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ReadMe - 3.0.2.txt

NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
Copyright © 2011-2013 Tasharen Entertainment
Version 3.0.2

Thank you for buying NGUI!

If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feature requests, please
drop by the NGUI forum, found here:

How To Update NGUI

If you have the Professional Edition of NGUI that comes with Git access, just pull the latest changes.

If you have a Standard Edition:

1. In Unity, File -> New Scene
2. Delete the NGUI folder from the Project View.
3. Import NGUI from the updated Unity Package.

Support, documentation, and tutorials

All can be found here:

Using NGUI with JavaScript (UnityScript)? Read this first:

Version History

*** WARNING ***
3.0.0 is a major changeset. You will need to open and re-save all of your scenes and prefabs after updating!
After updating, expect some things to no longer work the same way they used to. Widgets scale is no longer
used as its size, so any code that you had relying on this will need to change to use 'width' and 'height'.
You can also expect compile errors related to delegate usage. The following links may help you:

- NEW: Added a "depth" property to the panels to make it possible to easily order panels.
- NEW: UICamera now has "world" and "UI" event types that affect how raycasts are processed.
- NEW: Collider's Z position no longer needs to be adjusted for widgets if the UICamera is set to the "UI" event type.
- NEW: UICamera's raycasts now go by widget and panel depth rather than by distance to the colliders.
- NEW: UIPanels now can show all draw calls instead of just their own.
- NEW: UIStretch can now stretch clipped panels.
- FIX: UITable was bugged with the "Up" direction.
- FIX: FIX: Labels will process their text before returning the corners.
- FIX: UIAnchor was not calculating widget-related anchoring properly.

- FIX: Variety of regression fixes from NGUI 3.0.0 that culminated into alphabetic (bug-fix) micro-updates.
- FIX: MakePixelPerfect on selection no longer stops if it finds a UIWidget. It continues on to children.
- FIX: Atlas Maker will keep the border setting of sprites being replaced.
- FIX: UILabels will no longer MakePixelPerfect when their text is assigned.
- FIX: Marking widgets as changed will now mark them as edited in Unity.
- FIX: Sliced sprite border will again take pixel size into consideration.

- NEW: Changed the way widgets get batched, properly fixing all remaining Z/depth issues.
- NEW: Draw calls are now automatically split up as needed (no more sandwiching issues!)
- NEW: Re-designed the way widget width & height gets specified. The values are now explicit, and scale is no longer used.
- NEW: NGUI will now automatically replace UITextures with Sprites when they get added to an atlas.
- NEW: It's now possible to have clipped panels in 3D and not have them break when tilting the camera.
- NEW: It's now possible to nest widgets.
- NEW: It's now possible to have multiple widgets on the same object.
- NEW: It's now possible to change the selection handles color via the NGUI menu.
- NEW: UICheckbox is now a UIToggle, and you now specify a 'group' ID rather than a common root object.
- NEW: Added TweenWidth and TweenHeight to tween widgets width and height properties.
- NEW: You can now specify the label overflow method: shrink content, clamp content, resize height, or resize freely.
- NEW: When labels are in "resize label" overflow mode, the drag handles will be greyed out.
- NEW: Added a simple EventDelegate class and improved all generic components to use it.
- NEW: Added a Widget Container class that can be used to easily select and move groups of widgets (think: buttons, windows).
- NEW: Added the RealTime helper class that removed IgnoreTimeScale. Usage: RealTime.time, RealTime.deltaTime.
- NEW: Improved the inspector look of just about every component.
- NEW: UIPanel now shows a list of all of its draw calls and the widgets causing them.
- NEW: Added a way to auto-normalize the depth hierarchy from the NGUI menu.
- NEW: You can now hide explicit draw calls by collapsing the draw call fold-outs on the panel.
- NEW: Sprite selection window now shows sprite names as well.
- NEW: Atlas maker will now automatically sort the sprites, saving them in an alphabetical order.
- NEW: UICamera now has a better inspector, and it automatically hides properties if it's not the main one.
- FIX: CTRL+ and CTRL- now adjust all widgets under the selected object.
- FIX: Labels will now again align vertically properly.
- FIX: Atlas maker will now respect textures that were imported with a non-native size.
- FIX: Atlas maker will no longer change so many import settings on source textures.
- FIX: Make Pixel Perfect is now undoable.
- FIX: You can once again rename sprites in the atlas.
- DEL: Removed the long-ago deprecated UISlicedSprite, UITiledSprite, and UIFilledSprite classes and some other legacy code.

- NEW: Added a way to resolve all Depth/Z issues. Check your UIPanels and enable Depth Sorting.
- FIX: DownloadTexture no longer leaves a shadow of the previous texture behind.
- FIX: UIDragObject will no longer behave oddly with multiple touches.
- FIX: Popup menu will now correctly trigger OnChange functions on the same selection.
- FIX: UITexture will now default to the Unlit/Transparent Colored shader.
- FIX: Atlas Maker will no longer default sprite list to be hidden.

- FIX: Labels now have "Max Height", and "Max Lines" again works as expected.
- FIX: Widgets no longer store a reference to texture and material.
- FIX: Fix for some issues with the dynamic fonts.
- FIX: Removed the "password" setting from UILabel in order to clear up some confusion.
- FIX: Transparent colored shader no longer has fixed function pipeline code inside.
- FIX: Atlas maker will now be more perforce-friendly.
- FIX: Popup list will no longer show on Click when the Popup List script is disabled.
- FIX: NGUIMath.Calculate functions will now ignore recently disabled widgets.
- FIX: UIWidget will no longer attempt to create a panel until after Start().
- FIX: UICamera.touchCount and UICamera.dragCount will now work correctly with multi-touch turned off.
- FIX: WP8 and BB10 tweaks.

- NEW: UIStretch now has the 'run once' option matching UIAnchor.
- FIX: Non-sticky press was not working quite right...
- FIX: Rewrote the transform inspector.
- FIX: Removed the "depth pass" option from the panel's inspector since 99.9% of the people were mis-using it.
- FIX: UIButtonKeys.startsSelected got broken at some point.
- FIX: UIPopupList now respects atlas pixel size and again works correctly for menu style popups.
- FIX: UIPanel will no longer keep references to materials when disabled.

- NEW: Noticeably improved performance and garbage collection when using Unity 4.1+
- NEW: It's now possible to select sprites in the Atlas Maker for preview purposes.
- NEW: Transform inspector will now warn you when widget panel is marked as 'static'.
- NEW: You can now toggle the panel's "widgets are static" flag from within the panel tool.
- FIX: Widgets will no longer be constantly checking for layer changes in update.
- FIX: Shrink-to-fit labels will now auto-grow when possible.
- FIX: Labels can no longer be resized using handles (but can still be moved and rotated).
- FIX: Labels will now auto-adjust their size properly when the max width gets adjusted.
- FIX: Creating an atlas would rarely throw a null exception. This has been fixed.
- FIX: Draggable panel + non-sticky keys will now mix properly.
- FIX: Drag & drop should now work with non-sticky press.
- FIX: Flash export should now work again.
- DEL: Dropped all remaining support for Unity 3.4.

- NEW: You can now automatically apply alpha pre-multiplication to textures when creating an atlas.
- NEW: Added UIWidget.Raycast to perform a raycast without using colliders.
- NEW: Added a texture preview to UITexture.
- NEW: Added an option to UIAnchor to run only once, and then destroy itself. Also optimized it slightly.
- NEW: Transform inspector will now gray out fields that are not commonly used by the UI when a widget is selected.
- FIX: Transform multi-object editing was not quite right for widgets...
- FIX: "Shrink to fit" option on labels now works vertically, not just horizontally.
- FIX: Changing a sprite in inspector will no longer auto-resize it. Use MakePixelPerfect to resize it.

- FIX: Dynamic font-related fixes.
- FIX: Depth pass will now be force-disabled when the panel is clipped.
- FIX: Sticky press option on the UICamera no longer breaks OnDrop events.
- FIX: UIInput's useLabelTextAtStart should now work again.
- FIX: UICamera.touchCount should now be accurate.
- FIX: Fixed a typo in the image button inspector.
- FIX: UIWidget.UpdateGeometry will now check for object's disabled state prior to filling the geometry.

- NEW: Added dynamic font support for Unity 4.0.
- NEW: Handles can now be toggled on/off from the NGUI menu.
- NEW: Atlas maker will now be limited by max texture size, and will no longer make it possible to corrupt an atlas.
- NEW: Warning will be shown on the panel if clipping is not possible (GLES 1.1).
- NEW: Toggle can now have fade in the checkmark instantly.
- NEW: You can now leave C++ style comments (//) in the localization files.
- NEW: You can now paste into input fields in stand-alone builds.
- NEW: Added disabled state to UIImageButton (Nicki)
- FIX: UISlider will now use the sprite size rather than collider size to determine the touch effect area.
- FIX: Resetting the tween will now mark it as not started.
- FIX: Blank labels will no longer be localized.
- FIX: Resetting the sprite animation will also reset the sprite back to 0.

- NEW: Added a "shrink to fit" option for labels that will scale down the text if it doesn't fit.
- FIX: Re-added the "import font" field in the font inspector.

- DEL: Deprecated Unity 3.5.4 and earlier support. If you are using 3.5.4 or earlier, DO NOT UPDATE!
- OLD: Sliced, tiled, and filled sprites have been deprecated.
- NEW: Regular sprite now has options for how the sprite is drawn.
- NEW: NGUI widgets now have visual placement handles.
- NEW: Adding a widget now automatically creates a UI hierarchy if one is not present.
- NEW: NGUI menu has been redesigned with new options and shortcut keys.
- FIX: Widget selection box now takes padding into account properly.
- FIX: Changing the pivot no longer moves the widget visually.
- FIX: Font symbols now use padding instead of inner rect for offset.
- FIX: Font symbols no longer need to be used in the editor before they are usable in-game.
- FIX: More fixes to how tweens get initialized/started.
- FIX: Re-added UISlider.fullSize property for better backwards compatibility.
- FIX: Unity 4.1-related fixes.
- FIX: Variety of other minor tweaks and changes.

- NEW: Added a much easier way to add symbols and emoticons (select the font, you will see it).
- NEW: Added a couple of conditional warnings to the UIPanel warning of common mistakes.
- NEW: Various improvements to widget and sprite inspectors.
- FIX: There is no need to display the "symbols" option on the labels if the font doesn't have any.
- FIX: Removed the hard-coded screen height-based touch threshold on the UICamera.
- FIX: Removed the need for sliders to have a "full size" property.

- NEW: Font symbols can now have an offset for easier positioning.
- FIX: UISlider will now set the 'current' property before calling the delegate.
- FIX: Fixed the toggle animation issue that was brought to light as a result of 2.3.4.
- FIX: Minor other tweaks, nothing important.

- NEW: Added the ability to easily copy/paste widget colors in the inspector.
- FIX: Random fixes for minor issues noted on the forums.
- FIX: Minor performance improvements.

- NEW: UIPanels now have alpha for easy fading, and TweenAlpha can now tween panels.
- NEW: Added UICamera.debug mode for when you want to know what the mouse is hovering over.
- NEW: Added AnimatedColor and AnimatedAlpha scripts in case you want to animate widget color or alpha via Unity's animations.
- NEW: Android devices should now be able to support a keyboard and a controller (OUYA).
- NEW: Added UIFont.pixelSize, making it possible to have HD/UD fonts that are not a part of an atlas.
- FIX: Unity 4.1 optimization fix.
- FIX: Label shadow should now be affected by alpha using PMA shaders.
- FIX: UIToggle.current will now work correctly for toggle event receivers.
- FIX: UIButton series of scripts should now initialize themselves on start, not when they are used.
- FIX: TweenOrthoSize should now tween the size instead of FOV (o_O).
- FIX: Sprite selection window will now show sprites properly when the atlas is not square.
- FIX: UIAnchor should now always maintain the same Z-depth, and once again works in 3D UIs.

- NEW: Added UICamera.touchCount.
- NEW: Added an option on the UIInput to turn on auto-correction on mobiles.
- FIX: Fixed compilation on Unity 3.
- FIX: Font inspector will now display the font in a preview window.

- NEW: Added Premultiplied Alpha support to NGUI along with the appropriate shaders.
- NEW: Added UIButtonKeyBinding script that makes it easy to do button key bindings.
- NEW: Transform inspector now supports multi-object editing (contribution by Bardelot 'Cripple' Alexandre)
- NEW: UIRoot's 'automatic' flag is now gone, replaced by a more intuitive drop-down list.
- NEW: It's now possible to make UIRoot fixed size on mobiles, but pixel-perfect on desktops (it's an option).
- NEW: You can now specify an animation curve on all tweens.
- NEW: Localization will now attempt to load the starting language automatically.
- NEW: Added UICamera.onCustomInput callback making it possible to add input form custom devices.
- NEW: Support for optimizations in Unity 4.1.
- FIX: Tweaks to Localization to make it easier to use. You can now just do Localization.Localize everywhere.
- FIX: UILocalize attached to a label used by input will now localize its default value instead.
- FIX: Kerning should now get saved properly. You will need to re-import your fonts.
- FIX: UICamera with multi-touch turned off should now work properly when returning from sleep.
- FIX: ActiveAnimation's onFinished callback will no longer wait for all animation states to finish (only the playing one).
- FIX: UICamera's touch detection should now work properly when returning from sleep.
- FIX: Changed the way MakePixelPerfect works a bit, hopefully fixing an issue with sprites moving by a pixel.
- FIX: UIPanel should now display the clipped rectangle correctly.
- FIX: UIInputSaved will now save on submit.
- DEL: Removed UIAnchor.depthOffset seeing as it caused more confusion than anything else. Just use an offset child GameObject.
- DEL: Deprecated hard clipping, seeing as it causes issues on too many devices.

- NEW: Added UICamera.stickyPress option that makes it possible for multiple objects to receive OnPress notifications from a single touch.
- NEW: UICamera.hoveredObject now works for touch events as well, and will always hold the result of the last Raycast.
- NEW: Added "Edit" buttons to all atlase and font fields, making easy to select the atlas/font for modification.
- NEW: Added Localization.Localize. Was going to change Localization.Get to be static, but didn't want to break backwards compatibility.
- FIX: Inventory example should work correctly in Unity 4.0.
- FIX: You can now set UILabel.text to null.
- FIX: UIPanel was not drawing its rect correctly in some cases.
- FIX: Assortment of tweaks and fixes submitted by Andrew Osborne (community contribution).
- FIX: Switching a mainTexture of a UITexture belonging to a clipped panel will now work properly.

- NEW: Mouse and touch events now have an option to be clipped by the panel's clipping rect, just like widgets.
- NEW: Made it possible to delete several sprites at once (Atlas Maker).
- FIX: Added proper support for Unity 4-based nested active state while maintaining backwards compatibility.

- NEW: Double-clicking a sprite in the sprite selection window will now close the window.
- FIX: UIRoot will now only consider min/max clamping in automatic mode.
- FIX: Password fields should now get wrapped properly.
- FIX: MakePixelPerfect() will now preserve negatives.
- FIX: UISlider will no longer jump to 0 when clicked with the controller.

- NEW: SpringPanel and UICenterOnChild now have an OnFinished callback.
- NEW: UIForwardEvents now has OnScroll.
- FIX: UISavedOption now unregisters the state change delegate when disabled.
- FIX: IgnoreTimeScale clamps time delta at 1 sec maximum, fixing a long pause after returning from sleep.
- FIX: UIWidget now correctly cleans up UITextures that have been re-parented.
- FIX: Tween scripts now sample the tween immediately if the duration is 0.
- FIX: UIFont and UIAtlas MarkAsDirty() function now works correctly with a reference atlas (in the editor).

- FIX: Small fix for UIAnchor using a clipped panel container (thanks yuewah!)
- FIX: Work-around/fix-ish thing for Unity Remote sending both mouse and touch events.
- FIX: hideInactive on UIGrid should now function correctly.

- NEW: You can now specify a minimum and maximum height on UIRoot.
- NEW: Label shadow and outline distance can now be modified.
- NEW: Added UIButtonActivate -- an extremely simple script that can be used to activate or deactivate something on click.
- NEW: Creating a new UI will now automatically add a kinematic rigidbody to the UIRoot, as it's supposedly faster for physics checks.
- NEW: Game objects destroyed via NGUITools.Destroy will now automatically get un-parented.
- NEW: UIEventListener now has an OnKey delegate.
- FIX: Sprite preview should now display wide sprites correctly.
- FIX: Fixed copy/paste error in the atlas inspector (thanks athos!).
- FIX: UIGrid will no longer consider destroyed game objects.
- FIX: Couple of other smaller fixes.

- FIX: Sprite list should now be faster.
- FIX: Sprite border editing should now work properly again.
- FIX: A couple of other minor fixes.

- NEW: Added a sprite selection window that replaces the drop-down selection list. Think texture selection window for your sprites. The sprite selection window has a search box to narrow down your selection.
- NEW: Sprite preview is now shown in the Preview window, and is affected by the widget's color tint.
- NEW: Added warning messages when more than one widget is using the same depth value, and when more than one atlas is used by the panel.
- NEW: It's now possible to edit a sprite quickly by choosing the "edit" option.
- NEW: When editing a sprite in the atlas, a "Return to ..." button is shown if you've navigated here from a sprite.
- FIX: UIAnchor and UIStretch now work with labels properly.
- FIX: UITexture will no longer occasionally lose the reference to its texture.
- FIX: NGUITools.EncodeColor now works in Flash (created a work-around).

- NEW: UISavedOption now works on a popup list as well.
- FIX: Replaced ifdefs for Unity 4 with a new helper functions for cleaner code (NGUITools.GetActive and NGUITools.SetActiveSelf).
- FIX: UITable was not properly keeping the contents within the draggable panel.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel.UpdateScrollbars was not considering soft clipping properly, resulting in some jitterness.
- FIX: SpringPanel was not setting position / clipping when it finished, resulting in floating-point drifting errors.
- FIX: UIInput's "not selected" text can now be localized using UILocalize.

- NEW: Added support for Unity 4.
- NEW: NGUI now uses Unity 3.5.5's newly-added Color32 for colors instead of Color, reducing the memory bandwidth a bit.
- NEW: UIStretch can now stretch to another widget's bounds, not just the screen.
- FIX: UIImageButton will no longer add a box collider if a non-box collider is present.
- FIX: NGUITools.ParseSymbol will now check to see if the symbol is valid.
- FIX: UITexture-related tweaks to UIWidget.
- FIX: UIAnchor can now anchor to labels.
- FIX: UISlicedSprite no longer uses padding.

- NEW: UIInput now supports multi-line input if its label is multi-line. Hold Ctrl when hitting Enter.
- FIX: UIToggleControlledComponent will now use delegates by default.
- FIX: UITexture should now work properly again.

- NEW: Seeing as it was an often-asked question, the Scroll View example now features a toggle that makes the scrolled list center on items.
- NEW: UIAnchor can now anchor to sides of other widgets and panels.
- NEW: UICamera now has "drag threshold" properties. Drag events will only be sent after this threshold has been exceeded.
- NEW: You no longer have to create a material for the UITexture.
- NEW: You can now specify a UV rect for the UITexture if you only wish to display a part of it.
- NEW: All event senders, tweens and animation components now have a delegate callback you can use instead of the SendMessage-based event receiver.
- NEW: Added UICamera.current and UIPopupList.current.
- NEW: SpringPosition now has "on finished" event notifications (both event receiver and delegate).
- NEW: Added a new script that can be used to change the alpha of an entire panel worth of widgets at once: UIPanelAlpha.
- FIX: Replaced most usages of List with BetterList instead in order to significantly reduce memory allocation.
- FIX: Custom texture packer now respects padding correctly.

- NEW: Selected widgets now show their panel's bounding rect, which is the screen's rect if the panel isn't clipped.
- FIX: Tweens that have not been added dynamically will start playing correctly.
- FIX: Texture packer should now have better packing logic.

- NEW: New texture packer, alternative to using Unity's built-in one. Default is still Unity for backwards compatibilty.
- NEW: Added a different line wrapping functionality for input fields contributed by MightyM.
- NEW: UILocalize now has a "Localize" function you can trigger to make it force-localize whatever it's on.
- NEW: UITweener now has an option to not ignore timeScale.
- FIX: Fixed a "drifting panel" issue introduced in the last update.
- FIX: Added a warning for slider thumb used with radially filled sliders (not supported).
- FIX: ActiveAnimation will now clear its event receiver and callback on Play.
- FIX: UISpriteAnimation.isDone is now UISpriteAnimation.isPlaying, and is no longer backwards.

- NEW: Now maintained under Unity 3.5.3.
- NEW: BetterList now has Insert and Contains functions.
- NEW: UITweener now has bounce style tweening methods.
- NEW: UITweener's OnUpdate function now has "isFinished" parameter that's set to 'true' if it's the last update.
- NEW: TweenTransform is now capable of re-parenting the object when finished.
- NEW: Added TweenVolume that can tween an audio source's volume.
- NEW: UICamera now has a new property: "Generic Event Handler". If set, this object will receive a copy of all events regardless of where they go.
- NEW: Widget Wizard now lets you specify an initial pivot point for sprites.
- NEW: UISpriteAnimation now has an option to not loop the animation anymore, and can tell you how many frames it has.
- NEW: Added TweenFOV that can be used to tween camera's field of view.
- NEW: Added a UISoundVolume script that can change the volume of the sounds used by NGUITools.PlaySound when attached to a slider.
- FIX: UIInput will now bring up a proper password keyboard on touch-based devices.
- FIX: UIImageButton will now set the correct sprite when it's enabled while highlighted.
- FIX: DragDropItem example script will now work on touch-based devices.
- FIX: UIButtonPlayAnimation will now clear the event receiver if none was specified.
- FIX: Various changes to UICamera, making it more touch-device friendly.
- FIX: UIPanels marked as static will now update their geometry when new widgets get added.
- FIX: Shaders no longer use "fixed" data type as it seems to have issues on certain devices.
- DEL: Removed old deprecated functions in order to clean up the code.

- NEW: UITable can now return its list of children (in sorted order) via UITable.children.
- FIX: UISpriteAnimation can now be paused with FPS of 0.
- FIX: UITweener's delay should now work properly.
- FIX: UIPanel should now create draw calls with "dont destroy on load" flag instead of hideflags at run time, resolving a rare warning.
- FIX: Tweaks to how multi-touches are handled when they're disabled.
- FIX: Removed the "#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest" which was causing issues due to no support on android, mac mini's and possibly other devices.
- FIX: UIInput carat should be removed upon leaving the field on iOS.
- FIX: UIInput default text should be removed OnSelect on iOS.
- FIX: Inventory example should no longer have its own menu, but will instead be under NGUI.

- NEW: Packed fonts now have clipped version of shaders, making them work with clipped panels.
- NEW: You can now specify the maximum number of lines on UILabel instead of just multiline / single line option.
- NEW: UIButton's disabled color can now be specified explicitly.
- NEW: Tweens and animations now have OnDoubleClick and OnSelect events to work with as well.
- NEW: It's now possible to control the volume used by all UI sounds: NGUITools.soundVolume.
- NEW: You can now delay a tween by specifying a start time delay.
- NEW: You can now disable multi-touch on UICamera, making all touches be treated as one.
- NEW: MakePixelPerfect is now in NGUITools, not NGUIMenu.
- FIX: UIImageButton won't switch images anymore if the script is disabled.
- FIX: Starting value in Localization will no longer overwrite the explicitly switched languages.

- NEW: You can now specify what keyboard type will be used on mobile devices.
- NEW: You can now add input validation to your inputs to exclude certain characters (such as make your input numeric-only).
- FIX: Packed fonts no longer tie up the alpha channel, and can now be affected by alpha just fine.
- FIX: Clipped panels will no longer cause the unused material message in the console.
- FIX: 3D UIs should now be created with a proper anchor offset.
- FIX: UISliderColors will now work for more than 3 colors.
- FIX: UIPanel will no longer cause a null exception at run time.

- NEW: Added support for fonts packed into separate RGBA channels (read: eastern language fonts can now be 75% smaller).
- NEW: UITooltip is now a part of NGUI's core rather than being in examples, allowing you to use it freely.
- NEW: Submit and cancel keys can now be specified on the UICamera (before they were hardcoded to Return and Escape).
- FIX: Unity should no longer crash when a second widget is added to the same game object.
- FIX: UIDrawCall no longer updates the index buffer unless it needs to, resulting in increased performance.
- FIX: UIDrawCall now uses double-buffering, so iOS performance should increase.
- FIX: You can now specify whether symbols are affected by color or not (or if they're processed for that matter).
- FIX: Fixed an issue with highlighting not returning to highlighted state after press.

- NEW: Added support for custom-defined symbols (emoticons and such) in fonts.
- NEW: Added NGUI menu -> Make Pixel Perfect (Alt+Shift+P), and NGUI Menu -> Add Collider is now Alt+Shift+C.
- NEW: Added OnActivate condition to tweens and active animations.
- NEW: It's now possible to have a UITable position items upwards instead of downwards.
- NEW: It's now possible to have a "sticky" tooltip specified on UICamera, making it easier for tooltips to show up.
- NEW: UIInput will now send out OnInputChanged notifications when typing.
- NEW: Added TweenVolume script you can use to tween AudioSource's volume.
- FIX: Fixed what was causing the "Cleaning up leaked objects in scene" message to show up.

- NEW: Added UIButton -- same as UIButtonColor, but has a disabled state.
- NEW: Added the OnDoubleClick event. Same as OnClick, just sent on double-click.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel should now have noticeably better performance with many widgets.
- FIX: All private serializable properties will now be hidden from the inspector.
- FIX: UITooltip is now more robust and automatically uses background border size for padding.
- FIX: UILabel inspector now uses a word-wrapped textbox.
- FIX: UIButtonPlayAnimation and UIButtonTween now have an event receiver (on finished).
- FIX: UIGrid no longer modifies Z of its items on reposition.
- FIX: Only one Localization class is now allowed to be present.
- FIX: UILabel should now have a bit better performance in the editor.
- FIX: UISprite's MakePixelPerfect setting now takes padding into account properly.

- NEW: UIButtonSound now allows you to specify pitch in addition to volume.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel will now update the scroll bars on start.
- FIX: UITweenScale will now start with a scale of one instead of zero by default.
- FIX: UIInput will now ignore all characters lower than space, fixing an issue with mac OS input.
- FIX: UITexture will no longer lose its material whenever something changes.
- FIX: Reworked the way the mouse is handled in UICamera, fixing a couple of highlighting issues.

- FIX: UIButton series of scripts will now correctly disable and re-enable their selected state when the game object is enabled / disabled.
- FIX: SpringPanel will now notify the Draggable Panel script on movement, letting it update scroll bars correctly.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel will now lose its momentum every frame rather than only when it's being dragged.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel will no longer reset the panel's position on start.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel.ResetPosition() now functions correctly.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel.UpdateScrollbars() will now only adjust the position if the scroll bars aren't being updated (ie: called from a scroll bar).
- FIX: 3D UIs will now be created with a proper anchor offset.

- NEW: UIDraggablePanel will now display the bounds of the draggable widgets as an orange outline in the Scene View.
- NEW: Added a 'repositionNow' toggle to UIDraggablePanel that will reset the clipping area using the children widget's current bounds.
- NEW: It's now possible to specify horizontal and vertical axis names for UICamera.
- FIX: UICamera will no longer process WASD or Space key events if an Input Field is currently selected.
- FIX: UIDraggablePanel's 'startingDragAmount' was renamed to 'startingRelativePosition', for clarity.
- FIX: UIToggle will now set the checkmark state immediately on start instead of gradually.
- FIX: UISlider will now always force-set its value value on start.
- FIX: UIInput.text will now always return its own text rather than that of the label (works better with captions).
- FIX: Setting UIInput.text now sets the color of the label to the active color.

- NEW: Redesigned the way UIDragCamera and UIDragPanelContents work, making them much more straightforward.
- NEW: New widget has been added: Scroll Bar. It does exactly what you think it does.
- NEW: UIDraggableCamera script is used on the camera to make it draggable via UIDragCamera.
- NEW: UIDraggablePanel script is used on the panel to make it draggable via UIDragPanelContents.
- NEW: UIDraggablePanel natively supports scroll bars with "always show", "fade out if not needed" and "fade in only when dragging" behaviors.
- NEW: Scroll View (DragPanel) and Quest Log examples have been updated with scroll bars.
- NEW: Reorganized all examples to be in a more logical order -- starting with the basic, common functionality and going up from there.
- NEW: Localization will now try to automatically load the language file via Resources.Load if it wasn't found in the local list.
- NEW: Atlas Maker tool now allows you to turn off trimming of transparent pixels before importing certain sprites.
- NEW: Atlas Maker tool now allows you to specify how much padding is applied in-between of sprites.
- FIX: EditorPrefs are now used instead of PlayerPrefs to store editor-related data.
- FIX: Popup list will no longer try to call SendMessage in edit mode.
- FIX: UIEventListener.Add is now UIEventListener.Get, making the function make more sense with the -= operator.
- DEL: Scroll View example that was using UIDragObject has been removed as it's now obsolete.

- NEW: Expanded the Filled Sprite to support radial-based filling. Great for progress indicators, cooldown timers, circular health bars, etc.
- FIX: Eliminated all runtime uses of 'foreach', seeing as it causes memory leaks on iOS.

- NEW: Added a new example scene showing how to easily implement drag & drop from 2D UI to the 3D world.
- FIX: UICamera was sending multiple OnDrag events for the mouse. This has now been fixed.
- FIX: UIAnchor changes in 1.90 had a few adverse effects on two of the examples.

- NEW: You can now specify an option on the UIDragPanelContents that will prevent dragging if the contents already fit.
- NEW: You can now specify a radio button group root on the toggle instead of always having it be the parent object.
- NEW: You can now easily adjust the widget's alpha by using the new UIWidget.alpha property.
- NEW: UIAnchor script has been redesigned, and the 'stretch to fill' property has been removed. You can now position using relative coordinates.
- NEW: UIStretch script has been added, allowing you to stretch an object in either (or both) directions using relative coordinates.
- NEW: You can now specify a maximum range distance for UICamera's raycasts, allowing you to limit the interaction distance (for first-person cameras).
- FIX: Popup list inspector now shows the "Position" drop-down.
- FIX: Slider now updates correctly when it's first created, and when you change the Full Size property.
- FIX: UIDragCamera now takes the camera's size into consideration.
- FIX: DestroyImmediate calls have been replaced with NGUITools.DestroyImmediate as there seem to be odd issues on certain Android devices.

- NEW: Added an option to the tweener to use steeper pow(2) curves for ease in/out tweens.
- NEW: You can now specify the movement threshold that will be used to determine whether button presses are eligible for clicks on UICamera.
- NEW: You can now specify an input field to be password-based, and it will only hide the text once you start typing.
- FIX: UIButtonTween can now disable objects properly after a toggle.
- FIX: UISavedOption can now save the state of a single toggle in addition to a group of togglees.
- FIX: Localization now handles duplicate key entries silently.
- FIX: Widgets not using a texture will now have gizmos.
- FIX: Fix for the OnClick event on touch-based devices.

- NEW: UISlider now has an inspector class, and 'rawValue' can no longer be modified (use 'sliderValue'!)
- FIX: An assortment of tweaks and fixes, focusing on stability and ease of use.
- FIX: Reworked the way the UIPopupList was calculating its padding, making it more robust.
- FIX: Disabled widgets will get updated correctly when the atlas gets replaced.
- FIX: Disabling the button on click should no longer make it get stuck in the "clicked" state.
- FIX: UICamera.lastTouchPosition is back.

- NEW: UIAtlas now has a "pixel size" property that affects MakePixelPerfect logic as well as sliced sprite's border size.
- FIX: UISprite will now always ensure it has a sprite to work with, if at all possible.
- FIX: UIDragPanelContents should now work correctly on mobile devices.

- NEW: Added Example 12: Better Scroll View.
- NEW: Added a script that can be used to efficiently drag the contents of the panel: UIDragPanelContents.
- NEW: Added a function replacement for SetActiveRecursively (NGUITools.SetActive), since the former has rare odd issues.

- FIX: Changed the way the font data is stored, resulting in potentially better loading performance on mobile devices.
- FIX: UIPanel.Start() should now find cameras faster.
- FIX: UIPanel will no longer use the clipping softness value unless soft clipping is actually used.
- FIX: The way click / drag was handled has been changed a bit. It should now be easier to click buttons on retina screens.
- FIX: Rebuilding an atlas was not updating fonts correctly.
- FIX: Couple of tweaks to UIAtlas and UIFont's replacement feature.

- NEW: Added a simple script that can save the state of the toggle (or a group of togglees) to player prefs.
- FIX: A variety of minor tweaks.

- NEW: It's now possible to specify a "replacement" value on UIAtlas and UIFonts, making swapping of atlases and fonts a trivial matter.
- NEW: UIToggle now has an option to allow unchecking the last item within a group.
- FIX: Most cases of FindObjectsOfTypeAll has been replaced with FindSceneObjectsOfType instead.
- FIX: UISliderColors now keeps the slider's alpha.
- FIX: Edit-time modification of UISlider's 'rawValue' in the inspector will now again visibly move the slider.
- FIX: UIWidget will no longer consider its geometry as changed every frame if there is nothing to draw (empty text labels).
- FIX: Atlas Maker will now create a new font if the name of the font doesn't match.
- OLD: NGUITools.ReplaceAtlas and Font functions have been deprecated.

- NEW: UIInput can now be multi-line.
- FIX: UILabel will now center-align properly again when a fixed line width was specified.
- FIX: UILabel's effect (shadow, outline) will now be affected by the label's alpha.
- FIX: UILabel's effect will now always be offset consistently, even if the scale changes.
- FIX: Changing the widget's pivot will no longer cause it to become it pixel-perfect.
- FIX: UISlider no longer requires a box collider.
- FIX: Creating sliders via the wizard will now set their full size property.

- NEW: You can now add a colored shadow/bevel or an outline effect to your labels via a simple toggle.
- NEW: UICamera now has support for keyboard, joystick and controller input.
- NEW: UICamera can now control what kind of events it will process (only touch, only keyboard, etc).
- NEW: UISlider can now be adjusted via keyboard, joystick and controller input.
- NEW: UIPopupList can now be interacted with using a keyboard or controller input.
- NEW: Added a new script, UIButtonKeys that can be used to set up the UI for keyboard, joystick and controller input.
- NEW: New Example 11 shows how to set up the UI to work with the new input types.

- NEW: Right click stuff has been replaced by just 'lastTouchID' with added support for the middle mouse button.
- NEW: UIDragCamera now has scrolling wheel support just like UIDragObject.
- FIX: UTF8 encoding is not supported in Flash. Wrote my own binary parsing function to make Flash work.
- FIX: UILabel will now align to right and center properly when not pixel-perfect.
- FIX: UIFont.WrapText will now trim away space characters when word wrapping.
- FIX: UIFont.Print will no longer draw spaces (padding will still be applied).
- FIX: UIPopupList will highlight the correct item even when localized.
- FIX: UITable will now handle disabled children properly.
- FIX: Fixed a crash on Unity 3.5.0 (sigh!).
- FIX: Tweaked how pixel-perfect calculations work for labels.

- NEW: Added right-click support by simply adding an optional integer parameter to the OnClick event.
- NEW: The contents of the UIPopupList can now be localized by enabling a toggle on it.
- NEW: You can now give the UIEventListener an optional parameter that you can retrieve later.

- NEW: Added a built-in Localization System.
- NEW: Added a new example (10) - Localization.
- FIX: Widgets can now be modified directly on prefabs.
- FIX: Fixed the window stuttering in example 9 (when dragging it).
- FIX: Widgets will now ensure they're under the right panel after drag & drop in the editor.
- FIX: It's now possible to visibly modify the value of the slider at edit mode.
- FIX: Scaling labels now properly rebuilds them.
- FIX: Scaling labels will no longer affect the widget bounds in odd ways.

- FIX: Font Maker's Replace button will now re-import the data file.
- FIX: Fixed all known issues with Undo functionality.
- FIX: Fixed all known issues with prefabs (mainly 3.5.0-related)
- FIX: Fixed clipping in Flash by adding a work-around for a bug in Flash export.
- FIX: Removed 3.5b6 work-arounds for Flash as the bug has since been fixed.

- NEW: Added a new script: ShaderQuality. It's used to automatically set shader level of detail as the quality level goes down.
- FIX: All examples have been updated to run properly in Flash.
- FIX: NGUI now has no warnings using Unity 3.5.0.

- NEW: Example 9: Quest Log shows how to make a fancy quest log.
- NEW: Added a new feature to UIPanel -- the ability to write to depth before any geometry is drawn. This doubles the draw calls but saves fillrate.
- NEW: Clicking on the items in the panel and camera tools will now select them instead of enable/disable them.
- NEW: UITable can now automatically keep its contents within the parent panel's bounds.
- NEW: New event type: OnScroll(float delta).
- FIX: FindInChildren was not named properly. It's now FindInParents.
- FIX: Eliminated most warnings on Unity 3.5.

- NEW: Atlas inspector window now shows "Dimensions" and "Border" instead of "Outer" and "Inner" rects.
- NEW: UIPanel now has an optional property: "showInPanelTool" that determines whether the panel will show up in the Panel Tool.
- FIX: Trimmed sprite-using fonts will now correctly trim the glyphs.
- FIX: The "inner rect" outline now uses a checker texture, making it visible regardless of sprite's color.
- FIX: Selected sprite within the UIAtlas is now persistent.
- FIX: Panel and Camera tools have been improved with additional functionality.

- NEW: Added a logo to all examples with some additional shiny functionality (contributed by Hjupter Cerrud).
- NEW: Label template in the Widget Tool now has a default color that will be applied to newly created labels.
- NEW: Added an option to TweenScale to automatically notify the UITable of the change.
- FIX: Updating a texture atlas saved as a non-PNG image will now update the texture correctly.
- FIX: Updating an atlas with a font sprite in it will now correctly mark all fonts using it as dirty.
- FIX: Fixed all remaining known issues with the Atlas Maker.
- FIX: Tiled Sprite will now use an inner rect rather than outer rect, letting you add some padding.
- FIX: UIButtonTween components will now set their target in Awake() rather than Start(), fixing a rare order-of-execution issue.
- FIX: UITable will now consider the item's own local scale when calculating bounds.
- DEL: "Deprecated" folder has been deleted.

- NEW: Added a new class -- UITable -- that can be used to organize its children into rows/columns of variable size (think HTML table).
- FIX: Font Maker will make it more obvious when you are going to overwrite a font.
- FIX: Tweener will now set its timestamp on Start(), making tweens that start playing on Play behave correctly.
- FIX: UISlicedSprite will now notice that its scale is changing and will rebuild its geometry properly.
- FIX: Atlas and Font maker will now create new atlases and fonts in the same folder as the selected items.

- NEW: UIToggle.current will hold the toggle that triggered the 'functionName' function on the 'eventReceiver'.
- FIX: UIPopupList will now place the created object onto a proper layer.

- NEW: Added a built-in atlas-making solution: Atlas Maker, making it possible to create atlases without leaving Unity.
- NEW: Added a tool that makes creation of fonts easier: Font Maker. Works well with the Atlas Maker.
- FIX: UIAtlasInspector will now always force the atlas texture to be of proper size whenever the material or texture packer import gets triggered.
- FIX: Removed the work-around for Flash that disabled sound, seeing the bug has been since fixed.
- FIX: Tweener has been renamed to NTweener to avoid name conflicts with HOTween.
- FIX: An assortment of minor usability tweaks.

- NEW: The UI is now timeScale-independent, letting you pause the game via Time.timeScale = 0.
- NEW: Added an UpdateManager class that can be used to programmatically control the order of script updates.
- NEW: NGUITools.PlaySound() now returns an AudioSource, letting you change the pitch.
- FIX: UIAtlas and UIFont now work with Textures instead of Texture2Ds, letting you use render textures.
- FIX: Typewriter effect script will now pre-wrap text before printing it.
- FIX: NGUIEditorTools.SelectedRoot() no longer considers prefabs to be valid.
- FIX: TexturePacker import will automatically strip out the ".png" extension from script names.
- FIX: Tested and working with the Flash export as of 3.5.0 f3.

- NEW: UIWidgets now work with Textures rather than Texture2D, making it possible to use render textures if desired.
- FIX: Rewrote the UIFont's WrapText function. It now supports wrapping of long lines properly.
- FIX: Input fields are now multi-line, and will now show the last line when typing past the label's width.
- FIX: Input fields will now update less frequently when IME or iOS/Android keyboard is used.

- NEW: Added a new container class -- BetterList<>. It replaced the generic List<> in many cases, eliminating GC spikes.
- FIX: Various performance-related optimizations.
- FIX: UITextList will now handle resized text labels correctly.
- FIX: Parenting and reparenting widgets will now cause their panel to get updated correctly.
- FIX: Eliminated one potential cause of widgets trying to update before being parented.

- NEW: Added a new example (8) showing how to create a simple menu system.
- NEW: Added an example script that adds a typewriter effect to labels.
- NEW: Added a 'text scale' property to the UIPopupList.
- FIX: UIPopupList will now choose a more appropriate depth rather than just a high number.
- FIX: UIPopupList labels' colliders will now be properly positioned on the Z.
- FIX: Fix for UISpriteAnimationInspector not handling null strings.
- FIX: Several minor fixes for rare issues (such as playing a sound with no audio listener or main camera in the scene).

- NEW: Added a new class (UIEventListener) that can be used to easily register event listener delegates via code without the need to create MonoBehaviours.
- NEW: Added a UIPopupList class that can be used to create drop-down lists and menus.
- NEW: Added the Popup List and Popup Menu templates to the Widget Wizard.
- NEW: UISlider can now move in increments by specifying the desired Number of Steps.
- NEW: Tutorial 11 showing how to use UIPopupLists.

- NEW: Text labels will center or right-align their text if such pivot was used.
- NEW: Added an inspector class for the UIImageButton.
- NEW: UIGrid now has the ability to skip deactivated game objects.
- NEW: Font sprite is now imported when the font's data is imported, and will now be automatically selected from the atlas on import.
- FIX: Making widgets pixel-perfect will now make them look crisp even if their dimensions are not even (ex: 17x17 instead of 18x18).
- FIX: Component Selector will now only show actual prefabs as recommended selections. Prefab instances aren't.
- FIX: BMFontReader was not parsing lines quite right...

- NEW: UIGrid can now automatically sort its children by name before positioning them.
- NEW: Added momentum and drag to UIDragCamera.
- NEW: Added the Image Button template to the Widget Tool.
- FIX: SpringPosition will now disable itself properly.
- FIX: UIImageButton will now make itself pixel-perfect after switching the sprites.
- FIX: UICamera will now always set the 'lastCamera' to be the camera that received the pressed event while the touch is held.
- FIX: UIDragObject will now drag tilted objects (windows) with a more expected result.

- NEW: Added the Input template to the Widget Tool.
- NEW: UIButtonMessage will now pass the button's game object as an optional parameter.
- NEW: Tweener will now pass itself as a parameter to the callWhenFinished function.
- NEW: Tweener now has an 'eventReceiver' parameter you can set for the 'callWhenFinished' function.
- FIX: Tweener will no longer disable itself if one of OnFinished SendMessage callbacks reset it.
- FIX: Updated all tutorials to use 1.42+ functionality.
- FIX: Slider will now correctly mark its foreground widget as having changed on value change.

- NEW: Added a new tool: Widget Creation Wizard. It replaces all "Add" functions in NGUI menu.
- NEW: Added new templates to the Widget Wizard: Button, Toggle, Progress Bar, Slider.
- NEW: When adding widgets via the wizard, widget depth is now chosen automatically so that each new widget appears on top.
- NEW: AddWidget<> functionality is now exposed to runtime scripts (found in NGUITools).
- FIX: Widget colliders of widgets layed on top of each other are now offset by wiget's depth.
- FIX: Several minor bug fixes.

- NEW: Added a new tool: Camera Tool. It can be used to get a bird's eye view of your cameras and determine what draws the selected object.
- NEW: Added a new tool: Create New UI. You can use it to create an entire UI hierarchy for 2D or 3D layouts with one click of a button.
- NEW: Added a new script: UIRoot. It can be used to scale the root of your UI by 2/ScreenHeight (the opposite of UIOrthoCamera).
- NEW: The NGUI menu has been enhanced. When adding widgets, it will intelligently determine where to add them best.
- NEW: Sliced sprites now have an option to not draw the center, in case you only want the border.
- FIX: Scaling sliced sprites and tiled sprites will now correctly update them again.
- FIX: Changing the depth of the widgets will now correctly update them again.
- FIX: The unnecessary color parameter specified on the material has been removed from the shaders.

- NEW: Major performance improvements. The way the geometry was being created has been completely redone.
- NEW: With the new system, moving, rotating and scaling panels no longer causes widgets they're responsible for to be rebuilt.
- NEW: Panel clipping will now actually clip widgets, eliminating them from the draw buffers until they move back into view.
- NEW: Matrix parameter has been eliminated from the clip shaders as it's no longer needed with the new system.
- FIX: Work-around for a rare obscure issue caused by a bug in Unity related to instantiating widgets from prefabs (Case 439372).
- FIX: It's no longer possible to edit widgets directly on prefabs. Bring them into the scene first.
- FIX: Panel tool will now update itself on object selection.

- NEW: UIToggle now has a configurable function to call.
- NEW: UIToggle now has an animation parameter it can trigger when checked/unchecked.
- NEW: You can now play remote animations via UIButtonPlayAnimations.
- NEW: Tweener now sends out notifications when it finishes.
- NEW: Tweener now has a 'group' parameter that can be used to only enable/disable only certain tweens on the same object.
- NEW: UIButtonTween has been changed to use more descriptive properties. Check your UIButtonTweens and update their properties after upgrading.
- NEW: Examples 1, 5 and 6 have been adjusted to use the new features.
- FIX: Scrolling speed should now be consistent even at low framerates.
- FIX: Shader fixes.

- NEW: Added a 'thumb' parameter to the UISlider.
- NEW: Added UIForwardEvents script that can be used to forward events from one object to another.
- NEW: Added the ability to enable and disable target game objects via UIButtonTween.
- FIX: Input fields now support IME.

- NEW: Added a panel tool (NGUI menu -> Panel Tool) to aid with multi-panel development.
- FIX: Variety of tweaks and minor enhancements, mainly related to examples.
- FIX: UIDragObject had a rare bug with how items were springing back into place.

- NEW: UIPanels can now specify a clipping area (everything outside this area will not be visible).
- NEW: UIFilledSprite, best used for progress bars, sliders, etc (thanks nsxdavid).
- NEW: UISpriteAnimation for some simple sprite animation (attach to a sprite).
- NEW: UIAnchor can now specify depth offset to be used with perspective cameras.
- NEW: UIDragObject can now restrict dragging of objects to be within the panel's clipping bounds.
- NEW: UIToggle now has an "option" field that lets you create option button groups (Tutorial 11).
- NEW: Example 7 showing how to use the clipping feature.
- NEW: Example 0 (Anchor) has been redone.
- NEW: Most tutorials and examples now explain what they do inside them.
- NEW: Added a variety of new interaction scripts replacing State scripts (UIButton series for example).
- NEW: Added a Drag Effect parameter to UIDragObject with options to add momentum and spring effects.
- FIX: UICamera.lastCamera was not pointing to the correct camera with multi-camera setups (thanks LKIM).
- FIX: UIAnchor now positions objects in the center of the ortho camera rather than at depth of 0.
- FIX: Various usability improvements.
- OLD: 'State' series of scripts have all been deprecated.

- NEW: Added a simple tweener and a set of tweening scripts (position, rotation, scale, and color).
- FIX: Several fixes for rare non-critical issues.
- FIX: Flash export bug work-arounds.

- FIX: UISlider should now work properly when centered again.
- FIX: UI should now work in Flash after LoadLevel (added some work-arounds for current bugs in the flash export).
- FIX: Sliced sprites should now look properly in Flash again (added another work-around for another bug in the Flash export).

- NEW: Added support for trimmed sprites (and fonts) exported via TexturePacker.
- NEW: UISlider now has horizontal and vertical styles.
- NEW: Selected widgets now have their gizmos colored green.
- FIX: UISlider now uses the collider's bounds instead of the target's bounds.
- FIX: Sliced sprite will now behave better when scaled with all pivot points, not just top-left.

- NEW: Added a UIGrid script that can be used to easily arrange icons into a grid.
- NEW: UIFont can now specify a UIAtlas/sprite combo instead of explicitly defining the material and pixel rect.

- NEW: Added character and line spacing parameters to UIFont.
- NEW: Sprites will now be sorted alphabetically, both on import and in the drop-down menu.
- NEW: NGUI menu Add* functions now automatically choose last used font and UI atlases and resize the new elements.
- FIX: UICamera will now be able to handle both mouse and touch-based input on non-mobile devices.
- FIX: 'Add Collider' menu option got semi-broken in 1.23.
- FIX: Changing the font will now correctly update the visible text while in the editor.
- Work-around for a bug in 3.5b6 Flash export.

- NEW: Added a pivot property to the widget class, replacing the old 'centered' flag.

- NEW: Example 6: Draggable Window
- FIX: UISlider will now function properly for arbitrarily scaled objects.

- FIX: Gizmos are now rotated properly, matching the widget's rotation.
- FIX: Labels now have gizmos properly scaled to envelop their entire content.

- NEW: Added the ability to generate normals and tangents for all widgets via a flag on UIPanel.
- NEW: Added a UITexture class that can be used to draw a texture without having to create an atlas.
- NEW: Example 5: Lights and Refraction.
- Moved all atlases into the Examples folder.

- FIX: Unicode fonts should now get imported correctly.

- NEW: Added a new example (4) - Chat Window.

- NEW: Added support for Unity 3.5 and its "export to Flash" feature.

- NEW: Added password fields (specified on the label)
- FIX: Working directly with atlas and font prefabs will now save their data correctly
- NEW: Showing gizmos is now an option specified on the panel
- NEW: Sprite inner rects will now be preserved on re-import
- FIX: Disabled widgets should no longer remain visible in play mode
- NEW: UICamera.lastHit will always contain the last RaycastHit made prior to sending OnClick, OnHover, and other events.

- NEW: Added support for multi-touch