#region License and information /* * * * * * * Unity extension for the SimpleJSON framework. It does only work together with * the SimpleJSON.cs * It provides several helpers and conversion operators to serialize/deserialize * common Unity types such as Vector2/3/4, Rect, RectOffset, Quaternion and * Matrix4x4 as JSONObject or JSONArray. * This extension will add 3 static settings to the JSONNode class: * ( VectorContainerType, QuaternionContainerType, RectContainerType ) which * control what node type should be used for serializing the given type. So a * Vector3 as array would look like [12,32,24] and {"x":12, "y":32, "z":24} as * object. * * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Markus Göbel (Bunny83) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * * * * */ #endregion License and information using UnityEngine; // renaming the namespace to avoid conflict namespace OVRSimpleJSON // SimpleJSON { public enum JSONContainerType { Array, Object } public partial class JSONNode { public static JSONContainerType VectorContainerType = JSONContainerType.Array; public static JSONContainerType QuaternionContainerType = JSONContainerType.Array; public static JSONContainerType RectContainerType = JSONContainerType.Array; private static JSONNode GetContainer(JSONContainerType aType) { if (aType == JSONContainerType.Array) return new JSONArray(); return new JSONObject(); } #region implicit conversion operators public static implicit operator JSONNode(Vector2 aVec) { JSONNode n = GetContainer(VectorContainerType); n.WriteVector2(aVec); return n; } public static implicit operator JSONNode(Vector3 aVec) { JSONNode n = GetContainer(VectorContainerType); n.WriteVector3(aVec); return n; } public static implicit operator JSONNode(Vector4 aVec) { JSONNode n = GetContainer(VectorContainerType); n.WriteVector4(aVec); return n; } public static implicit operator JSONNode(Quaternion aRot) { JSONNode n = GetContainer(QuaternionContainerType); n.WriteQuaternion(aRot); return n; } public static implicit operator JSONNode(Rect aRect) { JSONNode n = GetContainer(RectContainerType); n.WriteRect(aRect); return n; } public static implicit operator JSONNode(RectOffset aRect) { JSONNode n = GetContainer(RectContainerType); n.WriteRectOffset(aRect); return n; } public static implicit operator Vector2(JSONNode aNode) { return aNode.ReadVector2(); } public static implicit operator Vector3(JSONNode aNode) { return aNode.ReadVector3(); } public static implicit operator Vector4(JSONNode aNode) { return aNode.ReadVector4(); } public static implicit operator Quaternion(JSONNode aNode) { return aNode.ReadQuaternion(); } public static implicit operator Rect(JSONNode aNode) { return aNode.ReadRect(); } public static implicit operator RectOffset(JSONNode aNode) { return aNode.ReadRectOffset(); } #endregion implicit conversion operators #region Vector2 public Vector2 ReadVector2(Vector2 aDefault) { if (IsObject) return new Vector2(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat); if (IsArray) return new Vector2(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat); return aDefault; } public Vector2 ReadVector2(string aXName, string aYName) { if (IsObject) { return new Vector2(this[aXName].AsFloat, this[aYName].AsFloat); } return Vector2.zero; } public Vector2 ReadVector2() { return ReadVector2(Vector2.zero); } public JSONNode WriteVector2(Vector2 aVec, string aXName = "x", string aYName = "y") { if (IsObject) { Inline = true; this[aXName].AsFloat = aVec.x; this[aYName].AsFloat = aVec.y; } else if (IsArray) { Inline = true; this[0].AsFloat = aVec.x; this[1].AsFloat = aVec.y; } return this; } #endregion Vector2 #region Vector3 public Vector3 ReadVector3(Vector3 aDefault) { if (IsObject) return new Vector3(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["z"].AsFloat); if (IsArray) return new Vector3(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat); return aDefault; } public Vector3 ReadVector3(string aXName, string aYName, string aZName) { if (IsObject) return new Vector3(this[aXName].AsFloat, this[aYName].AsFloat, this[aZName].AsFloat); return Vector3.zero; } public Vector3 ReadVector3() { return ReadVector3(Vector3.zero); } public JSONNode WriteVector3(Vector3 aVec, string aXName = "x", string aYName = "y", string aZName = "z") { if (IsObject) { Inline = true; this[aXName].AsFloat = aVec.x; this[aYName].AsFloat = aVec.y; this[aZName].AsFloat = aVec.z; } else if (IsArray) { Inline = true; this[0].AsFloat = aVec.x; this[1].AsFloat = aVec.y; this[2].AsFloat = aVec.z; } return this; } #endregion Vector3 #region Vector4 public Vector4 ReadVector4(Vector4 aDefault) { if (IsObject) return new Vector4(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["z"].AsFloat, this["w"].AsFloat); if (IsArray) return new Vector4(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat, this[3].AsFloat); return aDefault; } public Vector4 ReadVector4() { return ReadVector4(Vector4.zero); } public JSONNode WriteVector4(Vector4 aVec) { if (IsObject) { Inline = true; this["x"].AsFloat = aVec.x; this["y"].AsFloat = aVec.y; this["z"].AsFloat = aVec.z; this["w"].AsFloat = aVec.w; } else if (IsArray) { Inline = true; this[0].AsFloat = aVec.x; this[1].AsFloat = aVec.y; this[2].AsFloat = aVec.z; this[3].AsFloat = aVec.w; } return this; } #endregion Vector4 #region Quaternion public Quaternion ReadQuaternion(Quaternion aDefault) { if (IsObject) return new Quaternion(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["z"].AsFloat, this["w"].AsFloat); if (IsArray) return new Quaternion(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat, this[3].AsFloat); return aDefault; } public Quaternion ReadQuaternion() { return ReadQuaternion(Quaternion.identity); } public JSONNode WriteQuaternion(Quaternion aRot) { if (IsObject) { Inline = true; this["x"].AsFloat = aRot.x; this["y"].AsFloat = aRot.y; this["z"].AsFloat = aRot.z; this["w"].AsFloat = aRot.w; } else if (IsArray) { Inline = true; this[0].AsFloat = aRot.x; this[1].AsFloat = aRot.y; this[2].AsFloat = aRot.z; this[3].AsFloat = aRot.w; } return this; } #endregion Quaternion #region Rect public Rect ReadRect(Rect aDefault) { if (IsObject) return new Rect(this["x"].AsFloat, this["y"].AsFloat, this["width"].AsFloat, this["height"].AsFloat); if (IsArray) return new Rect(this[0].AsFloat, this[1].AsFloat, this[2].AsFloat, this[3].AsFloat); return aDefault; } public Rect ReadRect() { return ReadRect(new Rect()); } public JSONNode WriteRect(Rect aRect) { if (IsObject) { Inline = true; this["x"].AsFloat = aRect.x; this["y"].AsFloat = aRect.y; this["width"].AsFloat = aRect.width; this["height"].AsFloat = aRect.height; } else if (IsArray) { Inline = true; this[0].AsFloat = aRect.x; this[1].AsFloat = aRect.y; this[2].AsFloat = aRect.width; this[3].AsFloat = aRect.height; } return this; } #endregion Rect #region RectOffset public RectOffset ReadRectOffset(RectOffset aDefault) { if (this is JSONObject) return new RectOffset(this["left"].AsInt, this["right"].AsInt, this["top"].AsInt, this["bottom"].AsInt); if (this is JSONArray) return new RectOffset(this[0].AsInt, this[1].AsInt, this[2].AsInt, this[3].AsInt); return aDefault; } public RectOffset ReadRectOffset() { return ReadRectOffset(new RectOffset()); } public JSONNode WriteRectOffset(RectOffset aRect) { if (IsObject) { Inline = true; this["left"].AsInt = aRect.left; this["right"].AsInt = aRect.right; this["top"].AsInt = aRect.top; this["bottom"].AsInt = aRect.bottom; } else if (IsArray) { Inline = true; this[0].AsInt = aRect.left; this[1].AsInt = aRect.right; this[2].AsInt = aRect.top; this[3].AsInt = aRect.bottom; } return this; } #endregion RectOffset #region Matrix4x4 public Matrix4x4 ReadMatrix() { Matrix4x4 result = Matrix4x4.identity; if (IsArray) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { result[i] = this[i].AsFloat; } } return result; } public JSONNode WriteMatrix(Matrix4x4 aMatrix) { if (IsArray) { Inline = true; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { this[i].AsFloat = aMatrix[i]; } } return this; } #endregion Matrix4x4 } }