Photoshoots12Stars.txt 1.1 KB

  1. %Player_Name% needs to work on [his/her] poses! <Gig_Name> was lackluster.;#boring #SOS
  2. %Player_Name% needs to bring it more. <Gig_Name> was a bore.;#boring #SOS
  3. No need to check out <Gig_Name>. %Player_Name% was no good.;#boring #SOS
  4. <Gig_Name> launched today. We've seen better from %Player_Name%.;#nexttime
  5. %Player_Name% looked tired in <Gig_Name>. ;#sleepy
  6. Critics are disappointed about %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;#thumbsdown
  7. Critics are not loving %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;#thumbsdown
  8. Critics are ranting about %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name>.;#thumbsdown
  9. We could have done without %Player_Name%'s appearance in <Gig_Name>.;#maybenexttime
  10. %Player_Name%'s poses looked awkward in <Gig_Name>.;#awkward #posemuch
  11. %Player_Name% should invest in modeling classes. <Gig_Name> was a bore.;#awkward #posemuch
  12. %Player_Name%'s modeling in <Gig_Name> was lackluster.;#awkward #posemuch
  13. The no-neck monster returns! Check out %Player_Name%'s feature in <Gig_Name>;#noneckmonster
  14. %Player_Name%'s performance in <Gig_Name> was underwhelming.;#boring #SOS