using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Localize : MonoBehaviour { private static SystemLanguage language { get { return SystemLanguage.English; //return Application.systemLanguage; } } public UILabel mmFirstInfoText; public UILabel mmFirstInfoDetails; public UILabel mmFirstInfoLink; public UILabel mmmTapToStart; public UILabel mmShop; public UILabel lbTapToReturn; public UILabel hlpInstructions; public UILabel hlpSwipeLeftRight; public UILabel hlpSwipeToJump; public UILabel hlpSwipeToSlide; public UILabel setOptions; public UILabel setMusic; public UILabel setSound; public UILabel[] setOn; public UILabel[] setOff; public UILabel [] shopShop; public UILabel [] shopPowerups; public UILabel [] shopBack; public UILabel shopMagnetism; //public UILabel shopLevel; public UILabel shopBuy; public UILabel enregyYouNeedToReplanish; public UILabel enregyOr; public UILabel enregyItsFree; public UILabel enregyJstSelectOne; public UILabel goTanksYou; public UILabel goGameOver; public UILabel goNewBestScore; public UILabel goTapAnywere; public UILabel pauPause; public UILabel pauResume; public UILabel grettingsInfo; private void Start() { switch (language) { case SystemLanguage.English: grettingsInfo.text = "Takk fyrir að spila. Hér getur þú sent persónulega jólakveðju til þeirra barna sem fá Jólapakkana"; //mmFirstInfoText.text = "Gerðu góðverk og\nsafnaðu jólapökkum til\nstyrktar Pakkasöfnun \nKringlunnar og\nmæðrastyrksnefndar"; //mmFirstInfoDetails.text = "Nánar um\nsöfnunina á"; mmFirstInfoText.text = "Kringlujól\nUm leið og þú spilar leggur þú góðu málefni lið, því pakkar sem þú vinnur fara í Pakkasöfnun Kringlunnar."; mmFirstInfoDetails.text = "Sjá nánar á"; mmFirstInfoLink.text = ""; mmmTapToStart.text = "smelltu til\nað byrja"; lbTapToReturn.text = "Smelltu til\nað fara til baka"; hlpInstructions.text = "Leiðbeiningar"; hlpSwipeLeftRight.text = "Renndu fingri\ntil hliðanna til\nað fara framhjá\nhindrunum"; hlpSwipeToJump.text = "Renndu fingri upp\ntil að hoppa"; hlpSwipeToSlide.text = "Renndu fingri niður\ntil að renna undir"; setOptions.text = "Stillingar"; setMusic.text = "Tónlist"; setSound.text = "Hljóð"; for (int i = 0; i < setOn.Length; i++) { setOn[i].text = "On"; } for (int i = 0; i < setOff.Length; i++) { setOff[i].text = "Off"; } for (int i = 0; i < shopShop.Length; i++) { shopShop[i].text = "verslun"; } mmShop.text = "verslun"; for (int i = 0; i < shopPowerups.Length; i++) { shopPowerups[i].text = "hjálpartól"; } for (int i = 0; i < shopBack.Length; i++) { shopBack[i].text = "til baka"; } shopMagnetism.text = "Segulsvið"; shopBuy.text = "kaupa"; enregyYouNeedToReplanish.text = "Þig vantar meiri orku"; enregyOr.text = "eða"; enregyItsFree.text = "það er ókeypis!"; enregyJstSelectOne.text = " veldu einn."; goTanksYou.text = "Takk fyrir\nað hjálpa\njólasveininum"; goGameOver.text = "Leik lokið"; goNewBestScore.text = "Nýtt stigamet"; goTapAnywere.text = "Smelltu til\nað halda áfram"; pauPause.text = "hlé"; pauResume.text = "byrja aftur"; break; case SystemLanguage.Russian: grettingsInfo.text = "Вы можете отправить личное сообщение для малышей, которые получат наши подарки"; mmFirstInfoText.text = "Делайте добрые дела,\nчтобы заработать подарки\nдля поддержки\nцентров-гарантов\nпо беременности и родам."; mmFirstInfoDetails.text = "больше информации на:"; mmFirstInfoLink.text = ""; mmmTapToStart.text = "Нажмите,\nчтобы начать!"; lbTapToReturn.text = "Нажмите,\nдля возврата"; hlpInstructions.text = "Инструкции"; hlpSwipeLeftRight.text = "Резко проведите в сторону,\nчтобы уклониться от преград"; hlpSwipeToJump.text = "Проведите вверх для прыжка"; hlpSwipeToSlide.text = "Проведите вниз для скольжения"; setOptions.text = "Опции"; setMusic.text = "Музыка"; setSound.text = "Звуки"; for (int i = 0; i < setOn.Length; i++) { setOn[i].text = "Вкл"; } for (int i = 0; i < setOff.Length; i++) { setOff[i].text = "Выкл"; } for (int i = 0; i < shopShop.Length; i++) { shopShop[i].text = "Магазин"; } mmShop.text = "Магазин"; for (int i = 0; i < shopPowerups.Length; i++) { shopPowerups[i].text = "Ускорители"; } for (int i = 0; i < shopBack.Length; i++) { shopBack[i].text = "Назад"; } shopMagnetism.text = "Магнетизм"; shopBuy.text = "Купить"; enregyYouNeedToReplanish.text = "Нужно восстановить силы:"; enregyOr.text = "или"; enregyItsFree.text = "Это бесплатно!"; enregyJstSelectOne.text = "Просто выбери."; goTanksYou.text = "Спасибо,\nчто помогли Санте\nсобрать подарки!"; goGameOver.text = "Игра закончена."; goNewBestScore.text = "Новый лучший результат."; goTapAnywere.text = "Нажмите где угодно,\n чтобы играть снова."; pauPause.text = "На паузе."; pauResume.text = "Возобновить"; break; default: grettingsInfo.text = "You can send a personal message to the kids that get our xmas presents"; mmFirstInfoText.text = "Do good deeds,\nto earn gifts\nto support the centers\nguarantor for pregnancy\nand childbirth."; mmFirstInfoDetails.text = "More info at:"; mmFirstInfoLink.text = ""; mmmTapToStart.text = "Tap to start"; lbTapToReturn.text = "Tap anywhere to return"; hlpInstructions.text = "Instructions"; hlpSwipeLeftRight.text = "Swipe left and right\nto dogle obstacles"; hlpSwipeToJump.text = "Swipe up to Jump"; hlpSwipeToSlide.text = "Swipe down to Slide"; setOptions.text = "Options"; setMusic.text = "Music"; setSound.text = "Sound"; for (int i = 0; i < setOn.Length; i++) { setOn[i].text = "On"; } for (int i = 0; i < setOff.Length; i++) { setOff[i].text = "Off"; } for (int i = 0; i < shopShop.Length; i++) { shopShop[i].text = "Shop"; } mmShop.text = "Shop"; for (int i = 0; i < shopPowerups.Length; i++) { shopPowerups[i].text = "power ups"; } for (int i = 0; i < shopBack.Length; i++) { shopBack[i].text = "back"; } shopMagnetism.text = "Magnetism"; shopBuy.text = "buy"; enregyYouNeedToReplanish.text = "You need to replenish energy"; enregyOr.text = "or"; enregyItsFree.text = "it's free!"; enregyJstSelectOne.text = " just select one."; goTanksYou.text = "Thank you for helping Santa"; goGameOver.text = "Game over"; goNewBestScore.text = "New best score"; goTapAnywere.text = "Tap anywhere to continue"; pauPause.text = "PAUSED"; pauResume.text = "RESUME"; break; } } public static string Score { get { switch (language) { case SystemLanguage.English: return "Point: "; case SystemLanguage.Russian: return "Очки: "; } return "Score: "; } } public static string Gift { get { switch (language) { case SystemLanguage.English: return "Gifts: "; case SystemLanguage.Russian: return "Подарки: "; } return "Gifts: "; } } public static string Distance { get { switch (language) { case SystemLanguage.English: return "Distance: "; case SystemLanguage.Russian: return "Дистанция: "; } return "Distance: "; } } public static string Level { get { switch (language) { case SystemLanguage.English: return "Level: "; case SystemLanguage.Russian: return "Уровень: "; } return "Level: "; } } }