Sponsored12Stars.txt 669 B

  1. %Player_Name% should have stayed home, but instead was seen at <Location>.;#boring #SOS
  2. We could have done without %Player_Name%'s appearance at <Location>.;#boring #SOS
  3. Critics are disappointed about %Player_Name%'s appearance at <Location>.;#boring #SOS
  4. Was %Player_Name% at <Gig_Name>? Doesn't matter anyways...;#nexttime
  5. %Player_Name% was lackluster at <Gig_Name>.;#nexttime
  6. %Player_Name% didn't look like [he/she] had fun at <Gig_Name>.;#thumbsdown
  7. Who hired %Player_Name% to be at <Gig_Name>? No good.;#thumbsdown
  8. %Player_Name% could've at least dressed better at <Gig_Name>!;#thumbsdown
  9. %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name> was underwhelming.;#maybenexttime