AIBase.cs 29 KB

  1. using UnityEngine;
  2. using System.Collections;
  3. using UnityEngine.Serialization;
  4. namespace Pathfinding {
  5. using Pathfinding.RVO;
  6. using Pathfinding.Util;
  7. /// <summary>
  8. /// Base class for AIPath and RichAI.
  9. /// This class holds various methods and fields that are common to both AIPath and RichAI.
  10. ///
  11. /// See: <see cref="Pathfinding.AIPath"/>
  12. /// See: <see cref="Pathfinding.RichAI"/>
  13. /// See: <see cref="Pathfinding.IAstarAI"/> (all movement scripts implement this interface)
  14. /// </summary>
  15. [RequireComponent(typeof(Seeker))]
  16. public abstract class AIBase : VersionedMonoBehaviour {
  17. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::radius</summary>
  18. public float radius = 0.5f;
  19. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::height</summary>
  20. public float height = 2;
  21. /// <summary>
  22. /// Determines how often the agent will search for new paths (in seconds).
  23. /// The agent will plan a new path to the target every N seconds.
  24. ///
  25. /// If you have fast moving targets or AIs, you might want to set it to a lower value.
  26. ///
  27. /// See: <see cref="shouldRecalculatePath"/>
  28. /// See: <see cref="SearchPath"/>
  29. /// </summary>
  30. public float repathRate = 0.5f;
  31. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::canSearch</summary>
  32. [UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("repeatedlySearchPaths")]
  33. public bool canSearch = true;
  34. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::canMove</summary>
  35. public bool canMove = true;
  36. /// <summary>Max speed in world units per second</summary>
  37. [UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("speed")]
  38. public float maxSpeed = 1;
  39. /// <summary>
  40. /// Gravity to use.
  41. /// If set to (NaN,NaN,NaN) then Physics.Gravity (configured in the Unity project settings) will be used.
  42. /// If set to (0,0,0) then no gravity will be used and no raycast to check for ground penetration will be performed.
  43. /// </summary>
  44. public Vector3 gravity = new Vector3(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN);
  45. /// <summary>
  46. /// Layer mask to use for ground placement.
  47. /// Make sure this does not include the layer of any colliders attached to this gameobject.
  48. ///
  49. /// See: <see cref="gravity"/>
  50. /// See:
  51. /// </summary>
  52. public LayerMask groundMask = -1;
  53. /// <summary>
  54. /// Offset along the Y coordinate for the ground raycast start position.
  55. /// Normally the pivot of the character is at the character's feet, but you usually want to fire the raycast
  56. /// from the character's center, so this value should be half of the character's height.
  57. ///
  58. /// A green gizmo line will be drawn upwards from the pivot point of the character to indicate where the raycast will start.
  59. ///
  60. /// See: <see cref="gravity"/>
  61. /// Deprecated: Use the <see cref="height"/> property instead (2x this value)
  62. /// </summary>
  63. [System.Obsolete("Use the height property instead (2x this value)")]
  64. public float centerOffset {
  65. get { return height * 0.5f; } set { height = value * 2; }
  66. }
  67. [SerializeField]
  68. [HideInInspector]
  69. [FormerlySerializedAs("centerOffset")]
  70. float centerOffsetCompatibility;
  71. /// <summary>
  72. /// Determines which direction the agent moves in.
  73. /// For 3D games you most likely want the ZAxisIsForward option as that is the convention for 3D games.
  74. /// For 2D games you most likely want the YAxisIsForward option as that is the convention for 2D games.
  75. ///
  76. /// Using the YAxisForward option will also allow the agent to assume that the movement will happen in the 2D (XY) plane instead of the XZ plane
  77. /// if it does not know. This is important only for the point graph which does not have a well defined up direction. The other built-in graphs (e.g the grid graph)
  78. /// will all tell the agent which movement plane it is supposed to use.
  79. ///
  80. /// [Open online documentation to see images]
  81. /// </summary>
  82. [UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("rotationIn2D")]
  83. public OrientationMode orientation = OrientationMode.ZAxisForward;
  84. /// <summary>
  85. /// If true, the forward axis of the character will be along the Y axis instead of the Z axis.
  86. ///
  87. /// Deprecated: Use <see cref="orientation"/> instead
  88. /// </summary>
  89. [System.Obsolete("Use orientation instead")]
  90. public bool rotationIn2D {
  91. get { return orientation == OrientationMode.YAxisForward; }
  92. set { orientation = value ? OrientationMode.YAxisForward : OrientationMode.ZAxisForward; }
  93. }
  94. /// <summary>
  95. /// If true, the AI will rotate to face the movement direction.
  96. /// See: <see cref="orientation"/>
  97. /// </summary>
  98. public bool enableRotation = true;
  99. /// <summary>
  100. /// Position of the agent.
  101. /// If <see cref="updatePosition"/> is true then this value will be synchronized every frame with Transform.position.
  102. /// </summary>
  103. protected Vector3 simulatedPosition;
  104. /// <summary>
  105. /// Rotation of the agent.
  106. /// If <see cref="updateRotation"/> is true then this value will be synchronized every frame with Transform.rotation.
  107. /// </summary>
  108. protected Quaternion simulatedRotation;
  109. /// <summary>
  110. /// Position of the agent.
  111. /// In world space.
  112. /// If <see cref="updatePosition"/> is true then this value is idential to transform.position.
  113. /// See: <see cref="Teleport"/>
  114. /// See: <see cref="Move"/>
  115. /// </summary>
  116. public Vector3 position { get { return updatePosition ? tr.position : simulatedPosition; } }
  117. /// <summary>
  118. /// Rotation of the agent.
  119. /// If <see cref="updateRotation"/> is true then this value is identical to transform.rotation.
  120. /// </summary>
  121. public Quaternion rotation { get { return updateRotation ? tr.rotation : simulatedRotation; } }
  122. /// <summary>Accumulated movement deltas from the <see cref="Move"/> method</summary>
  123. Vector3 accumulatedMovementDelta =;
  124. /// <summary>
  125. /// Current desired velocity of the agent (does not include local avoidance and physics).
  126. /// Lies in the movement plane.
  127. /// </summary>
  128. protected Vector2 velocity2D;
  129. /// <summary>
  130. /// Velocity due to gravity.
  131. /// Perpendicular to the movement plane.
  132. ///
  133. /// When the agent is grounded this may not accurately reflect the velocity of the agent.
  134. /// It may be non-zero even though the agent is not moving.
  135. /// </summary>
  136. protected float verticalVelocity;
  137. /// <summary>Cached Seeker component</summary>
  138. protected Seeker seeker;
  139. /// <summary>Cached Transform component</summary>
  140. protected Transform tr;
  141. /// <summary>Cached Rigidbody component</summary>
  142. protected Rigidbody rigid;
  143. /// <summary>Cached Rigidbody component</summary>
  144. protected Rigidbody2D rigid2D;
  145. /// <summary>Cached CharacterController component</summary>
  146. protected CharacterController controller;
  147. /// <summary>
  148. /// Plane which this agent is moving in.
  149. /// This is used to convert between world space and a movement plane to make it possible to use this script in
  150. /// both 2D games and 3D games.
  151. /// </summary>
  152. public IMovementPlane movementPlane = GraphTransform.identityTransform;
  153. /// <summary>
  154. /// Determines if the character's position should be coupled to the Transform's position.
  155. /// If false then all movement calculations will happen as usual, but the object that this component is attached to will not move
  156. /// instead only the <see cref="position"/> property will change.
  157. ///
  158. /// This is useful if you want to control the movement of the character using some other means such
  159. /// as for example root motion but still want the AI to move freely.
  160. /// See: Combined with calling <see cref="MovementUpdate"/> from a separate script instead of it being called automatically one can take a similar approach to what is documented here:
  161. ///
  162. /// See: <see cref="canMove"/> which in contrast to this field will disable all movement calculations.
  163. /// See: <see cref="updateRotation"/>
  164. /// </summary>
  165. [System.NonSerialized]
  166. public bool updatePosition = true;
  167. /// <summary>
  168. /// Determines if the character's rotation should be coupled to the Transform's rotation.
  169. /// If false then all movement calculations will happen as usual, but the object that this component is attached to will not rotate
  170. /// instead only the <see cref="rotation"/> property will change.
  171. ///
  172. /// See: <see cref="updatePosition"/>
  173. /// </summary>
  174. [System.NonSerialized]
  175. public bool updateRotation = true;
  176. /// <summary>Indicates if gravity is used during this frame</summary>
  177. protected bool usingGravity { get; private set; }
  178. /// <summary>Delta time used for movement during the last frame</summary>
  179. protected float lastDeltaTime;
  180. /// <summary>Last frame index when <see cref="prevPosition1"/> was updated</summary>
  181. protected int prevFrame;
  182. /// <summary>Position of the character at the end of the last frame</summary>
  183. protected Vector3 prevPosition1;
  184. /// <summary>Position of the character at the end of the frame before the last frame</summary>
  185. protected Vector3 prevPosition2;
  186. /// <summary>Amount which the character wants or tried to move with during the last frame</summary>
  187. protected Vector2 lastDeltaPosition;
  188. /// <summary>Only when the previous path has been calculated should the script consider searching for a new path</summary>
  189. protected bool waitingForPathCalculation = false;
  190. /// <summary>Time when the last path request was started</summary>
  191. protected float lastRepath = float.NegativeInfinity;
  192. [UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAs("target")][SerializeField][HideInInspector]
  193. Transform targetCompatibility;
  194. /// <summary>
  195. /// True if the Start method has been executed.
  196. /// Used to test if coroutines should be started in OnEnable to prevent calculating paths
  197. /// in the awake stage (or rather before start on frame 0).
  198. /// </summary>
  199. bool startHasRun = false;
  200. /// <summary>
  201. /// Target to move towards.
  202. /// The AI will try to follow/move towards this target.
  203. /// It can be a point on the ground where the player has clicked in an RTS for example, or it can be the player object in a zombie game.
  204. ///
  205. /// Deprecated: In 4.1 this will automatically add a <see cref="Pathfinding.AIDestinationSetter"/> component and set the target on that component.
  206. /// Try instead to use the <see cref="destination"/> property which does not require a transform to be created as the target or use
  207. /// the AIDestinationSetter component directly.
  208. /// </summary>
  209. [System.Obsolete("Use the destination property or the AIDestinationSetter component instead")]
  210. public Transform target {
  211. get {
  212. var setter = GetComponent<AIDestinationSetter>();
  213. return setter != null ? : null;
  214. }
  215. set {
  216. targetCompatibility = null;
  217. var setter = GetComponent<AIDestinationSetter>();
  218. if (setter == null) setter = gameObject.AddComponent<AIDestinationSetter>();
  219. = value;
  220. destination = value != null ? value.position : new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
  221. }
  222. }
  223. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::destination</summary>
  224. public Vector3 destination { get; set; }
  225. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::velocity</summary>
  226. public Vector3 velocity {
  227. get {
  228. return lastDeltaTime > 0.000001f ? (prevPosition1 - prevPosition2) / lastDeltaTime :;
  229. }
  230. }
  231. /// <summary>
  232. /// Velocity that this agent wants to move with.
  233. /// Includes gravity and local avoidance if applicable.
  234. /// </summary>
  235. public Vector3 desiredVelocity { get { return lastDeltaTime > 0.00001f ? movementPlane.ToWorld(lastDeltaPosition / lastDeltaTime, verticalVelocity) :; } }
  236. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::isStopped</summary>
  237. public bool isStopped { get; set; }
  238. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::onSearchPath</summary>
  239. public System.Action onSearchPath { get; set; }
  240. /// <summary>True if the path should be automatically recalculated as soon as possible</summary>
  241. protected virtual bool shouldRecalculatePath {
  242. get {
  243. return Time.time - lastRepath >= repathRate && !waitingForPathCalculation && canSearch && !float.IsPositiveInfinity(destination.x);
  244. }
  245. }
  246. protected AIBase () {
  247. // Note that this needs to be set here in the constructor and not in e.g Awake
  248. // because it is possible that other code runs and sets the destination property
  249. // before the Awake method on this script runs.
  250. destination = new Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity);
  251. }
  252. protected virtual void FindComponents () {
  253. tr = transform;
  254. seeker = GetComponent<Seeker>();
  255. // Find attached movement components
  256. controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
  257. rigid = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
  258. rigid2D = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
  259. }
  260. /// <summary>Called when the component is enabled</summary>
  261. protected virtual void OnEnable () {
  262. FindComponents();
  263. // Make sure we receive callbacks when paths are calculated
  264. seeker.pathCallback += OnPathComplete;
  265. Init();
  266. }
  267. /// <summary>
  268. /// Starts searching for paths.
  269. /// If you override this method you should in most cases call base.Start () at the start of it.
  270. /// See: <see cref="Init"/>
  271. /// </summary>
  272. protected virtual void Start () {
  273. startHasRun = true;
  274. Init();
  275. }
  276. void Init () {
  277. if (startHasRun) {
  278. // Clamp the agent to the navmesh (which is what the Teleport call will do essentially. Though only some movement scripts require this, like RichAI).
  279. // The Teleport call will also make sure some variables are properly initialized (like #prevPosition1 and #prevPosition2)
  280. Teleport(position, false);
  281. lastRepath = float.NegativeInfinity;
  282. if (shouldRecalculatePath) SearchPath();
  283. }
  284. }
  285. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::Teleport</summary>
  286. public virtual void Teleport (Vector3 newPosition, bool clearPath = true) {
  287. if (clearPath) CancelCurrentPathRequest();
  288. prevPosition1 = prevPosition2 = simulatedPosition = newPosition;
  289. if (updatePosition) tr.position = newPosition;
  290. if (clearPath) SearchPath();
  291. }
  292. protected void CancelCurrentPathRequest () {
  293. waitingForPathCalculation = false;
  294. // Abort calculation of the current path
  295. if (seeker != null) seeker.CancelCurrentPathRequest();
  296. }
  297. protected virtual void OnDisable () {
  298. CancelCurrentPathRequest();
  299. // Make sure we no longer receive callbacks when paths complete
  300. seeker.pathCallback -= OnPathComplete;
  301. velocity2D =;
  302. accumulatedMovementDelta =;
  303. verticalVelocity = 0f;
  304. lastDeltaTime = 0;
  305. }
  306. /// <summary>
  307. /// Called every frame.
  308. /// If no rigidbodies are used then all movement happens here.
  309. /// </summary>
  310. protected virtual void Update () {
  311. if (shouldRecalculatePath) SearchPath();
  312. // If gravity is used depends on a lot of things.
  313. // For example when a non-kinematic rigidbody is used then the rigidbody will apply the gravity itself
  314. // Note that the gravity can contain NaN's, which is why the comparison uses !(a==b) instead of just a!=b.
  315. usingGravity = !(gravity == && (!updatePosition || ((rigid == null || rigid.isKinematic) && (rigid2D == null || rigid2D.isKinematic)));
  316. if (rigid == null && rigid2D == null && canMove) {
  317. Vector3 nextPosition;
  318. Quaternion nextRotation;
  319. MovementUpdate(Time.deltaTime, out nextPosition, out nextRotation);
  320. FinalizeMovement(nextPosition, nextRotation);
  321. }
  322. }
  323. /// <summary>
  324. /// Called every physics update.
  325. /// If rigidbodies are used then all movement happens here.
  326. /// </summary>
  327. protected virtual void FixedUpdate () {
  328. if (!(rigid == null && rigid2D == null) && canMove) {
  329. Vector3 nextPosition;
  330. Quaternion nextRotation;
  331. MovementUpdate(Time.fixedDeltaTime, out nextPosition, out nextRotation);
  332. FinalizeMovement(nextPosition, nextRotation);
  333. }
  334. }
  335. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::MovementUpdate</summary>
  336. public void MovementUpdate (float deltaTime, out Vector3 nextPosition, out Quaternion nextRotation) {
  337. lastDeltaTime = deltaTime;
  338. MovementUpdateInternal(deltaTime, out nextPosition, out nextRotation);
  339. }
  340. /// <summary>Called during either Update or FixedUpdate depending on if rigidbodies are used for movement or not</summary>
  341. protected abstract void MovementUpdateInternal (float deltaTime, out Vector3 nextPosition, out Quaternion nextRotation);
  342. /// <summary>
  343. /// Outputs the start point and end point of the next automatic path request.
  344. /// This is a separate method to make it easy for subclasses to swap out the endpoints
  345. /// of path requests. For example the <see cref="LocalSpaceRichAI"/> script which requires the endpoints
  346. /// to be transformed to graph space first.
  347. /// </summary>
  348. protected virtual void CalculatePathRequestEndpoints (out Vector3 start, out Vector3 end) {
  349. start = GetFeetPosition();
  350. end = destination;
  351. }
  352. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::SearchPath</summary>
  353. public virtual void SearchPath () {
  354. if (float.IsPositiveInfinity(destination.x)) return;
  355. if (onSearchPath != null) onSearchPath();
  356. lastRepath = Time.time;
  357. waitingForPathCalculation = true;
  358. seeker.CancelCurrentPathRequest();
  359. Vector3 start, end;
  360. CalculatePathRequestEndpoints(out start, out end);
  361. // Alternative way of requesting the path
  362. //ABPath p = ABPath.Construct(start, end, null);
  363. //seeker.StartPath(p);
  364. // This is where we should search to
  365. // Request a path to be calculated from our current position to the destination
  366. seeker.StartPath(start, end);
  367. }
  368. /// <summary>
  369. /// Position of the base of the character.
  370. /// This is used for pathfinding as the character's pivot point is sometimes placed
  371. /// at the center of the character instead of near the feet. In a building with multiple floors
  372. /// the center of a character may in some scenarios be closer to the navmesh on the floor above
  373. /// than to the floor below which could cause an incorrect path to be calculated.
  374. /// To solve this the start point of the requested paths is always at the base of the character.
  375. /// </summary>
  376. public virtual Vector3 GetFeetPosition () {
  377. return position;
  378. }
  379. /// <summary>Called when a requested path has been calculated</summary>
  380. protected abstract void OnPathComplete (Path newPath);
  381. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::SetPath</summary>
  382. public void SetPath (Path path) {
  383. if (path.PipelineState == PathState.Created) {
  384. // Path has not started calculation yet
  385. lastRepath = Time.time;
  386. waitingForPathCalculation = true;
  387. seeker.CancelCurrentPathRequest();
  388. seeker.StartPath(path);
  389. } else if (path.PipelineState == PathState.Returned) {
  390. // Path has already been calculated
  391. // We might be calculating another path at the same time, and we don't want that path to override this one. So cancel it.
  392. if (seeker.GetCurrentPath() != path) seeker.CancelCurrentPathRequest();
  393. else throw new System.ArgumentException("If you calculate the path using seeker.StartPath then this script will pick up the calculated path anyway as it listens for all paths the Seeker finishes calculating. You should not call SetPath in that case.");
  394. OnPathComplete(path);
  395. } else {
  396. // Path calculation has been started, but it is not yet complete. Cannot really handle this.
  397. throw new System.ArgumentException("You must call the SetPath method with a path that either has been completely calculated or one whose path calculation has not been started at all. It looks like the path calculation for the path you tried to use has been started, but is not yet finished.");
  398. }
  399. }
  400. /// <summary>
  401. /// Accelerates the agent downwards.
  402. /// See: <see cref="verticalVelocity"/>
  403. /// See: <see cref="gravity"/>
  404. /// </summary>
  405. protected void ApplyGravity (float deltaTime) {
  406. // Apply gravity
  407. if (usingGravity) {
  408. float verticalGravity;
  409. velocity2D += movementPlane.ToPlane(deltaTime * (float.IsNaN(gravity.x) ? Physics.gravity : gravity), out verticalGravity);
  410. verticalVelocity += verticalGravity;
  411. } else {
  412. verticalVelocity = 0;
  413. }
  414. }
  415. /// <summary>Calculates how far to move during a single frame</summary>
  416. protected Vector2 CalculateDeltaToMoveThisFrame (Vector2 position, float distanceToEndOfPath, float deltaTime) {
  417. // Direction and distance to move during this frame
  418. return Vector2.ClampMagnitude(velocity2D * deltaTime, distanceToEndOfPath);
  419. }
  420. /// <summary>
  421. /// Simulates rotating the agent towards the specified direction and returns the new rotation.
  422. ///
  423. /// Note that this only calculates a new rotation, it does not change the actual rotation of the agent.
  424. /// Useful when you are handling movement externally using <see cref="FinalizeMovement"/> but you want to use the built-in rotation code.
  425. ///
  426. /// See: <see cref="orientation"/>
  427. /// </summary>
  428. /// <param name="direction">Direction in world space to rotate towards.</param>
  429. /// <param name="maxDegrees">Maximum number of degrees to rotate this frame.</param>
  430. public Quaternion SimulateRotationTowards (Vector3 direction, float maxDegrees) {
  431. return SimulateRotationTowards(movementPlane.ToPlane(direction), maxDegrees);
  432. }
  433. /// <summary>
  434. /// Simulates rotating the agent towards the specified direction and returns the new rotation.
  435. ///
  436. /// Note that this only calculates a new rotation, it does not change the actual rotation of the agent.
  437. ///
  438. /// See: <see cref="orientation"/>
  439. /// See: <see cref="movementPlane"/>
  440. /// </summary>
  441. /// <param name="direction">Direction in the movement plane to rotate towards.</param>
  442. /// <param name="maxDegrees">Maximum number of degrees to rotate this frame.</param>
  443. protected Quaternion SimulateRotationTowards (Vector2 direction, float maxDegrees) {
  444. if (direction != {
  445. Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(movementPlane.ToWorld(direction, 0), movementPlane.ToWorld(, 1));
  446. // This causes the character to only rotate around the Z axis
  447. if (orientation == OrientationMode.YAxisForward) targetRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);
  448. return Quaternion.RotateTowards(simulatedRotation, targetRotation, maxDegrees);
  449. }
  450. return simulatedRotation;
  451. }
  452. /// <summary>\copydoc Pathfinding::IAstarAI::Move</summary>
  453. public virtual void Move (Vector3 deltaPosition) {
  454. accumulatedMovementDelta += deltaPosition;
  455. }
  456. /// <summary>
  457. /// Moves the agent to a position.
  458. ///
  459. /// This is used if you want to override how the agent moves. For example if you are using
  460. /// root motion with Mecanim.
  461. ///
  462. /// This will use a CharacterController, Rigidbody, Rigidbody2D or the Transform component depending on what options
  463. /// are available.
  464. ///
  465. /// The agent will be clamped to the navmesh after the movement (if such information is available, generally this is only done by the RichAI component).
  466. ///
  467. /// See: <see cref="MovementUpdate"/> for some example code.
  468. /// See: <see cref="controller"/>, <see cref="rigid"/>, <see cref="rigid2D"/>
  469. /// </summary>
  470. /// <param name="nextPosition">New position of the agent.</param>
  471. /// <param name="nextRotation">New rotation of the agent. If #enableRotation is false then this parameter will be ignored.</param>
  472. public virtual void FinalizeMovement (Vector3 nextPosition, Quaternion nextRotation) {
  473. if (enableRotation) FinalizeRotation(nextRotation);
  474. FinalizePosition(nextPosition);
  475. }
  476. void FinalizeRotation (Quaternion nextRotation) {
  477. simulatedRotation = nextRotation;
  478. if (updateRotation) {
  479. if (rigid != null) rigid.MoveRotation(nextRotation);
  480. else if (rigid2D != null) rigid2D.MoveRotation(nextRotation.eulerAngles.z);
  481. else tr.rotation = nextRotation;
  482. }
  483. }
  484. void FinalizePosition (Vector3 nextPosition) {
  485. // Use a local variable, it is significantly faster
  486. Vector3 currentPosition = simulatedPosition;
  487. bool positionDirty1 = false;
  488. if (controller != null && controller.enabled && updatePosition) {
  489. // Use CharacterController
  490. // The Transform may not be at #position if it was outside the navmesh and had to be moved to the closest valid position
  491. tr.position = currentPosition;
  492. controller.Move((nextPosition - currentPosition) + accumulatedMovementDelta);
  493. // Grab the position after the movement to be able to take physics into account
  494. // TODO: Add this into the clampedPosition calculation below to make RVO better respond to physics
  495. currentPosition = tr.position;
  496. if (controller.isGrounded) verticalVelocity = 0;
  497. } else {
  498. // Use Transform, Rigidbody, Rigidbody2D or nothing at all (if updatePosition = false)
  499. float lastElevation;
  500. movementPlane.ToPlane(currentPosition, out lastElevation);
  501. currentPosition = nextPosition + accumulatedMovementDelta;
  502. // Position the character on the ground
  503. if (usingGravity) currentPosition = RaycastPosition(currentPosition, lastElevation);
  504. positionDirty1 = true;
  505. }
  506. // Clamp the position to the navmesh after movement is done
  507. bool positionDirty2 = false;
  508. currentPosition = ClampToNavmesh(currentPosition, out positionDirty2);
  509. // Assign the final position to the character if we haven't already set it (mostly for performance, setting the position can be slow)
  510. if ((positionDirty1 || positionDirty2) && updatePosition) {
  511. // Note that rigid.MovePosition may or may not move the character immediately.
  512. // Check the Unity documentation for the special cases.
  513. if (rigid != null) rigid.MovePosition(currentPosition);
  514. else if (rigid2D != null) rigid2D.MovePosition(currentPosition);
  515. else tr.position = currentPosition;
  516. }
  517. accumulatedMovementDelta =;
  518. simulatedPosition = currentPosition;
  519. UpdateVelocity();
  520. }
  521. protected void UpdateVelocity () {
  522. var currentFrame = Time.frameCount;
  523. if (currentFrame != prevFrame) prevPosition2 = prevPosition1;
  524. prevPosition1 = position;
  525. prevFrame = currentFrame;
  526. }
  527. /// <summary>
  528. /// Constrains the character's position to lie on the navmesh.
  529. /// Not all movement scripts have support for this.
  530. ///
  531. /// Returns: New position of the character that has been clamped to the navmesh.
  532. /// </summary>
  533. /// <param name="position">Current position of the character.</param>
  534. /// <param name="positionChanged">True if the character's position was modified by this method.</param>
  535. protected virtual Vector3 ClampToNavmesh (Vector3 position, out bool positionChanged) {
  536. positionChanged = false;
  537. return position;
  538. }
  539. /// <summary>
  540. /// Checks if the character is grounded and prevents ground penetration.
  541. ///
  542. /// Sets <see cref="verticalVelocity"/> to zero if the character is grounded.
  543. ///
  544. /// Returns: The new position of the character.
  545. /// </summary>
  546. /// <param name="position">Position of the character in the world.</param>
  547. /// <param name="lastElevation">Elevation coordinate before the agent was moved. This is along the 'up' axis of the #movementPlane.</param>
  548. protected Vector3 RaycastPosition (Vector3 position, float lastElevation) {
  549. RaycastHit hit;
  550. float elevation;
  551. movementPlane.ToPlane(position, out elevation);
  552. float rayLength = tr.localScale.y * height * 0.5f + Mathf.Max(0, lastElevation-elevation);
  553. Vector3 rayOffset = movementPlane.ToWorld(, rayLength);
  554. if (Physics.Raycast(position + rayOffset, -rayOffset, out hit, rayLength, groundMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) {
  555. // Grounded
  556. // Make the vertical velocity fall off exponentially. This is reasonable from a physical standpoint as characters
  557. // are not completely stiff and touching the ground will not immediately negate all velocity downwards. The AI will
  558. // stop moving completely due to the raycast penetration test but it will still *try* to move downwards. This helps
  559. // significantly when moving down along slopes as if the vertical velocity would be set to zero when the character
  560. // was grounded it would lead to a kind of 'bouncing' behavior (try it, it's hard to explain). Ideally this should
  561. // use a more physically correct formula but this is a good approximation and is much more performant. The constant
  562. // '5' in the expression below determines how quickly it converges but high values can lead to too much noise.
  563. verticalVelocity *= System.Math.Max(0, 1 - 5 * lastDeltaTime);
  564. return hit.point;
  565. }
  566. return position;
  567. }
  568. protected virtual void OnDrawGizmosSelected () {
  569. // When selected in the Unity inspector it's nice to make the component react instantly if
  570. // any other components are attached/detached or enabled/disabled.
  571. // We don't want to do this normally every frame because that would be expensive.
  572. if (Application.isPlaying) FindComponents();
  573. }
  574. public static readonly Color ShapeGizmoColor = new Color(240/255f, 213/255f, 30/255f);
  575. protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos () {
  576. if (!Application.isPlaying || !enabled) FindComponents();
  577. var color = ShapeGizmoColor;
  578. if (orientation == OrientationMode.YAxisForward) {
  579. Draw.Gizmos.Cylinder(position, Vector3.forward, 0, radius * tr.localScale.x, color);
  580. } else {
  581. Draw.Gizmos.Cylinder(position, rotation * Vector3.up, tr.localScale.y * height, radius * tr.localScale.x, color);
  582. }
  583. if (!float.IsPositiveInfinity(destination.x) && Application.isPlaying) Draw.Gizmos.CircleXZ(destination, 0.2f,;
  584. }
  585. protected override void Reset () {
  586. ResetShape();
  587. base.Reset();
  588. }
  589. void ResetShape () {
  590. var cc = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
  591. if (cc != null) {
  592. radius = cc.radius;
  593. height = Mathf.Max(radius*2, cc.height);
  594. }
  595. }
  596. protected override int OnUpgradeSerializedData (int version, bool unityThread) {
  597. if (unityThread && !float.IsNaN(centerOffsetCompatibility)) {
  598. height = centerOffsetCompatibility*2;
  599. ResetShape();
  600. centerOffsetCompatibility = float.NaN;
  601. }
  602. #pragma warning disable 618
  603. if (unityThread && targetCompatibility != null) target = targetCompatibility;
  604. #pragma warning restore 618
  605. return 1;
  606. }
  607. }
  608. }