Unknown 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
AudioToolkit 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
Shared Auxiliary Code 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
Audio Toolkit Documentation.chm 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
Audio Toolkit Documentation.chm.meta 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
AudioToolkit.meta 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
Readme.txt 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
Readme.txt.meta 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago
Shared Auxiliary Code.meta 2fe00c3177 Add version 4.6 6 years ago


Audio Toolkit v6.5 - (c) 2012 by ClockStone Software GmbH


Audio Toolkit provides an easy-to-use and performance optimized framework
to play and manage music and sound effects in Unity.

Features include:

- ease of use: play audio files with a simple static function call, creation
of required AudioSource objects is handled automatically
- conveniently define audio assets in categories
- play audios from within the inspector
- set properties such as the volume for the entire category
- change the volume of all playing audio objects within a category at any time
- define alternative audio clips that get played with a specified
probability or order
- advanced audio pick modes such as "RandomNotSameTwice", "TwoSimultaneously", etc.
- audio sequence modes such as
+ random looping
+ intro-loop
+ intro-loop-outro
- uses audio object pools for optimized performance particuliarly on mobile devices
- set audio playing parameters conveniently, such as:
+ random pitch & volume
+ minimum time difference between play calls
+ delay
+ looping
- fade out / in
- special functions for music including cross-fading
- music track playlist management with shuffle, loop, etc.
- delegate event call if audio was completely played
- audio event log
- audio overview window

Package Folders:

- AudioToolkit: The C# script files of the Audio Toolkit

- Shared Auxiliary Code: additional general purpose script files
required by the Audio Toolkit. These files might also be used
by other toolkits made by ClockStone available in the Unity Asset

- Reference Documentation file (Windows CHM format)

- Demo: A scene demonstrating the use of the toolkit

Quick Guide:

We recommend to watch the video tutorial on http://unity.clockstone.com

- create a unique GameObject named "AudioController" with the
AudioController script component added.
- Create an prefab named "AudioObject" containing the following components: Unity's AudioSource,
the AudioObject script, and the PoolableObject script (if pooling is wanted).
Then set your custom AudioSource parameters in this prefab. Next, specify this prefab
as the "Audio Object Prefab" in the AudioController.
- create your audio categories in the AudioController using the Inspector, e.g. "Music", "SFX", etc.
- for each audio to be played by a script create an 'audio item' with a unique name.
- specify any number of audio sub-items (= the AudioClip plus parameters in CLIP mode)
within an audio item.
- to play an audio item call the static function
AudioController.Play( "MyUniqueAudioItemName" )
- Use AudioController.PlayMusic( "MusicAudioItemName" ) to play music. This function
assures that only one music file is played at a time and handles cross fading automatically
according to the configuration in the AudioController instance

For an up-to-date, detailed documentation please visit: http://unity.clockstone.com

Usage with Java Script:
If you want to access the AudioToolkit from Java Scripts please move alle none-editor AudioToolkit script files
to a subfolder of either the Assets/Plugins or the Assets/Standard Assets directory. The "AudioController/Editor"
subdirectory must not be moved to Plugins/Standard Assets directory.
See http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/index.Script_compilation_28Advanced29.html for
more infos about script compilation order.

Please note that Java script does not support default parameter values like C# (since Unity 3.1). There are
overloads for the most common methods, but for all other cases you have to specify all parameters in Java Script.

AudioController.Play( "MySFX", 0.5 ); // Play with volume=0.5, delay=0, startTime =0, possible only in C#
AudioController.Play( "MySFX", 0.5, 0, 0 ); // in Java Script you have to specify all default paramters

Poolable Audio Objects:

When audio object pooling is enabled you must be aware of the following:

- If audio object are attached to a parent object e.g. by calling AudioController.Play( audioID, parentTransform )
then the parent object must be destroyed using ObjectPoolController.Destroy(), otherwise the
audio object will not be moved back to the pool correctly

- if you save an AudioObject reference and access it later in time, use PoolableReference to make sure the reference
is not in the pool and still belongs to the original AudioObject


var soundFX = new PoolableReference( AudioController.Play( "someSFX" ) );

// some other part of the code executed later when the sound may have stopped playing
// and was moved back to the pool
AudioObject audioObject = soundFX.Get();
if( audioObject.Get() != null )
// it is safe to access audioObject here

Gapless Audio Chaining (Seqences):

Please note that gapless audio seuqences require Unity v4.1 or newer.

Building for Flash:
Unfortunately Unity has stopped supporting Flash, ultimately we can not support Flash builds
anymore for Unity v4. So exporting to Flash only works in Unity v3.5.7.
Also the following features are not available when building for Flash:

- (random) pitch changes


v2.2: initial release on asset store

- playlist with cross fading
- new function PlayPreviousMusicOnPlaylist()

- implementation without default method parameters for MonoDevelop .NET 3.5 compatibility

- several inspector view bugfixes

- new feature: AudioObjectPrefab can be set for each category
- new feature: OverrideClipLength
- new feature: "Add all items to playlist" - button
- inspector view bugfix: changed data not saves correctly

- maximum instance count
- audio log
- audio overview
- new subitem pick modes: random-not-same-twice, sequence, all, two
- subitem modes: CLIP (play audio clip) or ITEM (play audio item)
- reworked GUI design
- play audio assets from within the Unity inspector

- refined GUI design
- new subitem feature: Random Start Position
- new subitem feature: Start / End Position
- bugfix: audio log refreshed correctly

- bugfix: inspector null reference errors on audio controllers without categories or items
- playlist can still be resumed after StopMusic()

- new subitem feature: Random Delay, Fade-in, Fade-out
- pooling system: bugfix for poolable object parented to other poolable object
- bugfix: probability not working with 'RandomNotSameTwice'-mode
- inspector: keyboard input focus released when changing items

- Flash support
- new AudioController option: Persist Scene Load
- new AudioController functions: GetPlayingAudioObjectsInCategory, PauseAll, UnpauseAll,
PauseCategory, UnpauseCategory, IsValidAudioID
- add new categories and audio items per script functions:
NewCategory, RemoveCategory, AddToCategory
- high precision system time used instead of Unity's game time ( e.g. for fading)
- Object Pooling System: poolable objects parented to poolable objects now correctly handled
- bugfix: music correctly handled when changing scene with none-persistent AudioController

- AudioObject.Stop() fades out audio with sub item "Fade-Out" parameter
- bugfix: FadeIn start volume

- bugfix: inspector changes saved correctly
- no error if pooling is disabled and AudioObject does not have the PoolableObject component

- Unity 4 compatibility
- new function AudioController.RemoveAudioItem

- AudioSource override parameters (min/max distance)
- pooling system bugfixes and improvements (new messages)
- new parameter: AudioObject.Stop( float fadeOutLength, float startToFadeTime )
- new loop modes: Loop Sequence, Loop Sequence Gapless
- sub / parent categories
- music fade-in/out can be specified separately
- Unity inspector undo working

- bugfixes for Flash build
- bugfix: volume change of parent category
- audio item is rename changes playlist accordingly

- bugfix: "Loop Sequence" working correctly

- AudioController automatically preloads poolable AudioObject prefabs if preloading is specified
in the poolable AudioObject prefab
- AudioController.Stop function uses by default the fadeout as specified int the subitem
- two Stop() calls with fadeout now combine the fade-out
- bugfix: incorrect parent category displayed in inspector

- bugfix: Stopping sequence loop audio
- new AudioObject functions: FadeOut, volumeItem
- volume changes of audio items / subitems in inspector take effect
- new feature: move audio item to a different category
- additional AudioController objects
- Pause/Unpause with fade-in/out
- Support for new Unity v4.1 features: PlayScheduled
- Loop sequence: gapless stitching, or overlap with fade
- tooltips in Unity Inspector for AudioController
- bugfixes when pausing / unpausing a fading audio
- AudioObject: performance improvements
- object pooling: performance improvements, pooled objects grouped in hierarchy
- MaxInstance count check: audio objects are destroyed immediatly if exceeded by more than one
- bugfix: UnpauseAll / UnpauseCategory
- item overview window: search audio item

- added function versions without default paramters for Java script support
- new functions: AudioController.DetachAllAudios(), AudioObject.PlayNow()
- new Loop Mode: PlaySequenceAndLoopLast
- bugfix: when using additional AudioController the correct AudioObejctPrefab and PlayWithZeroVolume values are taken
- bugfix: when displaying Audio Item Overview of prefab

- support for Win8 app and Windows Phone8
- added new property AudioObject.pan
- bugfix in pooling system: dummy parent objects recreated when loading scene
- bugfix when using gapless looping and 3D audio files (incorrect 3D parameters)
- bugfix: paused audios change volume correctly if global or category volume gets changed

- fixed a bug when playing a sequence with subitem Play mode "Other Audio Item"
- fixed a bug when unpausing an audio that is still fading out
- inspector: sort audio items and categories in alphabetical order

- bugfix: "Argument out of range" with zero elements in playlist
- bugfix: music is not faded-in anymore if crossfade is enabled but no music is playing
- new option: equal-power cross-fading

- new feature: intro-loop-outro sequence mode
- new AudioObject method: FinishSequence()
- new feature: unload audio if audio controller is destroyed
- new AudioController function: GetAudioItemMaxDistance()