Sponsored35Stars.txt 704 B

  1. Critics are raving about %Player_Name%'s performance at <Gig_Name>.;#love #modelalert
  2. %Player_Name% stole the spotlight at <Gig_Name>.;#love #modelalert
  3. Who is %Player_Name%? Because [he/she] looked fabulous at <Gig_Name>.;#fab #wewantmore
  4. The pictures of <Gig_Name> looked fun; especially because %Player_Name% was there!;#beauty #modelalert
  5. %Player_Name% looked great at <Gig_Name>.;#fab #wewantmore
  6. Shout out to %Player_Name% for slaying <Gig_Name>!;#beauty #modelalert
  7. Slay %Player_Name%! We saw you at <Gig_Name>.;#slay
  8. We could not be more impressed with %Player_Name%'s appearance at <Gig_Name>.;#love #modelalert
  9. %Player_Name%'s dance moves are incredible! <Gig_Name> looked like a blast!;#dancer