0
  2363. dollars: 0
  2364. motivation: 0
  2365. level: 1
  2366. reward:
  2367. glam: 0
  2368. experience: 0
  2369. dollars: 0
  2370. motivation: 0
  2371. level: 1
  2372. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2373. startAction: 0
  2374. actionId:
  2375. tweetID:
  2376. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2377. - Text: "Whoops, I must have dialed the wrong number. Sorry about that. I swear
  2378. just people don\u2019t understand how important weddings are! I mean how hard
  2379. can it possibly be to listen to directions."
  2380. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2381. Replies: []
  2382. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2383. - Text: "I explicitly stated burlap table runners, but of course linen gets shipped.
  2384. And on top of that the table cards are the wrong color! It\u2019s all wrong,
  2385. wrong, wrong."
  2386. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2387. Replies:
  2388. - Text: Take a breath!
  2389. cost:
  2390. glam: 0
  2391. experience: 0
  2392. dollars: 0
  2393. motivation: 0
  2394. level: 1
  2395. reward:
  2396. glam: 0
  2397. experience: 1
  2398. dollars: 1
  2399. motivation: 0
  2400. level: 1
  2401. nextDialogIndex: 4
  2402. startAction: 0
  2403. actionId:
  2404. tweetID:
  2405. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2406. - Text: "You\u2019re right. Deep breaths\u2026 I gotta remind myself! Now that
  2407. I have you on the phone, I do have something for you. "
  2408. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2409. Replies: []
  2410. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2411. - Text: "The [RE]ganic exposure has been great for your image. You\u2019re totes
  2412. climbing the fame charts, because the director of the hit teen mini-series,
  2413. The Twisted Vampires would love for you to attend their party."
  2414. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2415. Replies:
  2416. - Text: I love vampires!
  2417. cost:
  2418. glam: 0
  2419. experience: 0
  2420. dollars: 0
  2421. motivation: 0
  2422. level: 1
  2423. reward:
  2424. glam: 0
  2425. experience: 1
  2426. dollars: 1
  2427. motivation: 0
  2428. level: 1
  2429. nextDialogIndex: 6
  2430. startAction: 0
  2431. actionId:
  2432. tweetID:
  2433. - Text: I hate vampires!
  2434. cost:
  2435. glam: 0
  2436. experience: 0
  2437. dollars: 0
  2438. motivation: 0
  2439. level: 1
  2440. reward:
  2441. glam: 0
  2442. experience: 1
  2443. dollars: 1
  2444. motivation: 0
  2445. level: 1
  2446. nextDialogIndex: 7
  2447. startAction: 0
  2448. actionId:
  2449. tweetID:
  2450. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2451. - Text: "Well, you\u2019d fit right in! And meeting the director doesn\u2019t
  2452. hurt either. Party is at the NY Convention Center out by the airport."
  2453. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2454. Replies:
  2455. - Text: Awesome!
  2456. cost:
  2457. glam: 0
  2458. experience: 0
  2459. dollars: 0
  2460. motivation: 0
  2461. level: 1
  2462. reward:
  2463. glam: 0
  2464. experience: 0
  2465. dollars: 0
  2466. motivation: 0
  2467. level: 1
  2468. nextDialogIndex: 8
  2469. startAction: 0
  2470. actionId:
  2471. tweetID:
  2472. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2473. - Text: "\u2026 I do too\u2026 something about those fangs are too weird. But
  2474. don\u2019t let them know that. If you meet the director at the party, just
  2475. remember, you LOVE vampires. The party is at the NY Convention Center out
  2476. by the airport."
  2477. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2478. Replies:
  2479. - Text:
  2480. cost:
  2481. glam: 0
  2482. experience: 0
  2483. dollars: 0
  2484. motivation: 0
  2485. level: 1
  2486. reward:
  2487. glam: 0
  2488. experience: 0
  2489. dollars: 0
  2490. motivation: 0
  2491. level: 1
  2492. nextDialogIndex: 8
  2493. startAction: 0
  2494. actionId:
  2495. tweetID:
  2496. - Text: Awesome!
  2497. cost:
  2498. glam: 0
  2499. experience: 0
  2500. dollars: 0
  2501. motivation: 0
  2502. level: 1
  2503. reward:
  2504. glam: 0
  2505. experience: 0
  2506. dollars: 0
  2507. motivation: 0
  2508. level: 1
  2509. nextDialogIndex: 8
  2510. startAction: 0
  2511. actionId:
  2512. tweetID:
  2513. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2514. - Text: "Also, feel free to bring a guest! I won\u2019t be able to make it\u2026
  2515. wedding planning is calling my name. I\u2019m sure your friend Fabricio would
  2516. love to go!"
  2517. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2518. Replies: []
  2519. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2520. ConvType: 3
  2521. Location: Brooklyn
  2522. NPCId:
  2523. - Gabriella Hall
  2524. - id: CH2c-Q14-D2-Fabricio
  2525. Dialogs:
  2526. - Text: What up fam?
  2527. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2528. Replies:
  2529. - Text: (Twisted Vamps party)
  2530. cost:
  2531. glam: 0
  2532. experience: 0
  2533. dollars: 0
  2534. motivation: 0
  2535. level: 1
  2536. reward:
  2537. glam: 0
  2538. experience: 1
  2539. dollars: 2
  2540. motivation: 0
  2541. level: 1
  2542. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2543. startAction: 0
  2544. actionId:
  2545. tweetID:
  2546. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2547. - Text: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? Rotten Apples has been talking about this show
  2548. for months now. This is WAY better than happy hour.
  2549. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2550. Replies:
  2551. - Text: "Let\u2019s go!"
  2552. cost:
  2553. glam: 0
  2554. experience: 0
  2555. dollars: 0
  2556. motivation: 0
  2557. level: 1
  2558. reward:
  2559. glam: 0
  2560. experience: 0
  2561. dollars: 0
  2562. motivation: 0
  2563. level: 1
  2564. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2565. startAction: 0
  2566. actionId:
  2567. tweetID:
  2568. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2569. - Text: Say no more.
  2570. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2571. Replies:
  2572. - Text: See you there.
  2573. cost:
  2574. glam: 0
  2575. experience: 0
  2576. dollars: 0
  2577. motivation: 0
  2578. level: 1
  2579. reward:
  2580. glam: 0
  2581. experience: 0
  2582. dollars: 0
  2583. motivation: 0
  2584. level: 1
  2585. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2586. startAction: 0
  2587. actionId:
  2588. tweetID:
  2589. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2590. ConvType: 3
  2591. Location: Brooklyn
  2592. NPCId:
  2593. - Fabricio Marcelo
  2594. - Fabricio Marcelo
  2595. - id: CH2c-Q14-D3-Peter
  2596. Dialogs:
  2597. - Text: '%Player_Name% you look much prettier in person! '
  2598. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2599. Replies:
  2600. - Text: Nice to meet you.
  2601. cost:
  2602. glam: 0
  2603. experience: 0
  2604. dollars: 0
  2605. motivation: 0
  2606. level: 1
  2607. reward:
  2608. glam: 0
  2609. experience: 0
  2610. dollars: 0
  2611. motivation: 0
  2612. level: 1
  2613. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2614. startAction: 0
  2615. actionId:
  2616. tweetID:
  2617. NPCId: Peter Allen
  2618. - Text: Thank you to coming to our pre-production party of The Twisted Vampires.
  2619. Are you a fan?
  2620. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2621. Replies:
  2622. - Text: I love vampires!
  2623. cost:
  2624. glam: 0
  2625. experience: 0
  2626. dollars: 0
  2627. motivation: 0
  2628. level: 1
  2629. reward:
  2630. glam: 0
  2631. experience: 1
  2632. dollars: 1
  2633. motivation: 0
  2634. level: 1
  2635. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2636. startAction: 0
  2637. actionId:
  2638. tweetID:
  2639. - Text: I hate vampires.
  2640. cost:
  2641. glam: 0
  2642. experience: 0
  2643. dollars: 0
  2644. motivation: 0
  2645. level: 1
  2646. reward:
  2647. glam: 0
  2648. experience: 1
  2649. dollars: 1
  2650. motivation: 0
  2651. level: 1
  2652. nextDialogIndex: 3
  2653. startAction: 0
  2654. actionId:
  2655. tweetID:
  2656. NPCId: Peter Allen
  2657. - Text: 'Well then, you are right in our demographic!
  2658. Who is your guest?'
  2659. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2660. Replies:
  2661. - Text: (Introduce Fabricio)
  2662. cost:
  2663. glam: 0
  2664. experience: 0
  2665. dollars: 0
  2666. motivation: 0
  2667. level: 1
  2668. reward:
  2669. glam: 0
  2670. experience: 0
  2671. dollars: 0
  2672. motivation: 0
  2673. level: 1
  2674. nextDialogIndex: 4
  2675. startAction: 0
  2676. actionId:
  2677. tweetID:
  2678. NPCId: Peter Allen
  2679. - Text: "Truth be told, me too.. But hey, vampires sell! They\u2019re mysterious,
  2680. sexy and the fans LOVE teen angst.\n\nWho is your guest?"
  2681. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2682. Replies:
  2683. - Text: (Introduce Fabricio)
  2684. cost:
  2685. glam: 0
  2686. experience: 0
  2687. dollars: 0
  2688. motivation: 0
  2689. level: 1
  2690. reward:
  2691. glam: 0
  2692. experience: 0
  2693. dollars: 0
  2694. motivation: 0
  2695. level: 1
  2696. nextDialogIndex: 4
  2697. startAction: 0
  2698. actionId:
  2699. tweetID:
  2700. NPCId: Peter Allen
  2701. - Text: Uhh ummmm, nice to ummeet you Peter Allen.. Erm I mean, Mr. Allen
  2702. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2703. Replies: []
  2704. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2705. - Text: No need for formalities. Call me Peter. Fabricio is it? I love the name..
  2706. And I love those sneakers! Now you two have some fun. Open bar all night.
  2707. Enjoy yourself!
  2708. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2709. Replies:
  2710. - Text: We will!
  2711. cost:
  2712. glam: 0
  2713. experience: 0
  2714. dollars: 0
  2715. motivation: 0
  2716. level: 1
  2717. reward:
  2718. glam: 0
  2719. experience: 0
  2720. dollars: 0
  2721. motivation: 0
  2722. level: 1
  2723. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2724. startAction: 0
  2725. actionId: CH2c-Q14-G1-Sponsored
  2726. tweetID:
  2727. - Text: Can you excuse me for a minute.
  2728. cost:
  2729. glam: 0
  2730. experience: 0
  2731. dollars: 0
  2732. motivation: 0
  2733. level: 1
  2734. reward:
  2735. glam: 0
  2736. experience: 0
  2737. dollars: 0
  2738. motivation: 0
  2739. level: 1
  2740. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2741. startAction: 0
  2742. actionId:
  2743. tweetID:
  2744. NPCId: Peter Allen
  2745. ConvType: 1
  2746. Location: Convention Center
  2747. NPCId:
  2748. - Peter Allen
  2749. - Fabricio Marcelo
  2750. - id: CH2c-Q14-D4-Sidney
  2751. Dialogs:
  2752. - Text: '%Player_Name%, tell me.. How are you taking your heightened fame?'
  2753. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2754. Replies:
  2755. - Text: Great!
  2756. cost:
  2757. glam: 0
  2758. experience: 0
  2759. dollars: 0
  2760. motivation: 0
  2761. level: 1
  2762. reward:
  2763. glam: 0
  2764. experience: 1
  2765. dollars: 1
  2766. motivation: 0
  2767. level: 1
  2768. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2769. startAction: 0
  2770. actionId:
  2771. tweetID:
  2772. - Text: '...'
  2773. cost:
  2774. glam: 0
  2775. experience: 0
  2776. dollars: 0
  2777. motivation: 0
  2778. level: 1
  2779. reward:
  2780. glam: 0
  2781. experience: 1
  2782. dollars: 1
  2783. motivation: 0
  2784. level: 1
  2785. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2786. startAction: 0
  2787. actionId:
  2788. tweetID:
  2789. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  2790. - Text: Good to hear. Any comments on your good friend Tyra Banks?
  2791. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2792. Replies:
  2793. - Text: No comment.
  2794. cost:
  2795. glam: 0
  2796. experience: 0
  2797. dollars: 0
  2798. motivation: 0
  2799. level: 1
  2800. reward:
  2801. glam: 0
  2802. experience: 0
  2803. dollars: 0
  2804. motivation: 0
  2805. level: 1
  2806. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2807. startAction: 0
  2808. actionId:
  2809. tweetID:
  2810. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  2811. - Text: OK. What about Tyra Banks, any comments about her?
  2812. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2813. Replies:
  2814. - Text: No comment.
  2815. cost:
  2816. glam: 0
  2817. experience: 0
  2818. dollars: 0
  2819. motivation: 0
  2820. level: 1
  2821. reward:
  2822. glam: 0
  2823. experience: 0
  2824. dollars: 0
  2825. motivation: 0
  2826. level: 1
  2827. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2828. startAction: 0
  2829. actionId:
  2830. tweetID:
  2831. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  2832. ConvType: 1
  2833. Location: Convention Center
  2834. NPCId:
  2835. - Sidney Adams
  2836. - id: CH2c-Q14-D5-Natalia
  2837. Dialogs:
  2838. - Text: YOU TWO! Let me guesss... working the event?
  2839. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2840. Replies:
  2841. - Text: We were invited.
  2842. cost:
  2843. glam: 0
  2844. experience: 0
  2845. dollars: 0
  2846. motivation: 0
  2847. level: 1
  2848. reward:
  2849. glam: 0
  2850. experience: 0
  2851. dollars: 0
  2852. motivation: 0
  2853. level: 1
  2854. nextDialogIndex: 1
  2855. startAction: 0
  2856. actionId:
  2857. tweetID:
  2858. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  2859. - Text: "That\u2019s so funny <burp>. I almost believed you for a second."
  2860. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2861. Replies: []
  2862. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  2863. - Text: "You\u2019ve been here a while, haven\u2019t you?"
  2864. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2865. Replies: []
  2866. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2867. - Text: "Shhhh, I\u2019m celebrating. Didn\u2019t you hear?? I got a role on Twisted
  2868. Vampires. I\u2019m about to be TV famous! I\u2019m the next big teen drama
  2869. star."
  2870. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2871. Replies:
  2872. - Text: Suuuuuure.
  2873. cost:
  2874. glam: 0
  2875. experience: 0
  2876. dollars: 0
  2877. motivation: 0
  2878. level: 1
  2879. reward:
  2880. glam: 0
  2881. experience: 0
  2882. dollars: 0
  2883. motivation: 0
  2884. level: 1
  2885. nextDialogIndex: 4
  2886. startAction: 0
  2887. actionId:
  2888. tweetID:
  2889. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  2890. - Text: "What\u2019s your deal? And like why are you everywhere?! It just doesn\u2019t
  2891. make sense."
  2892. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  2893. Replies: []
  2894. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  2895. - Text: "I\u2019m obvi prettier and better than you and you\u2019re just like
  2896. an itch that won\u2019t go away. "
  2897. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2898. Replies:
  2899. - Text: Excuse me?
  2900. cost:
  2901. glam: 0
  2902. experience: 0
  2903. dollars: 0
  2904. motivation: 0
  2905. level: 1
  2906. reward:
  2907. glam: 0
  2908. experience: 0
  2909. dollars: 0
  2910. motivation: 0
  2911. level: 1
  2912. nextDialogIndex: 6
  2913. startAction: 0
  2914. actionId:
  2915. tweetID:
  2916. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  2917. - Text: "You heard me, now how bout you be a darling and grab me some hors d\u2019oeuvres"
  2918. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2919. Replies:
  2920. - Text: (Throw drink)
  2921. cost:
  2922. glam: 0
  2923. experience: 0
  2924. dollars: 0
  2925. motivation: 0
  2926. level: 1
  2927. reward:
  2928. glam: 1
  2929. experience: 2
  2930. dollars: 2
  2931. motivation: 0
  2932. level: 1
  2933. nextDialogIndex: 7
  2934. startAction: 0
  2935. actionId:
  2936. tweetID:
  2937. - Text: (Slap)
  2938. cost:
  2939. glam: 0
  2940. experience: 0
  2941. dollars: 0
  2942. motivation: 0
  2943. level: 1
  2944. reward:
  2945. glam: 1
  2946. experience: 2
  2947. dollars: 2
  2948. motivation: 0
  2949. level: 1
  2950. nextDialogIndex: 7
  2951. startAction: 0
  2952. actionId:
  2953. tweetID:
  2954. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  2955. - Text: OMG!!!
  2956. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2957. Replies: []
  2958. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  2959. - Text: 'Uhh, that was freakin awesome... '
  2960. AnimationIndex: TALK CONCERNED
  2961. Replies: []
  2962. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  2963. ConvType: 1
  2964. Location: Convention Center
  2965. NPCId:
  2966. - Natalia Jansens
  2967. - Fabricio Marcelo
  2968. quests:
  2969. - id: CH2-Q1-Skrullmaus
  2970. tasks:
  2971. - Description: Go to Hotel Paragon in Upper East Side
  2972. action:
  2973. type: 1
  2974. propertyId: HotelParagon
  2975. duration: 0
  2976. - Description: Meet Chris Swanson
  2977. action:
  2978. type: 0
  2979. propertyId: CH2-Q1-D2-Chris
  2980. duration: 0
  2981. reward:
  2982. glam: 0
  2983. experience: 20
  2984. dollars: 20
  2985. motivation: 0
  2986. level: 0
  2987. Description: DJ SkrullMaus Tix
  2988. - id: CH2-Q1-P2-ScoreTickets
  2989. tasks:
  2990. - Description: Score tickets to SkrullMaus from Chris
  2991. action:
  2992. type: 0
  2993. propertyId: CH2-Q3-D2-Chris
  2994. duration: 0
  2995. reward:
  2996. glam: 0
  2997. experience: 20
  2998. dollars: 20
  2999. motivation: 0
  3000. level: 0
  3001. Description: Score Tickets
  3002. - id: CH2-Q2-MeetCiara
  3003. tasks:
  3004. - Description: Meet Ciara
  3005. action:
  3006. type: 7
  3007. propertyId: CH2-Q2-D1-MeetCiera
  3008. duration: 0
  3009. - Description: Find out what Ciara likes
  3010. action:
  3011. type: 0
  3012. propertyId: CH2-Q2-D2-Ciara
  3013. duration: 0
  3014. reward:
  3015. glam: 0
  3016. experience: 5
  3017. dollars: 10
  3018. motivation: 0
  3019. level: 0
  3020. Description: Meet Ciara
  3021. - id: CH2-Q2-GetMakeup
  3022. tasks:
  3023. - Description: Tell Chris what you found
  3024. action:
  3025. type: 0
  3026. propertyId: CH2-Q1-D3-Chris
  3027. duration: 0
  3028. - Description: "Go \u200Bto \u200BLush \u200BLocks \u200Bin \u200BSoHo"
  3029. action:
  3030. type: 1
  3031. propertyId: Lush Locks
  3032. duration: 0
  3033. - Description: "Buy \u200BCiara \u200Bnew \u200Beye \u200Bmakeup"
  3034. action:
  3035. type: 0
  3036. propertyId: CH2-Q2-D3-BuyMakeup
  3037. duration: 0
  3038. - Description: "Go \u200Bto \u200BHotel \u200BParagon \u200Bin \u200BUpper \u200BEast
  3039. \u200BSide"
  3040. action:
  3041. type: 1
  3042. propertyId: HotelParagon
  3043. duration: 0
  3044. - Description: "Deliver \u200Bthe \u200Bmakeup \u200Bto \u200BChris"
  3045. action:
  3046. type: 0
  3047. propertyId: CH2-Q3-D2-Chris
  3048. duration: 0
  3049. reward:
  3050. glam: 0
  3051. experience: 5
  3052. dollars: 10
  3053. motivation: 0
  3054. level: 0
  3055. Description: "Racoon \u200BEyes"
  3056. - id: CH2-Q4-SkrullMaus
  3057. tasks:
  3058. - Description: 'Go to Warehouse B in Brooklyn '
  3059. action:
  3060. type: 1
  3061. propertyId: WarehouseB
  3062. duration: 60
  3063. - Description: Attend the DJ SkrullMaus show (available in <Gig_Timer> hours).
  3064. action:
  3065. type: 2
  3066. propertyId: CH2-Q4-G1-Sponsored
  3067. duration: 0
  3068. reward:
  3069. glam: 0
  3070. experience: 10
  3071. dollars: 40
  3072. motivation: 0
  3073. level: 0
  3074. Description: DJ SkrullMaus
  3075. - id: CH2b-Q10-Joggers
  3076. tasks:
  3077. - Description: Go to Triple B Clothing in SoHo
  3078. action:
  3079. type: 1
  3080. propertyId: Triple B Clothing
  3081. duration: 60
  3082. - Description: Complete the photoshoot (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  3083. action:
  3084. type: 0
  3085. propertyId: CH2b-Q10-D3-Ricardo
  3086. duration: 0
  3087. reward:
  3088. glam: 0
  3089. experience: 30
  3090. dollars: 45
  3091. motivation: 0
  3092. level: 0
  3093. Description: Jog for Joggers
  3094. - id: CH2b-Q5-DogCatwalk
  3095. tasks:
  3096. - Description: Go to Gallery 22 in Upper East Side
  3097. action:
  3098. type: 1
  3099. propertyId: Gallery22
  3100. duration: 0
  3101. - Description: Complete the runway shoot
  3102. action:
  3103. type: 2
  3104. propertyId: Ch2b-Q5-G1-Runway
  3105. duration: 0
  3106. reward:
  3107. glam: 0
  3108. experience: 20
  3109. dollars: 50
  3110. motivation: 0
  3111. level: 0
  3112. Description: Dog and Cat-walk
  3113. - id: CH2b-Q6-EmmasGood
  3114. tasks:
  3115. - Description: 'Meet Emma Hunt at Stratus Towers in SoHo '
  3116. action:
  3117. type: 0
  3118. propertyId: CH2b-Q6-D2-Emma
  3119. duration: 0
  3120. reward:
  3121. glam: 0
  3122. experience: 5
  3123. dollars: 5
  3124. motivation: 0
  3125. level: 0
  3126. Description: "Emma\u2019s Good Things"
  3127. - id: CH2b-Q7-GlitzPopVlog
  3128. tasks:
  3129. - Description: Call Tyra Banks
  3130. action:
  3131. type: 0
  3132. propertyId: CH2b-Q8-D2-Tyra
  3133. duration: 60
  3134. - Description: Go to GlitzPop Magazine in Brooklyn
  3135. action:
  3136. type: 1
  3137. propertyId: GlitzPop Magazine
  3138. duration: 0
  3139. - Description: Complete your first vlog with Damon (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  3140. action:
  3141. type: 0
  3142. propertyId: CH2b-Q7-D2-Damon
  3143. duration: 0
  3144. reward:
  3145. glam: 0
  3146. experience: 40
  3147. dollars: 70
  3148. motivation: 0
  3149. level: 0
  3150. Description: GlitzPop Vlog
  3151. - id: CH2b-Q8-Miami
  3152. tasks:
  3153. - Description: Fly to Miami via JFK Airport
  3154. action:
  3155. type: 1
  3156. propertyId: Miami
  3157. duration: 0
  3158. - Description: Meet Tyra Banks at IVY Yacht Club
  3159. action:
  3160. type: 0
  3161. propertyId: CH2b-Q8-D2-Tyra
  3162. duration: 0
  3163. reward:
  3164. glam: 0
  3165. experience: 40
  3166. dollars: 60
  3167. motivation: 0
  3168. level: 0
  3169. Description: Welcome to Miami
  3170. - id: CH2b-Q9-SweetTreats
  3171. tasks:
  3172. - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave
  3173. action:
  3174. type: 1
  3175. propertyId: Fashion Ave
  3176. duration: 0
  3177. - Description: Complete the ad campaign
  3178. action:
  3179. type: 0
  3180. propertyId: CH2b-Q9-D2-Katherine
  3181. duration: 0
  3182. reward:
  3183. glam: 0
  3184. experience: 30
  3185. dollars: 50
  3186. motivation: 0
  3187. level: 0
  3188. Description: Sweet Treats
  3189. - id: CH2c-Q11-ReganicPhotoshoot
  3190. tasks:
  3191. - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave
  3192. action:
  3193. type: 1
  3194. propertyId: Glamlight Studios
  3195. duration: 0
  3196. - Description: Complete the photoshoot
  3197. action:
  3198. type: 0
  3199. propertyId: CH2c-Q11-D3-Katherine
  3200. duration: 0
  3201. reward:
  3202. glam: 0
  3203. experience: 0
  3204. dollars: 0
  3205. motivation: 0
  3206. level: 0
  3207. Description: '[RE]ganic Photoshoot'
  3208. - id: CH2c-Q12-ReganicVideo
  3209. tasks:
  3210. - Description: 'Go to EnVision Studios in Brooklyn '
  3211. action:
  3212. type: 1
  3213. propertyId: EnVision Studios
  3214. duration: 0
  3215. reward:
  3216. glam: 0
  3217. experience: 20
  3218. dollars: 60
  3219. motivation: 0
  3220. level: 0
  3221. Description: '[RE]ganic Video Ad Shoot'
  3222. - id: CH2c-Q13-ReganicParty
  3223. tasks:
  3224. - Description: Make an appearance at the launch party (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  3225. action:
  3226. type: 0
  3227. propertyId: CH2c-Q13-D2-Tracy
  3228. duration: 180
  3229. reward:
  3230. glam: 0
  3231. experience: 25
  3232. dollars: 70
  3233. motivation: 0
  3234. level: 0
  3235. Description: '[RE]ganic Launch Party'
  3236. - id: CH2c-Q14-BigInvites
  3237. tasks:
  3238. - Description: Call Fabricio Marcelo
  3239. action:
  3240. type: 0
  3241. propertyId: CH2c-Q14-D2-Fabricio
  3242. duration: 0
  3243. - Description: Go to the Convention Center by JFK Airport
  3244. action:
  3245. type: 1
  3246. propertyId: Convention Center
  3247. duration: 0
  3248. - Description: Attend the Twisted Vampires party
  3249. action:
  3250. type: 0
  3251. propertyId: CH2c-Q14-D3-Peter
  3252. duration: 0
  3253. reward:
  3254. glam: 0
  3255. experience: 15
  3256. dollars: 30
  3257. motivation: 0
  3258. level: 0
  3259. Description: Big Invites
  3260. gigs:
  3261. - id: CH2-Q4-G1-Sponsored
  3262. duration: 180
  3263. Location: Warehouse B
  3264. actions:
  3265. - id: Selfie
  3266. energyCost: 2
  3267. stars: 2
  3268. tag: studio1
  3269. - id: Take spotlight
  3270. energyCost: 2
  3271. stars: 2
  3272. tag: studio2
  3273. - id: Smile
  3274. energyCost: 2
  3275. stars: 2
  3276. tag: self
  3277. - id: Talk
  3278. energyCost: 2
  3279. stars: 2
  3280. tag: studio3
  3281. currency:
  3282. glam: 0
  3283. experience: 0
  3284. dollars: 0
  3285. motivation: 0
  3286. level: 0
  3287. chirp:
  3288. Time: 0
  3289. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3290. conversation:
  3291. Type: 1
  3292. starsNeeded: 40
  3293. - id: CH2b-Q10-G1-Photoshoot
  3294. duration: 180
  3295. Location: Triple B Clothing
  3296. actions:
  3297. - id: Pose
  3298. energyCost: 3
  3299. stars: 3
  3300. tag:
  3301. - id: Smile
  3302. energyCost: 2
  3303. stars: 0
  3304. tag:
  3305. - id: Smize
  3306. energyCost: 5
  3307. stars: 2
  3308. tag:
  3309. currency:
  3310. glam: 0
  3311. experience: 0
  3312. dollars: 0
  3313. motivation: 0
  3314. level: 0
  3315. chirp:
  3316. Time: 0
  3317. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3318. conversation:
  3319. Type: 2
  3320. starsNeeded: 45
  3321. - id: CH2b-Q7-G1-Interview
  3322. duration: 180
  3323. Location: GlitzPop Magazine
  3324. actions:
  3325. - id: Deep breaths
  3326. energyCost: 3
  3327. stars: 3
  3328. tag:
  3329. - id: Emotional story
  3330. energyCost: 3
  3331. stars: 3
  3332. tag:
  3333. - id: Relate to yourself
  3334. energyCost: 3
  3335. stars: 0
  3336. tag:
  3337. currency:
  3338. glam: 0
  3339. experience: 0
  3340. dollars: 0
  3341. motivation: 0
  3342. level: 0
  3343. chirp:
  3344. Time: 0
  3345. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3346. conversation:
  3347. Type: 6
  3348. starsNeeded: 42
  3349. - id: CH2b-Q9-G1-Photoshoot
  3350. duration: 60
  3351. Location: Glamlight Studios
  3352. actions:
  3353. - id: Check prints
  3354. energyCost: 1
  3355. stars: 1
  3356. tag:
  3357. - id: Check lighting
  3358. energyCost: 1
  3359. stars: 1
  3360. tag:
  3361. - id: Pose
  3362. energyCost: 3
  3363. stars: 3
  3364. tag:
  3365. currency:
  3366. glam: 0
  3367. experience: 0
  3368. dollars: 0
  3369. motivation: 0
  3370. level: 0
  3371. chirp:
  3372. Time: 0
  3373. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3374. conversation:
  3375. Type: 2
  3376. starsNeeded: 25
  3377. - id: CH2c-Q11-G1-Photoshoot
  3378. duration: 60
  3379. Location: Glamlight Studios
  3380. actions:
  3381. - id: Check lighting
  3382. energyCost: 1
  3383. stars: 1
  3384. tag:
  3385. - id: Check prints
  3386. energyCost: 1
  3387. stars: 1
  3388. tag:
  3389. - id: Hands on hips
  3390. energyCost: 5
  3391. stars: 2
  3392. tag:
  3393. currency:
  3394. glam: 0
  3395. experience: 0
  3396. dollars: 0
  3397. motivation: 0
  3398. level: 0
  3399. chirp:
  3400. Time: 0
  3401. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3402. conversation:
  3403. Type: 2
  3404. starsNeeded: 24
  3405. - id: CH2c-Q12-G1-TV
  3406. duration: 180
  3407. Location: Blush Boutique
  3408. actions:
  3409. - id: Ad lib
  3410. energyCost: 1
  3411. stars: 1
  3412. tag:
  3413. - id: Director cues
  3414. energyCost: 3
  3415. stars: 3
  3416. tag:
  3417. - id: Read lines
  3418. energyCost: 2
  3419. stars: 2
  3420. tag:
  3421. - id: Stage direction
  3422. energyCost: 4
  3423. stars: 4
  3424. tag:
  3425. currency:
  3426. glam: 0
  3427. experience: 0
  3428. dollars: 0
  3429. motivation: 0
  3430. level: 0
  3431. chirp:
  3432. Time: 0
  3433. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3434. conversation:
  3435. Type: 0
  3436. starsNeeded: 42
  3437. - id: CH2c-Q13-G1-Sponsored
  3438. duration: 300
  3439. Location: Warehouse B
  3440. actions:
  3441. - id: Talk about self
  3442. energyCost: 1
  3443. stars: 1
  3444. tag:
  3445. - id: Relate to yourself
  3446. energyCost: 3
  3447. stars: 0
  3448. tag:
  3449. - id: Smile
  3450. energyCost: 2
  3451. stars: 0
  3452. tag:
  3453. currency:
  3454. glam: 0
  3455. experience: 0
  3456. dollars: 0
  3457. motivation: 0
  3458. level: 0
  3459. chirp:
  3460. Time: 0
  3461. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3462. conversation:
  3463. Type: 1
  3464. starsNeeded: 70
  3465. - id: CH2c-Q14-G1-Sponsored
  3466. duration: 60
  3467. Location: Convention Center
  3468. actions:
  3469. - id: Drink water
  3470. energyCost: 1
  3471. stars: 1
  3472. tag:
  3473. - id: Smile
  3474. energyCost: 2
  3475. stars: 0
  3476. tag:
  3477. - id: Tell story
  3478. energyCost: 1
  3479. stars: 1
  3480. tag:
  3481. currency:
  3482. glam: 0
  3483. experience: 0
  3484. dollars: 0
  3485. motivation: 0
  3486. level: 0
  3487. chirp:
  3488. Time: 0
  3489. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3490. conversation:
  3491. Type: 1
  3492. starsNeeded: 25
  3493. - id: Ch2b-Q5-G1-Runway
  3494. duration: 300
  3495. Location: Gallery 22
  3496. actions:
  3497. - id: Check lighting
  3498. energyCost: 1
  3499. stars: 1
  3500. tag:
  3501. - id: Hands on hips
  3502. energyCost: 5
  3503. stars: 2
  3504. tag:
  3505. - id: Practice walk
  3506. energyCost: 2
  3507. stars: 2
  3508. tag:
  3509. currency:
  3510. glam: 0
  3511. experience: 0
  3512. dollars: 0
  3513. motivation: 0
  3514. level: 0
  3515. chirp:
  3516. Time: 0
  3517. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  3518. conversation: CH2b-Q5-D1-Dominic
  3519. Type: 3
  3520. starsNeeded: 70
  3521. Assistances:
  3522. - id: CH2-Q2-D1-MeetCiera
  3523. Location: HotelParagon
  3524. Instructions:
  3525. - ConversationID: CH2-Q2-D1-Ciara
  3526. actions:
  3527. - id: Small Talk
  3528. energyCost: 2
  3529. stars: 0
  3530. tag: studio1
  3531. - id: "Relate \u200Bto \u200Byourself "
  3532. energyCost: 2
  3533. stars: 0
  3534. tag: studio2
  3535. - id: "Make \u200Ba \u200Bjoke"
  3536. energyCost: 2
  3537. stars: 0
  3538. tag: studio3
  3539. - id: "Ask \u200Bquestions "
  3540. energyCost: 2
  3541. stars: 0
  3542. tag: self
  3543. Reward:
  3544. glam: 0
  3545. experience: 0
  3546. dollars: 0
  3547. motivation: 0
  3548. level: 0
  3549. tweets:
  3550. - id: CH1-Q1-T1-Ricardo
  3551. SenderID: Ricardo
  3552. NumberOFfollowes: 0
  3553. TweetMsg: "Rumor has it we\u2019re releasing 500 exclusive pairs of the Triple
  3554. B ProKnit Sneakers today! "
  3555. Type:
  3556. TypeIndex: 2
  3557. HashTag: '#proknit #exclusive'
  3558. - id: CH1-Q10-T1-Tyra
  3559. SenderID: Tyra Banks
  3560. NumberOFfollowes: 0
  3561. TweetMsg: "Just\u200B \u200Bwrapped\u200B \u200Bup\u200B \u200Bthe\u200B \u200BStrobe\u200B
  3562. \u200B&\u200B \u200BFlawless\u200B \u200Bad\u200B \u200Bcampaign\u200B \u200Bwith\u200B
  3563. \u200B@%Player_Name.\u200B \u200BI\u2019m\u200B \u200Bcalling this\u200B \u200B[girl/guy]\u200B
  3564. \u200Bis\u200B \u200Bgoing\u200B \u200Bto\u200B \u200Bblow\u200B \u200Bup!\_"
  3565. Type:
  3566. TypeIndex: 2
  3567. HashTag: "#newmodelalert\_"
  3568. - id: CH1-Q15-T1-Natalia
  3569. SenderID: Natalia Jansens
  3570. NumberOFfollowes: 0
  3571. TweetMsg: 'Whooo partying it up big in Hollywood! '
  3572. Type:
  3573. TypeIndex: 2
  3574. HashTag: '#justanLAgirl #lit'
  3575. - id: CH1-Q18-T1-Buzzword
  3576. SenderID: Buzzword
  3577. NumberOFfollowes: -5
  3578. TweetMsg: "Everyone\u2019s talking about %Player_Name% in Tracy Eastwood\u2019s
  3579. controversial project! Many do not like."
  3580. Type:
  3581. TypeIndex: 2
  3582. HashTag: '#welovepets'
  3583. - id: CH1-Q18-T1-Natalia
  3584. SenderID: Natalia Jansens
  3585. NumberOFfollowes: -5
  3586. TweetMsg: "I seriously didn\u2019t get the Tracy Eastwood gig? It wasn\u2019t
  3587. my fault I was too tired from partying with Hollywood\u2019s finest! %Player_Name%
  3588. took it from me!"
  3589. Type:
  3590. TypeIndex: 2
  3591. HashTag: '#someonecantseetalent'
  3592. - id: CH1-Q3-T1-Natalia
  3593. SenderID: Natalia Jansens
  3594. NumberOFfollowes: -10
  3595. TweetMsg: "Hate living with messy roomies.. Why can\u2019t they just clean up?"
  3596. Type:
  3597. TypeIndex: 2
  3598. HashTag: '#ineedtomoveout'
  3599. - id: CH1-Q9-T1-Tyra
  3600. SenderID: Tyra Banks
  3601. NumberOFfollowes: 10
  3602. TweetMsg: "Just wrapped up the Strobe & Flawless ad campaign with @%Player_Name%.
  3603. I\u2019m calling it, this [guy/girl] is going to blow up!"
  3604. Type:
  3605. TypeIndex: 2
  3606. HashTag: '#newmodelalert'
  3607. senders:
  3608. - id: Ricardo
  3609. SenderName: Ricardo Ruiz
  3610. SenderUserName: '@triplebclothing'
  3611. Avatar: Ricardo Ruiz
  3612. - id: Buzzword
  3613. SenderName: BUZZWORD
  3614. SenderUserName: '@BUZZWORD'
  3615. Avatar:
  3616. - id: Camila Lai
  3617. SenderName: Camila Lai
  3618. SenderUserName: '@camilaLai'
  3619. Avatar:
  3620. - id: FirstSender
  3621. SenderName: Mario
  3622. SenderUserName: Mariooooo
  3623. Avatar: MarioAv
  3624. - id: GlitzPop Magazine
  3625. SenderName: GlitzPop Magazine
  3626. SenderUserName: '@GlitzPopMagazine'
  3627. Avatar:
  3628. - id: Natalia Jansens
  3629. SenderName: Natalia Jansens
  3630. SenderUserName: '@nJansens'
  3631. Avatar:
  3632. - id: SecondSender
  3633. SenderName: weeee
  3634. SenderUserName: da
  3635. Avatar: weav
  3636. - id: StarRadar
  3637. SenderName: Sidney Adams
  3638. SenderUserName: '@StarRadar'
  3639. Avatar:
  3640. - id: Tyra Banks
  3641. SenderName: Tyra Banks
  3642. SenderUserName: '@tyrabanks'
  3643. Avatar:
  3644. Chapters:
  3645. - id: Chapter2
  3646. Elements:
  3647. - ID: CH2-Q1-D1-Fabricio
  3648. Type: 1
  3649. - ID: CH2-Q1-Skrullmaus
  3650. Type: 0
  3651. - ID: CH2b-Q5-D1-Gabby
  3652. Type: 1
  3653. - ID: CH2b-Q5-DogCatwalk
  3654. Type: 0
  3655. dailyRewwardList: []
  3656. textAssetAchiev: {fileID: 0}
  3657. textAssetCust: []
  3658. textAssetLook: []
  3659. textAssetsConv: []
  3660. textAssetsQuests: []
  3661. textAssetsGigs: []
  3662. textAssetsAsis: []
  3663. textAssetTweets: {fileID: 0}
  3664. textAssetSend: {fileID: 0}
  3665. textAssetsChap: []
  3666. textAssetDailyRe: {fileID: 0}
  3667. --- !u!114 &114109319910252782
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