using UnityEngine; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.UI; #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER && !UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_WP8_1 using FFmpeg.AutoGen; using System.Threading; #endif #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE public unsafe class MediaPlayerCtrl : MonoBehaviour { #else public class MediaPlayerCtrl : MonoBehaviour { #endif const int BUFFER_SIZE = 256; public string m_strFileName; public GameObject[] m_TargetMaterial = null; private Texture2D m_VideoTexture = null; private Texture2D m_VideoTextureDummy = null; private Texture2D m_VideoTextureY; private Texture2D m_VideoTextureU; private Texture2D m_VideoTextureV; private Texture2D m_VideoTextureDummyY; private Texture2D m_VideoTextureDummyU; private Texture2D m_VideoTextureDummyV; private MEDIAPLAYER_STATE m_CurrentState; private int m_iCurrentSeekPosition; private float m_fVolume = 1.0f; private int m_iWidth; private int m_iHeight; private float m_fSpeed = 1.0f; public bool m_bFullScreen = false;//Please use only in FullScreen prefab. public bool m_bSupportRockchip = true; //Using a device support Rochchip or Low-end devices //(Reason 1 : Not directly play in StreamingAssets) //(Reason 2 : Video buffer is RGB565 only supported) public bool m_bPC_FastMode = false; public delegate void VideoEnd(); public delegate void VideoReady(); public delegate void VideoError(MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR errorCode, MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR errorCodeExtra); public delegate void VideoFirstFrameReady(); public delegate void VideoResize (); public VideoResize OnResize; public VideoReady OnReady; public VideoEnd OnEnd; public VideoError OnVideoError; public VideoFirstFrameReady OnVideoFirstFrameReady; private IntPtr m_texPtr; private IntPtr m_texPtrY; private IntPtr m_texPtrU; private IntPtr m_texPtrV; public Shader m_shaderYUV; private int m_iPauseFrame; #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER) [DllImport ("BlueDoveMediaRender")] private static extern void InitNDK(); #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER [DllImport ("BlueDoveMediaRender")] private static extern IntPtr EasyMovieTextureRender(); #endif #endif #if (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR_WIN) && !UNITY_EDITOR_OSX [DllImport ("EasyMovieTexture")] private static extern int SetTexture(); [DllImport ("EasyMovieTexture")] private static extern void ReleaseTexture(int iID); [DllImport ("EasyMovieTexture")] private static extern void SetTextureFromUnity(int iID,System.IntPtr texture,System.IntPtr textureY,System.IntPtr textureU,System.IntPtr textureV, int w, int h,byte[] data); [DllImport("EasyMovieTexture")] private static extern IntPtr GetRenderEventFunc(); #endif #if (UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX || UNITY_EDITOR_OSX ) [DllImport ("EasyMovieTextureRender")] private static extern int SetTexture(); [DllImport ("EasyMovieTextureRender")] private static extern void ReleaseTexture(int iID); [DllImport ("EasyMovieTextureRender")] private static extern void SetTextureFromUnity(int iID,System.IntPtr texture,System.IntPtr textureY,System.IntPtr textureU,System.IntPtr textureV, int w, int h,byte[] data); [DllImport("EasyMovieTextureRender")] private static extern IntPtr GetRenderEventFunc(); #endif private int m_iAndroidMgrID; private bool m_bIsFirstFrameReady; public enum MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR { MEDIA_ERROR_NOT_VALID_FOR_PROGRESSIVE_PLAYBACK = 200, MEDIA_ERROR_IO = -1004, MEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED = -1007, MEDIA_ERROR_TIMED_OUT = -110, MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED = -1010, MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED = 100, MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1 } public enum MEDIAPLAYER_STATE { NOT_READY = 0, READY = 1, END = 2, PLAYING = 3, PAUSED = 4, STOPPED = 5, ERROR = 6 } public enum MEDIA_SCALE { SCALE_X_TO_Y = 0, SCALE_X_TO_Z = 1, SCALE_Y_TO_X = 2, SCALE_Y_TO_Z = 3, SCALE_Z_TO_X = 4, SCALE_Z_TO_Y = 5, SCALE_X_TO_Y_2 = 6, } bool m_bFirst = false; public MEDIA_SCALE m_ScaleValue; public GameObject[] m_objResize = null; public bool m_bLoop = false; public bool m_bAutoPlay = true; private bool m_bInit = false; #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER && !UNITY_WEBGL && !UNITY_WP8 && !UNITY_WP8_1 static MediaPlayerCtrl() { #if UNITY_EDITOR String currentPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); String dllPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Assets" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Plugins"; if (currentPath.Contains (dllPath) == false) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", currentPath + Path.PathSeparator + dllPath, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); } dllPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Assets" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Plugins" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "x64"; if (currentPath.Contains (dllPath) == false) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", currentPath + Path.PathSeparator + dllPath, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); } dllPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Assets" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Plugins" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "x86"; if (currentPath.Contains (dllPath) == false) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable ("PATH", currentPath + Path.PathSeparator + dllPath, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); } #endif } void Awake() { if(m_bInit == false) { InitPlayer(); } } // Use this for initialization void Start() { } void InitPlayer() { #if UNITY_STANDALONE String currentPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); String dllPath = Application.dataPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Plugins"; if(currentPath.Contains(dllPath) == false) { Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", currentPath + Path.PathSeparator + dllPath, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); } #endif if (SystemInfo.deviceModel.Contains("rockchip")) { m_bSupportRockchip = true; } else { m_bSupportRockchip = false; } #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_TVOS || UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE if (m_TargetMaterial != null) { for (int iIndex = 0; iIndex < m_TargetMaterial.Length; iIndex++) { if (m_TargetMaterial[iIndex] != null) { if (m_TargetMaterial[iIndex].GetComponent() != null) { Vector2[] vec2UVs = m_TargetMaterial[iIndex].GetComponent().mesh.uv; for (int i = 0; i < vec2UVs.Length; i++) { vec2UVs[i] = new Vector2(vec2UVs[i].x, 1.0f - vec2UVs[i].y); } m_TargetMaterial[iIndex].GetComponent().mesh.uv = vec2UVs; } if (m_TargetMaterial[iIndex].GetComponent() != null) { m_TargetMaterial[iIndex].GetComponent().uvRect = new Rect(0, 1, 1, -1); } } } } #endif #if UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_EDITOR //RegisterDebugCallback(new DebugCallback(DebugMethod)); //threadVideo = new Thread(ThreadUpdate); //threadVideo.Start(); if (m_queuePacketVideo == null) m_queuePacketVideo = new Queue(); if (m_queuePacketSound == null) m_queuePacketSound = new Queue(); #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if( SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded == true) InitNDK(); #endif m_iAndroidMgrID = Call_InitNDK(); #endif Call_SetUnityActivity(); #if UNITY_ANDROID if (Application.dataPath.Contains(".obb")) { Call_SetSplitOBB(true, Application.dataPath); } else { Call_SetSplitOBB(false, null); } #endif m_bInit = true; } void OnApplicationQuit() { //if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data") == true) // System.IO.Directory.Delete(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data", true); } bool m_bCheckFBO = false; void OnDisable() { if (GetCurrentState() == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING) { Pause(); } } void OnEnable() { if (GetCurrentState() == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { Play(); } } void Update() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strFileName)) { return; } if (checkNewActions) { checkNewActions = false; CheckThreading (); } if(m_bAutoPlay == true) { if (m_bFirst == false) { string strName = m_strFileName.Trim(); #if UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_TVOS /*if (strName.StartsWith("http",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { StartCoroutine( DownloadStreamingVideoAndLoad(strName) ); } else*/ { Call_Load(strName,0); } #elif UNITY_ANDROID if (m_bSupportRockchip) { Call_SetRockchip(m_bSupportRockchip); if (strName.Contains("://")) { Call_Load(strName, 0); } else { //Call_Load(strName,0); StartCoroutine(CopyStreamingAssetVideoAndLoad(strName)); } } else { Call_Load(strName, 0); } #elif UNITY_STANDALONE Call_Load(strName,0); #endif Call_SetLooping(m_bLoop); m_bFirst = true; } } else { m_bFirst = true; } if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { if (m_bCheckFBO == false) { if (Call_GetVideoWidth () <= 0 || Call_GetVideoHeight () <= 0) { return; } m_iWidth = Call_GetVideoWidth (); m_iHeight = Call_GetVideoHeight (); Resize (); if (m_VideoTexture != null) { //Destroy(m_VideoTexture); if (m_VideoTextureDummy != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummy); m_VideoTextureDummy = null; } m_VideoTextureDummy = m_VideoTexture; m_VideoTexture = null; } if (m_VideoTextureY != null) { if (m_VideoTextureDummyY != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummyY); m_VideoTextureDummyY = null; } m_VideoTextureDummyY = m_VideoTextureY; m_VideoTextureY = null; } if (m_VideoTextureU != null) { if (m_VideoTextureDummyU != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummyU); m_VideoTextureDummyU = null; } m_VideoTextureDummyU = m_VideoTextureU; m_VideoTextureU = null; } if (m_VideoTextureV != null) { if (m_VideoTextureDummyV != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummyV); m_VideoTextureDummyV = null; } m_VideoTextureDummyV = m_VideoTextureV; m_VideoTextureV = null; } #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE if(m_bPC_FastMode == true) { m_VideoTextureY = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); m_VideoTextureU = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth () / 2, Call_GetVideoHeight () / 2, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); m_VideoTextureV = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth () / 2, Call_GetVideoHeight () / 2, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); m_VideoTextureY.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; m_VideoTextureY.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; m_VideoTextureU.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; m_VideoTextureU.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; m_VideoTextureV.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; m_VideoTextureV.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } else { if (m_bSupportRockchip) { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGB565, false); } else { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); } m_VideoTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; m_VideoTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } if(m_bPC_FastMode == true) { m_texPtrY = m_VideoTextureY.GetNativeTexturePtr (); m_texPtrU = m_VideoTextureU.GetNativeTexturePtr (); m_texPtrV = m_VideoTextureV.GetNativeTexturePtr (); } else { m_texPtr = m_VideoTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr (); } #else if (m_bSupportRockchip) { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGB565, false); } else { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); } m_VideoTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; m_VideoTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; m_texPtr = m_VideoTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr (); #endif #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER Call_SetUnityTexture((int)m_texPtr); #else Call_SetUnityTexture (m_VideoTexture.GetNativeTextureID ()); #endif #endif Call_SetWindowSize (); m_bCheckFBO = true; if (OnResize != null) OnResize (); } else { if (Call_GetVideoWidth () != m_iWidth || Call_GetVideoHeight () != m_iHeight) { m_iWidth = Call_GetVideoWidth (); m_iHeight = Call_GetVideoHeight (); if (OnResize != null) OnResize (); ResizeTexture (); } } Call_UpdateVideoTexture(); m_iCurrentSeekPosition = Call_GetSeekPosition(); } if (m_CurrentState != Call_GetStatus()) { m_CurrentState = Call_GetStatus(); if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY) { if(m_bPause) { m_bPause = false; Call_SetSeekPosition(m_iPauseFrame); } else if(m_bPlaying) { m_bPlaying = false; Call_SetSeekPosition(m_iPauseFrame); Call_Play(m_iPauseFrame); //StartCoroutine(DelayPlay()); } else { if (OnReady != null) OnReady(); if (m_bAutoPlay) Call_Play(0); if (m_bReadyPlay) { Call_Play(0); m_bReadyPlay = false; } SetVolume(m_fVolume); } } else if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END) { if (OnEnd != null) OnEnd(); if (m_bLoop == true) { Call_Play(0); } } else if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR) { OnError((MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR)Call_GetError(), (MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR)Call_GetErrorExtra()); } } GL.InvalidateState (); } public void DeleteVideoTexture() { if (m_VideoTextureDummy != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureDummy); m_VideoTextureDummy = null; } if (m_VideoTexture != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTexture); m_VideoTexture = null; } if (m_VideoTextureDummyY != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureDummyY); m_VideoTextureDummyY = null; } if (m_VideoTextureY != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureY); m_VideoTextureY = null; } if (m_VideoTextureDummyU != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureDummyU); m_VideoTextureDummyU = null; } if (m_VideoTextureU != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureU); m_VideoTextureU = null; } if (m_VideoTextureDummyV != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureDummyV); m_VideoTextureDummyV = null; } if (m_VideoTextureV != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureV); m_VideoTextureV = null; } } public void ResizeTexture() { Debug.Log ("ResizeTexture " + m_iWidth + " " + m_iHeight); if (m_iWidth == 0 || m_iHeight == 0) return; if (m_VideoTexture != null) { //Destroy(m_VideoTexture); if (m_VideoTextureDummy != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummy); m_VideoTextureDummy = null; } m_VideoTextureDummy = m_VideoTexture; m_VideoTexture = null; } if (m_VideoTextureY != null) { if (m_VideoTextureDummyY != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummyY); m_VideoTextureDummyY = null; } m_VideoTextureDummyY = m_VideoTextureY; m_VideoTextureY = null; } if (m_VideoTextureU != null) { if (m_VideoTextureDummyU != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummyU); m_VideoTextureDummyU = null; } m_VideoTextureDummyU = m_VideoTextureU; m_VideoTextureU = null; } if (m_VideoTextureV != null) { if (m_VideoTextureDummyV != null) { Destroy (m_VideoTextureDummyV); m_VideoTextureDummyV = null; } m_VideoTextureDummyV = m_VideoTextureV; m_VideoTextureV = null; } #if UNITY_IPHONE && !UNITY_EDITOR _videoTexture =null; bFirstIOS = true; #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE if (m_bPC_FastMode == true) { m_VideoTextureY = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); m_VideoTextureU = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth () / 2, Call_GetVideoHeight () / 2, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); m_VideoTextureV = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth () / 2, Call_GetVideoHeight () / 2, TextureFormat.Alpha8, false); } else { if (m_bSupportRockchip) { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGB565, false); } else { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); } } if( m_VideoTexture != null) { m_VideoTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; m_VideoTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } if(m_bPC_FastMode == true) { m_texPtrY = m_VideoTextureY.GetNativeTexturePtr (); m_texPtrU = m_VideoTextureU.GetNativeTexturePtr (); m_texPtrV = m_VideoTextureV.GetNativeTexturePtr (); } else { m_texPtr = m_VideoTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr (); } #else if (m_bSupportRockchip) { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGB565, false); } else { m_VideoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); } m_VideoTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; m_VideoTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; m_texPtr = m_VideoTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr (); #endif #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER Call_SetUnityTexture((int)m_texPtr); #else Call_SetUnityTexture (m_VideoTexture.GetNativeTextureID ()); #endif #endif Call_SetWindowSize (); } public void Resize() { if (m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING) return; if (Call_GetVideoWidth() <= 0 || Call_GetVideoHeight() <= 0) { return; } if (m_objResize != null) { int iScreenWidth = Screen.width; int iScreenHeight = Screen.height; float fRatioScreen = (float)iScreenHeight / (float)iScreenWidth; int iWidth = Call_GetVideoWidth(); int iHeight = Call_GetVideoHeight(); float fRatio = (float)iHeight / (float)iWidth; float fRatioResult = fRatioScreen / fRatio; for (int i = 0; i < m_objResize.Length; i++) { if (m_objResize[i] == null) continue; if (m_bFullScreen) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(20.0f / fRatioScreen, 20.0f / fRatioScreen, 1.0f); if (fRatio < 1.0f) { if (fRatioScreen < 1.0f) { if (fRatio > fRatioScreen) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale *= fRatioResult; } } m_ScaleValue = MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_X_TO_Y; } else { if (fRatioScreen > 1.0f) { if (fRatio >= fRatioScreen) { m_objResize [i].transform.localScale *= fRatioResult; } } else { m_objResize [i].transform.localScale *= fRatioResult; } m_ScaleValue = MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_X_TO_Y; } } if (m_ScaleValue == MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_X_TO_Y) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x * fRatio , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z); } else if (m_ScaleValue == MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_X_TO_Y_2) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x * fRatio / 2.0f , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z); } else if (m_ScaleValue == MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_X_TO_Z) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.y , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x * fRatio); } else if (m_ScaleValue == MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_Y_TO_X) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.y / fRatio , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.y , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z); } else if (m_ScaleValue == MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_Y_TO_Z) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.y , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.y / fRatio); } else if (m_ScaleValue == MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_Z_TO_X) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z * fRatio , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.y , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z); } else if (m_ScaleValue == MEDIA_SCALE.SCALE_Z_TO_Y) { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z * fRatio , m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z); } else { m_objResize[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.x, m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.y, m_objResize[i].transform.localScale.z); } } } } //The error code is the following sites related documents. // void OnError(MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR iCode, MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR iCodeExtra) { string strError = ""; switch (iCode) { case MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_NOT_VALID_FOR_PROGRESSIVE_PLAYBACK: strError = "MEDIA_ERROR_NOT_VALID_FOR_PROGRESSIVE_PLAYBACK"; break; case MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED: strError = "MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED"; break; case MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: strError = "MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN"; break; default: strError = "Unknown error " + iCode; break; } strError += " "; switch (iCodeExtra) { case MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_IO: strError += "MEDIA_ERROR_IO"; break; case MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED: strError += "MEDIA_ERROR_MALFORMED"; break; case MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_TIMED_OUT: strError += "MEDIA_ERROR_TIMED_OUT"; break; case MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: strError += "MEDIA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED"; break; default: strError = "Unknown error " + iCode; break; } Debug.LogError(strError); if (OnVideoError != null) { OnVideoError(iCode, iCodeExtra); } } void OnDestroy() { #if UNITY_ANDROID //Call_Reset(); #endif Call_UnLoad(); DeleteVideoTexture (); Call_Destroy(); } bool m_bPause = false; bool m_bPlaying = false; void OnApplicationPause(bool bPause) { Debug.Log("ApplicationPause : " + bPause); if(m_bPlaying == false && m_bPause == false) if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY) return; if (bPause == true) { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { m_bPause = true; } #if (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_TVOS) && !UNITY_EDITOR if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING) { m_iPauseFrame = m_iCurrentSeekPosition; Stop(); //Pause(); } else { m_iPauseFrame = 0; } #elif UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR m_bPlaying = true; m_iPauseFrame = m_iCurrentSeekPosition; UnLoad(); #else Call_Pause(); #endif } else { #if (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_TVOS) && !UNITY_EDITOR if (m_iPauseFrame != 0) { Call_Play(m_iPauseFrame); //Call_Play(); //Call_RePlay(); if (m_bPause == true) { Call_Pause(); m_bPause = false; } } #elif UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR Load(m_strFileName); #else Call_RePlay(); #endif } } public MEDIAPLAYER_STATE GetCurrentState() { return m_CurrentState; } public Texture2D GetVideoTexture() { return m_VideoTexture; } bool m_bReadyPlay = false; public void Play() { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { Call_RePlay (); }else if ( m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) { Load(m_strFileName); } else if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END) { Call_Play (0); } else if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strFileName) == false) { Load(m_strFileName); } m_bReadyPlay = true; } } public void Stop() { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING) Call_Pause(); #if UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_EDITOR UnLoad(); #else SeekTo(0); #endif m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED; m_iCurrentSeekPosition = 0; } public void Pause() { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING) { Call_Pause(); m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED; } } public void Load(string strFileName) { if (m_bInit == false) { InitPlayer(); } if (GetCurrentState() != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY) UnLoad(); //m_bReadyPlay = false; m_bIsFirstFrameReady = false; //m_bFirst = false; m_bCheckFBO = false; m_strFileName = strFileName; if (m_bInit == false) return; Call_Load(strFileName,0); m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY; } public void SetVolume(float fVolume) { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) { m_fVolume = fVolume; Call_SetVolume(fVolume); } } //return milisecond public int GetSeekPosition() { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END) return m_iCurrentSeekPosition; else return 0; } public void SeekTo(int iSeek) { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) Call_SetSeekPosition(iSeek); } /// /// Sets the speed. /// Experimental API( PC&iOS support, support from Android version 6.0 or later) /// /// video playback speed. public void SetSpeed(float fSpeed) { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) { m_fSpeed = fSpeed; Call_SetSpeed (fSpeed); } } //Gets the duration of the file. //Returns //the duration in milliseconds, if no duration is available (for example, if streaming live content), -1 is returned. public int GetDuration() { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) return Call_GetDuration(); else return 0; } public float GetSeekBarValue() { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) { if (GetDuration () == 0) { return 0; } return (float)GetSeekPosition() / (float)GetDuration() ; } else return 0; } public void SetSeekBarValue(float fValue) { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) { if (GetDuration () == 0) { return; } SeekTo( (int)((float)GetDuration() * fValue) ); } else return; } //Get update status in buffering a media stream received through progressive HTTP download. //The received buffering percentage indicates how much of the content has been buffered or played. //For example a buffering update of 80 percent when half the content has already been played indicates that the next 30 percent of the content to play has been buffered. //the percentage (0-100) of the content that has been buffered or played thus far public int GetCurrentSeekPercent() { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY) return Call_GetCurrentSeekPercent(); else return 0; } public int GetVideoWidth() { return Call_GetVideoWidth(); } public int GetVideoHeight() { return Call_GetVideoHeight(); } public void UnLoad() { m_bCheckFBO = false; #if UNITY_ANDROID //Call_Reset(); #endif Call_UnLoad(); m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY; } public void SelectSoundTrack(int iIndex) { Call_SelectSoundTrack(iIndex); } public int[] GetSoundTrack() { return Call_GetSoundTrack(); } #if !UNITY_EDITOR && !UNITY_STANDALONE && !UNITY_WEBGL #if UNITY_ANDROID private AndroidJavaObject javaObj = null; private AndroidJavaObject GetJavaObject() { if (javaObj == null) { javaObj = new AndroidJavaObject("com.EasyMovieTexture.EasyMovieTexture"); } return javaObj; } private void Call_Destroy() { #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if( SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded == true) { #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER GL.IssuePluginEvent(EasyMovieTextureRender(), 5 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #else GL.IssuePluginEvent(5 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #endif } else { GetJavaObject().Call("Destroy"); } #else GetJavaObject().Call("Destroy"); #endif } private void Call_UnLoad() { #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if( SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded == true) { #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER GL.IssuePluginEvent(EasyMovieTextureRender(), 4 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #else GL.IssuePluginEvent(4 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #endif } else { GetJavaObject().Call("UnLoad"); } #else GetJavaObject().Call("UnLoad"); #endif } private bool Call_Load(string strFileName, int iSeek) { #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if( SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded == true) { GetJavaObject().Call("NDK_SetFileName", strFileName); #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER GL.IssuePluginEvent(EasyMovieTextureRender(), 1 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #else GL.IssuePluginEvent(1+ m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #endif Call_SetNotReady(); return true; } else { GetJavaObject().Call("NDK_SetFileName", strFileName); if (GetJavaObject().Call("Load")) { return true; } else { OnError(MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN); return false; } } #else GetJavaObject().Call("NDK_SetFileName", strFileName); if (GetJavaObject().Call("Load")) { return true; } else { OnError(MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN, MEDIAPLAYER_ERROR.MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN); return false; } #endif } private void Call_UpdateVideoTexture() { if( Call_IsUpdateFrame() == false) return; if(m_VideoTextureDummy != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureDummy); m_VideoTextureDummy = null; } for( int i = 0; i < m_TargetMaterial.Length; i++) { if(m_TargetMaterial[i]) { if(m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent()!= null) { if(m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.mainTexture != m_VideoTexture) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.mainTexture = m_VideoTexture; } } if(m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent()!= null) { if(m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().texture != m_VideoTexture) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().texture = m_VideoTexture; } } } } #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if( SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded == true) { #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER GL.IssuePluginEvent(EasyMovieTextureRender(), 3 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #else GL.IssuePluginEvent(3+ m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #endif } else { GetJavaObject().Call("UpdateVideoTexture"); } #else GetJavaObject().Call("UpdateVideoTexture"); #endif if (!m_bIsFirstFrameReady) { m_bIsFirstFrameReady = true; if (OnVideoFirstFrameReady != null) { OnVideoFirstFrameReady(); //OnVideoFirstFrameReady = null; } } } private void Call_SetVolume(float fVolume) { GetJavaObject().Call("SetVolume",fVolume); } private void Call_SetSeekPosition(int iSeek) { GetJavaObject().Call("SetSeekPosition",iSeek); } private int Call_GetSeekPosition() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetSeekPosition"); } private void Call_Play(int iSeek) { GetJavaObject().Call("Play",iSeek); } private void Call_Reset() { GetJavaObject().Call("Reset"); } private void Call_Stop() { GetJavaObject().Call("Stop"); } private void Call_RePlay() { GetJavaObject().Call("RePlay"); } private void Call_Pause() { GetJavaObject().Call("Pause"); } private int Call_InitNDK() { return GetJavaObject().Call("InitNative",GetJavaObject()); } private int Call_GetVideoWidth() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetVideoWidth"); } private int Call_GetVideoHeight() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetVideoHeight"); } private bool Call_IsUpdateFrame() { return GetJavaObject().Call("IsUpdateFrame"); } private void Call_SetUnityTexture(int iTextureID) { GetJavaObject().Call("SetUnityTexture",iTextureID); } private void Call_SetWindowSize() { #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if( SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded == true) { #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER GL.IssuePluginEvent(EasyMovieTextureRender(), 2 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #else GL.IssuePluginEvent(2+ m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #endif } else { GetJavaObject().Call("SetWindowSize"); } #else GetJavaObject().Call("SetWindowSize"); #endif } private void Call_SetLooping(bool bLoop) { GetJavaObject().Call("SetLooping",bLoop); } private void Call_SetRockchip(bool bValue) { GetJavaObject().Call("SetRockchip",bValue); } private int Call_GetDuration() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetDuration"); } private int Call_GetCurrentSeekPercent() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetCurrentSeekPercent"); } private int Call_GetError() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetError"); } private void Call_SetSplitOBB(bool bValue, string strOBBName) { GetJavaObject().Call("SetSplitOBB",bValue,strOBBName); } private int Call_GetErrorExtra() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetErrorExtra"); } private void Call_SetUnityActivity() { AndroidJavaClass jc = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"); AndroidJavaObject jo = jc.GetStatic("currentActivity"); GetJavaObject().Call("SetUnityActivity", jo); #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if( SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded == true) { #if UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER GL.IssuePluginEvent(EasyMovieTextureRender(), 0 + m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #else GL.IssuePluginEvent(0+ m_iAndroidMgrID * 10 + 7000); #endif } else { Call_InitJniManager(); } #else Call_InitJniManager(); #endif } private void Call_SetNotReady() { GetJavaObject().Call("SetNotReady"); } private void Call_InitJniManager() { GetJavaObject().Call("InitJniManager"); } private void Call_SetSpeed(float fSpeed) { using (AndroidJavaClass buildVersion = new AndroidJavaClass("android.os.Build$VERSION")) { int sdkVersion = buildVersion.GetStatic("SDK_INT"); if(sdkVersion >= 23 ) //Android 6.0 { GetJavaObject().Call("SetSpeed",fSpeed); } } } private MEDIAPLAYER_STATE Call_GetStatus() { return (MEDIAPLAYER_STATE)GetJavaObject().Call("GetStatus"); } private void Call_SelectSoundTrack(int iIndex) { GetJavaObject().Call("SelectTrack",iIndex); } private int[] Call_GetSoundTrack() { return GetJavaObject().Call("GetSoundTrack"); } #elif UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_TVOS [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern int VideoPlayerPluginCreateInstance(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginDestroyInstance(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool VideoPlayerPluginCanOutputToTexture(string videoURL); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginSetLoop(int iID, bool bLoop); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginSetVolume(int iID, float fVolume); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool VideoPlayerPluginPlayerReady(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern float VideoPlayerPluginDurationSeconds(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginExtents(int iID,ref int width, ref int height); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern IntPtr VideoPlayerPluginCurFrameTexture(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginLoadVideo(int iID,string videoURL); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginPlayVideo(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginPauseVideo(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginResumeVideo(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginRewindVideo(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginSeekToVideo(int iID,float time); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern float VideoPlayerPluginCurTimeSeconds(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool VideoPlayerPluginIsPlaying(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginStopVideo(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool VideoPlayerPluginFinish(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern bool VideoPlayerPluginError(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginSetTexture(int iID,int iTextureID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginSetSpeed(int iID,float fSpeed); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void VideoPlayerPluginSetAudioTrack(int iID,int trackID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern int VideoPlayerPluginGetAudioTrack(int iID); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern int VideoPlayerPluginGetCurrentSeekPercent(int iID); int m_iID = -1; /// /// ???????????????true??????? /// public bool ready { get { return VideoPlayerPluginPlayerReady(m_iID); } } /// /// /// public float duration { get { return VideoPlayerPluginDurationSeconds(m_iID); } } public float currentTime { get { return VideoPlayerPluginCurTimeSeconds(m_iID); } } public bool isPlaying { get { return VideoPlayerPluginIsPlaying(m_iID); } } public Vector2 videoSize { get { int width = 0, height = 0; VideoPlayerPluginExtents(m_iID,ref width, ref height); return new Vector2(width, height); } } private Texture2D _videoTexture; public Texture2D videoTexture { get { IntPtr nativeTex = ready ? VideoPlayerPluginCurFrameTexture(m_iID) : (IntPtr)0; if (nativeTex != (IntPtr)0) { if (_videoTexture == null) { #if UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER if(SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Metal) _videoTexture = new Texture2D (Call_GetVideoWidth (), Call_GetVideoHeight (), TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); else _videoTexture = Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture((int)videoSize.x, (int)videoSize.y, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, false, (IntPtr)nativeTex); #else _videoTexture = Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture((int)videoSize.x, (int)videoSize.y, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, false, (IntPtr)nativeTex); #endif _videoTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear; _videoTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; } _videoTexture.UpdateExternalTexture((IntPtr)nativeTex); } /* else { if(_videoTexture != null) { Destroy(_videoTexture); } _videoTexture = null; }*/ return _videoTexture; } } private void Call_Destroy() { VideoPlayerPluginDestroyInstance(m_iID); if(_videoTexture != null) Destroy(_videoTexture); _videoTexture = null; m_iID = -1; } private void Call_UnLoad() { VideoPlayerPluginStopVideo(m_iID); VideoPlayerPluginDestroyInstance(m_iID); } private bool Call_Load(string strFileName, int iSeek) { if( m_iID == -1) { Call_SetUnityActivity(); } bFirstIOS = true; /*if(_videoTexture != null) { Destroy(_videoTexture); }*/ _videoTexture = null; if (VideoPlayerPluginCanOutputToTexture(strFileName)) { VideoPlayerPluginLoadVideo(m_iID,strFileName); } return true; } bool bFirstIOS = false; private void Call_UpdateVideoTexture() { if( m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { if( videoTexture == null) return; if(bFirstIOS == true) { bFirstIOS = false; return; } if(bFirstIOS == false) { for( int i = 0; i < m_TargetMaterial.Length; i++) { if(m_TargetMaterial[i]) { if(m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent() != null) m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.mainTexture = _videoTexture; } if(m_TargetMaterial[i]) { if(m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent() != null) m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().texture= _videoTexture; } } if(m_VideoTextureDummy != null) { Destroy(m_VideoTextureDummy); m_VideoTextureDummy = null; } } m_VideoTexture = _videoTexture; } if (!m_bIsFirstFrameReady) { m_bIsFirstFrameReady = true; if (OnVideoFirstFrameReady != null) { OnVideoFirstFrameReady(); //OnVideoFirstFrameReady = null; } } } private void Call_SetVolume(float fVolume) { VideoPlayerPluginSetVolume(m_iID, fVolume); } private void Call_SetSeekPosition(int iSeek) { float fSeek = (float)iSeek / 1000.0f; VideoPlayerPluginSeekToVideo(m_iID,fSeek); } private int Call_GetSeekPosition() { float fSeek = VideoPlayerPluginCurTimeSeconds(m_iID); return (int)(fSeek * 1000.0f); } private void Call_Play(int iSeek) { float fSeek = (float)iSeek / 1000.0f; if( isPlaying == true ) { VideoPlayerPluginSeekToVideo(m_iID,fSeek); } else { if( m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY) VideoPlayerPluginSeekToVideo(m_iID,fSeek); VideoPlayerPluginPlayVideo(m_iID); } if( m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING; } private void Call_Reset() { } private void Call_Stop() { VideoPlayerPluginStopVideo(m_iID); } private void Call_RePlay() { VideoPlayerPluginResumeVideo(m_iID); m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING; } private void Call_Pause() { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED; VideoPlayerPluginPauseVideo(m_iID); } private int Call_GetVideoWidth() { return (int)videoSize.x; } private int Call_GetVideoHeight() { return (int)videoSize.y; } private void Call_SetUnityTexture(int iTextureID) { VideoPlayerPluginSetTexture(m_iID,iTextureID); } private void Call_SetWindowSize() { } private void Call_SetLooping(bool bLoop) { VideoPlayerPluginSetLoop(m_iID, bLoop); } public void Call_SetUnityActivity() { m_iID = VideoPlayerPluginCreateInstance(); } private int Call_GetError() { return 0; } private int Call_GetErrorExtra() { return 0; } private int Call_GetDuration() { return (int)(duration * 1000); } private int Call_GetCurrentSeekPercent() { return VideoPlayerPluginGetCurrentSeekPercent(m_iID); } private void Call_SetSpeed(float fSpeed) { VideoPlayerPluginSetSpeed(m_iID,fSpeed); } private MEDIAPLAYER_STATE Call_GetStatus() { if( VideoPlayerPluginFinish(m_iID) ) { return MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END; } if( VideoPlayerPluginError(m_iID) ) { return MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; } if( m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED) { return m_CurrentState; } else if(isPlaying) { return MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING; } else if(ready) { return MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY; } return m_CurrentState; } private void Call_SelectSoundTrack(int iIndex) { VideoPlayerPluginSetAudioTrack(m_iID,iIndex); } private int[] Call_GetSoundTrack() { if(VideoPlayerPluginGetAudioTrack(m_iID) !=0) { int [] info = new int[VideoPlayerPluginGetAudioTrack(m_iID)]; for(int i =0; i < info.Length; i++) { info[i] = i; } return info; } else { return null; } } #endif #else AVFrame* pConvertedFrame = null; sbyte* pConvertedFrameBuffer = null; SwsContext* pConvertContext = null; AVCodecContext* pCodecContext = null; AVCodecContext* pAudioCodecContext = null; AVFrame* pDecodedFrame = null; AVFrame* pDecodedAudioFrame = null; AVFormatContext* pFormatContext = null; AVPacket* pPacket = null; AVStream* pStream = null; AVStream* pStreamAudio = null; Queue m_queuePacketVideo; Queue m_queuePacketSound; int iStreamAudioIndex; int iStreamIndex; AudioClip audioClip; AudioSource audioSource; long iSoundCount = 0; int iInitCount = 0; double pts; bool bVideoFirstFrameReady = false; int m_iID; private void Call_Destroy() { if (loader != null) { while (loader.IsAlive == true) { loader.Abort (); } loader = null; } if( threadVideo != null) { while(threadVideo.IsAlive == true) { threadVideo.Abort(); } threadVideo = null; } if (threadVideo2 != null) { while (threadVideo2.IsAlive == true) { threadVideo2.Abort(); } threadVideo2 = null; } ffmpeg.avformat_network_deinit (); ReleaseTexture (m_iID); } private void Call_UnLoad() { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY; m_bSetTextureFirst = false; if (loader != null) { while (loader.IsAlive == true) { loader.Abort (); } loader = null; } if( threadVideo != null) { while(threadVideo.IsAlive == true) { threadVideo.Abort(); } threadVideo = null; } if (threadVideo2 != null) { while (threadVideo2.IsAlive == true) { threadVideo2.Abort(); } threadVideo2 = null; } if (listAudio != null) { listAudio.Clear(); listAudio = null; } if (listVideo != null) { listVideo.Clear(); listVideo = null; } if (listAudioPts != null) { listAudioPts.Clear(); listAudioPts = null; } if (listAudioPtsTime != null) { listAudioPtsTime.Clear(); listAudioPtsTime = null; } if (listVideoPts != null) { listVideoPts.Clear(); listVideoPts = null; } fCurrentSeekTime = 0.0f; fLastFrameTime = 0.0f; if (pPacket != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(pPacket); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pPacket); pPacket = null; } int iCount = m_queuePacketVideo.Count; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { if (m_queuePacketVideo.Count > 0) pPacket = (AVPacket*)m_queuePacketVideo.Dequeue(); if (pPacket != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(pPacket); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pPacket); pPacket = null; } } iCount = m_queuePacketSound.Count; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { if (m_queuePacketSound.Count > 0) pPacket = (AVPacket*)m_queuePacketSound.Dequeue(); if (pPacket != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(pPacket); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pPacket); pPacket = null; } } if (pConvertedFrame != null) { ffmpeg.av_free(pConvertedFrame); pConvertedFrame = null; } if(pConvertedFrameBuffer != null) { ffmpeg.av_free(pConvertedFrameBuffer); pConvertedFrameBuffer = null; } if(pConvertContext != null) { ffmpeg.sws_freeContext(pConvertContext); pConvertContext = null; } if(pDecodedFrame != null) { ffmpeg.av_free(pDecodedFrame); pDecodedFrame = null; } if (pDecodedAudioFrame != null) ffmpeg.av_free (pDecodedAudioFrame); pDecodedAudioFrame = null; if(pCodecContext != null) ffmpeg.avcodec_close(pCodecContext); pCodecContext = null; if (pAudioCodecContext != null) ffmpeg.avcodec_close (pAudioCodecContext); pAudioCodecContext = null; if (pFormatContext != null) { AVFormatContext* ppFormatContext = pFormatContext; ffmpeg.avformat_close_input (&ppFormatContext); } pFormatContext = null; if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Stop(); } if ( audioClip != null) { Destroy (audioClip); audioClip = null; } } Thread loader = null; private unsafe bool Call_Load(string strFileName, int iSeek) { if(m_queuePacketVideo == null) m_queuePacketVideo = new Queue(); if (m_queuePacketSound == null) m_queuePacketSound = new Queue(); fCurrentSeekTime = 0.0f; fLastFrameTime = 0.0f; iSoundCount = 0; iInitCount= 0; bSeekTo = true; bEnd = false; bEndCheck = false; if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Stop(); audioSource.time = 0.0f; } if ( audioClip != null) { Destroy (audioClip); audioClip = null; } pFormatContext = ffmpeg.avformat_alloc_context(); if( strFileName.Contains("://") == false) { strFileName = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + strFileName; Debug.Log(strFileName); } else if( strFileName.Contains("file://") == true) { strFileName = strFileName.Replace("file://", ""); } loader = new Thread ( () => { AVFormatContext* ppFomatContext = ffmpeg.avformat_alloc_context(); ppFomatContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK; ppFomatContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK; //ppFomatContext->max_interleave_delta = 100000000; ppFomatContext->probesize = 50000000; // ppFomatContext->max_delay = 1000000; //0.1 secs, default 5 secs ///ppFomatContext->probe_score = 100; ppFomatContext->max_analyze_duration = 10000000; //0.1 secs // ppFomatContext->max_chunk_size = 100; // ppFomatContext->max_chunk_duration = 1000000; //Debug.Log(ppFomatContext->probesize.ToString() + " " + ppFomatContext->max_analyze_duration.ToString()); if (ffmpeg.avformat_open_input(&ppFomatContext, strFileName, null, null) != 0) { pFormatContext = null; m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not open file"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not open file"); } // ffmpeg.av_dict_free(&options); pFormatContext = ppFomatContext; if (ffmpeg.avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatContext, null) != 0) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not find stream info"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not find stream info"); } AddActionForUnityMainThread( () => { LoadVideoPart2 (); }); }); loader.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; loader.IsBackground = true; loader.Start (); return true; } bool bDirect9 = false; void LoadVideoPart2 () { pStream = null; pStreamAudio = null; bool bFindVideo = false; bool bFindAudio = false; for (var i = 0; i < (pFormatContext)->nb_streams; i++) { if ((pFormatContext)->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { if(bFindVideo == false) { bFindVideo = true; pStream = (pFormatContext)->streams[i]; iStreamIndex = i; Debug.Log("Video" + iStreamIndex); } } else if((pFormatContext)->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMediaType.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if (bFindAudio == false) { bFindAudio = true; pStreamAudio = (pFormatContext)->streams[i]; iStreamAudioIndex = i; } } } if (pStream == null) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not found video stream"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not found video stream"); } if (pStreamAudio == null) { //m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not found Audio stream" + bFindAudio); //throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not found audio stream"); } var codecContext = *pStream->codec; m_iWidth = codecContext.width; m_iHeight = codecContext.height; var sourcePixFmt = codecContext.pix_fmt; var codecId = codecContext.codec_id; var convertToPixFmt = AVPixelFormat.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA; #if UNITY_5 if( SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D9) { bDirect9 = true; convertToPixFmt = AVPixelFormat.AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA; } #endif pConvertContext = ffmpeg.sws_getContext(m_iWidth, m_iHeight, sourcePixFmt, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, convertToPixFmt, ffmpeg.SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, null, null, null); if (pConvertContext == null) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not initialize the conversion context"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not initialize the conversion context"); } //pConvertedFrame = ffmpeg.avcodec_alloc_frame(); pConvertedFrame = ffmpeg.av_frame_alloc(); var convertedFrameBufferSize = ffmpeg.avpicture_get_size(convertToPixFmt, m_iWidth, m_iHeight); pConvertedFrameBuffer = (sbyte*)ffmpeg.av_malloc((ulong)convertedFrameBufferSize); AVPicture* tempPicture = (AVPicture*)pConvertedFrame; ffmpeg.avpicture_fill(tempPicture , pConvertedFrameBuffer, convertToPixFmt, m_iWidth, m_iHeight); var pCodec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_decoder(codecId); if (pCodec == null) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Unsupported codec"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Unsupported codec"); } pCodecContext = pStream->codec; pCodecContext->hwaccel = ff_find_hwaccel(pCodecContext->codec_id ,sourcePixFmt); if ((pCodec->capabilities & ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) == ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) { pCodecContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; } pCodecContext->flags |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY; // cuts off 100ms of latency in h264 -- a must-have pCodecContext->flags2 |= ffmpeg.AV_CODEC_FLAG2_FAST; if (ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(pCodecContext, pCodec, null) < 0) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not open codec"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not open codec"); } if(pStreamAudio != null) { var codecAudioContext = *pStreamAudio->codec; var pAudioCodec = ffmpeg.avcodec_find_decoder(codecAudioContext.codec_id); if (pAudioCodec == null) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Unsupported codec"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Unsupported codec"); } pAudioCodecContext = pStreamAudio->codec; ///> Initialize Codec Context as Decoder if (ffmpeg.avcodec_open2(pAudioCodecContext, pAudioCodec, null) < 0) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not open codec"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not open codec"); } } pDecodedFrame = ffmpeg.av_frame_alloc(); pDecodedAudioFrame = ffmpeg.av_frame_alloc(); listAudio = new List(); listVideo = new Queue(); listAudioPts = new List(); listAudioPtsTime = new List(); listVideoPts = new Queue(); if( m_strFileName.StartsWith("rtsp",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true) { } else { action = Interrupt1; //pFormatContext->interrupt_callback.callback = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(action); } bVideoFirstFrameReady = false; threadVideo = new Thread(ThreadUpdate); threadVideo.IsBackground = true; threadVideo.Start(); threadVideo2 = new Thread(ThreadUpdate2); threadVideo2.IsBackground = true; threadVideo2.Start(); if (m_bAutoPlay == true || m_bReadyPlay == true) { m_bReadyPlay = false; if ( OnReady != null) OnReady(); m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING; } else { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY; if( OnReady != null) OnReady(); } loader = null; } AVHWAccel *ff_find_hwaccel( AVCodecID codec_id, AVPixelFormat pix_fmt) { AVHWAccel *hwaccel=null; while((hwaccel= ffmpeg.av_hwaccel_next(hwaccel))!=null){ if ( hwaccel->id == codec_id && hwaccel->pix_fmt == pix_fmt) return hwaccel; } return null; } public delegate void VideoInterrupt(); VideoInterrupt action = null; bool bInterrupt = false; public void Interrupt1() { //pFormatContext->interrupt_callback.callback = (IntPtr)null; bInterrupt = true; // threadVideo.Suspend(); //UpdateVideo(); //ffmpeg.av_read_pause(pFormatContext); // ffmpeg.av_read_play(pFormatContext); // Debug.Log ("Interrupt1"); //SeekTo(Call_GetSeekPosition()); //Call_Pause (); } static double av_q2d(AVRational a){ return a.num / (double) a.den; } float fLastFrameTime = 0.0f; float fCurrentSeekTime = 0.0f; float[] fAudioData; bool bEnd = false; Thread threadVideo; Thread threadVideo2; List listAudio; Queue listVideo; List listAudioPts; List listAudioPtsTime; Queue listVideoPts; private static void DebugMethod(string message) { Debug.Log("EasyMovieTexture: " + message); } private void ThreadUpdate2() { while(true) { while (listVideo.Count > 30 || bEnd == true) { UpdateSound(); Thread.Sleep(1); } UpdateVideo(); UpdateSound(); UpdateSound(); Thread.Sleep(1); } } private void ThreadUpdate() { /*lock (listVideo) { if (listVideo != null) { listVideo.Clear(); } } lock (listVideoPts) { if (listVideoPts != null) { listVideoPts.Clear(); } }*/ while (true) { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR) break; if (listVideo != null) { if (bInterrupt == true) { bInterrupt = false; //UpdateVideo(); //pFormatContext->interrupt_callback.callback = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(action); // ReadPacket(); } if (m_queuePacketVideo.Count < BUFFER_SIZE) { ReadPacket(); } while (listVideo.Count >30 || bEnd == true ) { if (m_queuePacketVideo.Count < BUFFER_SIZE) { ReadPacket(); } //UpdateSound(); Thread.Sleep(1); } } // UpdateVideo(); //UpdateSound(); Thread.Sleep(1); //Thread.Sleep(5); } } bool bBuffering = true; bool bEndCheck = false; bool bReadPacket = false; AVPacket* Packet2 = null; private void ReadPacket() { AVPacket* Packet = (AVPacket*)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(AVPacket)); ffmpeg.av_init_packet(Packet); int ret = ffmpeg.av_read_frame(pFormatContext, Packet); if (ret < 0) { if (ret == -541478725) { bEndCheck = true; lock (m_queuePacketVideo) { if (m_queuePacketVideo.Count < 3) { bEnd = true; if (Packet != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(Packet); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)Packet); Packet = null; } //threadVideo.Abort(); return; } } } else { if (Packet != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(Packet); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)Packet); Packet = null; } //throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not read frame"); Debug.Log("Could not read frame"); } } else { if (Packet->stream_index == iStreamIndex) { lock(m_queuePacketVideo) { m_queuePacketVideo.Enqueue((IntPtr)Packet); } } else { lock (m_queuePacketSound) { m_queuePacketSound.Enqueue((IntPtr)Packet); } } } if (bEndCheck == true) { if (m_queuePacketVideo.Count < 3) { Debug.Log("End"); bEnd = true; if (Packet != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(Packet); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)Packet); Packet = null; } //threadVideo.Abort(); bEndCheck = false; return; } } } private void UpdateSound() { var gotSound = 0; if (m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { if (m_queuePacketSound.Count > 0) pPacket = (AVPacket*)m_queuePacketSound.Dequeue(); if (pPacket != null) { if (pStreamAudio != null) { if (pPacket->stream_index == iStreamAudioIndex) { int iAudioLen = ffmpeg.avcodec_decode_audio4(pAudioCodecContext, pDecodedAudioFrame, &gotSound, pPacket); if (iAudioLen >= 0) { if (gotSound == 1) { int iDataSize = ffmpeg.av_samples_get_buffer_size(null, pAudioCodecContext->channels, pDecodedAudioFrame->nb_samples, pAudioCodecContext->sample_fmt, 1); int iDataSize2 = ffmpeg.av_samples_get_buffer_size(null, pAudioCodecContext->channels, pDecodedAudioFrame->nb_samples, AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, 1); //if( pAudioCodecContext->sample_fmt != AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT) { //for(int i = 0; i < pAudioCodecContext->channels; i++) { sbyte* outData = (sbyte*)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(iDataSize2 * sizeof(sbyte)); ; SwrContext* pAudioCvtContext = null; if (pAudioCodecContext->channel_layout == 0) { long layout = ffmpeg.av_get_default_channel_layout(pAudioCodecContext->channels); pAudioCvtContext = ffmpeg.swr_alloc_set_opts(null, (long)layout, AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate , (long)layout, pAudioCodecContext->sample_fmt, pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate, 0, (void*)0); } else { pAudioCvtContext = ffmpeg.swr_alloc_set_opts(null, (long)pAudioCodecContext->channel_layout, AVSampleFormat.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate , (long)pAudioCodecContext->channel_layout, pAudioCodecContext->sample_fmt, pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate, 0, (void*)0); } int error = 0; if ((error = ffmpeg.swr_init(pAudioCvtContext)) < 0) { Debug.Log("error " + error); } ffmpeg.swr_convert(pAudioCvtContext, &outData, iDataSize2, pDecodedAudioFrame->extended_data, pDecodedAudioFrame->nb_samples); sbyte* soundFrameAddress = outData; var soundBufferPtr = new IntPtr(soundFrameAddress); byte[] buffer = new byte[iDataSize2]; Marshal.Copy(soundBufferPtr, buffer, 0, iDataSize2); if ((ulong)pPacket->dts != ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { pts = ffmpeg.av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp(pDecodedAudioFrame); } else { pts = 0; } pts *= av_q2d(pStreamAudio->time_base); if (bSeekTo == true) { double value = pts * (double)pDecodedAudioFrame->sample_rate; //Debug.Log(value + " " + pts + " " + GetDuration() + " " + pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_duration); iSoundCount = (long)value; fCurrentSeekTime = (float)pts; fLastFrameTime = fCurrentSeekTime; bSeekTo = false; } //Debug.Log(pts); while (pts > 300.0f * (iInitCount + 1)) { iSoundCount -= (long)(300.0 * (double)pDecodedAudioFrame->sample_rate); //Debug.Log(iSoundCount); iInitCount++; } //Debug.Log ("sound " + iSoundCount); //Debug.Log (pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_dts + " " +pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_duration + " " + pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_pos + " " + pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_pts + " " + pts); fAudioData = new float[buffer.Length / 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, fAudioData, 0, buffer.Length); lock (listAudio) { listAudio.Add(fAudioData); lock (listAudioPts) { lock (listAudioPtsTime) { iSoundCount += iDataSize2 / 4 / pDecodedAudioFrame->channels; listAudioPts.Add(iSoundCount); listAudioPtsTime.Add(pts); } } } //Debug.Log ( iDataSize + " "+ pts + " " + pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate + " " + pDecodedAudioFrame->sample_rate + " "+ pDecodedAudioFrame->nb_samples + " " + pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_pts + " " + pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_pos); //Debug.Log ("sound decode time " + pts); //audioClip.SetData(fAudioData,(int)(pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * pts ) ); //audioClip.SetData(fAudioData,(int)(pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_pts ) ); ffmpeg.swr_free(&pAudioCvtContext); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)outData); } } } } } } } if (pPacket != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(pPacket); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pPacket); pPacket = null; } } } private void UpdateVideo() { var gotPicture = 0; if (m_queuePacketVideo.Count < 3) { bBuffering = true; } if(m_queuePacketVideo.Count > 10 || bEndCheck == true) { bBuffering = false; } if(bBuffering == true) { return; } if ( m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { if(m_queuePacketVideo.Count > 0) pPacket = (AVPacket*)m_queuePacketVideo.Dequeue(); if (pPacket != null) { if (pPacket->stream_index == iStreamIndex) { var size = ffmpeg.avcodec_decode_video2 (pCodecContext, pDecodedFrame, &gotPicture, pPacket); if (size < 0) { //throw new ApplicationException (string.Format (@"Error while decoding frame ")); Debug.Log("Error while decoding frame"); return; } if ((ulong)pPacket->dts != ffmpeg.AV_NOPTS_VALUE) { pts = ffmpeg.av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp (pDecodedFrame); } else { pts = 0; } pts *= av_q2d (pStream->time_base); if (gotPicture == 1) { //Debug.Log("Video " + pts); if (pts > 0) { if (listVideo.Count > 2) { if (!m_bIsFirstFrameReady) { //Debug.Log("FistReady" + listVideo.Count); m_bIsFirstFrameReady = true; bVideoFirstFrameReady = true; } } } //Debug.Log ("Video " + pts); //fLastFrameTime = (float)pts; sbyte** src = &pDecodedFrame->data0; sbyte** dst = &pConvertedFrame->data0; int* srcStride = pDecodedFrame->linesize; int* dstStride = pConvertedFrame->linesize; int iLineSize = srcStride[0] ; int iLineSize1 = srcStride[1] ; int iLineSize2 = srcStride[2] ; if (pCodecContext->width != m_iWidth) { Debug.Log(pCodecContext->width + " " + pCodecContext->height); lock (listVideo) { listVideo.Clear(); lock (listVideoPts) { listVideoPts.Clear(); } } if (pConvertedFrame != null) { ffmpeg.av_free(pConvertedFrame); pConvertedFrame = null; } if (pConvertedFrameBuffer != null) { ffmpeg.av_free(pConvertedFrameBuffer); pConvertedFrameBuffer = null; } if (pConvertContext != null) { ffmpeg.sws_freeContext(pConvertContext); pConvertContext = null; } var convertToPixFmt = AVPixelFormat.AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA; #if UNITY_5 if (bDirect9) { convertToPixFmt = AVPixelFormat.AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA; } #endif var codecContext = *pStream->codec; var sourcePixFmt = codecContext.pix_fmt; var codecId = codecContext.codec_id; pConvertContext = ffmpeg.sws_getContext(pCodecContext->width, pCodecContext->height, sourcePixFmt, pCodecContext->width, pCodecContext->height, convertToPixFmt, ffmpeg.SWS_FAST_BILINEAR, null, null, null); if (pConvertContext == null) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR; Debug.Log("Could not initialize the conversion context"); throw new ApplicationException(@"Could not initialize the conversion context"); } //pConvertedFrame = ffmpeg.avcodec_alloc_frame(); pConvertedFrame = ffmpeg.av_frame_alloc(); var convertedFrameBufferSize = ffmpeg.avpicture_get_size(convertToPixFmt, pCodecContext->width, pCodecContext->height); pConvertedFrameBuffer = (sbyte*)ffmpeg.av_malloc((ulong)convertedFrameBufferSize); AVPicture* tempPicture = (AVPicture*)pConvertedFrame; ffmpeg.avpicture_fill(tempPicture, pConvertedFrameBuffer, convertToPixFmt, pCodecContext->width, pCodecContext->height); } else { if (m_bPC_FastMode == true) { int iVideoSize = m_iWidth * m_iHeight + (2 * m_iWidth / 2 * m_iHeight / 2); byte[] buffer = new byte[iVideoSize]; if (iLineSize != m_iWidth) { sbyte* convertedFrameAddress; IntPtr imageBufferPtr; for (int i = 0; i < m_iHeight; i++) { convertedFrameAddress = pDecodedFrame->data0 + iLineSize * i; imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(convertedFrameAddress); Marshal.Copy(imageBufferPtr, buffer, m_iWidth * i, m_iWidth); } for (int i = 0; i < m_iHeight / 2; i++) { convertedFrameAddress = pDecodedFrame->data1 + iLineSize1 * i; imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(convertedFrameAddress); Marshal.Copy(imageBufferPtr, buffer, m_iWidth * m_iHeight + m_iWidth / 2 * i, m_iWidth / 2); convertedFrameAddress = pDecodedFrame->data2 + iLineSize2 * i; imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(convertedFrameAddress); Marshal.Copy(imageBufferPtr, buffer, m_iWidth * m_iHeight + m_iWidth / 2 * m_iHeight / 2 + m_iWidth / 2 * i, m_iWidth / 2); } } else { sbyte* convertedFrameAddress = pDecodedFrame->data0; var imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(convertedFrameAddress); Marshal.Copy(imageBufferPtr, buffer, 0, m_iWidth * m_iHeight); convertedFrameAddress = pDecodedFrame->data1; imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(convertedFrameAddress); Marshal.Copy(imageBufferPtr, buffer, m_iWidth * m_iHeight, m_iWidth / 2 * m_iHeight / 2); convertedFrameAddress = pDecodedFrame->data2; imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(convertedFrameAddress); Marshal.Copy(imageBufferPtr, buffer, m_iWidth * m_iHeight + m_iWidth / 2 * m_iHeight / 2, m_iWidth / 2 * m_iHeight / 2); } lock (listVideo) { listVideo.Enqueue(buffer); lock (listVideoPts) { listVideoPts.Enqueue((float)pts); } } } else { Debug.Log(iLineSize.ToString()); ffmpeg.sws_scale(pConvertContext, src, srcStride, 0, m_iHeight, dst, dstStride); sbyte* convertedFrameAddress = pConvertedFrame->data0; var imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr(convertedFrameAddress); byte[] buffer = new byte[4 * m_iWidth * m_iHeight]; Marshal.Copy(imageBufferPtr, buffer, 0, 4 * m_iWidth * m_iHeight); lock (listVideo) { listVideo.Enqueue(buffer); lock (listVideoPts) { listVideoPts.Enqueue((float)pts); } } } } } } } if (pPacket != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(pPacket); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pPacket); pPacket = null; } } } int iSoundBufferCount = 0; /*void OnAudioSetPosition(int newPosition) { //Debug.Log (newPosition); //Debug.Log("Pts" + listAudioPtsTime[0]); }*/ void OnAudioRead(float[] data) { //Debug.Log (listAudio.Count); if (listAudio.Count < 3) { return; } //Debug.Log (data.Length + " " + listAudio[1].Length); if (iSoundBufferCount == 0) { iSoundBufferCount = listAudio[0].Length; } if (iSoundBufferCount < data.Length) { Array.Copy (listAudio [0], listAudio [0].Length - iSoundBufferCount, data, 0, iSoundBufferCount); //Debug.Log (iSoundBufferCount + " " + data.Length + " " + listAudio [1].Length); if ((data.Length - iSoundBufferCount) > listAudio [1].Length) { Array.Copy (listAudio [1], 0, data, 0, listAudio [1].Length); Array.Copy (listAudio [2], 0, data, iSoundBufferCount + listAudio [1].Length, data.Length - iSoundBufferCount - listAudio [1].Length); iSoundBufferCount = listAudio[2].Length - (data.Length - iSoundBufferCount - listAudio [1].Length); listAudio.RemoveAt (0); listAudioPts.RemoveAt (0); listAudioPtsTime.RemoveAt (0); } else { Array.Copy (listAudio [1], 0, data, iSoundBufferCount, data.Length - iSoundBufferCount); iSoundBufferCount = listAudio[1].Length - (data.Length - iSoundBufferCount); } listAudio.RemoveAt (0); listAudioPts.RemoveAt (0); listAudioPtsTime.RemoveAt (0); } else { Array.Copy (listAudio [0], listAudio [0].Length - iSoundBufferCount, data,0, data.Length); iSoundBufferCount -= data.Length; } if (iSoundBufferCount == 0) { listAudio.RemoveAt (0); listAudioPts.RemoveAt (0); listAudioPtsTime.RemoveAt (0); iSoundBufferCount = listAudio[0].Length; } } private int m_LastAudioPartSetted = -1; Material material = null; bool m_bSetTextureFirst = false; private void Call_UpdateVideoTexture() { if (bEnd == true && listVideo.Count == 0 ) { m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END; if (OnEnd != null) { OnEnd(); //return; } if (m_bLoop == true) { Destroy (audioClip); audioClip = null; Load (m_strFileName); bEnd = false; return; } bEnd = false; return; } /*if (bInterrupt == true) { if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Pause(); } } else*/ { if (audioSource != null && m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING && m_bIsFirstFrameReady == true) { //if( audioSource.isPlaying == false/* && audioSource.time > 0.02f*/) // audioSource.Play(); } } if (threadVideo == null && m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END && m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY && m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR) { threadVideo = new Thread(ThreadUpdate); threadVideo.IsBackground = true; threadVideo.Start(); } if (threadVideo2 == null && m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END && m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.NOT_READY && m_CurrentState != MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.ERROR ) { threadVideo2 = new Thread(ThreadUpdate2); threadVideo2.IsBackground = true; threadVideo2.Start(); } if ( m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING && m_bIsFirstFrameReady == true ) { if( bBuffering == true) { if (audioSource != null) audioSource.Pause(); } if (listVideo.Count > 0 && bBuffering == false) { fCurrentSeekTime += Time.deltaTime * m_fSpeed; } } //Debug.Log("last " + fLastFrameTime + " " + fCurrentSeekTime + " " + listVideo.Count + " " + m_queuePacketVideo.Count); if ( fLastFrameTime > fCurrentSeekTime - 0.2f ) { for (int i = 0; i < listAudio.Count; i++) { if( listAudioPtsTime.Count > i) { if(audioSource == null && (int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + ((float)Call_GetDuration() / 1000.0f))) > 0) { audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent(); audioSource.volume = m_fVolume; } } if(audioClip == null && audioSource != null ) { /*if ((float)Call_GetDuration() <= 0) { audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio",(int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + 300.0f)),pAudioCodecContext->channels,pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate,true,OnAudioRead); } else*/ { #if UNITY_5 audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio",(int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * 300.0f),pAudioCodecContext->channels,pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate,false); #else audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio",(int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * 300.0f),pAudioCodecContext->channels,pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate,false,false); #endif } audioSource.clip = audioClip; } if (audioSource != null && Call_GetDuration() >0) { if( listAudioPts.Count > i) { if (listAudioPts [i] >= 0) { { /*if( listAudioPts[i] > (int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + ((float)Call_GetDuration() / 1000.0f)))) { audioClip.SetData(listAudio[i],(int)(((double)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate) * listAudioPtsTime[i] ) ); } else*/ { //Debug.Log(audioSource.time + " " + (float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + " " +listAudioPts [i] +" " + fLastFrameTime + " " + listAudio[i].Length); audioClip.SetData(listAudio[i],(int)(listAudioPts[i] % (pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * 300.0f)) ); // audioClip.SetData(listAudio[i], (int)(listAudioPtsTime[i] % 300.0 * (double)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate)); } } } } } } if (audioSource != null && audioSource.isPlaying && Call_GetDuration() >0) { listAudio.Clear(); listAudioPts.Clear(); listAudioPtsTime.Clear(); } } else { //do { #if (UNITY_5_2 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER) if( listVideo.Count > 0) { if(audioSource != null) if (audioSource.isPlaying == false ) audioSource.Play(); if (m_bPC_FastMode == true) { if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11) { m_texPtrY = m_VideoTextureY.GetNativeTexturePtr(); m_texPtrU = m_VideoTextureU.GetNativeTexturePtr(); m_texPtrV = m_VideoTextureV.GetNativeTexturePtr(); } SetTextureFromUnity (m_iID,(IntPtr)0,m_texPtrY,m_texPtrU,m_texPtrV, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, listVideo.Dequeue()); if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Metal) { GL.IssuePluginEvent(GetRenderEventFunc(), 8000 + m_iID); } else { GL.IssuePluginEvent(GetRenderEventFunc(), 7000 + m_iID); } } else { if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Direct3D11) { m_texPtr = m_VideoTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr(); } SetTextureFromUnity (m_iID,m_texPtr,(IntPtr)0,(IntPtr)0,(IntPtr)0, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, listVideo.Dequeue()); if (SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Metal) { GL.IssuePluginEvent(GetRenderEventFunc(), 8000 + m_iID); } else { GL.IssuePluginEvent(GetRenderEventFunc(), 7000 + m_iID); } } } if( listVideoPts.Count > 0) { float fpts = listVideoPts.Dequeue(); if (fpts > fCurrentSeekTime + 2.0f) { fCurrentSeekTime = fpts; double value = pts * (double)pDecodedAudioFrame->sample_rate; //Debug.Log(value + " " + pts + " " + GetDuration() + " " + pDecodedAudioFrame->pkt_duration); iSoundCount = (long)value; } //Debug.Log(fpts + " " + audioSource.time); /* if (fpts > fCurrentSeekTime) { fCurrentSeekTime = fpts; }*/ if (fLastFrameTime == 0) { { if(fpts<0) { fLastFrameTime = 0; } else { //Debug.Log(fpts); //fCurrentSeekTime = fpts; fLastFrameTime = fpts; } if( audioSource != null && Call_GetDuration() >0 ) { //audioSource.time = fLastFrameTime%300.0f; } } } else { if(fpts<=0) fLastFrameTime = fCurrentSeekTime - 0.05f; else fLastFrameTime = fpts; } } if( audioSource != null && Call_GetDuration() >= 0) { if( audioSource.time - fLastFrameTime%300.0f > 0.1f) { //Debug.Log("sync1 " + audioSource.time + " " + fLastFrameTime); audioSource.time = fLastFrameTime%300.0f; } else if( audioSource.time - fLastFrameTime%300.0f < -0.1f) { //Debug.Log("sync2"); audioSource.time = fLastFrameTime%300.0f; } } #else //var imageBufferPtr = new IntPtr (convertedFrameAddress); if( listVideo.Count > 0) { m_VideoTexture.LoadRawTextureData(listVideo.Dequeue()); m_VideoTexture.Apply(); } if( listVideoPts.Count > 0) { float fpts = listVideoPts.Dequeue(); if(fLastFrameTime == 0) { if( fpts > fCurrentSeekTime) { fLastFrameTime = fCurrentSeekTime; } } else { fLastFrameTime = fpts; } } if( audioSource != null) { /*if( audioSource.time - fLastFrameTime > 0) { //Debug.Log("sync1"); audioSource.time = fLastFrameTime; } else if( audioSource.time - fLastFrameTime < -0.2f) { //Debug.Log("sync2"); audioSource.time = fLastFrameTime; }*/ } #endif //if (m_bSetTextureFirst == false) { m_bSetTextureFirst = true; if (m_shaderYUV == null) { m_shaderYUV = Shader.Find("Unlit/Unlit_YUV"); } if (material == null) { material = new Material(m_shaderYUV); } if (m_TargetMaterial != null) { for (int i = 0; i < m_TargetMaterial.Length; i++) { if (m_TargetMaterial[i] == null) continue; if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent() != null) { if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.mainTexture != m_VideoTexture) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.mainTexture = m_VideoTexture; } } if (m_bPC_FastMode == true) { if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent() != null) { material.mainTextureScale = m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.mainTextureScale; material.mainTextureOffset = m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.mainTextureOffset; m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material = material; if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.GetTexture("_Y") != m_VideoTextureY) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.SetTexture("_Y", m_VideoTextureY); } if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.GetTexture("_U") != m_VideoTextureU) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.SetTexture("_U", m_VideoTextureU); } if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.GetTexture("_V") != m_VideoTextureV) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.SetTexture("_V", m_VideoTextureV); } } } if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent() != null) { if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().texture != m_VideoTexture) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().texture = m_VideoTexture; } } if (m_bPC_FastMode == true) { if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent() != null) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material = material; if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.GetTexture("_Y") != m_VideoTextureY) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.SetTexture("_Y", m_VideoTextureY); } if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.GetTexture("_U") != m_VideoTextureU) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.SetTexture("_U", m_VideoTextureU); } if (m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.GetTexture("_V") != m_VideoTextureV) { m_TargetMaterial[i].GetComponent().material.SetTexture("_V", m_VideoTextureV); } } } } } } if (bVideoFirstFrameReady == true) { if (OnVideoFirstFrameReady != null) { OnVideoFirstFrameReady (); bVideoFirstFrameReady = false; } if (listAudio.Count > 0) { if (audioSource == null /*&& (int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + ((float)Call_GetDuration() / 1000.0f))) > 0*/) { audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent(); } if (audioClip == null && audioSource != null) { /*if ((float)Call_GetDuration() <= 0) { audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio",(int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + 300.0f)),pAudioCodecContext->channels,pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate,true,OnAudioRead); } else*/ { /*if (Call_GetDuration () > 1500000) { audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio",(int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + 10.0f)),pAudioCodecContext->channels,pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate,false); } else{ audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio",(int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + 300.0f)),pAudioCodecContext->channels,pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate,false); }*/ #if UNITY_5 audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio", (int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * 300.0f), pAudioCodecContext->channels, pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate, false); #else audioClip = AudioClip.Create("videoAudio",(int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * 300.0f),pAudioCodecContext->channels,pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate,false,false); #endif } audioSource.clip = audioClip; //audioSource.Play(); //AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(audioClip,new Vector3(0,0,0)); } } // Just to be sure I guess - don't know what migh happen if I seek in video etc... if (m_LastAudioPartSetted > listAudio.Count) { m_LastAudioPartSetted = -1; } // using m_LastAudioPartSetted - 1 again to be sure - what if the last part of audio gets updated/appended? IDK... for (int i = Math.Max(0, m_LastAudioPartSetted - 1); i < listAudio.Count; i++) { m_LastAudioPartSetted = i; if (audioSource != null && Call_GetDuration() >0 || Call_GetDuration() == 0) { if (listAudioPts.Count > i) { if (listAudioPts [i] >= 0) { { /*if (listAudioPts [i] > (int)((float)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * ((float)listAudioPtsTime [i] + ((float)Call_GetDuration () / 1000.0f)))) { audioClip.SetData (listAudio [i], (int)(((double)pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate) * listAudioPtsTime [i])); } else*/ { //Debug.Log(audioSource.time + " " + (float)listAudioPtsTime[i] + " " +listAudioPts [i] +" " + fLastFrameTime + " " + listAudio[i].Length); audioClip.SetData(listAudio[i],(int)(listAudioPts[i] % (pAudioCodecContext->sample_rate * 300.0f)) ); } } } } //if(audioSource.isPlaying == false) //audioSource.Play(); } } } }//while(fLastFrameTime < fCurrentSeekTime ); //Debug.Log(listAudio.Count); } } private void Call_SetVolume(float fVolume) { if (audioSource != null) audioSource.volume = fVolume; } bool bSeekTo = false; private void Call_SetSeekPosition(int iSeek) { if ( threadVideo != null) { while(threadVideo.IsAlive == true) { threadVideo.Abort(); } threadVideo = null; } if (threadVideo2 != null) { while (threadVideo2.IsAlive == true) { threadVideo2.Abort(); } threadVideo2 = null; } bSeekTo = true; iInitCount = 0; long seek_target = (long)iSeek * 1000; Debug.Log (seek_target); seek_target= ffmpeg.av_rescale_q(seek_target, ffmpeg.av_get_time_base_q() , pStream->time_base); Debug.Log (seek_target); //int seek_flags = iSeek - (int)(fLastFrameTime * 1000.0f) < 0 ? ffmpeg.AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD : ffmpeg.AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD; if(ffmpeg.av_seek_frame(pFormatContext, iStreamIndex, seek_target, ffmpeg.AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) { //error } else { /* handle packet queues... more later... */ } fCurrentSeekTime = (float)iSeek / 1000.0f; //fLastFrameTime = (float)iSeek / 1000.0f; listVideo.Clear(); listVideoPts.Clear(); listAudio.Clear(); listAudioPts.Clear(); listAudioPtsTime.Clear(); int iCount = m_queuePacketVideo.Count; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { if (m_queuePacketVideo.Count > 0) pPacket = (AVPacket*)m_queuePacketVideo.Dequeue(); if (pPacket != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(pPacket); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pPacket); pPacket = null; } } iCount = m_queuePacketSound.Count; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { if (m_queuePacketSound.Count > 0) pPacket = (AVPacket*)m_queuePacketSound.Dequeue(); if (pPacket != null) { ffmpeg.av_free_packet(pPacket); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem((IntPtr)pPacket); pPacket = null; } } Destroy(audioClip); audioClip = null; ffmpeg.avcodec_flush_buffers (pCodecContext); //Debug.Log (fLastFrameTime + " " + fCurrentSeekTime); } private int Call_GetSeekPosition() { return (int)(fCurrentSeekTime * 1000.0f); } private void Call_Play(int iSeek) { if (m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.READY || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.END || m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) { SeekTo (iSeek); if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.time = (float) iSeek / 1000.0f; } bEnd = false; m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING; } } private void Call_Reset() { } private void Call_Stop() { UnLoad(); m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.STOPPED; } private void Call_RePlay() { if (audioSource != null) { //if( audioSource.isPlaying == false) // audioSource.Play(); } if(m_CurrentState == MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED) m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PLAYING; } private void Call_Pause() { if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.Pause(); } m_CurrentState = MEDIAPLAYER_STATE.PAUSED; } private int Call_GetVideoWidth() { //Debug.Log (m_iWidth); if(pCodecContext != null) return pCodecContext->width; return m_iWidth; } private int Call_GetVideoHeight() { if (pCodecContext != null) return pCodecContext->height; //Debug.Log (m_iHeight); return m_iHeight; } private void Call_SetUnityTexture(int iTextureID) { } private void Call_SetWindowSize() { } private void Call_SetLooping(bool bLoop) { } private void Call_SetRockchip(bool bValue) { } public void Call_SetUnityActivity() { ffmpeg.av_register_all(); ffmpeg.avcodec_register_all(); ffmpeg.avformat_network_init(); m_iID = SetTexture (); } private int Call_GetError() { return 0; } private int Call_GetErrorExtra() { return 0; } private int Call_GetDuration() { //Debug.Log ((int)(pFormatContext->duration / 1000)); if (pFormatContext != null) return (int)(pFormatContext->duration / 1000); return 0; } private int Call_GetCurrentSeekPercent() { if (pStream != null) { return (int)(((double)fCurrentSeekTime + ((double)m_queuePacketVideo.Count / av_q2d(pStream->avg_frame_rate))) / (Call_GetDuration() / 1000.0) * 100); } return -1; } private void Call_SetSplitOBB(bool bValue, string strOBBName) { } private void Call_SelectSoundTrack(int iIndex) { } private int[] Call_GetSoundTrack() { return null; } private void Call_SetSpeed(float fSpeed) { if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.pitch = fSpeed; } } private MEDIAPLAYER_STATE Call_GetStatus() { return m_CurrentState; } #endif // !UNITY_EDITOR public IEnumerator DownloadStreamingVideoAndLoad(string strURL) { strURL = strURL.Trim(); Debug.Log("DownloadStreamingVideo : " + strURL); WWW www = new WWW(strURL); yield return www; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data") == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data"); string write_path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data" + strURL.Substring(strURL.LastIndexOf("/")); /* if(System.IO.File.Exists(write_path) == true) { Debug.Log("Delete : " + write_path); System.IO.File.Delete(write_path); } */ System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(write_path, www.bytes); Load("file://" + write_path); } else { Debug.Log(www.error); } www.Dispose(); www = null; Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } public IEnumerator DownloadStreamingVideoAndLoad2(string strURL) { strURL = strURL.Trim(); string write_path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data" + strURL.Substring(strURL.LastIndexOf("/")); if (System.IO.File.Exists(write_path) == true) { Load("file://" + write_path); } else { WWW www = new WWW(strURL); yield return www; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data") == false) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Data"); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(write_path, www.bytes); Load("file://" + write_path); } else { Debug.Log(www.error); } www.Dispose(); www = null; Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } } IEnumerator CopyStreamingAssetVideoAndLoad(string strURL) { strURL = strURL.Trim(); string write_path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + strURL; if (System.IO.File.Exists(write_path) == false) { Debug.Log("CopyStreamingAssetVideoAndLoad : " + strURL); WWW www = new WWW(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + strURL); yield return www; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { Debug.Log(write_path); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(write_path, www.bytes); Load("file://" + write_path); } else { Debug.Log(www.error); } www.Dispose(); www = null; } else { Load("file://" + write_path); } } #endif #region UnityMainThread adapter private List unityMainThreadActionList = new List(); private bool checkNewActions = false; private object thisLock = new object(); /// /// Execute UnityMainThread operations from unityMainThreadActionList List /// void CheckThreading() { lock (thisLock) { if (unityMainThreadActionList.Count > 0) { foreach(var a in unityMainThreadActionList) { a(); } unityMainThreadActionList.Clear (); } } } /// /// Add a sequence of Code enclosed into the Action (a). It triggers checkNewActions to execute code into the Unity Thread Update /// /// The alpha component. void AddActionForUnityMainThread(Action a) { lock (thisLock) { unityMainThreadActionList.Add(a); } checkNewActions = true; } #endregion }