using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace BezierSolution { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class BezierSpline : MonoBehaviour { private static Material gizmoMaterial; private Color gizmoColor = Color.white; private float gizmoStep = 0.05f; private List endPoints = new List(); public bool loop = false; public bool drawGizmos = false; public int Count { get { return endPoints.Count; } } public float Length { get { return GetLengthApproximately( 0f, 1f ); } } public BezierPoint this[int index] { get { if( index < Count ) return endPoints[index]; Debug.LogError( "Bezier index " + index + " is out of range: " + Count ); return null; } } private void Awake() { Refresh(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR private void OnTransformChildrenChanged() { Refresh(); } #endif public void Initialize( int endPointsCount ) { if( endPointsCount < 2 ) { Debug.LogError( "Can't initialize spline with " + endPointsCount + " point(s). At least 2 points are needed" ); return; } Refresh(); for( int i = endPoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) DestroyImmediate( endPoints[i].gameObject ); endPoints.Clear(); for( int i = 0; i < endPointsCount; i++ ) InsertNewPointAt( i ); Refresh(); } public void Refresh() { endPoints.Clear(); GetComponentsInChildren( endPoints ); } public BezierPoint InsertNewPointAt( int index ) { if( index < 0 || index > endPoints.Count ) { Debug.LogError( "Index " + index + " is out of range: [0," + endPoints.Count + "]" ); return null; } int prevCount = endPoints.Count; BezierPoint point = new GameObject( "Point" ).AddComponent(); point.transform.SetParent( endPoints.Count == 0 ? transform : ( index == 0 ? endPoints[0].transform.parent : endPoints[index - 1].transform.parent ), false ); point.transform.SetSiblingIndex( index == 0 ? 0 : endPoints[index - 1].transform.GetSiblingIndex() + 1 ); if( endPoints.Count == prevCount ) // If spline is not automatically Refresh()'ed endPoints.Insert( index, point ); return point; } //public Vector3 GetVelocity(float t) //{ // return transform.TransformPoint( // GetFirstDerivative(points[0], points[1], t)) - transform.position; //} public Vector3 GetFirstDerivative(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, float t) { t = Mathf.Clamp01(t); float oneMinusT = 1f - t; return 3f * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * (p1 - p0) + 6f * oneMinusT * t * (p2 - p1) + 3f * t * t * (p3 - p2); } //public Vector3 GetDirection(float t) //{ // return GetVelocity(t).normalized; //} public BezierPoint DuplicatePointAt( int index ) { if( index < 0 || index >= endPoints.Count ) { Debug.LogError( "Index " + index + " is out of range: [0," + ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) + "]" ); return null; } BezierPoint newPoint = InsertNewPointAt( index + 1 ); endPoints[index].CopyTo( newPoint ); return newPoint; } public void RemovePointAt( int index ) { if( endPoints.Count <= 2 ) { Debug.LogError( "Can't remove point: spline must consist of at least two points!" ); return; } if( index < 0 || index >= endPoints.Count ) { Debug.LogError( "Index " + index + " is out of range: [0," + endPoints.Count + ")" ); return; } BezierPoint point = endPoints[index]; endPoints.RemoveAt( index ); DestroyImmediate( point.gameObject ); } public void SwapPointsAt( int index1, int index2 ) { if( index1 == index2 ) { Debug.LogError( "Indices can't be equal to each other" ); return; } if( index1 < 0 || index1 >= endPoints.Count || index2 < 0 || index2 >= endPoints.Count ) { Debug.LogError( "Indices must be in range [0," + ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) + "]" ); return; } BezierPoint point1 = endPoints[index1]; int point1SiblingIndex = point1.transform.GetSiblingIndex(); endPoints[index1] = endPoints[index2]; endPoints[index2] = point1; point1.transform.SetSiblingIndex( endPoints[index1].transform.GetSiblingIndex() ); endPoints[index1].transform.SetSiblingIndex( point1SiblingIndex ); } public int IndexOf( BezierPoint point ) { return endPoints.IndexOf( point ); } public void DrawGizmos( Color color, int smoothness = 4 ) { drawGizmos = true; gizmoColor = color; gizmoStep = 1f / ( endPoints.Count * Mathf.Clamp( smoothness, 1, 30 ) ); } public void HideGizmos() { drawGizmos = false; } public Vector3 GetPoint( float normalizedT ) { if( !loop ) { if( normalizedT <= 0f ) return endPoints[0].position; else if( normalizedT >= 1f ) return endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1].position; } else { if( normalizedT < 0f ) normalizedT += 1f; else if( normalizedT >= 1f ) normalizedT -= 1f; } float t = normalizedT * ( loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) ); BezierPoint startPoint, endPoint; int startIndex = (int) t; int endIndex = startIndex + 1; if( endIndex == endPoints.Count ) endIndex = 0; startPoint = endPoints[startIndex]; endPoint = endPoints[endIndex]; float localT = t - startIndex; float oneMinusLocalT = 1f - localT; return oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * startPoint.position + 3f * oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * localT * startPoint.followingControlPointPosition + 3f * oneMinusLocalT * localT * localT * endPoint.precedingControlPointPosition + localT * localT * localT * endPoint.position; } public Quaternion GetRotation(float normalizedT) { if (!loop) { if (normalizedT <= 0f) return endPoints[0].rotation; else if (normalizedT >= 1f) return endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1].rotation; } else { if (normalizedT < 0f) normalizedT += 1f; else if (normalizedT >= 1f) normalizedT -= 1f; } float t = normalizedT * (loop ? endPoints.Count : (endPoints.Count - 1)); BezierPoint startPoint, endPoint; int startIndex = (int)t; int endIndex = startIndex + 1; if (endIndex == endPoints.Count) endIndex = 0; startPoint = endPoints[startIndex]; endPoint = endPoints[endIndex]; return Quaternion.LerpUnclamped(startPoint.rotation, endPoint.rotation, t - startIndex); } public Vector3 GetTangent( float normalizedT ) { if( !loop ) { if( normalizedT <= 0f ) return 3f * ( endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition - endPoints[0].position ); else if( normalizedT >= 1f ) { int index = endPoints.Count - 1; return 3f * ( endPoints[index].position - endPoints[index].precedingControlPointPosition ); } } else { if( normalizedT < 0f ) normalizedT += 1f; else if( normalizedT >= 1f ) normalizedT -= 1f; } float t = normalizedT * ( loop ? endPoints.Count : ( endPoints.Count - 1 ) ); BezierPoint startPoint, endPoint; int startIndex = (int) t; int endIndex = startIndex + 1; if( endIndex == endPoints.Count ) endIndex = 0; startPoint = endPoints[startIndex]; endPoint = endPoints[endIndex]; float localT = t - startIndex; float oneMinusLocalT = 1f - localT; return 3f * oneMinusLocalT * oneMinusLocalT * ( startPoint.followingControlPointPosition - startPoint.position ) + 6f * oneMinusLocalT * localT * ( endPoint.precedingControlPointPosition - startPoint.followingControlPointPosition ) + 3f * localT * localT * ( endPoint.position - endPoint.precedingControlPointPosition ); } public float GetLengthApproximately( float startNormalizedT, float endNormalizedT, float accuracy = 50f ) { if( endNormalizedT < startNormalizedT ) { float temp = startNormalizedT; startNormalizedT = endNormalizedT; endNormalizedT = temp; } if( startNormalizedT < 0f ) startNormalizedT = 0f; if( endNormalizedT > 1f ) endNormalizedT = 1f; float step = AccuracyToStepSize( accuracy ) * ( endNormalizedT - startNormalizedT ); float length = 0f; Vector3 lastPoint = GetPoint( startNormalizedT ); for( float i = startNormalizedT + step; i < endNormalizedT; i += step ) { Vector3 thisPoint = GetPoint( i ); length += Vector3.Distance( thisPoint, lastPoint ); lastPoint = thisPoint; } length += Vector3.Distance( lastPoint, GetPoint( endNormalizedT ) ); return length; } public Vector3 FindNearestPointTo( Vector3 worldPos, float accuracy = 100f ) { float normalizedT; return FindNearestPointTo( worldPos, out normalizedT, accuracy ); } public Vector3 FindNearestPointTo( Vector3 worldPos, out float normalizedT, float accuracy = 100f ) { Vector3 result =; normalizedT = -1f; float step = AccuracyToStepSize( accuracy ); float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity; for( float i = 0f; i < 1f; i += step ) { Vector3 thisPoint = GetPoint( i ); float thisDistance = ( worldPos - thisPoint ).sqrMagnitude; if( thisDistance < minDistance ) { minDistance = thisDistance; result = thisPoint; normalizedT = i; } } return result; } public Vector3 MoveAlongSpline( ref float normalizedT, float deltaMovement, int accuracy = 3 ) { // Credit: float constant = deltaMovement / ( ( loop ? endPoints.Count : endPoints.Count - 1 ) * accuracy ); for( int i = 0; i < accuracy; i++ ) normalizedT += constant / GetTangent( normalizedT ).magnitude; return GetPoint( normalizedT ); } public void ConstructLinearPath() { for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ ) { endPoints[i].handleMode = BezierPoint.HandleMode.Free; if( i < endPoints.Count - 1 ) { Vector3 midPoint = ( endPoints[i].position + endPoints[i + 1].position ) * 0.5f; endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = midPoint; endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = midPoint; } else { Vector3 midPoint = ( endPoints[i].position + endPoints[0].position ) * 0.5f; endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = midPoint; endPoints[0].precedingControlPointPosition = midPoint; } } } public void AutoConstructSpline() { // Credit: for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ ) endPoints[i].handleMode = BezierPoint.HandleMode.Mirrored; int n = endPoints.Count - 1; if( n == 1 ) { endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition = ( 2 * endPoints[0].position + endPoints[1].position ) / 3f; endPoints[1].precedingControlPointPosition = 2 * endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition - endPoints[0].position; return; } Vector3[] rhs; if( loop ) rhs = new Vector3[n + 1]; else rhs = new Vector3[n]; for( int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++ ) { rhs[i] = 4 * endPoints[i].position + 2 * endPoints[i + 1].position; } rhs[0] = endPoints[0].position + 2 * endPoints[1].position; if( !loop ) rhs[n - 1] = ( 8 * endPoints[n - 1].position + endPoints[n].position ) * 0.5f; else { rhs[n - 1] = 4 * endPoints[n - 1].position + 2 * endPoints[n].position; rhs[n] = ( 8 * endPoints[n].position + endPoints[0].position ) * 0.5f; } // Get first control points Vector3[] controlPoints = GetFirstControlPoints( rhs ); for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { // First control point endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = controlPoints[i]; if( loop ) { endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = 2 * endPoints[i + 1].position - controlPoints[i + 1]; } else { // Second control point if( i < n - 1 ) endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = 2 * endPoints[i + 1].position - controlPoints[i + 1]; else endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = ( endPoints[n].position + controlPoints[n - 1] ) * 0.5f; } } if( loop ) { float controlPointDistance = Vector3.Distance( endPoints[0].followingControlPointPosition, endPoints[0].position ); Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize( endPoints[n].position - endPoints[1].position ); endPoints[0].precedingControlPointPosition = endPoints[0].position + direction * controlPointDistance; endPoints[0].followingControlPointLocalPosition = -endPoints[0].precedingControlPointLocalPosition; } } private static Vector3[] GetFirstControlPoints( Vector3[] rhs ) { // Credit: int n = rhs.Length; Vector3[] x = new Vector3[n]; // Solution vector. float[] tmp = new float[n]; // Temp workspace. float b = 2f; x[0] = rhs[0] / b; for( int i = 1; i < n; i++ ) // Decomposition and forward substitution. { float val = 1f / b; tmp[i] = val; b = ( i < n - 1 ? 4f : 3.5f ) - val; x[i] = ( rhs[i] - x[i - 1] ) / b; } for( int i = 1; i < n; i++ ) { x[n - i - 1] -= tmp[n - i] * x[n - i]; // Backsubstitution. } return x; } public void AutoConstructSpline2() { // Credit: for( int i = 0; i < endPoints.Count; i++ ) { Vector3 pMinus1, p1, p2; if( i == 0 ) { if( loop ) pMinus1 = endPoints[endPoints.Count - 1].position; else pMinus1 = endPoints[0].position; } else { pMinus1 = endPoints[i - 1].position; } if( loop ) { p1 = endPoints[( i + 1 ) % endPoints.Count].position; p2 = endPoints[( i + 2 ) % endPoints.Count].position; } else { if( i < endPoints.Count - 2 ) { p1 = endPoints[i + 1].position; p2 = endPoints[i + 2].position; } else if( i == endPoints.Count - 2 ) { p1 = endPoints[i + 1].position; p2 = endPoints[i + 1].position; } else { p1 = endPoints[i].position; p2 = endPoints[i].position; } } endPoints[i].followingControlPointPosition = endPoints[i].position + ( p1 - pMinus1 ) / 6f; endPoints[i].handleMode = BezierPoint.HandleMode.Mirrored; if( i < endPoints.Count - 1 ) endPoints[i + 1].precedingControlPointPosition = p1 - ( p2 - endPoints[i].position ) / 6f; else if( loop ) endPoints[0].precedingControlPointPosition = p1 - ( p2 - endPoints[i].position ) / 6f; } } /*public void AutoConstructSpline3() { // Todo? }*/ private float AccuracyToStepSize( float accuracy ) { if( accuracy <= 0f ) return 0.2f; return Mathf.Clamp( 1f / accuracy, 0.001f, 0.2f ); } // Renders the spline gizmo during gameplay // Credit: private void OnRenderObject() { if( !drawGizmos || endPoints.Count < 2 ) return; if( !gizmoMaterial ) { Shader shader = Shader.Find( "Hidden/Internal-Colored" ); gizmoMaterial = new Material( shader ) { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave }; gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_SrcBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha ); gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_DstBlend", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha ); gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_Cull", (int) UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode.Off ); gizmoMaterial.SetInt( "_ZWrite", 0 ); } gizmoMaterial.SetPass( 0 ); GL.Begin( GL.LINES ); GL.Color( gizmoColor ); Vector3 lastPos = endPoints[0].position; for( float i = gizmoStep; i < 1f; i += gizmoStep ) { GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z ); lastPos = GetPoint( i ); GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z ); } GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z ); lastPos = GetPoint( 1f ); GL.Vertex3( lastPos.x, lastPos.y, lastPos.z ); GL.End(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR public void Reset() { for( int i = endPoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) UnityEditor.Undo.DestroyObjectImmediate( endPoints[i].gameObject ); Initialize( 2 ); endPoints[0].localPosition = Vector3.back; endPoints[1].localPosition = Vector3.forward; UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( endPoints[0].gameObject, "Initialize Spline" ); UnityEditor.Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( endPoints[1].gameObject, "Initialize Spline" ); UnityEditor.Selection.activeTransform = endPoints[0].transform; } #endif } }