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  58. conversations:
  59. - id: CH05a-Q01-D01-Sarah
  60. Dialogs:
  61. - Text: Hey, I am at my office. Can you come by?
  62. AnimationIndex: TALK
  63. Replies:
  64. - Text: On the way!
  65. cost:
  66. glam: 0
  67. experience: 0
  68. dollars: 0
  69. motivation: 0
  70. level: 1
  71. reward:
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  76. level: 1
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  78. startAction: 0
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  80. tweetID: none
  81. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  82. ConvType: 3
  83. Location: Exterior
  84. NPCId:
  85. - Sarah Bourne
  86. - id: CH05a-Q01-D02-Sarah
  87. Dialogs:
  88. - Text: "Welcome back! I spoke with Ava and she was very impressed with you..
  89. they\u2019re still making a decision.. so in the meantime I went ahead and
  90. booked you an acting class."
  91. AnimationIndex: TALK
  92. Replies:
  93. - Text: Acting class?
  94. cost:
  95. glam: 0
  96. experience: 0
  97. dollars: 0
  98. motivation: 0
  99. level: 1
  100. reward:
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  104. motivation: 0
  105. level: 1
  106. nextDialogIndex: 2
  107. startAction: 0
  108. actionId: 0
  109. tweetID: none
  110. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  111. - Text: "I know what you\u2019re thinking.. why an acting class? Well, with this
  112. national commercial opportunity, I think we can really open doors for you
  113. in the acting industry. "
  114. AnimationIndex: TALK
  115. Replies: []
  116. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  117. - Text: And a great acting coach and producer happens to be in town for a pop-up
  118. class. He goes by Mr. LaChapelle.
  119. AnimationIndex: TALK
  120. Replies: []
  121. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  122. - Text: As I tell my kids, professional development is but one key to success!
  123. AnimationIndex: TALK
  124. Replies:
  125. - Text: I agree!
  126. cost:
  127. glam: 0
  128. experience: 0
  129. dollars: 0
  130. motivation: 0
  131. level: 1
  132. reward:
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  134. experience: 0
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  136. motivation: 0
  137. level: 1
  138. nextDialogIndex: 5
  139. startAction: 0
  140. actionId: 0
  141. tweetID: none
  142. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  143. - Text: Great! The class is at the NY Convention Center by JFK Airport.
  144. AnimationIndex: TALK
  145. Replies: []
  146. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  147. ConvType: 1
  148. Location: Bourne Natural Models
  149. NPCId:
  150. - Sarah Bourne
  151. - id: CH05a-Q02-D01-LaChapelle
  152. Dialogs:
  153. - Text: I am Mr. LaChapelle, acting coach extraordinaire. And you are?
  154. AnimationIndex: TALK
  155. Replies:
  156. - Text: '%Player_Name%'
  157. cost:
  158. glam: 0
  159. experience: 0
  160. dollars: 0
  161. motivation: 0
  162. level: 1
  163. reward:
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  165. experience: 0
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  167. motivation: 0
  168. level: 1
  169. nextDialogIndex: 2
  170. startAction: 0
  171. actionId: 0
  172. tweetID: none
  173. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  174. - Text: Ah yes. Welcome to my acting class. Tell me, what type of shows would
  175. you like to get a role in?
  176. AnimationIndex: TALK
  177. Replies:
  178. - Text: Drama
  179. cost:
  180. glam: 0
  181. experience: 0
  182. dollars: 0
  183. motivation: 0
  184. level: 1
  185. reward:
  186. glam: 0
  187. experience: 1
  188. dollars: 2
  189. motivation: 0
  190. level: 1
  191. nextDialogIndex: 3
  192. startAction: 0
  193. actionId: 0
  194. tweetID: none
  195. - Text: Action
  196. cost:
  197. glam: 0
  198. experience: 0
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  200. motivation: 0
  201. level: 1
  202. reward:
  203. glam: 0
  204. experience: 1
  205. dollars: 2
  206. motivation: 0
  207. level: 1
  208. nextDialogIndex: 3
  209. startAction: 0
  210. actionId: 0
  211. tweetID: none
  212. - Text: Comedy
  213. cost:
  214. glam: 0
  215. experience: 0
  216. dollars: 0
  217. motivation: 0
  218. level: 1
  219. reward:
  220. glam: 0
  221. experience: 1
  222. dollars: 2
  223. motivation: 0
  224. level: 1
  225. nextDialogIndex: 3
  226. startAction: 0
  227. actionId: 0
  228. tweetID: none
  229. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  230. - Text: "Great! You know\u2026 film acting is mostly reacting and listening. Taking
  231. direction from the director and reacting and working with your fellow actors!"
  232. AnimationIndex: TALK
  233. Replies: []
  234. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  235. - Text: "Now, let\u2019s start by reading some lines and take it from there. Are
  236. you ready to start my acting class?"
  237. AnimationIndex: TALK
  238. Replies:
  239. - Text: Yes!
  240. cost:
  241. glam: 0
  242. experience: 0
  243. dollars: 0
  244. motivation: 0
  245. level: 1
  246. reward:
  247. glam: 0
  248. experience: 0
  249. dollars: 0
  250. motivation: 0
  251. level: 1
  252. nextDialogIndex: 0
  253. startAction: 5
  254. actionId: CH05a-Q02-A01
  255. tweetID: none
  256. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  257. ConvType: 1
  258. Location: Convention Center
  259. NPCId:
  260. - Mr. LaChapelle
  261. - id: CH05a-Q02-D02-LaChapelle
  262. Dialogs:
  263. - Text: That was excellent! You have natural talent.
  264. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  265. Replies: []
  266. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  267. ConvType: 1
  268. Location: Convention Center
  269. NPCId:
  270. - Mr. LaChapelle
  271. - id: CH05a-Q03-D01-Fabricio
  272. Dialogs:
  273. - Text: "Ayyy, holla at ya boy! You\u2019re in town?"
  274. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  275. Replies:
  276. - Text: I am!
  277. cost:
  278. glam: 0
  279. experience: 0
  280. dollars: 0
  281. motivation: 0
  282. level: 1
  283. reward:
  284. glam: 0
  285. experience: 0
  286. dollars: 0
  287. motivation: 0
  288. level: 1
  289. nextDialogIndex: 2
  290. startAction: 0
  291. actionId: 0
  292. tweetID: none
  293. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  294. - Text: "Come on, let\u2019s go for happy hour\u2026 you promised!"
  295. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  296. Replies:
  297. - Text: Your treat?
  298. cost:
  299. glam: 0
  300. experience: 0
  301. dollars: 0
  302. motivation: 0
  303. level: 1
  304. reward:
  305. glam: 0
  306. experience: 0
  307. dollars: 0
  308. motivation: 0
  309. level: 1
  310. nextDialogIndex: 3
  311. startAction: 0
  312. actionId: 0
  313. tweetID: none
  314. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  315. - Text: Ha, you know it!
  316. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  317. Replies:
  318. - Text: "I\u2019m down."
  319. cost:
  320. glam: 0
  321. experience: 0
  322. dollars: 0
  323. motivation: 0
  324. level: 1
  325. reward:
  326. glam: 0
  327. experience: 0
  328. dollars: 0
  329. motivation: 0
  330. level: 1
  331. nextDialogIndex: 4
  332. startAction: 0
  333. actionId: 0
  334. tweetID: none
  335. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  336. - Text: "Clover Room? I\u2019m walking there now. Be there or be..."
  337. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  338. Replies:
  339. - Text: Staahp.
  340. cost:
  341. glam: 0
  342. experience: 0
  343. dollars: 0
  344. motivation: 0
  345. level: 1
  346. reward:
  347. glam: 0
  348. experience: 0
  349. dollars: 0
  350. motivation: 0
  351. level: 1
  352. nextDialogIndex: 0
  353. startAction: 0
  354. actionId: 0
  355. tweetID: none
  356. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  357. ConvType: 3
  358. Location: Upper East Side
  359. NPCId:
  360. - Fabricio Marcelo
  361. - id: CH05a-Q03-D02-Fabricio
  362. Dialogs:
  363. - Text: "Half off appetizers.. I\u2019m in heaven!"
  364. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  365. Replies:
  366. - Text: Nice!
  367. cost:
  368. glam: 0
  369. experience: 0
  370. dollars: 0
  371. motivation: 0
  372. level: 1
  373. reward:
  374. glam: 0
  375. experience: 0
  376. dollars: 0
  377. motivation: 0
  378. level: 1
  379. nextDialogIndex: 2
  380. startAction: 0
  381. actionId: 0
  382. tweetID: none
  383. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  384. - Text: "So what\u2019s new with you?"
  385. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  386. Replies:
  387. - Text: (Catch up)
  388. cost:
  389. glam: 0
  390. experience: 0
  391. dollars: 0
  392. motivation: 0
  393. level: 1
  394. reward:
  395. glam: 0
  396. experience: 0
  397. dollars: 0
  398. motivation: 0
  399. level: 1
  400. nextDialogIndex: 3
  401. startAction: 0
  402. actionId: 0
  403. tweetID: none
  404. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  405. - Text: "Sick! I hope you get that commercial! There\u2019s talks of renewing
  406. season 3 of The Twisted Vampire.. I\u2019m hoping to find out soon."
  407. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  408. Replies: []
  409. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  410. - Text: "..and I\u2019m also seeing someone!"
  411. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  412. Replies:
  413. - Text: Who??!
  414. cost:
  415. glam: 0
  416. experience: 0
  417. dollars: 0
  418. motivation: 0
  419. level: 1
  420. reward:
  421. glam: 0
  422. experience: 0
  423. dollars: 0
  424. motivation: 0
  425. level: 1
  426. nextDialogIndex: 5
  427. startAction: 0
  428. actionId: 0
  429. tweetID: none
  430. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  431. - Text: "Your friend Effy.. after that party.. she DM\u2019ed me on PixlGram and
  432. we got to talking. Now we\u2019re.. official.. ya know!"
  433. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  434. Replies:
  435. - Text: I have a feeling about her.
  436. cost:
  437. glam: 0
  438. experience: 0
  439. dollars: 0
  440. motivation: 0
  441. level: 1
  442. reward:
  443. glam: 0
  444. experience: 3
  445. dollars: 1
  446. motivation: 0
  447. level: 1
  448. nextDialogIndex: 6
  449. startAction: 0
  450. actionId: 0
  451. tweetID: none
  452. - Text: "She\u2019s a gold digger."
  453. cost:
  454. glam: 0
  455. experience: 0
  456. dollars: 0
  457. motivation: 0
  458. level: 1
  459. reward:
  460. glam: 0
  461. experience: 3
  462. dollars: 1
  463. motivation: 0
  464. level: 1
  465. nextDialogIndex: 6
  466. startAction: 0
  467. actionId: 0
  468. tweetID: none
  469. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  470. - Text: What does that mean?
  471. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  472. Replies:
  473. - Text: "You shouldn\u2019t date her."
  474. cost:
  475. glam: 0
  476. experience: 0
  477. dollars: 0
  478. motivation: 0
  479. level: 1
  480. reward:
  481. glam: 0
  482. experience: 0
  483. dollars: 0
  484. motivation: 0
  485. level: 1
  486. nextDialogIndex: 7
  487. startAction: 0
  488. actionId: 0
  489. tweetID: none
  490. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  491. - Text: "Are you kidding me right now? Finally, things are up for me. I\u2019m
  492. in a hit TV drama, dating a fine model, and you want to bring me down? "
  493. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  494. Replies: []
  495. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  496. - Text: "You\u2019re just jealous."
  497. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  498. Replies:
  499. - Text: "I\u2019m not."
  500. cost:
  501. glam: 0
  502. experience: 0
  503. dollars: 0
  504. motivation: 0
  505. level: 1
  506. reward:
  507. glam: 0
  508. experience: 0
  509. dollars: 0
  510. motivation: 0
  511. level: 1
  512. nextDialogIndex: 9
  513. startAction: 0
  514. actionId: 0
  515. tweetID: none
  516. - Text: (Drop it)
  517. cost:
  518. glam: 0
  519. experience: 0
  520. dollars: 0
  521. motivation: 0
  522. level: 1
  523. reward:
  524. glam: 0
  525. experience: 0
  526. dollars: 0
  527. motivation: 0
  528. level: 1
  529. nextDialogIndex: 10
  530. startAction: 0
  531. actionId: 0
  532. tweetID: none
  533. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  534. - Text: "You are. I thought you\u2019d be happy for me."
  535. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  536. Replies: []
  537. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  538. - Text: "Yeah that\u2019s what I thought."
  539. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  540. Replies: []
  541. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  542. - Text: "This happy hour isn\u2019t so happy after all. I\u2019m gonna bounce.
  543. Let\u2019s hang another time when you\u2019ve gotten over this jealous attitude."
  544. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  545. Replies: []
  546. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  547. ConvType: 1
  548. Location: Clover Room
  549. NPCId:
  550. - Fabricio Marcelo
  551. - id: CH05a-Q04-D01-Asher
  552. Dialogs:
  553. - Text: I am Asher Short, the young award winning photographer. You must be %Player_Name%!
  554. AnimationIndex: TALK
  555. Replies:
  556. - Text: Yes!
  557. cost:
  558. glam: 0
  559. experience: 0
  560. dollars: 0
  561. motivation: 0
  562. level: 1
  563. reward:
  564. glam: 0
  565. experience: 0
  566. dollars: 0
  567. motivation: 0
  568. level: 1
  569. nextDialogIndex: 2
  570. startAction: 0
  571. actionId: 0
  572. tweetID: none
  573. NPCId: Asher Short
  574. - Text: Well then, %Player_Name%, shall we start?
  575. AnimationIndex: TALK
  576. Replies:
  577. - Text: "Let\u2019s start"
  578. cost:
  579. glam: 0
  580. experience: 0
  581. dollars: 0
  582. motivation: 0
  583. level: 1
  584. reward:
  585. glam: 0
  586. experience: 0
  587. dollars: 0
  588. motivation: 0
  589. level: 1
  590. nextDialogIndex: 0
  591. startAction: 1
  592. actionId: CH05a-Q04-G01-Photoshoot
  593. tweetID: none
  594. - Text: Hold up!
  595. cost:
  596. glam: 0
  597. experience: 0
  598. dollars: 0
  599. motivation: 0
  600. level: 1
  601. reward:
  602. glam: 0
  603. experience: 0
  604. dollars: 0
  605. motivation: 0
  606. level: 1
  607. nextDialogIndex: 0
  608. startAction: 0
  609. actionId: 0
  610. tweetID: none
  611. NPCId: Asher Short
  612. - Text: "Didn\u2019t Sarah tell you this is a BEACH photoshoot? I recommend putting
  613. on some swimwear."
  614. AnimationIndex: TALK
  615. Replies: []
  616. NPCId: Asher Short
  617. ConvType: 1
  618. Location: Miami Beach
  619. NPCId:
  620. - Asher Short
  621. - id: CH05a-Q04-D01-Sarah
  622. Dialogs:
  623. - Text: '%Player_Name%, another gig is coming your way!'
  624. AnimationIndex: TALK
  625. Replies:
  626. - Text: '...great...'
  627. cost:
  628. glam: 0
  629. experience: 0
  630. dollars: 0
  631. motivation: 0
  632. level: 1
  633. reward:
  634. glam: 0
  635. experience: 0
  636. dollars: 0
  637. motivation: 0
  638. level: 1
  639. nextDialogIndex: 2
  640. startAction: 0
  641. actionId: 0
  642. tweetID: none
  643. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  644. - Text: Everything okay?
  645. AnimationIndex: TALK
  646. Replies:
  647. - Text: (Tell her about Fabricio)
  648. cost:
  649. glam: 0
  650. experience: 0
  651. dollars: 0
  652. motivation: 0
  653. level: 1
  654. reward:
  655. glam: 0
  656. experience: 0
  657. dollars: 0
  658. motivation: 0
  659. level: 1
  660. nextDialogIndex: 3
  661. startAction: 0
  662. actionId: 0
  663. tweetID: none
  664. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  665. - Text: "Eek, I am totally not good at this drama stuff.. I can\u2019t even deal
  666. with my kid\u2019s drama.. they\u2019re always getting into fights on PixChat,
  667. Chirp, Insta-whatever it\u2019s called! "
  668. AnimationIndex: TALK
  669. Replies: []
  670. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  671. - Text: "Sorry I\u2019m not much help, but hopefully this gig will cheer you up.
  672. It\u2019s on Miami Beach! I\u2019m sure the sun will brighten your day."
  673. AnimationIndex: TALK
  674. Replies:
  675. - Text: What is it?
  676. cost:
  677. glam: 0
  678. experience: 0
  679. dollars: 0
  680. motivation: 0
  681. level: 1
  682. reward:
  683. glam: 0
  684. experience: 0
  685. dollars: 0
  686. motivation: 0
  687. level: 1
  688. nextDialogIndex: 5
  689. startAction: 0
  690. actionId: 0
  691. tweetID: none
  692. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  693. - Text: "It\u2019s with an upcoming photographer, who\u2019s disrupting the scene
  694. right now with his experimental looks. His name is Asher Short. Head on over
  695. to Miami Beach!"
  696. AnimationIndex: TALK
  697. Replies: []
  698. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  699. - Text: "It\u2019s a swimwear shoot! "
  700. AnimationIndex: TALK
  701. Replies: []
  702. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  703. ConvType: 3
  704. Location: Fashion Ave
  705. NPCId:
  706. - Sarah Bourne
  707. - id: CH05a-Q04-D02-Asher
  708. Dialogs:
  709. - Text: How about next time you cut the attitude and bring me your best work...
  710. AnimationIndex: TALK
  711. Replies:
  712. - Text: What?!
  713. cost:
  714. glam: 0
  715. experience: 0
  716. dollars: 0
  717. motivation: 0
  718. level: 1
  719. reward:
  720. glam: 0
  721. experience: 0
  722. dollars: 0
  723. motivation: 0
  724. level: 1
  725. nextDialogIndex: 2
  726. startAction: 0
  727. actionId: 0
  728. tweetID: none
  729. NPCId: Asher Short
  730. - Text: You heard me. I hate working with diva models who think they know better.
  731. AnimationIndex: TALK
  732. Replies:
  733. - Text: '...'
  734. cost:
  735. glam: 0
  736. experience: 0
  737. dollars: 0
  738. motivation: 0
  739. level: 1
  740. reward:
  741. glam: 0
  742. experience: 0
  743. dollars: 0
  744. motivation: 0
  745. level: 1
  746. nextDialogIndex: 0
  747. startAction: 0
  748. actionId: 0
  749. tweetID: none
  750. NPCId: Asher Short
  751. ConvType: 0
  752. Location: Miami Beach
  753. NPCId:
  754. - Asher Short
  755. - id: CH05a-Q05-D01-Gabby
  756. Dialogs:
  757. - Text: '%Player_Name%, I wanted to check in with you! Sarah mentioned something
  758. with your friend Fabricio. Do you mind coming to my office?'
  759. AnimationIndex: TALK
  760. Replies:
  761. - Text: Sure.
  762. cost:
  763. glam: 0
  764. experience: 0
  765. dollars: 0
  766. motivation: 0
  767. level: 1
  768. reward:
  769. glam: 0
  770. experience: 0
  771. dollars: 0
  772. motivation: 0
  773. level: 1
  774. nextDialogIndex: 0
  775. startAction: 0
  776. actionId: 0
  777. tweetID: none
  778. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  779. ConvType: 3
  780. Location: Miami
  781. NPCId:
  782. - Gabriella Hall
  783. - id: CH05a-Q06-D01-Asher
  784. Dialogs:
  785. - Text: ..oh hey.
  786. AnimationIndex: TALK
  787. Replies:
  788. - Text: (Confront him)
  789. cost:
  790. glam: 0
  791. experience: 0
  792. dollars: 0
  793. motivation: 5
  794. level: 1
  795. reward:
  796. glam: 0
  797. experience: 0
  798. dollars: 0
  799. motivation: 0
  800. level: 1
  801. nextDialogIndex: 2
  802. startAction: 0
  803. actionId: 0
  804. tweetID: none
  805. NPCId: Asher Short
  806. - Text: "Yeaaaa, I\u2019m sorry, I was in such a grumpy mood. My girlfriend just
  807. broke up with me. "
  808. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  809. Replies: []
  810. NPCId: Asher Short
  811. - Text: For my best friend surprisingly. How could she do that to me...
  812. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  813. Replies:
  814. - Text: "I\u2019m sorry."
  815. cost:
  816. glam: 0
  817. experience: 0
  818. dollars: 0
  819. motivation: 0
  820. level: 1
  821. reward:
  822. glam: 0
  823. experience: 0
  824. dollars: 0
  825. motivation: 0
  826. level: 1
  827. nextDialogIndex: 4
  828. startAction: 0
  829. actionId: 0
  830. tweetID: none
  831. NPCId: Asher Short
  832. - Text: "Yeah, I\u2019m torn about it. Not sure what to do."
  833. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  834. Replies:
  835. - Text: "She\u2019s not worth it."
  836. cost:
  837. glam: 0
  838. experience: 0
  839. dollars: 0
  840. motivation: 0
  841. level: 1
  842. reward:
  843. glam: 0
  844. experience: 1
  845. dollars: 2
  846. motivation: 0
  847. level: 1
  848. nextDialogIndex: 6
  849. startAction: 0
  850. actionId: 0
  851. tweetID: none
  852. - Text: You should move on.
  853. cost:
  854. glam: 0
  855. experience: 0
  856. dollars: 0
  857. motivation: 0
  858. level: 1
  859. reward:
  860. glam: 0
  861. experience: 1
  862. dollars: 2
  863. motivation: 0
  864. level: 1
  865. nextDialogIndex: 6
  866. startAction: 0
  867. actionId: 0
  868. tweetID: none
  869. NPCId: Asher Short
  870. - Text: "You\u2019re right. And my best friend, what do I do about him?"
  871. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  872. Replies:
  873. - Text: "He\u2019s not your best friend."
  874. cost:
  875. glam: 0
  876. experience: 0
  877. dollars: 0
  878. motivation: 0
  879. level: 1
  880. reward:
  881. glam: 0
  882. experience: 1
  883. dollars: 2
  884. motivation: 0
  885. level: 1
  886. nextDialogIndex: 7
  887. startAction: 0
  888. actionId: 0
  889. tweetID: none
  890. - Text: Forget about him.
  891. cost:
  892. glam: 0
  893. experience: 0
  894. dollars: 0
  895. motivation: 0
  896. level: 1
  897. reward:
  898. glam: 0
  899. experience: 1
  900. dollars: 2
  901. motivation: 0
  902. level: 1
  903. nextDialogIndex: 7
  904. startAction: 0
  905. actionId: 0
  906. tweetID: none
  907. NPCId: Asher Short
  908. - Text: "Yeahh yeahhh. It\u2019s tough. But thanks for listening. "
  909. AnimationIndex: TALK
  910. Replies:
  911. - Text: (Mention press)
  912. cost:
  913. glam: 0
  914. experience: 0
  915. dollars: 0
  916. motivation: 0
  917. level: 1
  918. reward:
  919. glam: 0
  920. experience: 0
  921. dollars: 0
  922. motivation: 0
  923. level: 1
  924. nextDialogIndex: 8
  925. startAction: 0
  926. actionId: 0
  927. tweetID: none
  928. NPCId: Asher Short
  929. - Text: Oh yeah, sorry about that nonsense calling you a diva and all. I guess
  930. it was some form of projecting on my end.
  931. AnimationIndex: TALK
  932. Replies: []
  933. NPCId: Asher Short
  934. - Text: "I\u2019ll fix this."
  935. AnimationIndex: TALK
  936. Replies:
  937. - Text: Thanks.
  938. cost:
  939. glam: 0
  940. experience: 0
  941. dollars: 0
  942. motivation: 0
  943. level: 1
  944. reward:
  945. glam: 0
  946. experience: 0
  947. dollars: 0
  948. motivation: 0
  949. level: 1
  950. nextDialogIndex: 0
  951. startAction: 0
  952. actionId: 0
  953. tweetID: none
  954. NPCId: Asher Short
  955. ConvType: 1
  956. Location: Tiki Cove
  957. NPCId:
  958. - Asher Short
  959. - id: CH05a-Q07-D01-Gabby
  960. Dialogs:
  961. - Text: "Hey %Player_Name%, I\u2019m glad you got everything sorted out with Asher.
  962. It was over a girl?! How original. "
  963. AnimationIndex: TALK
  964. Replies:
  965. - Text: I know!
  966. cost:
  967. glam: 0
  968. experience: 0
  969. dollars: 0
  970. motivation: 0
  971. level: 1
  972. reward:
  973. glam: 0
  974. experience: 0
  975. dollars: 0
  976. motivation: 0
  977. level: 1
  978. nextDialogIndex: 2
  979. startAction: 0
  980. actionId: 0
  981. tweetID: none
  982. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  983. - Text: Well, glad you fixed that before it got out of hand. Since I have you
  984. on the phone, I booked you for an appearance over at the Convention Center.
  985. AnimationIndex: TALK
  986. Replies: []
  987. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  988. - Text: "It\u2019s for a book reading for the kid\u2019s book, Goodbye, Pluto.
  989. And you\u2019ll be reading!"
  990. AnimationIndex: TALK
  991. Replies:
  992. - Text: Sounds fun!
  993. cost:
  994. glam: 0
  995. experience: 0
  996. dollars: 0
  997. motivation: 0
  998. level: 1
  999. reward:
  1000. glam: 0
  1001. experience: 0
  1002. dollars: 0
  1003. motivation: 0
  1004. level: 1
  1005. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1006. startAction: 0
  1007. actionId: 0
  1008. tweetID: none
  1009. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1010. ConvType: 3
  1011. Location: Orlando
  1012. NPCId:
  1013. - Gabriella Hall
  1014. - id: CH05a-Q07-D02-James
  1015. Dialogs:
  1016. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%! Fancy seeing you out of work. I volunteer here on my
  1017. off days to hang out with the kids!
  1018. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1019. Replies:
  1020. - Text: "That\u2019s awesome!"
  1021. cost:
  1022. glam: 0
  1023. experience: 0
  1024. dollars: 0
  1025. motivation: 0
  1026. level: 1
  1027. reward:
  1028. glam: 0
  1029. experience: 1
  1030. dollars: 1
  1031. motivation: 0
  1032. level: 1
  1033. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1034. startAction: 5
  1035. actionId: CH05a-Q02-A01
  1036. tweetID: none
  1037. NPCId: James Harris
  1038. - Text: "I know! I\u2019m glad you\u2019re here too. Let\u2019s start!"
  1039. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1040. Replies: []
  1041. NPCId: James Harris
  1042. ConvType: 1
  1043. Location: Convention Center
  1044. NPCId:
  1045. - James Harris
  1046. - id: CH05a-Q08-D01-Gabby
  1047. Dialogs:
  1048. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, how was the book reading?
  1049. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1050. Replies:
  1051. - Text: Fun!
  1052. cost:
  1053. glam: 0
  1054. experience: 0
  1055. dollars: 0
  1056. motivation: 0
  1057. level: 1
  1058. reward:
  1059. glam: 0
  1060. experience: 0
  1061. dollars: 0
  1062. motivation: 0
  1063. level: 1
  1064. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1065. startAction: 0
  1066. actionId: 0
  1067. tweetID: none
  1068. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1069. - Text: "Excellent. Well, I booked you for another event with kids! It\u2019s
  1070. a football event, featuring the famous running back, Jim Sanders."
  1071. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1072. Replies: []
  1073. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1074. - Text: "It\u2019s for a great cause - bringing the power of sports to young kids.
  1075. The event is over at the Solitaire Center in Orlando. "
  1076. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1077. Replies:
  1078. - Text: "I\u2019m on it!"
  1079. cost:
  1080. glam: 0
  1081. experience: 0
  1082. dollars: 0
  1083. motivation: 0
  1084. level: 1
  1085. reward:
  1086. glam: 0
  1087. experience: 0
  1088. dollars: 0
  1089. motivation: 0
  1090. level: 1
  1091. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1092. startAction: 0
  1093. actionId: 0
  1094. tweetID: none
  1095. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1096. - Text: The event will start in <Gig_Timer>!
  1097. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1098. Replies: []
  1099. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1100. - Text: Ps, I hope you know how to throw a football.. you might have to throw
  1101. one around.. so put on your best activewear!
  1102. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1103. Replies: []
  1104. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1105. ConvType: 3
  1106. Location: Exterior
  1107. NPCId:
  1108. - Gabriella Hall
  1109. - id: CH05a-Q08-D02-Gabby
  1110. Dialogs:
  1111. - Text: "%Player_Name%, the Play\u2019n Football Event is ready at the Solitaire
  1112. Center in Florida! "
  1113. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1114. Replies:
  1115. - Text: Thanks!
  1116. cost:
  1117. glam: 0
  1118. experience: 0
  1119. dollars: 0
  1120. motivation: 0
  1121. level: 1
  1122. reward:
  1123. glam: 0
  1124. experience: 0
  1125. dollars: 0
  1126. motivation: 0
  1127. level: 1
  1128. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1129. startAction: 0
  1130. actionId: 0
  1131. tweetID: none
  1132. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  1133. ConvType: 3
  1134. Location: Exterior
  1135. NPCId:
  1136. - Gabriella Hall
  1137. - id: CH05a-Q08-D02-Jim
  1138. Dialogs:
  1139. - Text: "Welcome to the Play\u2019n Football Charity Event, %Player_Name%! Pleasure
  1140. to have you making an appearance here!"
  1141. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  1142. Replies:
  1143. - Text: Thanks!
  1144. cost:
  1145. glam: 0
  1146. experience: 0
  1147. dollars: 0
  1148. motivation: 0
  1149. level: 1
  1150. reward:
  1151. glam: 0
  1152. experience: 0
  1153. dollars: 0
  1154. motivation: 0
  1155. level: 1
  1156. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1157. startAction: 0
  1158. actionId: 0
  1159. tweetID: none
  1160. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1161. - Text: "It\u2019s so important to show our young fans the benefits of exercise,
  1162. even if it\u2019s for a few minutes a day! Do you like football?"
  1163. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1164. Replies:
  1165. - Text: Yes!
  1166. cost:
  1167. glam: 0
  1168. experience: 0
  1169. dollars: 0
  1170. motivation: 0
  1171. level: 1
  1172. reward:
  1173. glam: 0
  1174. experience: 1
  1175. dollars: 2
  1176. motivation: 0
  1177. level: 1
  1178. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1179. startAction: 0
  1180. actionId: 0
  1181. tweetID: none
  1182. - Text: ..No
  1183. cost:
  1184. glam: 0
  1185. experience: 0
  1186. dollars: 0
  1187. motivation: 0
  1188. level: 1
  1189. reward:
  1190. glam: 0
  1191. experience: 1
  1192. dollars: 2
  1193. motivation: 0
  1194. level: 1
  1195. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1196. startAction: 0
  1197. actionId: 0
  1198. tweetID: none
  1199. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1200. - Text: 'Then you must be a fan of mine.. haha just kidding! '
  1201. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1202. Replies:
  1203. - Text: Ha! Maybe..!
  1204. cost:
  1205. glam: 0
  1206. experience: 0
  1207. dollars: 0
  1208. motivation: 0
  1209. level: 1
  1210. reward:
  1211. glam: 0
  1212. experience: 0
  1213. dollars: 0
  1214. motivation: 0
  1215. level: 1
  1216. nextDialogIndex: 5
  1217. startAction: 0
  1218. actionId: 0
  1219. tweetID: none
  1220. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1221. - Text: "It\u2019s never too late to love the game!"
  1222. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1223. Replies: []
  1224. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1225. - Text: Well how about we throw around some footballs and show kids some fun ways
  1226. to exercise!
  1227. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1228. Replies:
  1229. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  1230. cost:
  1231. glam: 0
  1232. experience: 0
  1233. dollars: 0
  1234. motivation: 0
  1235. level: 1
  1236. reward:
  1237. glam: 0
  1238. experience: 0
  1239. dollars: 0
  1240. motivation: 0
  1241. level: 1
  1242. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1243. startAction: 1
  1244. actionId:
  1245. tweetID: none
  1246. - Text: Hold on.
  1247. cost:
  1248. glam: 0
  1249. experience: 0
  1250. dollars: 0
  1251. motivation: 0
  1252. level: 1
  1253. reward:
  1254. glam: 0
  1255. experience: 0
  1256. dollars: 0
  1257. motivation: 0
  1258. level: 1
  1259. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1260. startAction: 0
  1261. actionId: 0
  1262. tweetID: none
  1263. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1264. - Text: Do you want to change into some activewear before we throw around some
  1265. footballs with these kids?
  1266. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1267. Replies: []
  1268. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1269. ConvType: 1
  1270. Location: Solitaire Center
  1271. NPCId:
  1272. - Jim Sanders
  1273. - id: CH05a-Q08-D03-Jim
  1274. Dialogs:
  1275. - Text: "This is tons of fun %Player_Name%! Thanks for coming by. I\u2019d like
  1276. you to meet my girlfriend, Effy."
  1277. AnimationIndex: TALK_HAPPY
  1278. Replies:
  1279. - Text: Girlfriend?!?!
  1280. cost:
  1281. glam: 0
  1282. experience: 0
  1283. dollars: 0
  1284. motivation: 0
  1285. level: 1
  1286. reward:
  1287. glam: 0
  1288. experience: 0
  1289. dollars: 0
  1290. motivation: 0
  1291. level: 1
  1292. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1293. startAction: 0
  1294. actionId: 0
  1295. tweetID: none
  1296. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1297. - Text: Uhh...ohh.. nice to meet you.
  1298. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1299. Replies:
  1300. - Text: (Call her out)
  1301. cost:
  1302. glam: 0
  1303. experience: 0
  1304. dollars: 0
  1305. motivation: 0
  1306. level: 1
  1307. reward:
  1308. glam: 0
  1309. experience: 1
  1310. dollars: 5
  1311. motivation: 0
  1312. level: 1
  1313. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1314. startAction: 0
  1315. actionId: 0
  1316. tweetID: none
  1317. - Text: (Walk away)
  1318. cost:
  1319. glam: 0
  1320. experience: 0
  1321. dollars: 0
  1322. motivation: 0
  1323. level: 1
  1324. reward:
  1325. glam: 0
  1326. experience: 1
  1327. dollars: 2
  1328. motivation: 0
  1329. level: 1
  1330. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1331. startAction: 0
  1332. actionId: 0
  1333. tweetID: none
  1334. NPCId: Effy White
  1335. - Text: "No, Jim it\u2019s not what it seems! %Player_Name%, please don\u2019t
  1336. tell Fabricio!"
  1337. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1338. Replies: []
  1339. NPCId: Effy White
  1340. - Text: "...wait %Player_Name%! Please don\u2019t tell Fabricio!"
  1341. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1342. Replies: []
  1343. NPCId: Effy White
  1344. ConvType: 1
  1345. Location: Solitaire Center
  1346. NPCId:
  1347. - Jim Sanders
  1348. - Effy White
  1349. - id: CH05a-Q08-D04-Jim
  1350. Dialogs:
  1351. - Text: "I can\u2019t believe Effy was cheating on us both! With my favorite character
  1352. from The Twisted Vamps, nonetheless!"
  1353. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1354. Replies: []
  1355. NPCId: Jim Sanders
  1356. ConvType: 1
  1357. Location: Solitaire Center
  1358. NPCId:
  1359. - Jim Sanders
  1360. - id: CH05a-Q09-D01-Fabricio
  1361. Dialogs:
  1362. - Text: '...hey %Player_Name%.'
  1363. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1364. Replies:
  1365. - Text: (Mention Effy)
  1366. cost:
  1367. glam: 0
  1368. experience: 0
  1369. dollars: 0
  1370. motivation: 0
  1371. level: 1
  1372. reward:
  1373. glam: 0
  1374. experience: 0
  1375. dollars: 0
  1376. motivation: 0
  1377. level: 1
  1378. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1379. startAction: 0
  1380. actionId: 0
  1381. tweetID: none
  1382. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  1383. - Text: 'Yeah, I was following the event on PixlChat and saw her there with him. '
  1384. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1385. Replies:
  1386. - Text: "It\u2019s all good"
  1387. cost:
  1388. glam: 0
  1389. experience: 0
  1390. dollars: 0
  1391. motivation: 0
  1392. level: 1
  1393. reward:
  1394. glam: 0
  1395. experience: 0
  1396. dollars: 0
  1397. motivation: 0
  1398. level: 1
  1399. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1400. startAction: 0
  1401. actionId: 0
  1402. tweetID: none
  1403. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  1404. - Text: "You were right about her. I\u2019m sorry. I should have listened to you
  1405. from the beginning."
  1406. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1407. Replies:
  1408. - Text: "You don\u2019t have to."
  1409. cost:
  1410. glam: 0
  1411. experience: 0
  1412. dollars: 0
  1413. motivation: 0
  1414. level: 1
  1415. reward:
  1416. glam: 0
  1417. experience: 0
  1418. dollars: 0
  1419. motivation: 0
  1420. level: 1
  1421. nextDialogIndex: 5
  1422. startAction: 0
  1423. actionId: 0
  1424. tweetID: none
  1425. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  1426. - Text: "Are you sure? I feel like a jerk. I\u2019ll make it up to you, I swear."
  1427. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1428. Replies:
  1429. - Text: Homies for life!
  1430. cost:
  1431. glam: 0
  1432. experience: 0
  1433. dollars: 0
  1434. motivation: 0
  1435. level: 1
  1436. reward:
  1437. glam: 0
  1438. experience: 0
  1439. dollars: 0
  1440. motivation: 0
  1441. level: 1
  1442. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1443. startAction: 0
  1444. actionId: 0
  1445. tweetID: none
  1446. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  1447. - Text: Thanks. Homies for life?
  1448. AnimationIndex: TALK_SAD
  1449. Replies: []
  1450. NPCId: Fabricio Marcelo
  1451. ConvType: 3
  1452. Location: Exterior
  1453. NPCId:
  1454. - Fabricio Marcelo
  1455. - id: CH05a-Q10-D01-Sarah
  1456. Dialogs:
  1457. - Text: '%Player_Name%, I have some GREAT news for you! '
  1458. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1459. Replies:
  1460. - Text: What is it?
  1461. cost:
  1462. glam: 0
  1463. experience: 0
  1464. dollars: 0
  1465. motivation: 0
  1466. level: 1
  1467. reward:
  1468. glam: 0
  1469. experience: 0
  1470. dollars: 0
  1471. motivation: 0
  1472. level: 1
  1473. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1474. startAction: 0
  1475. actionId: 0
  1476. tweetID: none
  1477. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1478. - Text: You booked the American Threads national commercial! Your face will be
  1479. shown during the TurkeyBowl!
  1480. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1481. Replies:
  1482. - Text: Yaaaas!
  1483. cost:
  1484. glam: 0
  1485. experience: 0
  1486. dollars: 0
  1487. motivation: 0
  1488. level: 1
  1489. reward:
  1490. glam: 0
  1491. experience: 0
  1492. dollars: 0
  1493. motivation: 0
  1494. level: 1
  1495. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1496. startAction: 0
  1497. actionId: 0
  1498. tweetID: none
  1499. - Text: (Play it cool)
  1500. cost:
  1501. glam: 0
  1502. experience: 0
  1503. dollars: 0
  1504. motivation: 0
  1505. level: 1
  1506. reward:
  1507. glam: 0
  1508. experience: 0
  1509. dollars: 0
  1510. motivation: 0
  1511. level: 1
  1512. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1513. startAction: 0
  1514. actionId: 0
  1515. tweetID: none
  1516. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1517. - Text: My feeling exactly!
  1518. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1519. Replies: []
  1520. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1521. - Text: "Ha, you\u2019re just like my kids.. always the cool ones."
  1522. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1523. Replies: []
  1524. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1525. - Text: "I\u2019m finalizing all the details, should be ready for you in <Gig_Timer>!
  1526. Filming will be at SilverMax Pictures in Los Angeles. Have you been to California
  1527. before?"
  1528. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1529. Replies:
  1530. - Text: Nope!
  1531. cost:
  1532. glam: 0
  1533. experience: 0
  1534. dollars: 0
  1535. motivation: 0
  1536. level: 1
  1537. reward:
  1538. glam: 0
  1539. experience: 0
  1540. dollars: 0
  1541. motivation: 0
  1542. level: 1
  1543. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1544. startAction: 0
  1545. actionId: 0
  1546. tweetID: none
  1547. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1548. - Text: Well, enjoy your first time there!
  1549. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1550. Replies: []
  1551. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1552. ConvType: 3
  1553. Location: Exterior
  1554. NPCId:
  1555. - Sarah Bourne
  1556. - id: CH05a-Q10-D02-Sarah
  1557. Dialogs:
  1558. - Text: '%Player_Name%, the American Threads TurkeyBowl ad is ready to be filmed
  1559. in California! Get over there!'
  1560. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1561. Replies:
  1562. - Text: Okay.
  1563. cost:
  1564. glam: 0
  1565. experience: 0
  1566. dollars: 0
  1567. motivation: 0
  1568. level: 1
  1569. reward:
  1570. glam: 0
  1571. experience: 0
  1572. dollars: 0
  1573. motivation: 0
  1574. level: 1
  1575. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1576. startAction: 0
  1577. actionId: 0
  1578. tweetID: none
  1579. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  1580. ConvType: 3
  1581. Location: Exterior
  1582. NPCId:
  1583. - Sarah Bourne
  1584. - id: CH05a-Q10-D03-Sidney
  1585. Dialogs:
  1586. - Text: "%Player_Name%, tell us what\u2019s going on with Effy White? Can you
  1587. make a comment?"
  1588. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1589. Replies:
  1590. - Text: "Everything\u2019s ok."
  1591. cost:
  1592. glam: 0
  1593. experience: 0
  1594. dollars: 0
  1595. motivation: 0
  1596. level: 1
  1597. reward:
  1598. glam: 0
  1599. experience: 2
  1600. dollars: 3
  1601. motivation: 0
  1602. level: 1
  1603. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1604. startAction: 0
  1605. actionId: 0
  1606. tweetID: none
  1607. - Text: (Spill the drama)
  1608. cost:
  1609. glam: 0
  1610. experience: 0
  1611. dollars: 0
  1612. motivation: 0
  1613. level: 1
  1614. reward:
  1615. glam: 0
  1616. experience: 2
  1617. dollars: 3
  1618. motivation: 0
  1619. level: 1
  1620. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1621. startAction: 0
  1622. actionId: 0
  1623. tweetID: none
  1624. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  1625. - Text: Do you have any other comments?
  1626. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1627. Replies:
  1628. - Text: No comments.
  1629. cost:
  1630. glam: 0
  1631. experience: 0
  1632. dollars: 0
  1633. motivation: 0
  1634. level: 1
  1635. reward:
  1636. glam: 0
  1637. experience: 0
  1638. dollars: 0
  1639. motivation: 0
  1640. level: 1
  1641. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1642. startAction: 0
  1643. actionId: 0
  1644. tweetID: none
  1645. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  1646. - Text: Well would you mind us taking some photos of you in beautiful LA?
  1647. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1648. Replies:
  1649. - Text: (Strike a pose)
  1650. cost:
  1651. glam: 0
  1652. experience: 0
  1653. dollars: 0
  1654. motivation: 3
  1655. level: 1
  1656. reward:
  1657. glam: 1
  1658. experience: 5
  1659. dollars: 10
  1660. motivation: 0
  1661. level: 1
  1662. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1663. startAction: 0
  1664. actionId: 0
  1665. tweetID: none
  1666. - Text: No thanks.
  1667. cost:
  1668. glam: 0
  1669. experience: 0
  1670. dollars: 0
  1671. motivation: 0
  1672. level: 1
  1673. reward:
  1674. glam: 0
  1675. experience: 0
  1676. dollars: 0
  1677. motivation: 0
  1678. level: 1
  1679. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1680. startAction: 0
  1681. actionId: 0
  1682. tweetID: none
  1683. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  1684. - Text: Thanks!
  1685. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1686. Replies: []
  1687. NPCId: Sidney Adams
  1688. ConvType: 0
  1689. Location: Hollywood
  1690. NPCId:
  1691. - Sidney Adams
  1692. - id: CH05a-Q10-D04-Natalia
  1693. Dialogs:
  1694. - Text: '%Player_Name%, what are you doing on my turf?'
  1695. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  1696. Replies:
  1697. - Text: Excuse me?
  1698. cost:
  1699. glam: 0
  1700. experience: 0
  1701. dollars: 0
  1702. motivation: 0
  1703. level: 1
  1704. reward:
  1705. glam: 0
  1706. experience: 0
  1707. dollars: 0
  1708. motivation: 0
  1709. level: 1
  1710. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1711. startAction: 0
  1712. actionId: 0
  1713. tweetID: none
  1714. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1715. - Text: You heard me. Cali is MY city. And this commercial is mine too. Why are
  1716. you even here?
  1717. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  1718. Replies:
  1719. - Text: I booked the commercial too.
  1720. cost:
  1721. glam: 0
  1722. experience: 0
  1723. dollars: 0
  1724. motivation: 0
  1725. level: 1
  1726. reward:
  1727. glam: 0
  1728. experience: 0
  1729. dollars: 0
  1730. motivation: 0
  1731. level: 1
  1732. nextDialogIndex: 3
  1733. startAction: 0
  1734. actionId: 0
  1735. tweetID: none
  1736. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1737. - Text: "No way. They\u2019re just letting anybody take these jobs, huh?"
  1738. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  1739. Replies:
  1740. - Text: I can say the same for you.
  1741. cost:
  1742. glam: 0
  1743. experience: 0
  1744. dollars: 0
  1745. motivation: 0
  1746. level: 1
  1747. reward:
  1748. glam: 0
  1749. experience: 0
  1750. dollars: 0
  1751. motivation: 0
  1752. level: 1
  1753. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1754. startAction: 0
  1755. actionId: 0
  1756. tweetID: none
  1757. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1758. - Text: "Whatever. I won\u2019t let you ruin this opportunity for me. So how about
  1759. we play nice for this commercial and get it over with."
  1760. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  1761. Replies:
  1762. - Text: I agree.
  1763. cost:
  1764. glam: 0
  1765. experience: 0
  1766. dollars: 0
  1767. motivation: 0
  1768. level: 1
  1769. reward:
  1770. glam: 0
  1771. experience: 2
  1772. dollars: 1
  1773. motivation: 0
  1774. level: 1
  1775. nextDialogIndex: 5
  1776. startAction: 0
  1777. actionId: 0
  1778. tweetID: none
  1779. - Text: You better keep up.
  1780. cost:
  1781. glam: 0
  1782. experience: 0
  1783. dollars: 0
  1784. motivation: 0
  1785. level: 1
  1786. reward:
  1787. glam: 0
  1788. experience: 2
  1789. dollars: 1
  1790. motivation: 0
  1791. level: 1
  1792. nextDialogIndex: 6
  1793. startAction: 0
  1794. actionId: 0
  1795. tweetID: none
  1796. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1797. - Text: "Good. Let\u2019s just get through this."
  1798. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  1799. Replies: []
  1800. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1801. - Text: Oh I will.
  1802. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  1803. Replies: []
  1804. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  1805. ConvType: 1
  1806. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  1807. NPCId:
  1808. - Natalia/Nate Jansens
  1809. - id: CH05a-Q10-D05-Karen
  1810. Dialogs:
  1811. - Text: 'You both are here! We can get started with the American Threads TurkeyBowl
  1812. commercial then. '
  1813. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1814. Replies: []
  1815. NPCId: Karen Paine
  1816. - Text: "It\u2019s going to be a long day, so please both get to set!"
  1817. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1818. Replies:
  1819. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  1820. cost:
  1821. glam: 0
  1822. experience: 0
  1823. dollars: 0
  1824. motivation: 0
  1825. level: 1
  1826. reward:
  1827. glam: 0
  1828. experience: 0
  1829. dollars: 0
  1830. motivation: 0
  1831. level: 1
  1832. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1833. startAction: 1
  1834. actionId: CH05a-Q10-G01-TurkeyBowl
  1835. tweetID: none
  1836. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  1837. cost:
  1838. glam: 0
  1839. experience: 0
  1840. dollars: 0
  1841. motivation: 0
  1842. level: 1
  1843. reward:
  1844. glam: 0
  1845. experience: 0
  1846. dollars: 0
  1847. motivation: 0
  1848. level: 1
  1849. nextDialogIndex: 0
  1850. startAction: 0
  1851. actionId: 0
  1852. tweetID: none
  1853. NPCId: Karen Paine
  1854. ConvType: 1
  1855. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  1856. NPCId:
  1857. - Karen Paine
  1858. - id: CH05a-Q10-D06-Natalia
  1859. Dialogs:
  1860. - Text: "I guess this isn\u2019t too bad. You still make me want to vom though."
  1861. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1862. Replies: []
  1863. NPCId: Natalia/Nate Jansens
  1864. ConvType: 1
  1865. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  1866. NPCId:
  1867. - Natalia/Nate Jansens
  1868. - id: CH05b-Q01-D01-Tyra
  1869. Dialogs:
  1870. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I know you have been working hard and I know it\u2019s
  1871. been paying off! How about a little getaway with yours truly?"
  1872. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1873. Replies:
  1874. - Text: '...tell me more!'
  1875. cost:
  1876. glam: 0
  1877. experience: 0
  1878. dollars: 0
  1879. motivation: 0
  1880. level: 1
  1881. reward:
  1882. glam: 0
  1883. experience: 0
  1884. dollars: 0
  1885. motivation: 0
  1886. level: 1
  1887. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1888. startAction: 0
  1889. actionId: 0
  1890. tweetID: none
  1891. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1892. - Text: "Let\u2019s go to Fiji! I\u2019m doing a photoshoot out there with fashion
  1893. designer Marc Ray. "
  1894. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1895. Replies: []
  1896. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1897. - Text: "I think it\u2019d also be a good opportunity to meet him. He\u2019s prolific
  1898. designer and he\u2019s up to big things."
  1899. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1900. Replies:
  1901. - Text: "I\u2019m in!"
  1902. cost:
  1903. glam: 0
  1904. experience: 0
  1905. dollars: 0
  1906. motivation: 0
  1907. level: 1
  1908. reward:
  1909. glam: 0
  1910. experience: 0
  1911. dollars: 0
  1912. motivation: 0
  1913. level: 1
  1914. nextDialogIndex: 4
  1915. startAction: 0
  1916. actionId: 0
  1917. tweetID: none
  1918. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1919. - Text: "Great. The shoot is scheduled in <Gig_Timer>.. so don\u2019t be late!"
  1920. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1921. Replies: []
  1922. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1923. ConvType: 3
  1924. Location: Exterior
  1925. NPCId:
  1926. - Tyra Banks
  1927. - id: CH05b-Q01-D02-Tyra
  1928. Dialogs:
  1929. - Text: Hello gorgeous, the photoshoot is ready for you! See you in Fiji!
  1930. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1931. Replies: []
  1932. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1933. ConvType: 3
  1934. Location: Exterior
  1935. NPCId:
  1936. - Tyra Banks
  1937. - id: CH05b-Q01-D03-Tyra
  1938. Dialogs:
  1939. - Text: '%Player_Name%, how do you like Fiji? '
  1940. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1941. Replies:
  1942. - Text: Love it!
  1943. cost:
  1944. glam: 0
  1945. experience: 0
  1946. dollars: 0
  1947. motivation: 0
  1948. level: 1
  1949. reward:
  1950. glam: 0
  1951. experience: 0
  1952. dollars: 0
  1953. motivation: 0
  1954. level: 1
  1955. nextDialogIndex: 2
  1956. startAction: 0
  1957. actionId: 0
  1958. tweetID: none
  1959. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1960. - Text: "I\u2019d like to introduce you to fashion designer, Marc Ray. Marc is
  1961. a prominent couture designer!"
  1962. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1963. Replies: []
  1964. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1965. - Text: I still remember your 2014 collection transforming raincoats into dreses!
  1966. You are truly a visionary.
  1967. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1968. Replies: []
  1969. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  1970. - Text: "You\u2019re too kind Tyra. It\u2019s lovely to meet you %Player_Name%.
  1971. I\u2019ve seen some of your recent work and your talent exceeds you."
  1972. AnimationIndex: TALK
  1973. Replies:
  1974. - Text: OMG thanks!
  1975. cost:
  1976. glam: 0
  1977. experience: 0
  1978. dollars: 0
  1979. motivation: 0
  1980. level: 1
  1981. reward:
  1982. glam: 0
  1983. experience: 2
  1984. dollars: 1
  1985. motivation: 0
  1986. level: 1
  1987. nextDialogIndex: 5
  1988. startAction: 0
  1989. actionId: 0
  1990. tweetID: none
  1991. - Text: (Play it cool)
  1992. cost:
  1993. glam: 0
  1994. experience: 0
  1995. dollars: 0
  1996. motivation: 0
  1997. level: 1
  1998. reward:
  1999. glam: 0
  2000. experience: 2
  2001. dollars: 1
  2002. motivation: 0
  2003. level: 1
  2004. nextDialogIndex: 5
  2005. startAction: 0
  2006. actionId: 0
  2007. tweetID: none
  2008. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2009. - Text: "I\u2019m also a fan of your fashion style, %Player_Name%.. have you ever
  2010. thought about becoming a fashion buyer or designer?"
  2011. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2012. Replies:
  2013. - Text: Not really.
  2014. cost:
  2015. glam: 0
  2016. experience: 0
  2017. dollars: 0
  2018. motivation: 0
  2019. level: 1
  2020. reward:
  2021. glam: 0
  2022. experience: 0
  2023. dollars: 0
  2024. motivation: 0
  2025. level: 1
  2026. nextDialogIndex: 6
  2027. startAction: 0
  2028. actionId: 0
  2029. tweetID: none
  2030. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2031. - Text: "You should give it a try! I\u2019d love to chat about it with you.. maybe
  2032. we can set something up after the shoot."
  2033. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2034. Replies:
  2035. - Text: That would be great!
  2036. cost:
  2037. glam: 0
  2038. experience: 0
  2039. dollars: 0
  2040. motivation: 0
  2041. level: 1
  2042. reward:
  2043. glam: 0
  2044. experience: 0
  2045. dollars: 0
  2046. motivation: 0
  2047. level: 1
  2048. nextDialogIndex: 7
  2049. startAction: 0
  2050. actionId: 0
  2051. tweetID: none
  2052. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2053. - Text: "Sounds like you two are hitting it off! %Player_Name%, when you\u2019re
  2054. ready for the shoot let Jeremy know!"
  2055. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2056. Replies: []
  2057. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2058. ConvType: 1
  2059. Location: Fiji
  2060. NPCId:
  2061. - Tyra Banks
  2062. - Marc Ray
  2063. - id: CH05b-Q01-D04-Jeremy
  2064. Dialogs:
  2065. - Text: '%Player_Name%, are you ready?'
  2066. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2067. Replies:
  2068. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  2069. cost:
  2070. glam: 0
  2071. experience: 0
  2072. dollars: 0
  2073. motivation: 0
  2074. level: 1
  2075. reward:
  2076. glam: 0
  2077. experience: 0
  2078. dollars: 0
  2079. motivation: 0
  2080. level: 1
  2081. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2082. startAction: 1
  2083. actionId: CH05b-Q01-G01-Photoshoot
  2084. tweetID: none
  2085. - Text: Hold on.
  2086. cost:
  2087. glam: 0
  2088. experience: 0
  2089. dollars: 0
  2090. motivation: 0
  2091. level: 1
  2092. reward:
  2093. glam: 0
  2094. experience: 0
  2095. dollars: 0
  2096. motivation: 0
  2097. level: 1
  2098. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2099. startAction: 0
  2100. actionId: 0
  2101. tweetID: none
  2102. NPCId: Jeremy Cariveau
  2103. ConvType: 1
  2104. Location: Fiji
  2105. NPCId:
  2106. - Jeremy Cariveau
  2107. - id: CH05b-Q01-D05-Tyra
  2108. Dialogs:
  2109. - Text: Your pose is slammin!
  2110. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2111. Replies: []
  2112. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2113. ConvType: 2
  2114. Location: Fiji
  2115. NPCId:
  2116. - Tyra Banks
  2117. - id: CH05b-Q02-D01-Sarah
  2118. Dialogs:
  2119. - Text: 'Hey %Player_Name%, I booked you a gig for a toy. Something called a
  2120. fidget spinner? '
  2121. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2122. Replies:
  2123. - Text: I love them!
  2124. cost:
  2125. glam: 0
  2126. experience: 0
  2127. dollars: 0
  2128. motivation: 0
  2129. level: 1
  2130. reward:
  2131. glam: 0
  2132. experience: 0
  2133. dollars: 0
  2134. motivation: 0
  2135. level: 1
  2136. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2137. startAction: 0
  2138. actionId: 0
  2139. tweetID: none
  2140. - Text: Huh?
  2141. cost:
  2142. glam: 0
  2143. experience: 0
  2144. dollars: 0
  2145. motivation: 0
  2146. level: 1
  2147. reward:
  2148. glam: 0
  2149. experience: 0
  2150. dollars: 0
  2151. motivation: 0
  2152. level: 1
  2153. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2154. startAction: 0
  2155. actionId: 0
  2156. tweetID: none
  2157. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2158. - Text: "Supposedly all the craze with the young ones. My kids even asked for
  2159. one too. The photoshoot is at Glamlight Studios, so head on over there when
  2160. you\u2019re ready."
  2161. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2162. Replies:
  2163. - Text: Okay.
  2164. cost:
  2165. glam: 0
  2166. experience: 0
  2167. dollars: 0
  2168. motivation: 0
  2169. level: 1
  2170. reward:
  2171. glam: 0
  2172. experience: 0
  2173. dollars: 0
  2174. motivation: 0
  2175. level: 1
  2176. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2177. startAction: 0
  2178. actionId: 0
  2179. tweetID: none
  2180. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2181. ConvType: 3
  2182. Location: Exterior
  2183. NPCId:
  2184. - Sarah Bourne
  2185. - id: CH05b-Q02-D02-Tyra
  2186. Dialogs:
  2187. - Text: '%Player_Name%, thanks again for coming to the Marc Ray photoshoot in
  2188. Fiji. I had a blast!'
  2189. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2190. Replies:
  2191. - Text: Me too!
  2192. cost:
  2193. glam: 0
  2194. experience: 0
  2195. dollars: 0
  2196. motivation: 0
  2197. level: 1
  2198. reward:
  2199. glam: 0
  2200. experience: 0
  2201. dollars: 0
  2202. motivation: 0
  2203. level: 1
  2204. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2205. startAction: 0
  2206. actionId: 0
  2207. tweetID: none
  2208. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2209. - Text: "I spoke with Marc Ray after you left and he\u2019s going to give you
  2210. a call. He\u2019s a big deal in the fashion industry and rumor is he\u2019s
  2211. debuting a line at Paris Fashion Week. "
  2212. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2213. Replies: []
  2214. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2215. - Text: I think you would be perfect to be the lead model of the line!
  2216. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2217. Replies:
  2218. - Text: You think so?
  2219. cost:
  2220. glam: 0
  2221. experience: 0
  2222. dollars: 0
  2223. motivation: 0
  2224. level: 1
  2225. reward:
  2226. glam: 0
  2227. experience: 0
  2228. dollars: 0
  2229. motivation: 0
  2230. level: 1
  2231. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2232. startAction: 0
  2233. actionId: 0
  2234. tweetID: none
  2235. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2236. - Text: "Yeah honey, I do! I\u2019ll put in a good word with him. Keep up your
  2237. hustle to the top! "
  2238. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2239. Replies: []
  2240. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2241. - Text: "I\u2019m rooting for you!"
  2242. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2243. Replies:
  2244. - Text: '"Thanks. Tyra!"'
  2245. cost:
  2246. glam: 0
  2247. experience: 0
  2248. dollars: 0
  2249. motivation: 0
  2250. level: 1
  2251. reward:
  2252. glam: 0
  2253. experience: 0
  2254. dollars: 0
  2255. motivation: 0
  2256. level: 1
  2257. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2258. startAction: 0
  2259. actionId: 0
  2260. tweetID: none
  2261. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  2262. ConvType: 3
  2263. Location: Fashion Ave
  2264. NPCId:
  2265. - Tyra Banks
  2266. - id: CH05b-Q02-D03-Katherine
  2267. Dialogs:
  2268. - Text: The fidget spinner photoshoot is ready. Are you ready?
  2269. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2270. Replies:
  2271. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  2272. cost:
  2273. glam: 0
  2274. experience: 0
  2275. dollars: 0
  2276. motivation: 0
  2277. level: 1
  2278. reward:
  2279. glam: 0
  2280. experience: 0
  2281. dollars: 0
  2282. motivation: 0
  2283. level: 1
  2284. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2285. startAction: 1
  2286. actionId: CH05b-Q02-G01-Photoshoot
  2287. tweetID: none
  2288. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  2289. cost:
  2290. glam: 0
  2291. experience: 0
  2292. dollars: 0
  2293. motivation: 0
  2294. level: 1
  2295. reward:
  2296. glam: 0
  2297. experience: 0
  2298. dollars: 0
  2299. motivation: 0
  2300. level: 1
  2301. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2302. startAction: 0
  2303. actionId: 0
  2304. tweetID: none
  2305. NPCId: Katherine Hamm
  2306. ConvType: 1
  2307. Location: Glamlight Studios
  2308. NPCId:
  2309. - Katherine Hamm
  2310. - id: CH05b-Q03-D01-Marc
  2311. Dialogs:
  2312. - Text: Is this %Player_Name%?
  2313. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2314. Replies:
  2315. - Text: It is.
  2316. cost:
  2317. glam: 0
  2318. experience: 0
  2319. dollars: 0
  2320. motivation: 0
  2321. level: 1
  2322. reward:
  2323. glam: 0
  2324. experience: 0
  2325. dollars: 0
  2326. motivation: 0
  2327. level: 1
  2328. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2329. startAction: 0
  2330. actionId: 0
  2331. tweetID: none
  2332. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2333. - Text: "Hey, it\u2019s Marc Ray. I spoke with Tyra after the shoot and I\u2019m
  2334. interested in working with you a bit more!"
  2335. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2336. Replies:
  2337. - Text: Me too.
  2338. cost:
  2339. glam: 0
  2340. experience: 0
  2341. dollars: 0
  2342. motivation: 0
  2343. level: 1
  2344. reward:
  2345. glam: 0
  2346. experience: 0
  2347. dollars: 0
  2348. motivation: 0
  2349. level: 1
  2350. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2351. startAction: 0
  2352. actionId: 0
  2353. tweetID: none
  2354. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2355. - Text: Excellent, can you meet me at my shop in Houston?
  2356. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2357. Replies:
  2358. - Text: Of course!
  2359. cost:
  2360. glam: 0
  2361. experience: 0
  2362. dollars: 0
  2363. motivation: 0
  2364. level: 1
  2365. reward:
  2366. glam: 0
  2367. experience: 0
  2368. dollars: 0
  2369. motivation: 0
  2370. level: 1
  2371. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2372. startAction: 0
  2373. actionId: 0
  2374. tweetID: none
  2375. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2376. ConvType: 3
  2377. Location: Exterior
  2378. NPCId:
  2379. - Marc Ray
  2380. - id: CH05b-Q03-D02-Marc
  2381. Dialogs:
  2382. - Text: "%Player_Name%, pleasure to see you again! Loving your outfit yet again..
  2383. you have an eye for fashion, don\u2019t you?"
  2384. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2385. Replies:
  2386. - Text: I love fashion
  2387. cost:
  2388. glam: 0
  2389. experience: 0
  2390. dollars: 0
  2391. motivation: 0
  2392. level: 1
  2393. reward:
  2394. glam: 0
  2395. experience: 2
  2396. dollars: 1
  2397. motivation: 0
  2398. level: 1
  2399. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2400. startAction: 0
  2401. actionId: 0
  2402. tweetID: none
  2403. - Text: Fashion is life.
  2404. cost:
  2405. glam: 0
  2406. experience: 0
  2407. dollars: 0
  2408. motivation: 0
  2409. level: 1
  2410. reward:
  2411. glam: 0
  2412. experience: 2
  2413. dollars: 1
  2414. motivation: 0
  2415. level: 1
  2416. nextDialogIndex: 2
  2417. startAction: 0
  2418. actionId: 0
  2419. tweetID: none
  2420. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2421. - Text: "My sentiment exactly. So I don\u2019t know how much you know about my
  2422. work, but I love combining things that might seem like they have nothing in
  2423. common and making it high fashion!"
  2424. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2425. Replies:
  2426. - Text: Okay!
  2427. cost:
  2428. glam: 0
  2429. experience: 0
  2430. dollars: 0
  2431. motivation: 0
  2432. level: 1
  2433. reward:
  2434. glam: 0
  2435. experience: 0
  2436. dollars: 0
  2437. motivation: 0
  2438. level: 1
  2439. nextDialogIndex: 4
  2440. startAction: 0
  2441. actionId: 0
  2442. tweetID: none
  2443. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2444. - Text: I want to continue to push the barriers. And I want my next line to do
  2445. exactly that.
  2446. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2447. Replies: []
  2448. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2449. - Text: "I\u2019m looking to push my couture line and crossover into something
  2450. new and innovative. But I have writer\u2019s block.. I guess in this case,
  2451. fashion designer\u2019s block!"
  2452. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2453. Replies:
  2454. - Text: (Wearable tech)
  2455. cost:
  2456. glam: 0
  2457. experience: 0
  2458. dollars: 0
  2459. motivation: 0
  2460. level: 1
  2461. reward:
  2462. glam: 0
  2463. experience: 0
  2464. dollars: 0
  2465. motivation: 0
  2466. level: 1
  2467. nextDialogIndex: 5
  2468. startAction: 0
  2469. actionId: 0
  2470. tweetID: none
  2471. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2472. - Text: Wearable tech, huh? My head is spinning with ideas. Imagine a whole line,
  2473. formal wear couture mixed with technology. But where would I find such tech
  2474. within fashion?
  2475. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2476. Replies:
  2477. - Text: (Triple B Clothing)
  2478. cost:
  2479. glam: 0
  2480. experience: 0
  2481. dollars: 0
  2482. motivation: 0
  2483. level: 1
  2484. reward:
  2485. glam: 0
  2486. experience: 0
  2487. dollars: 0
  2488. motivation: 0
  2489. level: 1
  2490. nextDialogIndex: 6
  2491. startAction: 0
  2492. actionId: 0
  2493. tweetID: none
  2494. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2495. - Text: "Ricardo Ruiz? I never thought of collaborating with him. %Player_Name%,
  2496. I think you\u2019re onto something! "
  2497. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2498. Replies: []
  2499. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2500. - Text: 'Would you be willing to act as a buyer for me at Triple B Clothing? I
  2501. need you pick out a few looks that I can incorporate in my line? '
  2502. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2503. Replies:
  2504. - Text: Yes!
  2505. cost:
  2506. glam: 0
  2507. experience: 0
  2508. dollars: 0
  2509. motivation: 0
  2510. level: 1
  2511. reward:
  2512. glam: 0
  2513. experience: 0
  2514. dollars: 0
  2515. motivation: 0
  2516. level: 1
  2517. nextDialogIndex: 8
  2518. startAction: 0
  2519. actionId: 0
  2520. tweetID: none
  2521. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2522. - Text: "Excellent. I will give Ricardo a call in the meantime and let him know
  2523. you\u2019re on the way."
  2524. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2525. Replies: []
  2526. NPCId: Marc Ray
  2527. ConvType: 1
  2528. Location: Marc Ray
  2529. NPCId:
  2530. - Marc Ray
  2531. - id: CH05b-Q04-D01-Ricardo
  2532. Dialogs:
  2533. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, Marc Ray told me you would be heading on over. Feel
  2534. free to look around and let me know if you see anything that would fit the
  2535. line!
  2536. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2537. Replies:
  2538. - Text: Okay!
  2539. cost:
  2540. glam: 0
  2541. experience: 0
  2542. dollars: 0
  2543. motivation: 0
  2544. level: 1
  2545. reward:
  2546. glam: 0
  2547. experience: 0
  2548. dollars: 0
  2549. motivation: 0
  2550. level: 1
  2551. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2552. startAction: 5
  2553. actionId: CH05b-Q04-A01
  2554. tweetID: none
  2555. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  2556. ConvType: 1
  2557. Location: Triple B Clothing
  2558. NPCId:
  2559. - Ricardo Ruiz
  2560. - id: CH05b-Q04-D02-Ricardo
  2561. Dialogs:
  2562. - Text: "Great selections! I\u2019m excited to see how Marc Ray incorporates my
  2563. looks with his line! His collections are very high fashion so I\u2019m excited
  2564. to see it."
  2565. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2566. Replies:
  2567. - Text: Me too!
  2568. cost:
  2569. glam: 0
  2570. experience: 0
  2571. dollars: 0
  2572. motivation: 0
  2573. level: 1
  2574. reward:
  2575. glam: 0
  2576. experience: 0
  2577. dollars: 0
  2578. motivation: 0
  2579. level: 1
  2580. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2581. startAction: 0
  2582. actionId: 0
  2583. tweetID: none
  2584. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  2585. ConvType: 1
  2586. Location: Triple B Clothing
  2587. NPCId:
  2588. - Ricardo Ruiz
  2589. - id: CH05b-Q05-D01-Sarah
  2590. Dialogs:
  2591. - Text: '%Player_Name%, hope your meeting with Ricardo went well! What are your
  2592. thoughts on hand modeling?'
  2593. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2594. Replies:
  2595. - Text: Hand modeling?
  2596. cost:
  2597. glam: 0
  2598. experience: 0
  2599. dollars: 0
  2600. motivation: 0
  2601. level: 1
  2602. reward:
  2603. glam: 0
  2604. experience: 0
  2605. dollars: 0
  2606. motivation: 0
  2607. level: 1
  2608. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2609. startAction: 0
  2610. actionId: 0
  2611. tweetID: none
  2612. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2613. - Text: "Yeah you know.. modeling.. but just your hands! An old associate of mine,
  2614. Chelsea Cruise, works at the jewelry company Mia & Sophia. She\u2019s in New
  2615. York for a few days."
  2616. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2617. Replies: []
  2618. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2619. - Text: "I scheduled a meeting for you two over at Harp & Dagger.. not too far
  2620. from Ricardo\u2019s! "
  2621. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2622. Replies:
  2623. - Text: OK!
  2624. cost:
  2625. glam: 0
  2626. experience: 0
  2627. dollars: 0
  2628. motivation: 0
  2629. level: 1
  2630. reward:
  2631. glam: 0
  2632. experience: 0
  2633. dollars: 0
  2634. motivation: 0
  2635. level: 1
  2636. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2637. startAction: 0
  2638. actionId: 0
  2639. tweetID: none
  2640. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2641. ConvType: 3
  2642. Location: SoHo
  2643. NPCId:
  2644. - Sarah Bourne
  2645. - id: CH05b-Q05-D02-Chelsea
  2646. Dialogs:
  2647. - Text: '%Player_Name%, glad that Sarah Bourne connected us. I run a jewelry company
  2648. called Mia & Sophia. Let me see your hands...'
  2649. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2650. Replies:
  2651. - Text: Uhh okay.
  2652. cost:
  2653. glam: 0
  2654. experience: 0
  2655. dollars: 0
  2656. motivation: 0
  2657. level: 1
  2658. reward:
  2659. glam: 0
  2660. experience: 0
  2661. dollars: 0
  2662. motivation: 0
  2663. level: 1
  2664. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2665. startAction: 0
  2666. actionId: 0
  2667. tweetID: none
  2668. NPCId: Chelsea Cruise
  2669. - Text: "Oooo\u2026 ahhh, what magnificent nail beds. And the proportions of hand
  2670. to finger to nails is almost perfect! Sarah wasn\u2019t wrong about you."
  2671. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2672. Replies: []
  2673. NPCId: Chelsea Cruise
  2674. - Text: 'How would you feel about modeling our wonderful collection of rings,
  2675. watches and bracelets? Your hands would be ideal for our Remembrance collection. '
  2676. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2677. Replies:
  2678. - Text: "I\u2019m interested!"
  2679. cost:
  2680. glam: 0
  2681. experience: 0
  2682. dollars: 0
  2683. motivation: 0
  2684. level: 1
  2685. reward:
  2686. glam: 0
  2687. experience: 0
  2688. dollars: 0
  2689. motivation: 0
  2690. level: 1
  2691. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2692. startAction: 0
  2693. actionId: 0
  2694. tweetID: none
  2695. NPCId: Chelsea Cruise
  2696. - Text: 'Great! I will set up the photoshoot at Glamlight Studios in <Gig_Timer>. '
  2697. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2698. Replies: []
  2699. NPCId: Chelsea Cruise
  2700. ConvType: 1
  2701. Location: Harp and Dagger
  2702. NPCId:
  2703. - Chelsea Cruise
  2704. - id: CH05b-Q06-D01-Chelsea
  2705. Dialogs:
  2706. - Text: '%Player_Name%, I have a suitcase full of jewelry with your name on it!
  2707. The photoshoot at Glamlight is ready!'
  2708. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2709. Replies:
  2710. - Text: Okay!
  2711. cost:
  2712. glam: 0
  2713. experience: 0
  2714. dollars: 0
  2715. motivation: 0
  2716. level: 1
  2717. reward:
  2718. glam: 0
  2719. experience: 0
  2720. dollars: 0
  2721. motivation: 0
  2722. level: 1
  2723. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2724. startAction: 0
  2725. actionId: 0
  2726. tweetID: none
  2727. NPCId: Chelsea Cruise
  2728. ConvType: 3
  2729. Location: Exterior
  2730. NPCId:
  2731. - Chelsea Cruise
  2732. - id: CH05b-Q06-D02-Katherine
  2733. Dialogs:
  2734. - Text: Are you ready to start the Mia & Sophia photoshoot?
  2735. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2736. Replies:
  2737. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  2738. cost:
  2739. glam: 0
  2740. experience: 0
  2741. dollars: 0
  2742. motivation: 0
  2743. level: 1
  2744. reward:
  2745. glam: 0
  2746. experience: 0
  2747. dollars: 0
  2748. motivation: 0
  2749. level: 1
  2750. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2751. startAction: 1
  2752. actionId: CH05b-Q06-Photoshoot
  2753. tweetID: none
  2754. - Text: Hold on.
  2755. cost:
  2756. glam: 0
  2757. experience: 0
  2758. dollars: 0
  2759. motivation: 0
  2760. level: 1
  2761. reward:
  2762. glam: 0
  2763. experience: 0
  2764. dollars: 0
  2765. motivation: 0
  2766. level: 1
  2767. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2768. startAction: 0
  2769. actionId: 0
  2770. tweetID: none
  2771. NPCId: Katherine Hamm
  2772. ConvType: 1
  2773. Location: Glamlight Studios
  2774. NPCId:
  2775. - Katherine Hamm
  2776. - id: CH05b-Q07-D01-Sarah
  2777. Dialogs:
  2778. - Text: '%Player_Name%, I booked you for an ad campaign for a new fragrance called
  2779. Questionable. '
  2780. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2781. Replies: []
  2782. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2783. - Text: "They are requiring that you tooch a bit! You know, don\u2019t be afraid
  2784. to be a bit sexy during this shoot!"
  2785. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2786. Replies:
  2787. - Text: "I\u2019ll bring sexy back!"
  2788. cost:
  2789. glam: 0
  2790. experience: 0
  2791. dollars: 0
  2792. motivation: 0
  2793. level: 1
  2794. reward:
  2795. glam: 0
  2796. experience: 2
  2797. dollars: 1
  2798. motivation: 0
  2799. level: 1
  2800. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2801. startAction: 0
  2802. actionId: 0
  2803. tweetID: none
  2804. - Text: I will try!
  2805. cost:
  2806. glam: 0
  2807. experience: 0
  2808. dollars: 0
  2809. motivation: 0
  2810. level: 1
  2811. reward:
  2812. glam: 0
  2813. experience: 2
  2814. dollars: 1
  2815. motivation: 0
  2816. level: 1
  2817. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2818. startAction: 0
  2819. actionId: 0
  2820. tweetID: none
  2821. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2822. - Text: "I know you will! It\u2019ll be a swimwear photoshoot at Houston Pier."
  2823. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2824. Replies:
  2825. - Text: "I\u2019ll be there!"
  2826. cost:
  2827. glam: 0
  2828. experience: 0
  2829. dollars: 0
  2830. motivation: 0
  2831. level: 1
  2832. reward:
  2833. glam: 0
  2834. experience: 0
  2835. dollars: 0
  2836. motivation: 0
  2837. level: 1
  2838. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2839. startAction: 0
  2840. actionId: 0
  2841. tweetID: none
  2842. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  2843. ConvType: 3
  2844. Location: Exterior
  2845. NPCId:
  2846. - Sarah Bourne
  2847. - id: CH05b-Q07-D02-Denise
  2848. Dialogs:
  2849. - Text: You look great %Player_Name%! Are you ready to start the Questionable
  2850. fragrance photoshoot?
  2851. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2852. Replies:
  2853. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  2854. cost:
  2855. glam: 0
  2856. experience: 0
  2857. dollars: 0
  2858. motivation: 0
  2859. level: 1
  2860. reward:
  2861. glam: 0
  2862. experience: 2
  2863. dollars: 1
  2864. motivation: 0
  2865. level: 1
  2866. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2867. startAction: 1
  2868. actionId: CH05b-Q07-G01-Photoshoot
  2869. tweetID: none
  2870. - Text: Hold on.
  2871. cost:
  2872. glam: 0
  2873. experience: 0
  2874. dollars: 0
  2875. motivation: 0
  2876. level: 1
  2877. reward:
  2878. glam: 0
  2879. experience: 2
  2880. dollars: 1
  2881. motivation: 0
  2882. level: 1
  2883. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2884. startAction: 0
  2885. actionId: 0
  2886. tweetID: none
  2887. NPCId: Denise Ali
  2888. - Text: "You\u2019ll need to put on some swimwear for this photoshoot. Bring the
  2889. sexy to this shoot!"
  2890. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2891. Replies: []
  2892. NPCId: Denise Ali
  2893. ConvType: 1
  2894. Location: Houston Pier
  2895. NPCId:
  2896. - Denise Ali
  2897. - id: CH05b-Q08-D01-Gabby
  2898. Dialogs:
  2899. - Text: '%Player_Name%, what color do you like better? Millennial pink or rose
  2900. quartz?'
  2901. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2902. Replies:
  2903. - Text: Millennial pink
  2904. cost:
  2905. glam: 0
  2906. experience: 0
  2907. dollars: 0
  2908. motivation: 0
  2909. level: 1
  2910. reward:
  2911. glam: 0
  2912. experience: 0
  2913. dollars: 0
  2914. motivation: 0
  2915. level: 1
  2916. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2917. startAction: 0
  2918. actionId: 0
  2919. tweetID: none
  2920. - Text: Rose quartz
  2921. cost:
  2922. glam: 0
  2923. experience: 0
  2924. dollars: 0
  2925. motivation: 0
  2926. level: 1
  2927. reward:
  2928. glam: 0
  2929. experience: 0
  2930. dollars: 0
  2931. motivation: 0
  2932. level: 1
  2933. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2934. startAction: 0
  2935. actionId: 0
  2936. tweetID: none
  2937. - Text: "Aren\u2019t they the same?"
  2938. cost:
  2939. glam: 0
  2940. experience: 0
  2941. dollars: 0
  2942. motivation: 0
  2943. level: 1
  2944. reward:
  2945. glam: 0
  2946. experience: 0
  2947. dollars: 0
  2948. motivation: 0
  2949. level: 1
  2950. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2951. startAction: 0
  2952. actionId: 0
  2953. tweetID: none
  2954. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2955. - Text: Me too!
  2956. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2957. Replies: []
  2958. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2959. - Text: My fiance likes that color too!
  2960. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2961. Replies: []
  2962. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2963. - Text: What?! They are two completely different colors! Come on, %Player_Name%!
  2964. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2965. Replies: []
  2966. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2967. - Text: "I\u2019m just over here debating colors for the bridesmaids dresses!
  2968. Also, I booked you for an appearance at IVY Yacht Club! Head on over to beautiful
  2969. Miami in <Gig_Timer>!"
  2970. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2971. Replies:
  2972. - Text: Okay!
  2973. cost:
  2974. glam: 0
  2975. experience: 0
  2976. dollars: 0
  2977. motivation: 0
  2978. level: 1
  2979. reward:
  2980. glam: 0
  2981. experience: 0
  2982. dollars: 0
  2983. motivation: 0
  2984. level: 1
  2985. nextDialogIndex: 0
  2986. startAction: 0
  2987. actionId: 0
  2988. tweetID: none
  2989. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  2990. ConvType: 3
  2991. Location: Exterior
  2992. NPCId:
  2993. - Gabriella Hall
  2994. - id: CH05b-Q08-D02-Gabby
  2995. Dialogs:
  2996. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, the appearance at IVY Yacht Club is ready!
  2997. AnimationIndex: TALK
  2998. Replies:
  2999. - Text: Got it!
  3000. cost:
  3001. glam: 0
  3002. experience: 0
  3003. dollars: 0
  3004. motivation: 0
  3005. level: 1
  3006. reward:
  3007. glam: 0
  3008. experience: 0
  3009. dollars: 0
  3010. motivation: 0
  3011. level: 1
  3012. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3013. startAction: 0
  3014. actionId: 0
  3015. tweetID: none
  3016. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3017. ConvType: 3
  3018. Location: Exterior
  3019. NPCId:
  3020. - Gabriella Hall
  3021. - id: CH05b-Q08-D03-Bethany
  3022. Dialogs:
  3023. - Text: "Welcome to IVY Yacht Club. Is this what you\u2019re wearing for the appearance?"
  3024. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3025. Replies:
  3026. - Text: Yep!
  3027. cost:
  3028. glam: 0
  3029. experience: 0
  3030. dollars: 0
  3031. motivation: 0
  3032. level: 1
  3033. reward:
  3034. glam: 0
  3035. experience: 0
  3036. dollars: 0
  3037. motivation: 0
  3038. level: 1
  3039. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3040. startAction: 1
  3041. actionId: CH05b-Q08-G01-Sponsored
  3042. tweetID: none
  3043. - Text: Hold on.
  3044. cost:
  3045. glam: 0
  3046. experience: 0
  3047. dollars: 0
  3048. motivation: 0
  3049. level: 1
  3050. reward:
  3051. glam: 0
  3052. experience: 0
  3053. dollars: 0
  3054. motivation: 0
  3055. level: 1
  3056. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3057. startAction: 0
  3058. actionId: 0
  3059. tweetID: none
  3060. NPCId: Bethany Hilton
  3061. ConvType: 1
  3062. Location: IVY Yacht Club
  3063. NPCId:
  3064. - Bethany Hilton
  3065. - id: CH05c-Q01-D01-Marc
  3066. Dialogs:
  3067. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, could you meet me at my shop in Houston?
  3068. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3069. Replies:
  3070. - Text: Sure thing!
  3071. cost:
  3072. glam: 0
  3073. experience: 0
  3074. dollars: 0
  3075. motivation: 0
  3076. level: 1
  3077. reward:
  3078. glam: 0
  3079. experience: 0
  3080. dollars: 0
  3081. motivation: 0
  3082. level: 1
  3083. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3084. startAction: 0
  3085. actionId: 0
  3086. tweetID: none
  3087. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3088. - Text: Excellent. See you soon.
  3089. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3090. Replies: []
  3091. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3092. ConvType: 3
  3093. Location: Exterior
  3094. NPCId:
  3095. - Marc Ray
  3096. - id: CH05c-Q01-D02-Marc
  3097. Dialogs:
  3098. - Text: "%Player_Name%, you\u2019re a genius! The pieces you selected from Triple
  3099. B Clothing are perfect. The new line is couture meets wearable tech. I can\u2019t
  3100. wait to debut it at Paris Fashion Week. Speaking of which, I am looking for
  3101. models at the fashion show."
  3102. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3103. Replies: []
  3104. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3105. - Text: "I spoke with Tyra and she highly recommends you for the position. I don\u2019t
  3106. doubt her at all.. I think you\u2019d be a great brand ambassador. What do
  3107. you think?"
  3108. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3109. Replies:
  3110. - Text: I agree!
  3111. cost:
  3112. glam: 0
  3113. experience: 0
  3114. dollars: 0
  3115. motivation: 0
  3116. level: 1
  3117. reward:
  3118. glam: 0
  3119. experience: 0
  3120. dollars: 0
  3121. motivation: 0
  3122. level: 1
  3123. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3124. startAction: 0
  3125. actionId: 0
  3126. tweetID: none
  3127. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3128. - Text: "I\u2019d like to do a test shoot to see how the pieces look. I\u2019ll
  3129. set one up next door at Crimson Studios. "
  3130. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3131. Replies:
  3132. - Text: Okay!
  3133. cost:
  3134. glam: 0
  3135. experience: 0
  3136. dollars: 0
  3137. motivation: 0
  3138. level: 1
  3139. reward:
  3140. glam: 0
  3141. experience: 0
  3142. dollars: 0
  3143. motivation: 0
  3144. level: 1
  3145. nextDialogIndex: 4
  3146. startAction: 0
  3147. actionId: 0
  3148. tweetID: none
  3149. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3150. - Text: Excellent. I will set up the details and give you a call when we are ready.
  3151. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3152. Replies: []
  3153. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3154. ConvType: 1
  3155. Location: Marc Ray
  3156. NPCId:
  3157. - Marc Ray
  3158. - id: CH05c-Q02-D01-Marc
  3159. Dialogs:
  3160. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, everything is set up at Crimson Studios for the test
  3161. photoshoot!
  3162. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3163. Replies: []
  3164. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3165. ConvType: 3
  3166. Location: Exterior
  3167. NPCId:
  3168. - Marc Ray
  3169. - id: CH05c-Q02-D02-Marc
  3170. Dialogs:
  3171. - Text: '%Player_Name%, here is the final line! What do you think?'
  3172. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3173. Replies:
  3174. - Text: Love it!
  3175. cost:
  3176. glam: 0
  3177. experience: 0
  3178. dollars: 0
  3179. motivation: 0
  3180. level: 1
  3181. reward:
  3182. glam: 0
  3183. experience: 0
  3184. dollars: 0
  3185. motivation: 0
  3186. level: 1
  3187. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3188. startAction: 0
  3189. actionId: 0
  3190. tweetID: none
  3191. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3192. - Text: I knew you would. Your personal style was a great inspiration for it.
  3193. Not to mention, some of the pieces you selected are featured!
  3194. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3195. Replies:
  3196. - Text: (Excited)
  3197. cost:
  3198. glam: 0
  3199. experience: 0
  3200. dollars: 0
  3201. motivation: 0
  3202. level: 1
  3203. reward:
  3204. glam: 0
  3205. experience: 0
  3206. dollars: 0
  3207. motivation: 0
  3208. level: 1
  3209. nextDialogIndex: 3
  3210. startAction: 0
  3211. actionId: 0
  3212. tweetID: none
  3213. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3214. - Text: "Me as well! Now let\u2019s take a test shoot with these outfits. Speak
  3215. with Paul when you are ready."
  3216. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3217. Replies: []
  3218. NPCId: Marc Ray
  3219. ConvType: 1
  3220. Location: Crimson Studios
  3221. NPCId:
  3222. - Marc Ray
  3223. - Paul Pena
  3224. - id: CH05c-Q02-D03-Paul
  3225. Dialogs:
  3226. - Text: Hey, are you ready for the Marc Ray test shoot?
  3227. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3228. Replies:
  3229. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3230. cost:
  3231. glam: 0
  3232. experience: 0
  3233. dollars: 0
  3234. motivation: 0
  3235. level: 1
  3236. reward:
  3237. glam: 0
  3238. experience: 0
  3239. dollars: 0
  3240. motivation: 0
  3241. level: 1
  3242. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3243. startAction: 1
  3244. actionId: CH05c-Q02-G01-Photoshoot
  3245. tweetID: none
  3246. - Text: Hold on.
  3247. cost:
  3248. glam: 0
  3249. experience: 0
  3250. dollars: 0
  3251. motivation: 0
  3252. level: 1
  3253. reward:
  3254. glam: 0
  3255. experience: 0
  3256. dollars: 0
  3257. motivation: 0
  3258. level: 1
  3259. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3260. startAction: 0
  3261. actionId: 0
  3262. tweetID: none
  3263. NPCId: Paul Pena
  3264. ConvType: 1
  3265. Location: Crimson Studios
  3266. NPCId:
  3267. - Paul Pena
  3268. - id: CH05c-Q03-D01-Gabby
  3269. Dialogs:
  3270. - Text: "%Player_Name%, Style Daily magazine is creating a feature \u201COn the
  3271. road to Paris Fashion Week\u201D and they want you to be part of the story! "
  3272. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3273. Replies: []
  3274. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3275. - Text: And the best part is you have been chosen for the magazine cover.
  3276. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3277. Replies:
  3278. - Text: Yaass!
  3279. cost:
  3280. glam: 0
  3281. experience: 0
  3282. dollars: 0
  3283. motivation: 0
  3284. level: 1
  3285. reward:
  3286. glam: 0
  3287. experience: 0
  3288. dollars: 0
  3289. motivation: 0
  3290. level: 1
  3291. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3292. startAction: 0
  3293. actionId: 0
  3294. tweetID: none
  3295. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3296. - Text: "To be honest, I had to pull some strings. Your good friend Natalia was
  3297. in line for the magazine cover, but turns out I hired the photographer for
  3298. my wedding and we are total bffs now since I\u2019ve been messaging her constantly
  3299. about what filters to use. "
  3300. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3301. Replies:
  3302. - Text: Nice!
  3303. cost:
  3304. glam: 0
  3305. experience: 0
  3306. dollars: 0
  3307. motivation: 0
  3308. level: 1
  3309. reward:
  3310. glam: 0
  3311. experience: 0
  3312. dollars: 0
  3313. motivation: 0
  3314. level: 1
  3315. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3316. startAction: 0
  3317. actionId: 0
  3318. tweetID: none
  3319. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3320. - Text: Head on over to Style Daily! It will be an interview and runway shoot.
  3321. They want to get to know your fashion style, so wear your best!
  3322. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3323. Replies: []
  3324. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  3325. ConvType: 3
  3326. Location: Exterior
  3327. NPCId:
  3328. - Gabriella Hall
  3329. - id: CH05c-Q03-D02-Stefanie
  3330. Dialogs:
  3331. - Text: Hi. May I help you?
  3332. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3333. Replies:
  3334. - Text: (Fashion Week article)
  3335. cost:
  3336. glam: 0
  3337. experience: 0
  3338. dollars: 0
  3339. motivation: 0
  3340. level: 1
  3341. reward:
  3342. glam: 0
  3343. experience: 0
  3344. dollars: 0
  3345. motivation: 0
  3346. level: 1
  3347. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3348. startAction: 0
  3349. actionId: 0
  3350. tweetID: none
  3351. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3352. - Text: Fashion Week?
  3353. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3354. Replies:
  3355. - Text: Paris Fashion Week?
  3356. cost:
  3357. glam: 0
  3358. experience: 0
  3359. dollars: 0
  3360. motivation: 0
  3361. level: 1
  3362. reward:
  3363. glam: 0
  3364. experience: 0
  3365. dollars: 0
  3366. motivation: 0
  3367. level: 1
  3368. nextDialogIndex: 3
  3369. startAction: 0
  3370. actionId: 0
  3371. tweetID: none
  3372. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3373. - Text: "Wow, is it that time of the year again?! Yes, we\u2019re doing a feature..
  3374. \u201COn the Road to Paris Fashion Week.\u201D Are you going?"
  3375. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3376. Replies:
  3377. - Text: Yeees.
  3378. cost:
  3379. glam: 0
  3380. experience: 0
  3381. dollars: 0
  3382. motivation: 0
  3383. level: 1
  3384. reward:
  3385. glam: 0
  3386. experience: 0
  3387. dollars: 0
  3388. motivation: 0
  3389. level: 1
  3390. nextDialogIndex: 4
  3391. startAction: 0
  3392. actionId: 0
  3393. tweetID: none
  3394. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3395. - Text: "Of course you are! And who\u2019s line will you be featured in?"
  3396. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3397. Replies:
  3398. - Text: Marc Ray.
  3399. cost:
  3400. glam: 0
  3401. experience: 0
  3402. dollars: 0
  3403. motivation: 0
  3404. level: 1
  3405. reward:
  3406. glam: 0
  3407. experience: 0
  3408. dollars: 0
  3409. motivation: 0
  3410. level: 1
  3411. nextDialogIndex: 5
  3412. startAction: 0
  3413. actionId: 0
  3414. tweetID: none
  3415. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3416. - Text: "Oh my goodness, yes that\u2019s right! You will be on the cover of the
  3417. magazine!! Well shall, we start the interview then?"
  3418. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3419. Replies:
  3420. - Text: Yes!
  3421. cost:
  3422. glam: 0
  3423. experience: 0
  3424. dollars: 0
  3425. motivation: 0
  3426. level: 1
  3427. reward:
  3428. glam: 0
  3429. experience: 0
  3430. dollars: 0
  3431. motivation: 0
  3432. level: 1
  3433. nextDialogIndex: 6
  3434. startAction: 0
  3435. actionId: 0
  3436. tweetID: none
  3437. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3438. - Text: "First question. How do you feel about being featured in legendary designer
  3439. Marc Ray\u2019s couture fashion line?"
  3440. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3441. Replies:
  3442. - Text: Delighted.
  3443. cost:
  3444. glam: 0
  3445. experience: 0
  3446. dollars: 0
  3447. motivation: 0
  3448. level: 1
  3449. reward:
  3450. glam: 0
  3451. experience: 2
  3452. dollars: 3
  3453. motivation: 0
  3454. level: 1
  3455. nextDialogIndex: 7
  3456. startAction: 0
  3457. actionId: 0
  3458. tweetID: none
  3459. - Text: Nervous.
  3460. cost:
  3461. glam: 0
  3462. experience: 0
  3463. dollars: 0
  3464. motivation: 0
  3465. level: 1
  3466. reward:
  3467. glam: 0
  3468. experience: 2
  3469. dollars: 3
  3470. motivation: 0
  3471. level: 1
  3472. nextDialogIndex: 8
  3473. startAction: 0
  3474. actionId: 0
  3475. tweetID: none
  3476. - Text: Eager to be there.
  3477. cost:
  3478. glam: 0
  3479. experience: 0
  3480. dollars: 0
  3481. motivation: 0
  3482. level: 1
  3483. reward:
  3484. glam: 0
  3485. experience: 2
  3486. dollars: 3
  3487. motivation: 0
  3488. level: 1
  3489. nextDialogIndex: 9
  3490. startAction: 0
  3491. actionId: 0
  3492. tweetID: none
  3493. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3494. - Text: I would be too!
  3495. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3496. Replies: []
  3497. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3498. - Text: Ah the nervous bugs!
  3499. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3500. Replies: []
  3501. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3502. - Text: "I\u2019m sure you are."
  3503. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3504. Replies: []
  3505. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3506. - Text: 'Second question. Rumor is that you helped Marc Ray with some of the pieces
  3507. by featuring clothing from New York shop, Triple B Clothing. '
  3508. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3509. Replies: []
  3510. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3511. - Text: Give me one word to describe what you were looking for.
  3512. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3513. Replies:
  3514. - Text: Modern.
  3515. cost:
  3516. glam: 0
  3517. experience: 0
  3518. dollars: 0
  3519. motivation: 0
  3520. level: 1
  3521. reward:
  3522. glam: 0
  3523. experience: 3
  3524. dollars: 1
  3525. motivation: 0
  3526. level: 1
  3527. nextDialogIndex: 12
  3528. startAction: 0
  3529. actionId: 0
  3530. tweetID: none
  3531. - Text: Cool.
  3532. cost:
  3533. glam: 0
  3534. experience: 0
  3535. dollars: 0
  3536. motivation: 0
  3537. level: 1
  3538. reward:
  3539. glam: 0
  3540. experience: 3
  3541. dollars: 1
  3542. motivation: 0
  3543. level: 1
  3544. nextDialogIndex: 12
  3545. startAction: 0
  3546. actionId: 0
  3547. tweetID: none
  3548. - Text: Contemporary.
  3549. cost:
  3550. glam: 0
  3551. experience: 0
  3552. dollars: 0
  3553. motivation: 0
  3554. level: 1
  3555. reward:
  3556. glam: 0
  3557. experience: 3
  3558. dollars: 1
  3559. motivation: 0
  3560. level: 1
  3561. nextDialogIndex: 12
  3562. startAction: 0
  3563. actionId: 0
  3564. tweetID: none
  3565. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3566. - Text: Excellent, third question. What can we expect to see from you at Paris
  3567. Fashion Week?
  3568. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3569. Replies:
  3570. - Text: Attitude.
  3571. cost:
  3572. glam: 0
  3573. experience: 0
  3574. dollars: 0
  3575. motivation: 0
  3576. level: 1
  3577. reward:
  3578. glam: 0
  3579. experience: 1
  3580. dollars: 2
  3581. motivation: 0
  3582. level: 1
  3583. nextDialogIndex: 13
  3584. startAction: 0
  3585. actionId: 0
  3586. tweetID: none
  3587. - Text: Classiness.
  3588. cost:
  3589. glam: 0
  3590. experience: 0
  3591. dollars: 0
  3592. motivation: 0
  3593. level: 1
  3594. reward:
  3595. glam: 0
  3596. experience: 1
  3597. dollars: 2
  3598. motivation: 0
  3599. level: 1
  3600. nextDialogIndex: 13
  3601. startAction: 0
  3602. actionId: 0
  3603. tweetID: none
  3604. - Text: Fun.
  3605. cost:
  3606. glam: 0
  3607. experience: 0
  3608. dollars: 0
  3609. motivation: 0
  3610. level: 1
  3611. reward:
  3612. glam: 0
  3613. experience: 1
  3614. dollars: 2
  3615. motivation: 0
  3616. level: 1
  3617. nextDialogIndex: 13
  3618. startAction: 0
  3619. actionId: 0
  3620. tweetID: none
  3621. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3622. - Text: "Well, we can\u2019t wait to see you on the runway! Now I would love to
  3623. hear your story about how you got here..."
  3624. AnimationIndex:
  3625. Replies:
  3626. - Text: (Tell story)
  3627. cost:
  3628. glam: 0
  3629. experience: 0
  3630. dollars: 0
  3631. motivation: 0
  3632. level: 1
  3633. reward:
  3634. glam: 0
  3635. experience: 0
  3636. dollars: 0
  3637. motivation: 0
  3638. level: 1
  3639. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3640. startAction: 1
  3641. actionId: CH05c-Q03-G01-Interview
  3642. tweetID: none
  3643. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  3644. cost:
  3645. glam: 0
  3646. experience: 0
  3647. dollars: 0
  3648. motivation: 0
  3649. level: 1
  3650. reward:
  3651. glam: 0
  3652. experience: 0
  3653. dollars: 0
  3654. motivation: 0
  3655. level: 1
  3656. nextDialogIndex: 13
  3657. startAction: 4
  3658. actionId: 0
  3659. tweetID: none
  3660. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3661. ConvType: 1
  3662. Location: StyleDaily
  3663. NPCId:
  3664. - Stefanie Serrano
  3665. - id: CH05c-Q03-D03-Stefanie
  3666. Dialogs:
  3667. - Text: "Next on the list is the \u201COn the Road to Paris Fashion Week\u201D
  3668. runway shoot. Is this what you want to wear for this shoot?"
  3669. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3670. Replies:
  3671. - Text: Yes!
  3672. cost:
  3673. glam: 0
  3674. experience: 0
  3675. dollars: 0
  3676. motivation: 0
  3677. level: 1
  3678. reward:
  3679. glam: 0
  3680. experience: 0
  3681. dollars: 0
  3682. motivation: 0
  3683. level: 1
  3684. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3685. startAction: 1
  3686. actionId: CH05c-Q03-G02-Photoshoot
  3687. tweetID: none
  3688. - Text: Wardrobe change. please!
  3689. cost:
  3690. glam: 0
  3691. experience: 0
  3692. dollars: 0
  3693. motivation: 0
  3694. level: 1
  3695. reward:
  3696. glam: 0
  3697. experience: 0
  3698. dollars: 0
  3699. motivation: 0
  3700. level: 1
  3701. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3702. startAction: 0
  3703. actionId: 0
  3704. tweetID: none
  3705. NPCId: Stefanie Serrano
  3706. ConvType: 1
  3707. Location: StyleDaily
  3708. NPCId:
  3709. - Stefanie Serrano
  3710. - id: CH05c-Q04-D01-Tyra
  3711. Dialogs:
  3712. - Text: "Hey hunny! I\u2019m seeing all of your coverage for Paris Fashion Week
  3713. and I couldn\u2019t be more excited for you! You look gorgeous!"
  3714. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3715. Replies:
  3716. - Text: Thanks. Tyra!
  3717. cost:
  3718. glam: 0
  3719. experience: 0
  3720. dollars: 0
  3721. motivation: 0
  3722. level: 1
  3723. reward:
  3724. glam: 0
  3725. experience: 0
  3726. dollars: 0
  3727. motivation: 0
  3728. level: 1
  3729. nextDialogIndex: 2
  3730. startAction: 0
  3731. actionId: 0
  3732. tweetID: none
  3733. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3734. - Text: "So\u2026 are you ready to walk the big runway?"
  3735. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3736. Replies:
  3737. - Text: Sort of!
  3738. cost:
  3739. glam: 0
  3740. experience: 0
  3741. dollars: 0
  3742. motivation: 0
  3743. level: 1
  3744. reward:
  3745. glam: 0
  3746. experience: 0
  3747. dollars: 0
  3748. motivation: 0
  3749. level: 1
  3750. nextDialogIndex: 3
  3751. startAction: 0
  3752. actionId: 0
  3753. tweetID: none
  3754. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3755. - Text: "Oh come on! I know you\u2019ll do just fine. How about you join me for
  3756. a fashion show I\u2019m doing for Strobe & Flawless cosmetics? And you can
  3757. show me your strut!"
  3758. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3759. Replies:
  3760. - Text: "I\u2019m in!"
  3761. cost:
  3762. glam: 0
  3763. experience: 0
  3764. dollars: 0
  3765. motivation: 0
  3766. level: 1
  3767. reward:
  3768. glam: 0
  3769. experience: 0
  3770. dollars: 0
  3771. motivation: 0
  3772. level: 1
  3773. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3774. startAction: 0
  3775. actionId: 0
  3776. tweetID: none
  3777. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3778. ConvType: 3
  3779. Location: Exterior
  3780. NPCId:
  3781. - Tyra Banks
  3782. - id: CH05c-Q04-D02-Tyra
  3783. Dialogs:
  3784. - Text: "Ready to show me some personality down that catwalk? ..and don\u2019t
  3785. be afraid to give a lil\u2019 tooch with it!"
  3786. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3787. Replies:
  3788. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  3789. cost:
  3790. glam: 0
  3791. experience: 0
  3792. dollars: 0
  3793. motivation: 0
  3794. level: 1
  3795. reward:
  3796. glam: 0
  3797. experience: 0
  3798. dollars: 0
  3799. motivation: 0
  3800. level: 1
  3801. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3802. startAction: 1
  3803. actionId: CH05c-Q04-G01-Runway
  3804. tweetID: none
  3805. - Text: Hold on.
  3806. cost:
  3807. glam: 0
  3808. experience: 0
  3809. dollars: 0
  3810. motivation: 0
  3811. level: 1
  3812. reward:
  3813. glam: 0
  3814. experience: 0
  3815. dollars: 0
  3816. motivation: 0
  3817. level: 1
  3818. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3819. startAction: 0
  3820. actionId: 0
  3821. tweetID: none
  3822. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3823. ConvType: 1
  3824. Location: Crimson Studios
  3825. NPCId:
  3826. - Tyra Banks
  3827. - Paul Pena
  3828. - id: CH05c-Q04-D03-Tyra
  3829. Dialogs:
  3830. - Text: Practicing your walk is important! Work hard, perfect your poses, and
  3831. life will seem like a day at the beach!
  3832. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3833. Replies: []
  3834. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3835. ConvType: 1
  3836. Location: Crimson Studios
  3837. NPCId:
  3838. - Tyra Banks
  3839. - id: CH05c-Q05-D01-Sarah
  3840. Dialogs:
  3841. - Text: '%Player_Name%, I hope the interview and runway shoot went well. '
  3842. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3843. Replies:
  3844. - Text: It did!
  3845. cost:
  3846. glam: 0
  3847. experience: 0
  3848. dollars: 0
  3849. motivation: 0
  3850. level: 1
  3851. reward:
  3852. glam: 0
  3853. experience: 0
  3854. dollars: 0
  3855. motivation: 0
  3856. level: 1
  3857. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3858. startAction: 0
  3859. actionId: 0
  3860. tweetID: none
  3861. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  3862. - Text: Perfect! Are you ready for the big day? I spoke with Marc Ray and all
  3863. of the details are set. Now we just need you to get to Paris!
  3864. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3865. Replies:
  3866. - Text: OK!
  3867. cost:
  3868. glam: 0
  3869. experience: 0
  3870. dollars: 0
  3871. motivation: 0
  3872. level: 1
  3873. reward:
  3874. glam: 0
  3875. experience: 0
  3876. dollars: 0
  3877. motivation: 0
  3878. level: 1
  3879. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3880. startAction: 0
  3881. actionId: 0
  3882. tweetID: none
  3883. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  3884. - Text: "Marc Ray\u2019s collection is scheduled to go on in <Gig_Timer>. Don\u2019t
  3885. be late. And don\u2019t forget to wear the couture!"
  3886. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3887. Replies: []
  3888. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  3889. ConvType: 3
  3890. Location: Exterior
  3891. NPCId:
  3892. - Sarah Bourne
  3893. - id: CH05c-Q05-D02-Tyra
  3894. Dialogs:
  3895. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I can\u2019t wait to see your debut! Sending you all of
  3896. my love! "
  3897. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3898. Replies:
  3899. - Text: "I\u2019m in!"
  3900. cost:
  3901. glam: 0
  3902. experience: 0
  3903. dollars: 0
  3904. motivation: 0
  3905. level: 1
  3906. reward:
  3907. glam: 0
  3908. experience: 0
  3909. dollars: 0
  3910. motivation: 0
  3911. level: 1
  3912. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3913. startAction: 0
  3914. actionId: 0
  3915. tweetID: none
  3916. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3917. - Text: 'After the fashion show, there is an after party at Bistro Rouge. Come
  3918. with? '
  3919. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3920. Replies: []
  3921. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3922. - Text: "Can\u2019t wait to see you!"
  3923. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3924. Replies: []
  3925. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3926. ConvType: 3
  3927. Location: Exterior
  3928. NPCId:
  3929. - Tyra Banks
  3930. - id: CH05c-Q05-D03-Tyra
  3931. Dialogs:
  3932. - Text: "Welcome to Paris!! Well don\u2019t you look fierce, fabulous and ferocious!
  3933. Are you ready to slay the runway?"
  3934. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3935. Replies: []
  3936. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  3937. ConvType: 1
  3938. Location: Du Oeuvre
  3939. NPCId:
  3940. - Tyra Banks
  3941. - id: CH05c-Q05-D04-Ricardo
  3942. Dialogs:
  3943. - Text: "Tell me you\u2019re as nervous as me. "
  3944. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3945. Replies:
  3946. - Text: "Don\u2019t be nervous!"
  3947. cost:
  3948. glam: 0
  3949. experience: 0
  3950. dollars: 0
  3951. motivation: 0
  3952. level: 1
  3953. reward:
  3954. glam: 0
  3955. experience: 2
  3956. dollars: 1
  3957. motivation: 0
  3958. level: 1
  3959. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3960. startAction: 0
  3961. actionId: 0
  3962. tweetID: none
  3963. - Text: Everything will be okay!
  3964. cost:
  3965. glam: 0
  3966. experience: 0
  3967. dollars: 0
  3968. motivation: 0
  3969. level: 1
  3970. reward:
  3971. glam: 0
  3972. experience: 2
  3973. dollars: 1
  3974. motivation: 0
  3975. level: 1
  3976. nextDialogIndex: 0
  3977. startAction: 0
  3978. actionId: 0
  3979. tweetID: none
  3980. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  3981. - Text: I believe you!
  3982. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3983. Replies: []
  3984. NPCId: Ricardo Ruiz
  3985. ConvType: 1
  3986. Location: Du Oeuvre
  3987. NPCId:
  3988. - Ricardo Ruiz
  3989. - id: CH05c-Q05-D05-Marc
  3990. Dialogs:
  3991. - Text: "%Player_Name%, don\u2019t you look stunning! I think we are just about
  3992. ready to start the show. It\u2019s time to hit the runway!"
  3993. AnimationIndex: TALK
  3994. Replies:
  3995. - Text: Show time!
  3996. cost:
  3997. glam: 0
  3998. experience: 0
  3999. dollars: 0
  4000. motivation: 0
  4001. level: 1
  4002. reward:
  4003. glam: 0
  4004. experience: 2
  4005. dollars: 1
  4006. motivation: 0
  4007. level: 1
  4008. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4009. startAction: 1
  4010. actionId: CH05c-Q05-G01-Runway
  4011. tweetID: none
  4012. - Text: Hold on.
  4013. cost:
  4014. glam: 0
  4015. experience: 0
  4016. dollars: 0
  4017. motivation: 0
  4018. level: 1
  4019. reward:
  4020. glam: 0
  4021. experience: 2
  4022. dollars: 1
  4023. motivation: 0
  4024. level: 1
  4025. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4026. startAction: 0
  4027. actionId: 0
  4028. tweetID: none
  4029. NPCId: Marc Ray
  4030. - Text: "%Player_Name%, go to wardrobe right away! We\u2019re on soon and you
  4031. need to be wearing couture!"
  4032. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4033. Replies: []
  4034. NPCId: Marc Ray
  4035. ConvType: 1
  4036. Location: Du Oeuvre
  4037. NPCId:
  4038. - Marc Ray
  4039. - id: CH05c-Q06-D01-Gabby
  4040. Dialogs:
  4041. - Text: "%Player_Name%.. I\u2019m speechless about your performance on the runway
  4042. today! This appearance was huge and I can already tell there will be hundreds
  4043. of voicemails and emails when I get back!"
  4044. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4045. Replies:
  4046. - Text: Thanks. Gabby!
  4047. cost:
  4048. glam: 0
  4049. experience: 0
  4050. dollars: 0
  4051. motivation: 0
  4052. level: 1
  4053. reward:
  4054. glam: 0
  4055. experience: 0
  4056. dollars: 0
  4057. motivation: 0
  4058. level: 1
  4059. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4060. startAction: 0
  4061. actionId: 0
  4062. tweetID: none
  4063. NPCId: Gabriella Hall
  4064. ConvType: 1
  4065. Location: Bistro Rouge
  4066. NPCId:
  4067. - Gabriella Hall
  4068. - id: CH05c-Q06-D02-Natalia
  4069. Dialogs:
  4070. - Text: YOU!
  4071. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  4072. Replies:
  4073. - Text: "It\u2019s me."
  4074. cost:
  4075. glam: 0
  4076. experience: 0
  4077. dollars: 0
  4078. motivation: 0
  4079. level: 1
  4080. reward:
  4081. glam: 0
  4082. experience: 0
  4083. dollars: 0
  4084. motivation: 0
  4085. level: 1
  4086. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4087. startAction: 0
  4088. actionId: 0
  4089. tweetID: none
  4090. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  4091. - Text: "I hope you know that you STOLE that magazine cover from me. That was
  4092. supposed to be my feature. How\u2019d you do it? Butter up the editor or something?"
  4093. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  4094. Replies:
  4095. - Text: (Brush off)
  4096. cost:
  4097. glam: 0
  4098. experience: 0
  4099. dollars: 0
  4100. motivation: 0
  4101. level: 1
  4102. reward:
  4103. glam: 0
  4104. experience: 2
  4105. dollars: 1
  4106. motivation: 0
  4107. level: 1
  4108. nextDialogIndex: 3
  4109. startAction: 0
  4110. actionId: 0
  4111. tweetID: none
  4112. - Text: (Throw shade)
  4113. cost:
  4114. glam: 0
  4115. experience: 0
  4116. dollars: 0
  4117. motivation: 0
  4118. level: 1
  4119. reward:
  4120. glam: 0
  4121. experience: 2
  4122. dollars: 1
  4123. motivation: 0
  4124. level: 1
  4125. nextDialogIndex: 4
  4126. startAction: 0
  4127. actionId: 0
  4128. tweetID: none
  4129. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  4130. - Text: Typical.
  4131. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  4132. Replies: []
  4133. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  4134. - Text: How rude.
  4135. AnimationIndex: TALK_ANGRY
  4136. Replies: []
  4137. NPCId: Natalia Jansens
  4138. ConvType: 1
  4139. Location: Bistro Rouge
  4140. NPCId:
  4141. - Natalia/Nate Jansens
  4142. - id: CH05c-Q06-D03-Tyra
  4143. Dialogs:
  4144. - Text: Everything okay?
  4145. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4146. Replies:
  4147. - Text: (Natalia)
  4148. cost:
  4149. glam: 0
  4150. experience: 0
  4151. dollars: 0
  4152. motivation: 0
  4153. level: 1
  4154. reward:
  4155. glam: 0
  4156. experience: 0
  4157. dollars: 0
  4158. motivation: 0
  4159. level: 1
  4160. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4161. startAction: 0
  4162. actionId: 0
  4163. tweetID: none
  4164. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4165. - Text: "Hey, don\u2019t stress out about her. Don't let the haters bring you
  4166. down. They aren't worth it!"
  4167. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4168. Replies: []
  4169. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4170. - Text: "You should enjoy your accomplishments tonight. You deserve it. Now let\u2019s
  4171. celebrate!"
  4172. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4173. Replies: []
  4174. NPCId: Tyra Banks
  4175. ConvType: 1
  4176. Location: Bistro Rouge
  4177. NPCId:
  4178. - Tyra Banks
  4179. - id: CH05d-Q01-D01-Chapelle
  4180. Dialogs:
  4181. - Text: '%Player_Name%, this is Mr. LaChapelle, acting coach extraordinaire! '
  4182. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4183. Replies:
  4184. - Text: Hi. Mr. LaChapelle!
  4185. cost:
  4186. glam: 0
  4187. experience: 0
  4188. dollars: 0
  4189. motivation: 0
  4190. level: 1
  4191. reward:
  4192. glam: 0
  4193. experience: 0
  4194. dollars: 0
  4195. motivation: 0
  4196. level: 1
  4197. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4198. startAction: 0
  4199. actionId: 0
  4200. tweetID: none
  4201. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4202. - Text: 'I hope you are having a fantastic day! I am casting for a recurring role
  4203. in the the hit TV show, Law and Rule: Deposition. Lots of big actors have
  4204. had an appearance on this show!'
  4205. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4206. Replies: []
  4207. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4208. - Text: Would you be interested in auditioning for the role? We are looking for
  4209. a guest detective for a 2-part episode.
  4210. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4211. Replies:
  4212. - Text: Yes!
  4213. cost:
  4214. glam: 0
  4215. experience: 0
  4216. dollars: 0
  4217. motivation: 0
  4218. level: 1
  4219. reward:
  4220. glam: 0
  4221. experience: 0
  4222. dollars: 0
  4223. motivation: 0
  4224. level: 1
  4225. nextDialogIndex: 4
  4226. startAction: 0
  4227. actionId: 0
  4228. tweetID: none
  4229. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4230. - Text: "Excellent. I\u2019ll forward the information along to your agent, Sarah.
  4231. The audition should start in <Gig_Timer>."
  4232. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4233. Replies: []
  4234. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4235. ConvType: 3
  4236. Location: Exterior
  4237. NPCId:
  4238. - Mr. LaChapelle
  4239. - id: CH05d-Q01-D02-Sarah
  4240. Dialogs:
  4241. - Text: '%Player_Name%, Mr. LaChapelle is ready for you at SilverMax Pictures
  4242. in Hollywood. You will be auditioning for Law and Rule: Deposition alongside
  4243. the lead actor who is also a producer of the show. Break a leg!'
  4244. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4245. Replies:
  4246. - Text: Thanks!
  4247. cost:
  4248. glam: 0
  4249. experience: 0
  4250. dollars: 0
  4251. motivation: 0
  4252. level: 1
  4253. reward:
  4254. glam: 0
  4255. experience: 0
  4256. dollars: 0
  4257. motivation: 0
  4258. level: 1
  4259. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4260. startAction: 0
  4261. actionId: 0
  4262. tweetID: none
  4263. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4264. ConvType: 3
  4265. Location: Exterior
  4266. NPCId:
  4267. - Sarah Bourne
  4268. - id: CH05d-Q01-D3-LaChapelle
  4269. Dialogs:
  4270. - Text: "%Player_Name%, welcome on set for the audition for Law and Rule: Deposition.
  4271. I\u2019d like you to meet Martin Jackson, lead actor. He plays the lead detective
  4272. on the show."
  4273. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4274. Replies: []
  4275. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4276. - Text: Yeah, hi.
  4277. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  4278. Replies:
  4279. - Text: Nice to meet you.
  4280. cost:
  4281. glam: 0
  4282. experience: 0
  4283. dollars: 0
  4284. motivation: 0
  4285. level: 1
  4286. reward:
  4287. glam: 0
  4288. experience: 0
  4289. dollars: 0
  4290. motivation: 0
  4291. level: 1
  4292. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4293. startAction: 0
  4294. actionId: 0
  4295. tweetID: none
  4296. NPCId: Martin Jackson
  4297. - Text: ..yeah.. whatever.
  4298. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  4299. Replies: []
  4300. NPCId: Martin Jackson
  4301. - Text: 'I am casting for a 2-part episode where your character plays a detective
  4302. who turns out to be the killer! The episodes are full of deception and murder,
  4303. with your character being caught in the end. '
  4304. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4305. Replies: []
  4306. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4307. - Text: Are you ready for the audition?
  4308. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4309. Replies:
  4310. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  4311. cost:
  4312. glam: 0
  4313. experience: 0
  4314. dollars: 0
  4315. motivation: 0
  4316. level: 1
  4317. reward:
  4318. glam: 0
  4319. experience: 0
  4320. dollars: 0
  4321. motivation: 0
  4322. level: 1
  4323. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4324. startAction: 1
  4325. actionId: CH05d-Q01-G01-Film
  4326. tweetID: none
  4327. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  4328. cost:
  4329. glam: 0
  4330. experience: 0
  4331. dollars: 0
  4332. motivation: 0
  4333. level: 1
  4334. reward:
  4335. glam: 0
  4336. experience: 0
  4337. dollars: 0
  4338. motivation: 0
  4339. level: 1
  4340. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4341. startAction: 0
  4342. actionId: 0
  4343. tweetID: none
  4344. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4345. ConvType: 1
  4346. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  4347. NPCId:
  4348. - Mr. LaChapelle
  4349. - Martin Jackson
  4350. - id: CH05d-Q02-D01-Sarah
  4351. Dialogs:
  4352. - Text: 'Surprise news! You got the role in Law and Rule: Deposition!'
  4353. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4354. Replies:
  4355. - Text: No way.
  4356. cost:
  4357. glam: 0
  4358. experience: 0
  4359. dollars: 0
  4360. motivation: 0
  4361. level: 1
  4362. reward:
  4363. glam: 0
  4364. experience: 0
  4365. dollars: 0
  4366. motivation: 0
  4367. level: 1
  4368. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4369. startAction: 0
  4370. actionId: 0
  4371. tweetID: none
  4372. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4373. - Text: "Yes way!! And best part, it\u2019s a 2-part episode. So put on your best
  4374. detective work!"
  4375. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4376. Replies:
  4377. - Text: I will!
  4378. cost:
  4379. glam: 0
  4380. experience: 0
  4381. dollars: 0
  4382. motivation: 0
  4383. level: 1
  4384. reward:
  4385. glam: 0
  4386. experience: 0
  4387. dollars: 0
  4388. motivation: 0
  4389. level: 1
  4390. nextDialogIndex: 3
  4391. startAction: 0
  4392. actionId: 0
  4393. tweetID: none
  4394. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4395. - Text: Filming will be at SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood!
  4396. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4397. Replies: []
  4398. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4399. ConvType: 3
  4400. Location: Exterior
  4401. NPCId:
  4402. - Sarah Bourne
  4403. - id: CH05d-Q02-D02-Chapelle
  4404. Dialogs:
  4405. - Text: '%Player_Name%, welcome to the first episode you will be featured in on
  4406. Law and Rule: Deposition. In the first episode, your character will be assigned
  4407. as the detective for a murder case. '
  4408. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4409. Replies: []
  4410. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4411. - Text: However, unbeknownst to your colleagues, you are actually the murderer!
  4412. In this episode, please put on your best face of deceit! Martin, anything
  4413. else to add?
  4414. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4415. Replies: []
  4416. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4417. - Text: "Don\u2019t suck."
  4418. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  4419. Replies:
  4420. - Text: "I won\u2019t."
  4421. cost:
  4422. glam: 0
  4423. experience: 0
  4424. dollars: 0
  4425. motivation: 0
  4426. level: 1
  4427. reward:
  4428. glam: 0
  4429. experience: 2
  4430. dollars: 2
  4431. motivation: 0
  4432. level: 1
  4433. nextDialogIndex: 4
  4434. startAction: 0
  4435. actionId: 0
  4436. tweetID: none
  4437. - Text: Same to you.
  4438. cost:
  4439. glam: 0
  4440. experience: 0
  4441. dollars: 0
  4442. motivation: 0
  4443. level: 1
  4444. reward:
  4445. glam: 0
  4446. experience: 2
  4447. dollars: 2
  4448. motivation: 0
  4449. level: 1
  4450. nextDialogIndex: 4
  4451. startAction: 0
  4452. actionId: 0
  4453. tweetID: none
  4454. NPCId: Martin Jackson
  4455. - Text: Good.
  4456. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  4457. Replies: []
  4458. NPCId: Martin Jackson
  4459. - Text: Oh Martin, you need to play nicer! So %Player_Name%, are you ready to
  4460. get on set?
  4461. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4462. Replies:
  4463. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  4464. cost:
  4465. glam: 0
  4466. experience: 0
  4467. dollars: 0
  4468. motivation: 0
  4469. level: 1
  4470. reward:
  4471. glam: 0
  4472. experience: 0
  4473. dollars: 0
  4474. motivation: 0
  4475. level: 1
  4476. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4477. startAction: 0
  4478. actionId: CH05d-Q02-G01-Film
  4479. tweetID: none
  4480. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  4481. cost:
  4482. glam: 0
  4483. experience: 0
  4484. dollars: 0
  4485. motivation: 0
  4486. level: 1
  4487. reward:
  4488. glam: 0
  4489. experience: 0
  4490. dollars: 0
  4491. motivation: 0
  4492. level: 1
  4493. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4494. startAction: 0
  4495. actionId: 0
  4496. tweetID: none
  4497. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4498. ConvType: 1
  4499. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  4500. NPCId:
  4501. - Mr. LaChapelle
  4502. - Martin Jackson
  4503. - id: CH05d-Q02-D03-Chapelle
  4504. Dialogs:
  4505. - Text: "%Player_Name%, are you ready to film the second episode of this 2-part
  4506. Law and Rule special? In this episode, you\u2019ve gotten a bit sloppy with
  4507. your latest crime and your colleagues suspect it\u2019s you!"
  4508. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4509. Replies: []
  4510. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4511. - Text: "In the last 15 minutes of the show, you are ousted and arrested by Martin\u2019s
  4512. character!"
  4513. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4514. Replies: []
  4515. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4516. - Text: I like the sound of that!
  4517. AnimationIndex: TALK_DISINTERESTED
  4518. Replies:
  4519. - Text: "I\u2019m sure you do."
  4520. cost:
  4521. glam: 0
  4522. experience: 0
  4523. dollars: 0
  4524. motivation: 0
  4525. level: 1
  4526. reward:
  4527. glam: 0
  4528. experience: 0
  4529. dollars: 0
  4530. motivation: 0
  4531. level: 1
  4532. nextDialogIndex: 4
  4533. startAction: 0
  4534. actionId: 0
  4535. tweetID: none
  4536. NPCId: Martin Jackson
  4537. - Text: Roll call! Ready on set, %Player_Name%?
  4538. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4539. Replies:
  4540. - Text: "I\u2019m ready."
  4541. cost:
  4542. glam: 0
  4543. experience: 0
  4544. dollars: 0
  4545. motivation: 0
  4546. level: 1
  4547. reward:
  4548. glam: 0
  4549. experience: 0
  4550. dollars: 0
  4551. motivation: 0
  4552. level: 1
  4553. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4554. startAction: 0
  4555. actionId: CH05d-Q02-G02-Film
  4556. tweetID: none
  4557. - Text: Can you give me a minute?
  4558. cost:
  4559. glam: 0
  4560. experience: 0
  4561. dollars: 0
  4562. motivation: 0
  4563. level: 1
  4564. reward:
  4565. glam: 0
  4566. experience: 0
  4567. dollars: 0
  4568. motivation: 0
  4569. level: 1
  4570. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4571. startAction: 0
  4572. actionId: 0
  4573. tweetID: none
  4574. NPCId: Mr. LaChapelle
  4575. ConvType: 1
  4576. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  4577. NPCId:
  4578. - Mr. LaChapelle
  4579. - Martin Jackson
  4580. - id: CH05d-Q03-D01-Billy
  4581. Dialogs:
  4582. - Text: "Hey %Player_Name% - Billy here! From BlueBike. I\u2019m filming an infomercial
  4583. for the bike and classes. Want to be part of the infomercial? "
  4584. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4585. Replies:
  4586. - Text: Sure!
  4587. cost:
  4588. glam: 0
  4589. experience: 0
  4590. dollars: 0
  4591. motivation: 0
  4592. level: 1
  4593. reward:
  4594. glam: 0
  4595. experience: 0
  4596. dollars: 0
  4597. motivation: 0
  4598. level: 1
  4599. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4600. startAction: 0
  4601. actionId: 0
  4602. tweetID: none
  4603. NPCId: Billy Kane
  4604. - Text: "Excellent! Put on your best activewear. Let\u2019s show the world how
  4605. much fun working out can be!"
  4606. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4607. Replies:
  4608. - Text: Okay.
  4609. cost:
  4610. glam: 0
  4611. experience: 0
  4612. dollars: 0
  4613. motivation: 0
  4614. level: 1
  4615. reward:
  4616. glam: 0
  4617. experience: 0
  4618. dollars: 0
  4619. motivation: 0
  4620. level: 1
  4621. nextDialogIndex: 3
  4622. startAction: 0
  4623. actionId: 0
  4624. tweetID: none
  4625. NPCId: Billy Kane
  4626. - Text: "I\u2019ll work out the deets with your agent! Filming should start in
  4627. <Gig_Timer> at EnVision Studios. "
  4628. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4629. Replies: []
  4630. NPCId: Billy Kane
  4631. ConvType: 3
  4632. Location: Exterior
  4633. NPCId:
  4634. - Billy Kane
  4635. - id: CH05d-Q03-D02-Sarah
  4636. Dialogs:
  4637. - Text: Hey %Player_Name%, Billy is waiting for you at EnVision Studios to film
  4638. the BlueBike infomerical!
  4639. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4640. Replies:
  4641. - Text: Thanks!
  4642. cost:
  4643. glam: 0
  4644. experience: 0
  4645. dollars: 0
  4646. motivation: 0
  4647. level: 1
  4648. reward:
  4649. glam: 0
  4650. experience: 0
  4651. dollars: 0
  4652. motivation: 0
  4653. level: 1
  4654. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4655. startAction: 0
  4656. actionId: 0
  4657. tweetID: none
  4658. NPCId: Sarah Bourne
  4659. ConvType: 3
  4660. Location: Exterior
  4661. NPCId:
  4662. - Sarah Bourne
  4663. - id: CH05d-Q03-D03-Billy
  4664. Dialogs:
  4665. - Text: "%Player_Name%, I came up with a tagline for BlueBike. It\u2019s BlueBike:
  4666. Spin it Out. What do you think?"
  4667. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4668. Replies:
  4669. - Text: I like it.
  4670. cost:
  4671. glam: 0
  4672. experience: 0
  4673. dollars: 0
  4674. motivation: 0
  4675. level: 1
  4676. reward:
  4677. glam: 0
  4678. experience: 1
  4679. dollars: 2
  4680. motivation: 0
  4681. level: 1
  4682. nextDialogIndex: 2
  4683. startAction: 0
  4684. actionId: 0
  4685. tweetID: none
  4686. - Text: I think it needs some work!
  4687. cost:
  4688. glam: 0
  4689. experience: 0
  4690. dollars: 0
  4691. motivation: 0
  4692. level: 1
  4693. reward:
  4694. glam: 0
  4695. experience: 1
  4696. dollars: 2
  4697. motivation: 0
  4698. level: 1
  4699. nextDialogIndex: 3
  4700. startAction: 0
  4701. actionId: 0
  4702. tweetID: none
  4703. NPCId: Billy Kane
  4704. - Text: Awesome!
  4705. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4706. Replies: []
  4707. NPCId: Billy Kane
  4708. - Text: Yeah you might be right.
  4709. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4710. Replies: []
  4711. NPCId: Billy Kane
  4712. - Text: "Let Frankie know when you\u2019re ready!"
  4713. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4714. Replies: []
  4715. NPCId: Billy Kane
  4716. ConvType: 1
  4717. Location: EnVision Studios
  4718. NPCId:
  4719. - Billy Kane
  4720. - id: CH05d-Q03-D04-Frankie
  4721. Dialogs:
  4722. - Text: "Digging the outfit! Let\u2019s start!"
  4723. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4724. Replies:
  4725. - Text: "Let\u2019s spin!"
  4726. cost:
  4727. glam: 0
  4728. experience: 0
  4729. dollars: 0
  4730. motivation: 0
  4731. level: 1
  4732. reward:
  4733. glam: 0
  4734. experience: 0
  4735. dollars: 0
  4736. motivation: 0
  4737. level: 1
  4738. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4739. startAction: 1
  4740. actionId: CH05d-Q03-G01-Film
  4741. tweetID: none
  4742. - Text: Hold on.
  4743. cost:
  4744. glam: 0
  4745. experience: 0
  4746. dollars: 0
  4747. motivation: 0
  4748. level: 1
  4749. reward:
  4750. glam: 0
  4751. experience: 0
  4752. dollars: 0
  4753. motivation: 0
  4754. level: 1
  4755. nextDialogIndex: 0
  4756. startAction: 0
  4757. actionId: 0
  4758. tweetID: none
  4759. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  4760. - Text: We cannot start filming until you put on some activewear.
  4761. AnimationIndex: TALK
  4762. Replies: []
  4763. NPCId: Frankie Yu
  4764. ConvType: 1
  4765. Location: EnVision Studios
  4766. NPCId:
  4767. - Frankie Yu
  4768. quests:
  4769. - id: CH05a-Q01-MeetSarah
  4770. tasks:
  4771. - Description: Meet Sarah at Bourne Natural Models in Upper East Side
  4772. action:
  4773. type: 1
  4774. propertyId: CH05a-Q01-D02-Sarah
  4775. duration: 0
  4776. reward:
  4777. glam: 0
  4778. experience: 10
  4779. dollars: 20
  4780. motivation: 0
  4781. level: 0
  4782. Description: Meet Sarah
  4783. - id: CH05a-Q02-Acting101
  4784. tasks:
  4785. - Description: Go to the NY Convention Center by JFK Airport
  4786. action:
  4787. type: 1
  4788. propertyId: Convention Center
  4789. duration: 0
  4790. - Description: Complete the acting class with Mr. LaChapelle
  4791. action:
  4792. type: 1
  4793. propertyId: CH05a-Q02-D01-LaChapelle
  4794. duration: 0
  4795. reward:
  4796. glam: 0
  4797. experience: 10
  4798. dollars: 20
  4799. motivation: 0
  4800. level: 0
  4801. Description: Acting 101
  4802. - id: CH05a-Q03-HappyHour
  4803. tasks:
  4804. - Description: Meet Fabricio for at Clover Room
  4805. action:
  4806. type: 1
  4807. propertyId: CH05a-Q03-D02-Fabricio
  4808. duration: 0
  4809. reward:
  4810. glam: 0
  4811. experience: 20
  4812. dollars: 30
  4813. motivation: 0
  4814. level: 0
  4815. Description: Happy Hour
  4816. - id: CH05a-Q04-ShortBeach
  4817. tasks:
  4818. - Description: Go to Miami Beach in Miami, Florida
  4819. action:
  4820. type: 1
  4821. propertyId: Miami Beach
  4822. duration: 0
  4823. - Description: Complete the photoshoot
  4824. action:
  4825. type: 1
  4826. propertyId: CH05a-Q04-D01-Asher
  4827. duration: 0
  4828. reward:
  4829. glam: 0
  4830. experience: 60
  4831. dollars: 90
  4832. motivation: 0
  4833. level: 0
  4834. Description: "Short\u2019s Beach Shoot"
  4835. - id: CH05a-Q05-MeetGabby
  4836. tasks:
  4837. - Description: Meet Gabriella at Stratus Towers in SoHo
  4838. action:
  4839. type: 1
  4840. propertyId: CH05a-Q05-D02-Gabby
  4841. duration: 0
  4842. reward:
  4843. glam: 0
  4844. experience: 20
  4845. dollars: 30
  4846. motivation: 0
  4847. level: 0
  4848. Description: Meet Gabriella
  4849. - id: CH05a-Q06-ConfrontShort
  4850. tasks:
  4851. - Description: Go to Tiki Cove in Orlando, Florida
  4852. action:
  4853. type: 1
  4854. propertyId: Tiki Cove
  4855. duration: 0
  4856. - Description: Confront Asher Short
  4857. action:
  4858. type: 1
  4859. propertyId: CH05a-Q06-D01-Asher
  4860. duration: 0
  4861. reward:
  4862. glam: 0
  4863. experience: 50
  4864. dollars: 30
  4865. motivation: 0
  4866. level: 0
  4867. Description: Confront Short
  4868. - id: CH05a-Q07-GoodbyePluto
  4869. tasks:
  4870. - Description: Go to the Convention Center by JFK Airport
  4871. action:
  4872. type: 1
  4873. propertyId: Convention Center
  4874. duration: 0
  4875. - Description: Complete the book reading
  4876. action:
  4877. type: 1
  4878. propertyId: CH05a-Q07-D02-James
  4879. duration: 0
  4880. reward:
  4881. glam: 0
  4882. experience: 60
  4883. dollars: 85
  4884. motivation: 0
  4885. level: 0
  4886. Description: Goodbye Pluto
  4887. - id: CH05a-Q07-PlayFootball
  4888. tasks:
  4889. - Description: "Wait for Gabby\u2019s call"
  4890. action:
  4891. type: 1
  4892. propertyId: CH05a-Q08-D02-Gabby
  4893. duration: 0
  4894. - Description: Go to the Solitaire Center in Orlando, Florida
  4895. action:
  4896. type: 1
  4897. propertyId: Solitaire Center
  4898. duration: 0
  4899. - Description: Complete the pro-social event (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  4900. action:
  4901. type: 1
  4902. propertyId: CH05a-Q08-D02-Jim
  4903. duration: 0
  4904. reward:
  4905. glam: 0
  4906. experience: 70
  4907. dollars: 90
  4908. motivation: 0
  4909. level: 0
  4910. Description: "Play\u2019n Football Event"
  4911. - id: CH05a-Q09-CallFabricio
  4912. tasks:
  4913. - Description: Call Fabricio and tell him the news
  4914. action:
  4915. type: 1
  4916. propertyId: CH05a-Q09-D01-Fabricio
  4917. duration: 0
  4918. reward:
  4919. glam: 0
  4920. experience: 30
  4921. dollars: 40
  4922. motivation: 0
  4923. level: 0
  4924. Description: Call Fabricio
  4925. - id: CH05a-Q10-TurkeyBowlAd
  4926. tasks:
  4927. - Description: Fly to Hollywood, California
  4928. action:
  4929. type: 1
  4930. propertyId: Hollywood
  4931. duration: 0
  4932. - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood
  4933. action:
  4934. type: 1
  4935. propertyId: SilverMax Pictures
  4936. duration: 0
  4937. - Description: Film the commercial (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  4938. action:
  4939. type: 1
  4940. propertyId: CH05a-Q10-D05-Karen
  4941. duration: 0
  4942. reward:
  4943. glam: 0
  4944. experience: 75
  4945. dollars: 100
  4946. motivation: 0
  4947. level: 0
  4948. Description: TurkeyBowl Ad
  4949. - id: CH05b-Q01-FijiAffair
  4950. tasks:
  4951. - Description: Fly to Fiji
  4952. action:
  4953. type: 1
  4954. propertyId: Fiji
  4955. duration: 0
  4956. - Description: Meet Tyra at Fiji Beach (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  4957. action:
  4958. type: 1
  4959. propertyId: Fiji Beach
  4960. duration: 0
  4961. - Description: Complete the Marc Ray photoshoot
  4962. action:
  4963. type: 1
  4964. propertyId: CH05b-Q01-D04-Jeremy
  4965. duration: 0
  4966. reward:
  4967. glam: 0
  4968. experience: 80
  4969. dollars: 110
  4970. motivation: 0
  4971. level: 0
  4972. Description: A Fiji Affair
  4973. - id: CH05b-Q02-FidgetSpinner
  4974. tasks:
  4975. - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave, New York
  4976. action:
  4977. type: 1
  4978. propertyId: Glamlight Studios
  4979. duration: 0
  4980. - Description: Complete the photoshoot
  4981. action:
  4982. type: 1
  4983. propertyId: CH05b-Q02-D03-Katherine
  4984. duration: 0
  4985. reward:
  4986. glam: 0
  4987. experience: 70
  4988. dollars: 90
  4989. motivation: 0
  4990. level: 0
  4991. Description: Fidget Spinners
  4992. - id: CH05b-Q03-MarcRay
  4993. tasks:
  4994. - Description: Go to Marc Ray in Houston, Texas
  4995. action:
  4996. type: 1
  4997. propertyId: Marc Ray
  4998. duration: 0
  4999. - Description: Meet with Marc Ray about a new opportunity
  5000. action:
  5001. type: 1
  5002. propertyId: CH05b-Q03-D02-Marc
  5003. duration: 0
  5004. reward:
  5005. glam: 0
  5006. experience: 20
  5007. dollars: 30
  5008. motivation: 0
  5009. level: 0
  5010. Description: A Meeting with Marc Ray
  5011. - id: CH05b-Q04-FashionBuyer
  5012. tasks:
  5013. - Description: Go to Triple B Clothing in SoHo
  5014. action:
  5015. type: 1
  5016. propertyId: Triple B Clothing
  5017. duration: 0
  5018. - Description: Select pieces for Marc Ray
  5019. action:
  5020. type: 1
  5021. propertyId: CH05b-Q04-D01-Ricardo
  5022. duration: 0
  5023. reward:
  5024. glam: 0
  5025. experience: 40
  5026. dollars: 60
  5027. motivation: 0
  5028. level: 0
  5029. Description: Fashion Buyer
  5030. - id: CH05b-Q05-HandModeling
  5031. tasks:
  5032. - Description: Go to Harp & Dagger in SoHo
  5033. action:
  5034. type: 1
  5035. propertyId: Harp & Dagger
  5036. duration: 0
  5037. - Description: Meet Chelsea Cruise
  5038. action:
  5039. type: 1
  5040. propertyId: CH05b-Q05-D02-Chelsea
  5041. duration: 0
  5042. reward:
  5043. glam: 0
  5044. experience: 30
  5045. dollars: 40
  5046. motivation: 0
  5047. level: 0
  5048. Description: Hand Modeling
  5049. - id: CH05b-Q06-MiaSophia
  5050. tasks:
  5051. - Description: Go to Glamlight Studios on Fashion Ave
  5052. action:
  5053. type: 1
  5054. propertyId: Glamlight Studios
  5055. duration: 0
  5056. - Description: Complete the Mia & Sophia photoshoot (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  5057. action:
  5058. type: 1
  5059. propertyId: CH05b-Q06-D02-Katherine
  5060. duration: 0
  5061. reward:
  5062. glam: 0
  5063. experience: 50
  5064. dollars: 80
  5065. motivation: 0
  5066. level: 0
  5067. Description: Mia & Sophia Photoshoot
  5068. - id: CH05b-Q07-Questionable
  5069. tasks:
  5070. - Description: Go to Houston Pier in Houston, Texas
  5071. action:
  5072. type: 1
  5073. propertyId: Houston Pier
  5074. duration: 0
  5075. - Description: Complete the photoshoot
  5076. action:
  5077. type: 1
  5078. propertyId: CH05b-Q07-D02-Denise
  5079. duration: 0
  5080. reward:
  5081. glam: 0
  5082. experience: 55
  5083. dollars: 90
  5084. motivation: 0
  5085. level: 0
  5086. Description: Questionable Fragrance
  5087. - id: CH05b-Q08-KashmirGoods
  5088. tasks:
  5089. - Description: "Wait for Gabby\u2019s phone call"
  5090. action:
  5091. type: 1
  5092. propertyId: CH05b-Q08-D02-Gabby
  5093. duration: 0
  5094. - Description: Go to IVY Yacht Club in Miami, Florida
  5095. action:
  5096. type: 1
  5097. propertyId: IVY Yacht Club
  5098. duration: 0
  5099. - Description: Complete the appearance (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  5100. action:
  5101. type: 1
  5102. propertyId: CH05b-Q08-D03-Bethany
  5103. duration: 0
  5104. reward:
  5105. glam: 0
  5106. experience: 70
  5107. dollars: 100
  5108. motivation: 0
  5109. level: 0
  5110. Description: Kashmir Goods Party
  5111. - id: CH05c-Q01-MeetMarc
  5112. tasks:
  5113. - Description: Go to Marc Ray in Houston, Texas
  5114. action:
  5115. type: 1
  5116. propertyId: Marc Ray
  5117. duration: 0
  5118. - Description: Meet with Marc
  5119. action:
  5120. type: 1
  5121. propertyId: CH05c-Q01-D02-Marc
  5122. duration: 0
  5123. reward:
  5124. glam: 0
  5125. experience: 30
  5126. dollars: 40
  5127. motivation: 0
  5128. level: 0
  5129. Description: Meet Marc
  5130. - id: CH05c-Q02-TestShoot
  5131. tasks:
  5132. - Description: Go to Crimson Studios in Houston, Texas
  5133. action:
  5134. type: 1
  5135. propertyId: Crimson Studios
  5136. duration: 0
  5137. - Description: "Complete Marc Ray\u2019s Fashion Week test shoot."
  5138. action:
  5139. type: 1
  5140. propertyId: CH05c-Q02-D03-PPaul
  5141. duration: 0
  5142. reward:
  5143. glam: 0
  5144. experience: 70
  5145. dollars: 90
  5146. motivation: 0
  5147. level: 0
  5148. Description: Fashion Week Test Shoot
  5149. - id: CH05c-Q03-FashionWkFeature
  5150. tasks:
  5151. - Description: Go to StyleDaily in Orlando, Florida
  5152. action:
  5153. type: 1
  5154. propertyId: Style Daily
  5155. duration: 0
  5156. - Description: Complete the Fashion Week interview
  5157. action:
  5158. type: 1
  5159. propertyId: CH05c-Q03-D02-Stefanie
  5160. duration: 0
  5161. - Description: Complete the Fashion Week photoshoot
  5162. action:
  5163. type: 1
  5164. propertyId: CH05c-Q03-D03-Stefanie
  5165. duration: 0
  5166. reward:
  5167. glam: 0
  5168. experience: 75
  5169. dollars: 100
  5170. motivation: 0
  5171. level: 0
  5172. Description: Fashion Week Feature
  5173. - id: CH05c-Q04-RunwayTyra
  5174. tasks:
  5175. - Description: Go to Crimson Studios in Houston, Texas
  5176. action:
  5177. type: 1
  5178. propertyId: Crimson Studios
  5179. duration: 0
  5180. - Description: Walk down the runway with Tyra
  5181. action:
  5182. type: 1
  5183. propertyId: CH05c-Q04-D02-Tyra
  5184. duration: 0
  5185. reward:
  5186. glam: 0
  5187. experience: 60
  5188. dollars: 80
  5189. motivation: 0
  5190. level: 0
  5191. Description: Runway with Tyra
  5192. - id: CH05c-Q05-ParisFashion
  5193. tasks:
  5194. - Description: Fly to Paris, France
  5195. action:
  5196. type: 1
  5197. propertyId: Paris
  5198. duration: 0
  5199. - Description: Go to Du Oeuvre
  5200. action:
  5201. type: 1
  5202. propertyId: Du Oeuvre
  5203. duration: 0
  5204. - Description: Walk at Paris Fashion Week (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  5205. action:
  5206. type: 1
  5207. propertyId: CH05c-Q05-D05-Marc
  5208. duration: 0
  5209. reward:
  5210. glam: 0
  5211. experience: 90
  5212. dollars: 120
  5213. motivation: 0
  5214. level: 0
  5215. Description: Paris Fashion Week
  5216. - id: CH05c-Q06-FashionWkParty
  5217. tasks:
  5218. - Description: Fly to Paris, France
  5219. action:
  5220. type: 1
  5221. propertyId: Paris
  5222. duration: 0
  5223. - Description: Go to Bistro Rouge
  5224. action:
  5225. type: 1
  5226. propertyId: Bistro Rouge
  5227. duration: 0
  5228. - Description: Meet Tyra for the Fashion Week After Party
  5229. action:
  5230. type: 1
  5231. propertyId: CH05c-Q06-D03-Tyra
  5232. duration: 0
  5233. reward:
  5234. glam: 0
  5235. experience: 70
  5236. dollars: 90
  5237. motivation: 0
  5238. level: 0
  5239. Description: Fashion Week After Party
  5240. - id: CH05d-Q01-LawRuleAudition
  5241. tasks:
  5242. - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call "
  5243. action:
  5244. type: 1
  5245. propertyId: CH05d-Q01-D02-Sarah
  5246. duration: 0
  5247. - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood, California
  5248. action:
  5249. type: 1
  5250. propertyId: SilverMax Pictures
  5251. duration: 0
  5252. - Description: Complete the audition (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  5253. action:
  5254. type: 1
  5255. propertyId: CH05d-Q01-D3-LaChapelle
  5256. duration: 0
  5257. reward:
  5258. glam: 0
  5259. experience: 60
  5260. dollars: 80
  5261. motivation: 0
  5262. level: 0
  5263. Description: Law and Rule Audition
  5264. - id: CH05d-Q02-LawRule
  5265. tasks:
  5266. - Description: Go to SilverMax Pictures in Hollywood
  5267. action:
  5268. type: 1
  5269. propertyId: SilverMax Pictures
  5270. duration: 0
  5271. - Description: 'Film first episode of Law and Rule: Deposition'
  5272. action:
  5273. type: 1
  5274. propertyId: CH05d-Q02-D02-Chapelle
  5275. duration: 0
  5276. - Description: 'Film second episode of Law and Rule: Deposition'
  5277. action:
  5278. type: 1
  5279. propertyId: CH05d-Q02-D03-Chapelle
  5280. duration: 0
  5281. reward:
  5282. glam: 0
  5283. experience: 75
  5284. dollars: 110
  5285. motivation: 0
  5286. level: 0
  5287. Description: Law and Rule Audition
  5288. - id: CH05d-Q03-BlueInfomercial
  5289. tasks:
  5290. - Description: "Wait for Sarah\u2019s call"
  5291. action:
  5292. type: 1
  5293. propertyId: CH05d-Q03-D02-Sarah
  5294. duration: 0
  5295. - Description: Go to EnVision Studios in Brooklyn
  5296. action:
  5297. type: 1
  5298. propertyId: EnVision Studios
  5299. duration: 0
  5300. - Description: Film the BlueBike infomerical (available in <Gig_Timer>)
  5301. action:
  5302. type: 1
  5303. propertyId: CH05d-Q03-D04-Frankie
  5304. duration: 0
  5305. reward:
  5306. glam: 0
  5307. experience: 80
  5308. dollars: 70
  5309. motivation: 0
  5310. level: 0
  5311. Description: BlueBike Infomercial
  5312. gigs:
  5313. - id: CH05a-Q04-G01-Photoshoot
  5314. duration: 180
  5315. Location: Miami Beach
  5316. actions:
  5317. - id: text
  5318. energyCost: 0
  5319. stars: 0
  5320. tag: "text\r"
  5321. - id: text
  5322. energyCost: 0
  5323. stars: 0
  5324. tag: "text\r"
  5325. currency:
  5326. glam: 0
  5327. experience: 0
  5328. dollars: 0
  5329. motivation: 0
  5330. level: 0
  5331. chirp:
  5332. Time: 0
  5333. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5334. conversation: CH05a-Q04-D01-Asher
  5335. Type: 5
  5336. starsNeeded: 45
  5337. - id: CH05a-Q08-G01-Sponsored
  5338. duration: 180
  5339. Location: Solitaire Center
  5340. actions:
  5341. - id: text
  5342. energyCost: 0
  5343. stars: 0
  5344. tag: "text\r"
  5345. - id: text
  5346. energyCost: 0
  5347. stars: 0
  5348. tag: "text\r"
  5349. currency:
  5350. glam: 0
  5351. experience: 0
  5352. dollars: 0
  5353. motivation: 0
  5354. level: 0
  5355. chirp:
  5356. Time: 0
  5357. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5358. conversation: CH05a-Q08-D02-Jim
  5359. Type: 5
  5360. starsNeeded: 45
  5361. - id: CH05a-Q10-G01-TurkeyBowl
  5362. duration: 720
  5363. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  5364. actions:
  5365. - id: text
  5366. energyCost: 0
  5367. stars: 0
  5368. tag: "text\r"
  5369. - id: text
  5370. energyCost: 0
  5371. stars: 0
  5372. tag: "text\r"
  5373. currency:
  5374. glam: 0
  5375. experience: 0
  5376. dollars: 0
  5377. motivation: 0
  5378. level: 0
  5379. chirp:
  5380. Time: 0
  5381. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5382. conversation: CH05a-Q10-D05-Karen
  5383. Type: 5
  5384. starsNeeded: 140
  5385. - id: CH05b-Q01-G01-Photoshoot
  5386. duration: 720
  5387. Location: Fiji
  5388. actions:
  5389. - id: text
  5390. energyCost: 0
  5391. stars: 0
  5392. tag: "text\r"
  5393. - id: text
  5394. energyCost: 0
  5395. stars: 0
  5396. tag: "text\r"
  5397. currency:
  5398. glam: 0
  5399. experience: 0
  5400. dollars: 0
  5401. motivation: 0
  5402. level: 0
  5403. chirp:
  5404. Time: 0
  5405. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5406. conversation: CH05b-Q01-D04-Jeremy
  5407. Type: 5
  5408. starsNeeded: 65
  5409. - id: CH05b-Q02-G01-Photoshoot
  5410. duration: 60
  5411. Location: Glamlight Studios
  5412. actions:
  5413. - id: text
  5414. energyCost: 0
  5415. stars: 0
  5416. tag: "text\r"
  5417. - id: text
  5418. energyCost: 0
  5419. stars: 0
  5420. tag: "text\r"
  5421. currency:
  5422. glam: 0
  5423. experience: 0
  5424. dollars: 0
  5425. motivation: 0
  5426. level: 0
  5427. chirp:
  5428. Time: 0
  5429. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5430. conversation: CH05b-Q02-D03-Katherine
  5431. Type: 5
  5432. starsNeeded: 25
  5433. - id: CH05b-Q06-Photoshoot
  5434. duration: 60
  5435. Location: Glamlight Studios
  5436. actions:
  5437. - id: text
  5438. energyCost: 0
  5439. stars: 0
  5440. tag: "text\r"
  5441. - id: text
  5442. energyCost: 0
  5443. stars: 0
  5444. tag: "text\r"
  5445. currency:
  5446. glam: 0
  5447. experience: 0
  5448. dollars: 0
  5449. motivation: 0
  5450. level: 0
  5451. chirp:
  5452. Time: 0
  5453. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5454. conversation: CH05b-Q06-D02-Katherine
  5455. Type: 5
  5456. starsNeeded: 22
  5457. - id: CH05b-Q07-G01-Photoshoot
  5458. duration: 180
  5459. Location: Houston Pier
  5460. actions:
  5461. - id: text
  5462. energyCost: 0
  5463. stars: 0
  5464. tag: "text\r"
  5465. - id: text
  5466. energyCost: 0
  5467. stars: 0
  5468. tag: "text\r"
  5469. currency:
  5470. glam: 0
  5471. experience: 0
  5472. dollars: 0
  5473. motivation: 0
  5474. level: 0
  5475. chirp:
  5476. Time: 0
  5477. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5478. conversation: CH05b-Q07-D02-Denise
  5479. Type: 5
  5480. starsNeeded: 45
  5481. - id: CH05b-Q08-G01-Sponsored
  5482. duration: 300
  5483. Location: IVY Yacht Club
  5484. actions:
  5485. - id: text
  5486. energyCost: 0
  5487. stars: 0
  5488. tag: "text\r"
  5489. - id: text
  5490. energyCost: 0
  5491. stars: 0
  5492. tag: "text\r"
  5493. currency:
  5494. glam: 0
  5495. experience: 0
  5496. dollars: 0
  5497. motivation: 0
  5498. level: 0
  5499. chirp:
  5500. Time: 0
  5501. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5502. conversation: CH05b-Q08-D03-Bethany
  5503. Type: 5
  5504. starsNeeded: 70
  5505. - id: CH05c-Q02-G01-Photoshoot
  5506. duration: 180
  5507. Location: Crimson Studios
  5508. actions:
  5509. - id: text
  5510. energyCost: 0
  5511. stars: 0
  5512. tag: "text\r"
  5513. - id: text
  5514. energyCost: 0
  5515. stars: 0
  5516. tag: "text\r"
  5517. currency:
  5518. glam: 0
  5519. experience: 0
  5520. dollars: 0
  5521. motivation: 0
  5522. level: 0
  5523. chirp:
  5524. Time: 0
  5525. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5526. conversation: CH05c-Q02-D03-Paul
  5527. Type: 5
  5528. starsNeeded: 45
  5529. - id: CH05c-Q03-G01-Interview
  5530. duration: 180
  5531. Location: StyleDaily
  5532. actions:
  5533. - id: text
  5534. energyCost: 0
  5535. stars: 0
  5536. tag: "text\r"
  5537. - id: text
  5538. energyCost: 0
  5539. stars: 0
  5540. tag: "text\r"
  5541. currency:
  5542. glam: 0
  5543. experience: 0
  5544. dollars: 0
  5545. motivation: 0
  5546. level: 0
  5547. chirp:
  5548. Time: 0
  5549. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5550. conversation: CH05c-Q03-D02-Stefanie
  5551. Type: 5
  5552. starsNeeded: 45
  5553. - id: CH05c-Q03-G02-Runway
  5554. duration: 300
  5555. Location: StyleDaily
  5556. actions:
  5557. - id: text
  5558. energyCost: 0
  5559. stars: 0
  5560. tag: "text\r"
  5561. - id: text
  5562. energyCost: 0
  5563. stars: 0
  5564. tag: "text\r"
  5565. currency:
  5566. glam: 0
  5567. experience: 0
  5568. dollars: 0
  5569. motivation: 0
  5570. level: 0
  5571. chirp:
  5572. Time: 0
  5573. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5574. conversation: CH05c-Q03-D03-Stefanie
  5575. Type: 5
  5576. starsNeeded: 73
  5577. - id: CH05c-Q04-G01-Runway
  5578. duration: 180
  5579. Location: Crimson Studios
  5580. actions:
  5581. - id: text
  5582. energyCost: 0
  5583. stars: 0
  5584. tag: "text\r"
  5585. - id: text
  5586. energyCost: 0
  5587. stars: 0
  5588. tag: "text\r"
  5589. currency:
  5590. glam: 0
  5591. experience: 0
  5592. dollars: 0
  5593. motivation: 0
  5594. level: 0
  5595. chirp:
  5596. Time: 0
  5597. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5598. conversation: CH05c-Q04-D02-Tyra
  5599. Type: 5
  5600. starsNeeded: 45
  5601. - id: CH05c-Q05-G01-Runway
  5602. duration: 720
  5603. Location: Du Oeuvre
  5604. actions:
  5605. - id: text
  5606. energyCost: 0
  5607. stars: 0
  5608. tag: "text\r"
  5609. - id: text
  5610. energyCost: 0
  5611. stars: 0
  5612. tag: "text\r"
  5613. currency:
  5614. glam: 0
  5615. experience: 0
  5616. dollars: 0
  5617. motivation: 0
  5618. level: 0
  5619. chirp:
  5620. Time: 0
  5621. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5622. conversation: CH05c-Q05-D05-Marc
  5623. Type: 5
  5624. starsNeeded: 150
  5625. - id: CH05c-Q06-G01-Sponsored
  5626. duration: 300
  5627. Location: Bistro Rouge
  5628. actions:
  5629. - id: text
  5630. energyCost: 0
  5631. stars: 0
  5632. tag: "text\r"
  5633. - id: text
  5634. energyCost: 0
  5635. stars: 0
  5636. tag: "text\r"
  5637. currency:
  5638. glam: 0
  5639. experience: 0
  5640. dollars: 0
  5641. motivation: 0
  5642. level: 0
  5643. chirp:
  5644. Time: 0
  5645. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5646. conversation: CH05c-Q06-D03-Tyra
  5647. Type: 5
  5648. starsNeeded: 60
  5649. - id: CH05d-Q01-G01-Film
  5650. duration: 300
  5651. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  5652. actions:
  5653. - id: text
  5654. energyCost: 0
  5655. stars: 0
  5656. tag: "text\r"
  5657. - id: text
  5658. energyCost: 0
  5659. stars: 0
  5660. tag: "text\r"
  5661. currency:
  5662. glam: 0
  5663. experience: 0
  5664. dollars: 0
  5665. motivation: 0
  5666. level: 0
  5667. chirp:
  5668. Time: 0
  5669. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5670. conversation: CH05d-Q01-D3-LaChapelle
  5671. Type: 5
  5672. starsNeeded: 70
  5673. - id: CH05d-Q02-G02-Film
  5674. duration: 300
  5675. Location: SilverMax Pictures
  5676. actions:
  5677. - id: text
  5678. energyCost: 0
  5679. stars: 0
  5680. tag: "text\r"
  5681. - id: text
  5682. energyCost: 0
  5683. stars: 0
  5684. tag: "text\r"
  5685. currency:
  5686. glam: 0
  5687. experience: 0
  5688. dollars: 0
  5689. motivation: 0
  5690. level: 0
  5691. chirp:
  5692. Time: 0
  5693. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5694. conversation: CH05d-Q02-D03-Chapelle
  5695. Type: 5
  5696. starsNeeded: 70
  5697. - id: CH05d-Q03-G01-Film
  5698. duration: 60
  5699. Location: EnVision Studios
  5700. actions:
  5701. - id: text
  5702. energyCost: 0
  5703. stars: 0
  5704. tag: "text\r"
  5705. - id: text
  5706. energyCost: 0
  5707. stars: 0
  5708. tag: "text\r"
  5709. currency:
  5710. glam: 0
  5711. experience: 0
  5712. dollars: 0
  5713. motivation: 0
  5714. level: 0
  5715. chirp:
  5716. Time: 0
  5717. Followers: 000000000000000000000000
  5718. conversation: CH05d-Q03-D04-Frankie
  5719. Type: 5
  5720. starsNeeded: 24
  5721. Assistances:
  5722. - id: CH05b-Q04-A01
  5723. Location: Triple B Clothing
  5724. Instructions:
  5725. - ConversationID: Acting 101
  5726. actions:
  5727. - id: Peruse clothing racks.
  5728. energyCost: 5
  5729. stars: 0
  5730. tag: "\r"
  5731. - id: Suggest options.
  5732. energyCost: 2
  5733. stars: 0
  5734. tag: "\r"
  5735. - id: Oos and aahs.
  5736. energyCost: 1
  5737. stars: 0
  5738. tag: "\r"
  5739. - id: Discuss opportunities.
  5740. energyCost: 4
  5741. stars: 0
  5742. tag: "\r"
  5743. - id: Make selections.
  5744. energyCost: 3
  5745. stars: 0
  5746. tag: "\r"
  5747. - id: Pitch ideas.
  5748. energyCost: 2
  5749. stars: 0
  5750. tag: "\r"
  5751. Reward:
  5752. glam: 0
  5753. experience: 0
  5754. dollars: 0
  5755. motivation: 0
  5756. level: 0
  5757. tweets:
  5758. - id: CH05a-Q03-T01-Fabricio
  5759. SenderID: '@fabricioM'
  5760. NumberOFfollowes: -13
  5761. TweetMsg: 'TFW ya homie is really just another hater: %Player_Name%'
  5762. Type:
  5763. TypeIndex: 2
  5764. HashTag: "#sippinghaterade\r"
  5765. - id: CH05a-Q04-T01-Asher
  5766. SenderID: '@asherShort'
  5767. NumberOFfollowes: -25
  5768. TweetMsg: "Yet again, working with another model diva who can\u2019t take direction:
  5769. %Player_Name%"
  5770. Type:
  5771. TypeIndex: 2
  5772. HashTag: "#diva\r"
  5773. - id: CH05a-Q06-T01-Asher
  5774. SenderID: '@asherShort'
  5775. NumberOFfollowes: 10
  5776. TweetMsg: "Apologies to %Player_Name%.. didn\u2019t mean [he/she] was a diva!
  5777. I was being a diva! "
  5778. Type:
  5779. TypeIndex: 2
  5780. HashTag: "#sorry #mybad\r"
  5781. - id: CH05a-Q10-T01-AmericanThreads
  5782. SenderID: '@americanthreads'
  5783. NumberOFfollowes: 8
  5784. TweetMsg: Excited to announce %Player_Name% will be one of three models in our
  5785. TurkeyBowl ad!
  5786. Type:
  5787. TypeIndex: 2
  5788. HashTag: "#turkeybowl #americanthread\r"
  5789. - id: CH05a-Q10-T02-Natalia
  5790. SenderID: '@nJansens'
  5791. NumberOFfollowes: -28
  5792. TweetMsg: "Oh hay fans, make sure to check me out during the TurkeyBowl American
  5793. Threads commerical! Oh and don\u2019t worry about %Player_Name%. I look way
  5794. better."
  5795. Type:
  5796. TypeIndex: 2
  5797. HashTag: "#spotlight #ilookgreat\r"
  5798. - id: CH05b-Q01-T01-StyleCraze
  5799. SenderID: '@styleCraze'
  5800. NumberOFfollowes: 20
  5801. TweetMsg: "@TyraBanks and %Player_Name% were seen in Fiji together! We can\u2019t
  5802. wait to see the shoot!"
  5803. Type:
  5804. TypeIndex: 2
  5805. HashTag: "#beachlife\r"
  5806. - id: CH05b-Q01-T01-Tyra
  5807. SenderID: '@TyraBanks'
  5808. NumberOFfollowes: 25
  5809. TweetMsg: Finished up the Marc Ray photoshoot in beautiful Fiji with the beautiful
  5810. %Player_Name%!
  5811. Type:
  5812. TypeIndex: 2
  5813. HashTag: "#slayshoot #fiji\r"
  5814. - id: CH05c-Q02-T01-StarRadar
  5815. SenderID: '@StarRadar'
  5816. NumberOFfollowes: 16
  5817. TweetMsg: "It isn\u2019t a rumor anymore that %Player_Name% is lead model for
  5818. Marc Ray\u2019s new collection to be debuted at Paris Fashion Week!"
  5819. Type:
  5820. TypeIndex: 2
  5821. HashTag: "#parisfashionweek\r"
  5822. - id: CH05c-Q03-T01-StyleDaily
  5823. SenderID: '@styledaily'
  5824. NumberOFfollowes: 15
  5825. TweetMsg: "We wrapped up an exclusive interview with %Player_Name%! We can\u2019t
  5826. wait to see [him/her] at Paris Fashion Week!"
  5827. Type:
  5828. TypeIndex: 2
  5829. HashTag: "#fashionweek #paris\r"
  5830. - id: CH05c-Q06-T01-Natalia
  5831. SenderID: '@nJansens'
  5832. NumberOFfollowes: -18
  5833. TweetMsg: 'Attn: lameness overload at Paris Fashion Week thanks to %Player_Name%'
  5834. Type:
  5835. TypeIndex: 2
  5836. HashTag: "#loser\r"
  5837. - id: CH05d-Q01-T01-Natalia
  5838. SenderID: '@nJansens'
  5839. NumberOFfollowes: 0
  5840. TweetMsg: Paris Fashion Week AND got signed to a new soap opera!
  5841. Type:
  5842. TypeIndex: 2
  5843. HashTag: "#fashionweek #haterswatchme\r"
  5844. - id: CH05d-Q02-T01-Fabricio
  5845. SenderID: '@fabricioM'
  5846. NumberOFfollowes: 12
  5847. TweetMsg: "Can\u2019t wait to check out %Player_Name% in new episodes of Law and
  5848. Rule: Deposition!"
  5849. Type:
  5850. TypeIndex: 2
  5851. HashTag: "#thatsmybestfriendbestfriend\r"
  5852. senders: []
  5853. Chapters: []
  5854. dailyRewwardList: []
  5855. textAssetAchiev: {fileID: 0}
  5856. textAssetCust: []
  5857. textAssetLook: []
  5858. textAssetsConv: []
  5859. textAssetsQuests: []
  5860. textAssetsGigs: []
  5861. textAssetsAsis: []
  5862. textAssetTweets: {fileID: 0}
  5863. textAssetSend: {fileID: 0}
  5864. textAssetsChap: []
  5865. textAssetDailyRe: {fileID: 0}
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