= PLAY = PLAY mainmenu.scores = POINTS mainmenu.bottom = ui.back = BACK ui.ok = OK = NO = NEXT ui.submit = SEND gameover.title = GAME OVER gameover.replay = PLAY AGAIN gameover.challenge = CHALLENGE gameover.continue = NEXT gameover.virusGoneThrough = {0} HAS INFECTED THE HOST gameover.timeup = OUT OF TIME paused.title = PAUSED paused.continue = NEXT paused.mainmenu = MENU = ALNÆMI(HIV) virus.chlamydia = KLAMIDIA virus.hpv = KYNFÆRAVÖRTUR virus.gonorrhea = LEKANDI virus.syphilis = SYFILIS virus.herpes = KYNFÆRAÁBLÁSTUR (HERPES) #(The following need to be checked….we don’t any statistics regarding STD’s in Iceland….we just used the text from Rub’It and replaced Denmark with Iceland for the time being) = Helstu einkennin eru almennur slappleiki, hálssærindi, eitlastækkanir, útbrot, höfuðverkur og vöðva- og liðverkir sem ganga oftast yfir á 1-2 vikum. Eftir það eru flestir einkennalausir í mörg ár, en veiran vinnur smám saman á vörnum líkamans og skemmir ónæmiskerfið. = KONUR Breytt útferð eða blæðing milli tíða. Sviði við þvaglát og/eða tíð þvaglát. Verkir í grindarholi. Fáir þú einnig hita, ættir þú að leita læknis samdægurs.  KARLAR Glær vökvi, gul eða hvít útferð úr þvagrásinni Sviði við þvaglát og/eða tíð þvaglát. Eymsli og/eða verkir í pung. = Geta valdið kláða og ertingu. Konur með vörtur í leggöngum eða leghálsi geta fundið fyrir sársauka við samfarir. Vörtur geta einnig komið við þvagrásarop og truflað þvaglát. = Einkenni svipuð og einkenni klamydíu, en einkennin og bólgurnar eru gjarnan meiri en í klamydíu. Venjuleg einkenni eru breyting á lit og lykt á útferð úr leggöngum eða þvagrás, sársauki við þvaglát (eins og að pissa rakvélarblöðum ) eða verkur í grindarholi, hjá bæði konum og körlum. = Fyrstu einkenni sárasóttar eru sár á þeim stað sem bakterían komst í snertingu við, oftast á  kynfærum, í endaþarmi eða munni. Við langt gengna ómeðhöndlaða sárasótt koma einkenni frá miðtaugakerfi og hjarta- og æðakerfi. = Fyrstu einkenni eru sviði eða verkur í húð eða slímhúð. Samtímis koma oft eymsli í  nárann vegna eitlastækkana ef sýkingin er í kynfærum. Sýkingin getur valdið hita, höfuðverk, slappleika og í undantekningartilfellum heilahimnubólgu. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = HIV virus.chlamydia = CHLAMYDIA virus.hpv = HPV virus.gonorrhea = GONORRHEA virus.syphilis = SYPHYLIS virus.herpes = HERPES = HIV is most commonly passed on through unprotected sex. It can also be transmitted by coming into contact with infected blood - for example, sharing needles to inject steroids or drugs. The HIV virus attacks and weakens the immune system, making it less able to fight infections and disease. There's no cure for HIV but there are treatments that allow most people to live a long and otherwise healthy life. AIDs is the final stage of an HIV infection, when your body can no longer fight life-threatening infections. = Diagnosing chlamydia is easily done with a urine test or by taking a swab of the affected area. The infection is easily treated with antibiotics If left untreated, it can lead to serious long-term health problems, including infertility. = Genital warts are small fleshy growths, bumps or skin changes that appear on or around your genital or anal area. They're caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). The warts are usually painless, but you may notice some itching or redness. Occasionally, they can cause bleeding. You don't need to have penetrative sex to pass the infection on because HPV is spread by skin-to-skin contact. = Gonorrhoea is easily passed on during sex. About 50% of women and 10% of men don’t experience any symptoms and are unaware they’re infected. In women, gonorrhoea can cause pain or a burning sensation when urinating, a vaginal discharge (often watery, yellow or green), pain in the lower abdomen during or after sex, and bleeding during or after sex or between periods, sometimes causing heavy periods. In men, gonorrhoea can cause pain or a burning sensation when urinating, a white, yellow or green discharge from the tip of the penis, and pain in the testicles. = The symptoms of syphilis can be difficult to recognise. A simple blood test can usually be used to diagnose syphilis at any stage. It can be treated with antibiotics, usually penicillin injections. When syphilis is treated properly, the later stages can be prevented. = It's easier to test for HSV if you have symptoms. Although there's no cure for genital herpes, the symptoms can usually be controlled using antiviral medicines. = PLAY scores.levelFacebookTitle = LEVEL {0} FRIEND SCORES scores.levelGlobalTitle = LEVEL {0} scores.combinedFacebookTitle = FRIEND COMBINED SCORES scores.combinedGlobalTitle = GLOBAL COMBINED SCORES scores.notloggedin.login = LOGIN scores.notloggedin.text = You are not logged in to Facebook.\nLogin to Facebook to take part in the\nnational competition. = LIKE scores.notlikedpage.text = You need to LIKE our page in order to take part in the national competition. scores.noInternet.text=You are not connected to the internet. You need to be online to take part in the competition. scores.noInternet.continue=OK scores.mainmenu = MENU scores.replay = GET BETTER SCORES scores.challenge = CHALLENGE = GO TO LEVEL {0} scores.score = Score scores.rank = Rank scores.loading = Loading Scores... scores.friends = Friends scores.denmark = Iceland = Me scores.continue= CONTINUE = COLLECT WEAPON ShowAdForLive.title = ADD LIFE ShowAdForLive.text = Watch ad for 1 extra Life ShowAdForLive.button = Show ad timeup.title = YOU HAVE FINISHED timeup.continue = CONTINUE timeupFirst.text = Each time you finish all 10 levels in the game, you enter the prize pool where you can win a trip to Europe as well as several other great prizes ! timeupFirst2017.text = Super Pool Player Message timeup10.more.text = You have now finished the condom challenge and your name is submitted into the prize pool. Each time you finish the game your name goes into our prize pool, so the more often you finish the game, the more chances you get for a prize ! timeup10.text = You have now finished the condom challenge and your name is submitted into the prize pool. Each time you finish the game your name goes into our prize pool, so the more often you finish the game, the more chances you get for a prize ! timeup5.text = You have now finished 5 levels out of 10 and therefore close in getting into our prize pool, since if you finish all 10 levels your name goes into the prize pool ! timeup9.text = You have only one more level to finish to enter our prize pool, good luck ! fbShareDialog.text = Share your score on Facebook and spread the importance of using condoms ! noLivesLeftTime.text = GAME OVER help.title=HELP help.rightbutton = Next help.leftbutton = Prev help.page1.text = Tap on the screen to fire a condom. help.page2.text = Sperms and STD's are caught by condoms. Any uncaught STD's will end the game!! help.page3.text = Tap on the pick-ups to upgrade your weapon temporarily. The Spermicidal Wave kills sperms that touch it. Click the icon to activate it help.page4.text = You loose 50 points each time you shoot a condom, so use them wisely ! challengeRequests.title = CHALLENGES challengeRequests.accept = Accept challengeRequests.decline = Decline challengeRequests.requestText = [FF0000]{0}[-] has challenged you to beat the score of [FF0000]{1}[-] pts in level {2}. whoWonChallenge.share = SHARE whoWonChallenge.continue = OK whoWonChallenge.wonText = You have beaten {0}! whoWonChallenge.lostText = {0} has beaten you! whoWonChallenge.noWinnerText = You got the same score! challengeResults.title = RESULTS lifeBank.title = LIVES lifeBank.accept = ACCEPT lifeBank.accepting = ACCEPTING lifeBank.accepted = ACCEPTED lifeBank.send = SEND lifeBank.sending = SENDING lifeBank.sent = SENT lifeBank.full = FULL lifeRequest.text = {0} is out of lives. \nHelp out by sending a life? lifeGiven.text = {0} gave you a life progressIndicator.text = Please Wait... noLivesLeft.title = NO MORE LIVES noLivesLeft.text = You have no more lifes. Watch this video ad for 2 FREE lifes ! noLivesFriends.text = Invite friends to play the condom challenge and we will give you a EXTRA LIFE in the game ! noLivesLeft.request = Checking noLivesLeftFriend.request = Invite InviteFriends.title = INVITE FRIENDS facebook.lifeRequest = I'm out of Lives and need your help!! Please send me one... facebook.lifeRequest.success.title = LIFE REQUEST facebook.lifeRequest.success.text = Life Request Successful facebook.lifeRequest.failed.title = LIFE REQUEST FAILED facebook.lifeRequest.failed.text = Life Request Failed. Please try again later... facebook.lifeGiftRequest = Here's a life facebook.lifeGiftRequest.success.title = LIFE SENT facebook.lifeGiftRequest.success.text = Life was sent successfully. facebook.lifeGiftRequest.failed.title = LIFE SENDING FAILED facebook.lifeGiftRequest.failed.text = Life Sending failed. Please try again later. facebook.lifeAccept.failed.title = LIFE ACCEPT FAILED facebook.lifeAccept.failed.text = An error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again later... facebook.login.failed.title = FACEBOOK LOGIN FAILED facebook.login.failed.text = Please try again later... facebook.login.failedCheckSingleSignonSettings.text = Please make sure that the RUB'it switch in the Facebook settings is switched on. You can access this through the Settings app on your device. facebook.login.failedAcceptingPublishPermissions.text = In order to participate in the national RUB'it championship you need to accept the required Facebook permissions. Please try logging in to Facebook again. facebook.loginRequired.title = FACEBOOK LOG IN REQUIRED facebook.loginRequired.text = You are not logged in. Please log in to Facebook to gain access to the Message Center where you will be able to see any pending requests and gifts received. facebook.loginRequired.login = LOGIN facebook.loginRequired.cancel = CANCEL # posted to facebook when challenge result is shared facebook.shareChallengeWon.linkName = Challenge Won facebook.shareChallengeWon.imageCaption = Winner!! facebook.shareChallengeWon.description = I have beaten your score and won the Challenge!! = Play challenge.requestSuccess.title = CHALLENGE SENT challenge.requestSuccess.text = Challenge request successful challenge.requestFailed.title = CHALLENGE FAILED challenge.requestFailed.text = The challege was not sent. Please try again later... challenge.declineFailed.title = DECLINE FAILED challenge.declineFailed.text = An error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again later... challenge.acceptFailed.title = ACCEPT FAILED challenge.acceptFailed.text = An error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again later... challenge.submitScoreFailed.title = Score submitting failed challenge.submitScoreFailed.text = An error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again later... competitionInfo.title = Win a skiing trip for two competitionInfo.text = Participate in the national Rub’it championship to win a skiing trip or lots of condoms. The highscore at 6pm on the 11th of October 2013 will win. Remember to use the Facebook login function in order to register your highscore. Read more on the competition rules the the 'i' button in the Main Menu. scoreSummary.title = scoreSummary.title.finished = Level {0} completed scoreSummary.title.nofinished = Level {0} not finished = Score : {0} lifeBank.empty.text = The Life Bank is currently empty challengeRequests.empty.text = No pending challenges available. challengeResults.empty.text = No challenges have been completed yet. competitionRules.title=Rules of the competition competitionRules.text=- Todo loading = Loading... challenge.facebookRequest.title = RUB'it Challenge challenge.facebookRequest.message = Beat me if you can! facebook.lifeRequest.title = RUB'it Life Request serverError.title = Error serverError.text = An error occurred. Please check your internet connection and try again later... scoreSubmitError.title = Ooops scoreSubmitError.text = An error occured while submitting your score. Please make sure that the game is up to date. spermicidalWave.needToBuyNotification = You can buy waves from the Level Info screen spermicidalWave.limitPerLevelReached = You can only use (0) weapons on each level prize.OnActionFirstEnterGame = If you finish all 10 levels your name goes into the prize pool ! prize.OnActionLevelSixStart = You have finished half the game, keep it up to be enter our great prize pool where you can win a trip to Europe ! prize.OnActionLevelNineStart = Well done ! You are one level away of joining the elite players and our prize pool where you can win a trip to Europe as well as several other prizes ! prize.OnActionGameEnd = Play it Again! Increase your chances to win a prize! levelButton.text = LEVEL {0} updateAvailable.title = Updated version available timeBonus.text = +{0} seconds time.text = {0} seconds objectives.surviveForXTime.title = Time objectives.captureXEnemies.title = Catch objectives.limitedAmmo.title = Condoms scoreSummary.score.prefix=Score: = points waveUpsell.text = You currently have [FF0000]{0}[-] "Wave" Powerups to prevent STDs. priceNotAvailable = N/A purchaseSuccessful.title=Purchase Successful purchaseSuccessful.text=Thank you for your purchase. purchaseSuccessful.specialWave.text = Thank you for your purchase.\nNote that you can only use up to {0} in a single level purchaseFailed.title=Purchase Failed purchaseFailed.text=Make sure you are connected to the Internet and try again. level.title.selection = LEVEL SELECTION objectives.dialog.title = TARGETS weapontime.label = Weapons time {0} ammoLeft.label = Weapons time {0} ad.label.text = Loading level {0}. button.sendMail.title.text = Ask the Doctor send.mail.label = You got questions about STD´s ? Send us an email and the ministry of health will answer your in strict confidence. All emails are 100% confidental. send.mail.text = Write us an email here (all emails go to Sigurlaug Hauksdóttir at Ministry of health in strict confidence) info.condom.page1.text = Condoms need to be stored in places that aren't too hot or cold, and away from sharp or rough surfaces that could tear them or wear them away. info.condom.page2.text = Putting on a condom can be an enjoyable part of sex, and doesn't have to feel like an interruption. info.condom.page3.text = If you're sensitive to latex, you can use polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms instead.  info.condom.page4.text = A condom must not be used more than once. Use a new one each time you have sex. info.condom.page5.text = Condoms need to be stored in places that aren't too hot or cold, and away from sharp or rough surfaces that could tear them or wear them away. info.condom.page6.text = Putting on a condom can be an enjoyable part of sex, and doesn't have to feel like an interruption. info.condom.page7.text = If you're sensitive to latex, you can use polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms instead.  info.condom.page8.text = A condom must not be used more than once. Use a new one each time you have sex. info.condom.page9.text = A condom must not be used more than once. Use a new one each time you have sex. info.condom.page10.text = A condom must not be used more than once. Use a new one each time you have sex. info.questions.page1.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page1.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page2.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page2.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page3.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page3.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page4.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page4.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page5.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page5.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page6.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page6.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page7.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases   info.answer.page7.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page8.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page8.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page9.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page9.text = answers to be inserted here. info.questions.page10.Title = 10 chosen questions about sex deases info.answer.page10.text = answers to be inserted here. button.otherresults = Players score ad.text = info.condom.title = Condom info.questionsAnswer.title = Questions and answers infoFromSend.title = Info other infoFromSend.page1.text = Info send mail for company infoFromSend.page2.text = Info send mail for company rulesGames.title = Rules of the game SendMail.title = The condom challenge coupone.message = You win coupone ui.Consume = Consume resqueMoment.title = RESQUE MOMENT resqueMoment.text = Watch a video for life resqueMoment.button = Show Ad AskTheDoctor.text = Hefuru spurningar um kynsjúkdóma? Sendu fyrirspurn og Sigurlaug Hauksdóttir, frv.sérfræðingur, mun svara þér fljótt og vel. 100% trúnaði heitið