Film12Stars.txt 849 B

  1. %Player_Name% needs acting classes stat! [He/she] did not perform well in <Gig_Name>;
  2. Wow, %Player_Name% didn't act well in <Gig_Name>.;
  3. %Player_Name%'s acting in <Gig_Name> was lackluster.;
  4. %Player_Name%'s acting in <Gig_Name> was dry.;
  5. %Player_Name%'s acting in <Gig_Name> was boring.;
  6. %Player_Name%'s acting in <Gig_Name> was not convincing.;
  7. Critics are not loving %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;
  8. Critics are tearing apart %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;
  9. Critics are ranting about %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;
  10. Rotten Bananas gives a poor score to %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;
  11. Rotten Bananas gives a record low to %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;
  12. Reviews are pouring in for <Gig_Name>. %Player_Name% gets poor reviews.;
  13. %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name> was underwhelming.;